class DecisionEngine(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer): def __init__(self, global_config, channel_config_loader, server_address): xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__( self, server_address, logRequests=False, requestHandler=RequestHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.handle_sighup) self.channel_config_loader = channel_config_loader self.global_config = global_config self.dataspace = dataspace.DataSpace(self.global_config) self.reaper = Reaper(self.global_config) self.startup_complete = Event() self.logger = structlog.getLogger(LOGGERNAME) self.logger = self.logger.bind(module=__name__.split(".")[-1], channel=DELOGGER_CHANNEL_NAME) self.logger.debug(f"DecisionEngine starting on {server_address}") exchange_name = self.global_config.get("exchange_name", "hepcloud_topic_exchange") self.logger.debug(f"Creating topic exchange {exchange_name}") = Exchange(exchange_name, "topic") self.broker_url = self.global_config.get("broker_url", "redis://localhost:6379/0") _verify_redis_server(self.broker_url) self.source_workers = SourceWorkers(, self.broker_url, self.logger) self.channel_workers = ChannelWorkers() self.register_function(self.rpc_metrics, name="metrics") f"DecisionEngine __init__ complete {server_address} with {self.broker_url}" ) def get_logger(self): return self.logger def _dispatch(self, method, params): try: # methods allowed to be executed by rpc have 'rpc_' pre-pended func = getattr(self, "rpc_" + method) except AttributeError: raise Exception(f'method "{method}" is not supported') return func(*params) def block_while(self, state, timeout=None): self.logger.debug( f"Waiting for {state} or timeout={timeout} on channel_workers.") with self.channel_workers.unguarded_access() as workers: if not workers:"No active channels to wait on.") return "No active channels." for tm in workers.values(): if tm.is_alive(): self.logger.debug( f"Waiting for {} to exit {state} state." ) tm.wait_while(state, timeout) return f"No channels in {state} state." def _dataframe_to_table(self, df): return f"{tabulate.tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')}\n" def _dataframe_to_vertical_tables(self, df): txt = "" for i in range(len(df)): txt += f"Row {i}\n" txt += f"{tabulate.tabulate(df.T.iloc[:, [i]], tablefmt='psql')}\n" return txt def _dataframe_to_column_names(self, df): columns = df.columns.values.reshape([len(df.columns), 1]) return f"{tabulate.tabulate(columns, headers=['columns'], tablefmt='psql')}\n" def _dataframe_to_json(self, df): return f"{json.dumps(json.loads(df.to_json()), indent=4)}\n" def _dataframe_to_csv(self, df): return f"{df.to_csv()}\n" def rpc_ping(self): return "pong" def rpc_block_while(self, state_str, timeout=None): allowed_state = None try: allowed_state = ProcessingState.State[state_str] except Exception: return f"{state_str} is not a valid channel state." return self.block_while(allowed_state, timeout) def rpc_show_config(self, channel): """ Show the configuration for a channel. :type channel: string """ txt = "" channels = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels() if channel == "all": for ch in channels: txt += _channel_preamble(ch) txt += self.channel_config_loader.print_channel_config(ch) return txt if channel not in channels: return f"There is no active channel named {channel}." txt += _channel_preamble(channel) txt += self.channel_config_loader.print_channel_config(channel) return txt def rpc_show_de_config(self): return self.global_config.dump() @PRINT_PRODUCT_HISTOGRAM.time() def rpc_print_product(self, product, columns=None, query=None, types=False, format=None): if not isinstance(product, str): raise ValueError( f"Requested product should be a string not {type(product)}") found = False txt = f"Product {product}: " with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in not active\n" self.logger.debug( f"Channel:{ch} is in not active when running rpc_print_product" ) continue produces = worker.get_produces() r = [x for x in list(produces.items()) if product in x[1]] if not r: continue found = True txt += f" Found in channel {ch}\n" self.logger.debug( f"Found channel:{ch} active when running rpc_print_product" ) tm = self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch) self.logger.debug( f"rpc_print_product - channel:{ch} taskmanager:{tm}") try: data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm["taskmanager_id"], sequence_id=tm["sequence_id"]) data_block.generation_id -= 1 df = data_block[product] dfj = df.to_json() self.logger.debug( f"rpc_print_product - channel:{ch} task manager:{tm} datablock:{dfj}" ) df = pd.read_json(dfj) dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_table if format == "vertical": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_vertical_tables if format == "column-names": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_column_names if format == "json": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_json if types: for column in df.columns: df.insert( df.columns.get_loc(column) + 1, f"{column}.type", df[column].transform( lambda x: type(x).__name__), ) column_names = [] if columns: column_names = columns.split(",") if query: if column_names: txt += dataframe_formatter( df.loc[:, column_names].query(query)) else: txt += dataframe_formatter(df.query(query)) else: if column_names: txt += dataframe_formatter(df.loc[:, column_names]) else: txt += dataframe_formatter(df) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += f"\t\t{e}\n" if not found: txt += "Not produced by any module\n" return txt[:-1] def rpc_print_products(self): with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: channel_keys = workers.keys() if not channel_keys: return "No channels are currently active.\n" width = max(len(x) for x in channel_keys) + 1 txt = "" for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in ERROR state\n" continue txt += f"channel: {ch:<{width}}, id = {<{width}}, state = {worker.get_state_name():<10} \n" tm = self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch) data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm["taskmanager_id"], sequence_id=tm["sequence_id"]) data_block.generation_id -= 1 channel_config = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels()[ch] produces = worker.get_produces() for i in ("sources", "transforms", "logicengines", "publishers"): txt += f"\t{i}:\n" modules = channel_config.get(i, {}) for mod_name in modules.keys(): txt += f"\t\t{mod_name}\n" products = produces.get(mod_name, []) for product in products: try: df = data_block[product] df = pd.read_json(df.to_json()) txt += f"{tabulate.tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')}\n" except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += f"\t\t\t{e}\n" return txt[:-1] @STATUS_HISTOGRAM.time() def rpc_status(self): with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: channel_keys = workers.keys() if not channel_keys: return "No channels are currently active.\n" + self.reaper_status( ) txt = "" width = max(len(x) for x in channel_keys) + 1 for ch, worker in workers.items(): txt += f"channel: {ch:<{width}}, id = {<{width}}, state = {worker.get_state_name():<10} \n" produces = worker.get_produces() consumes = worker.get_consumes() channel_config = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels()[ch] for i in ("sources", "transforms", "logicengines", "publishers"): txt += f"\t{i}:\n" modules = channel_config.get(i, {}) for mod_name in modules.keys(): txt += f"\t\t{mod_name}\n" txt += f"\t\t\tconsumes : {consumes.get(mod_name, [])}\n" txt += f"\t\t\tproduces : {produces.get(mod_name, [])}\n" return txt + self.reaper_status() def rpc_queue_status(self): status = redis_stats(self.broker_url, return f"\n{tabulate.tabulate(status, headers=['Source name', 'Queue name', 'Unconsumed messages'])}" def rpc_stop(self): self.shutdown() self.stop_channels() self.reaper_stop() self.dataspace.close() if not self.global_config.get("no_webserver"): cherrypy.engine.exit() de_logger.stop_queue_logger() return "OK" def start_channel(self, channel_name, channel_config): channel_config = copy.deepcopy(channel_config) with START_CHANNEL_HISTOGRAM.labels(channel_name).time(): # NB: Possibly override channel name channel_name = channel_config.get("channel_name", channel_name) source_configs = channel_config.pop("sources") src_workers = self.source_workers.update(channel_name, source_configs) module_workers = validated_workflow(channel_name, src_workers, channel_config, self.logger) queue_info = [(, worker.key) for worker in src_workers.values()] self.logger.debug(f"Building TaskManger for {channel_name}") task_manager = TaskManager.TaskManager( channel_name, module_workers, dataspace.DataSpace(self.global_config), source_products(src_workers),, self.broker_url, queue_info, ) self.logger.debug(f"Building Worker for {channel_name}") worker = ChannelWorker(task_manager, self.global_config["logger"]) with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: workers[channel_name] = worker # The channel must be started first so it can listen for the messages from the sources. self.logger.debug(f"Trying to start {channel_name}") worker.start()"Channel {channel_name} started") worker.wait_while(ProcessingState.State.BOOT) # Start any sources that are not yet alive. for key, src_worker in src_workers.items(): if src_worker.is_alive(): continue if src_worker.exitcode == 0: # pragma: no cover # This can happen if the source's acquire method runs only once (e.g. when testing) # and the first process completes before the next channel can use it. raise RuntimeError( f"The {key} source has already completed and cannot be used by channel {channel_name}." ) src_worker.start() self.logger.debug( f"Started process {} for source {key}") worker.wait_while(ProcessingState.State.ACTIVE) def start_channels(self): self.channel_config_loader.load_all_channels() if not self.channel_config_loader.get_channels(): "No channel configurations available in " + f"{self.channel_config_loader.channel_config_dir}") else: self.logger.debug( f"Found channels: {self.channel_config_loader.get_channels().items()}" ) # FIXME: Should figure out a way to load the channels in parallel. Unfortunately, there are data races that # occur when doing that (observed with Python 3.10). for name, config in self.channel_config_loader.get_channels().items(): try: self.start_channel(name, config) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Channel {name} failed to start: {e}") def rpc_start_channel(self, channel_name): with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: if channel_name in workers: return f"ERROR, channel {channel_name} is running" success, result = self.channel_config_loader.load_channel(channel_name) if not success: return result self.start_channel(channel_name, result) return "OK" def rpc_start_channels(self): self.start_channels() return "OK" def rpc_stop_channel(self, channel): return self.rpc_rm_channel(channel, None) def rpc_kill_channel(self, channel, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = self.global_config.get("shutdown_timeout", 10) return self.rpc_rm_channel(channel, timeout) def rpc_rm_channel(self, channel, maybe_timeout): rc = self.rm_channel(channel, maybe_timeout) if rc == StopState.NotFound: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." elif rc == StopState.Terminated: if maybe_timeout == 0: return f"Channel {channel} has been killed." # Would be better to use something like the inflect # module, but that introduces another dependency. suffix = "s" if maybe_timeout > 1 else "" return f"Channel {channel} has been killed due to shutdown timeout ({maybe_timeout} second{suffix})." assert rc == StopState.Clean WORKERS_COUNT.dec() return f"Channel {channel} stopped cleanly." def rm_channel(self, channel, maybe_timeout): with RM_CHANNEL_HISTOGRAM.labels(channel).time(): rc = None with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: worker = workers.get(channel) if worker is None: return StopState.NotFound sources_to_prune = worker.task_manager.routing_keys self.logger.debug(f"Trying to stop {channel}") rc = self.stop_worker(worker, maybe_timeout) del workers[channel] self.logger.debug(f"Channel {channel} removed ({rc})") self.source_workers.prune(sources_to_prune) return rc def stop_worker(self, worker, timeout): if worker.is_alive(): self.logger.debug("Trying to take worker offline") worker.task_manager.take_offline() worker.join(timeout) if worker.exitcode is None: worker.terminate() return StopState.Terminated else: return StopState.Clean def stop_channels(self): timeout = self.global_config.get("shutdown_timeout", 10) with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: for worker in workers.values(): self.stop_worker(worker, timeout) workers.clear() self.source_workers.remove_all(timeout) def rpc_stop_channels(self): self.stop_channels() return "All channels stopped." def handle_sighup(self, signum, frame): self.reaper_stop() self.stop_channels() self.start_channels() self.reaper_start(delay=self.global_config["dataspace"].get( "reaper_start_delay_seconds", 1818)) def rpc_get_log_level(self): engineloglevel = self.get_logger().getEffectiveLevel() return logging.getLevelName(engineloglevel) def rpc_get_channel_log_level(self, channel): with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: worker = workers.get(channel) if worker is None: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." if not worker.is_alive(): return f"Channel {channel} is in ERROR state." return logging.getLevelName(worker.task_manager.get_loglevel()) def rpc_set_channel_log_level(self, channel, log_level): """Assumes log_level is a string corresponding to the supported logging-module levels.""" with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: worker = workers.get(channel) if worker is None: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." if not worker.is_alive(): return f"Channel {channel} is in ERROR state." log_level_code = getattr(logging, log_level) if worker.task_manager.get_loglevel() == log_level_code: return f"Nothing to do. Current log level is : {log_level}" worker.task_manager.set_loglevel_value(log_level) return f"Log level changed to : {log_level}" def rpc_reaper_start(self, delay=0): """ Start the reaper process after 'delay' seconds. Default 0 seconds delay. :type delay: int """ self.reaper_start(delay) return "OK" def reaper_start(self, delay): self.reaper.start(delay) def rpc_reaper_stop(self): self.reaper_stop() return "OK" def reaper_stop(self): self.reaper.stop() def rpc_reaper_status(self): interval = self.reaper.retention_interval state = self.reaper.state.get() return f"reaper:\n\tstate: {state}\n\tretention_interval: {interval}" def reaper_status(self): interval = self.reaper.retention_interval state = self.reaper.state.get() return f"\nreaper:\n\tstate: {state}\n\tretention_interval: {interval}\n" def rpc_query_tool(self, product, format=None, start_time=None): with QUERY_TOOL_HISTOGRAM.labels(product).time(): found = False result = pd.DataFrame() txt = f"Product {product}: " with self.channel_workers.access() as workers: for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in not active\n" continue produces = worker.get_produces() r = [x for x in list(produces.items()) if product in x[1]] if not r: continue found = True txt += f" Found in channel {ch}\n" if start_time: tms = self.dataspace.get_taskmanagers( ch, start_time=start_time) else: tms = [self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch)] for tm in tms: try: data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm["taskmanager_id"], sequence_id=tm["sequence_id"]) products = data_block.get_dataproducts(product) for p in products: df = p["value"] if df.shape[0] > 0: df["channel"] = [tm["name"]] * df.shape[0] df["taskmanager_id"] = [ p["taskmanager_id"] ] * df.shape[0] df["generation_id"] = [p["generation_id"] ] * df.shape[0] result = result.append(df) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += f"\t\t{e}\n" if found: dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_table if format == "csv": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_csv if format == "json": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_json result = result.reset_index(drop=True) txt += dataframe_formatter(result) else: txt += "Not produced by any module\n" return txt def start_webserver(self): """ Start CherryPy webserver using configured port. If port is not configured use default webserver port. """ _socket_host = "" if self.global_config.get("webserver") and isinstance( self.global_config.get("webserver"), dict): _port = self.global_config["webserver"].get( "port", DEFAULT_WEBSERVER_PORT) else: # pragma: no cover # unit tests use a random port _port = DEFAULT_WEBSERVER_PORT with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.logger.debug( f"Trying to start metrics server on {_socket_host}:{_port}") cherrypy.config.update({ "server.socket_port": _port, "server.socket_host": _socket_host, "server.shutdown_timeout": 1 }) cherrypy.engine.signals.subscribe() cherrypy.tree.mount(self) # we know for sure the cherrypy logger is working, so use that too cherrypy.log( f"Trying to start metrics server on {_socket_host}:{_port}") cherrypy.engine.start() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.logger.debug("Started CherryPy server") @cherrypy.expose def metrics(self): return self.rpc_metrics() @METRICS_HISTOGRAM.time() def rpc_metrics(self): """ Display collected metrics """ try: return display_metrics() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error(e)
class DecisionEngine(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer): def __init__(self, global_config, channel_config_loader, server_address): xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__( self, server_address, logRequests=False, requestHandler=RequestHandler) self.logger = logging.getLogger("decision_engine") signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.handle_sighup) self.workers = Workers() self.channel_config_loader = channel_config_loader self.global_config = global_config self.dataspace = dataspace.DataSpace(self.global_config) self.reaper = Reaper(self.global_config) self.startup_complete = Event()"DecisionEngine started on {}".format(server_address)) def get_logger(self): return self.logger def _dispatch(self, method, params): try: # methods allowed to be executed by rpc have 'rpc_' pre-pended func = getattr(self, "rpc_" + method) except AttributeError: raise Exception(f'method "{method}" is not supported') return func(*params) def block_until(self, state, timeout=None): with self.workers.unguarded_access() as workers: if not workers:'No active channels to wait on.') return 'No active channels.' for tm in workers.values(): if tm.is_alive(): tm.wait_until(state, timeout) return f'No channels in {state} state.' def block_while(self, state, timeout=None): with self.workers.unguarded_access() as workers: if not workers:'No active channels to wait on.') return 'No active channels.' for tm in workers.values(): if tm.is_alive(): tm.wait_while(state, timeout) return f'No channels in {state} state.' def _dataframe_to_table(self, df): return "{}\n".format( tabulate.tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) def _dataframe_to_vertical_tables(self, df): txt = "" for i in range(len(df)): txt += f"Row {i}\n" txt += "{}\n".format( tabulate.tabulate(df.T.iloc[:, [i]], tablefmt='psql')) return txt def _dataframe_to_column_names(self, df): columns = df.columns.values.reshape([len(df.columns), 1]) return "{}\n".format( tabulate.tabulate(columns, headers=['columns'], tablefmt='psql')) def _dataframe_to_json(self, df): return "{}\n".format(json.dumps(json.loads(df.to_json()), indent=4)) def _dataframe_to_csv(self, df): return "{}\n".format(df.to_csv()) def rpc_block_while(self, state_str, timeout=None): allowed_state = None try: allowed_state = ProcessingState.State[state_str] except Exception: return f'{state_str} is not a valid channel state.' return self.block_while(allowed_state, timeout) def rpc_show_config(self, channel): """ Show the configuration for a channel. :type channel: string """ txt = "" channels = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels() if channel == 'all': for ch in channels: txt += _channel_preamble(ch) txt += self.channel_config_loader.print_channel_config(ch) return txt if channel not in channels: return f"There is no active channel named {channel}." txt += _channel_preamble(channel) txt += self.channel_config_loader.print_channel_config(channel) return txt def rpc_show_de_config(self): return self.global_config.dump() def rpc_print_product(self, product, columns=None, query=None, types=False, format=None): found = False txt = "Product {}: ".format(product) with self.workers.access() as workers: for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in not active\n" continue produces = worker.get_produces() r = [x for x in list(produces.items()) if product in x[1]] if not r: continue found = True txt += " Found in channel {}\n".format(ch) tm = self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch) try: data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm['taskmanager_id'], sequence_id=tm['sequence_id']) data_block.generation_id -= 1 df = data_block[product] df = pd.read_json(df.to_json()) dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_table if format == 'vertical': dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_vertical_tables if format == 'column-names': dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_column_names if format == 'json': dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_json if types: for column in df.columns: df.insert( df.columns.get_loc(column) + 1, f"{column}.type", df[column].transform( lambda x: type(x).__name__)) column_names = [] if columns: column_names = columns.split(",") if query: if column_names: txt += dataframe_formatter( df.loc[:, column_names].query(query)) else: txt += dataframe_formatter(df.query(query)) else: if column_names: txt += dataframe_formatter(df.loc[:, column_names]) else: txt += dataframe_formatter(df) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += "\t\t{}\n".format(e) if not found: txt += "Not produced by any module\n" return txt[:-1] def rpc_print_products(self): with self.workers.access() as workers: channel_keys = workers.keys() if not channel_keys: return "No channels are currently active.\n" width = max([len(x) for x in channel_keys]) + 1 txt = "" for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in ERROR state\n" continue txt += "channel: {:<{width}}, id = {:<{width}}, state = {:<10} \n".format( ch, worker.task_manager_id, worker.get_state_name(), width=width) tm = self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch) data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm['taskmanager_id'], sequence_id=tm['sequence_id']) data_block.generation_id -= 1 channel_config = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels()[ch] produces = worker.get_produces() for i in ("sources", "transforms", "logicengines", "publishers"): txt += "\t{}:\n".format(i) modules = channel_config.get(i, {}) for mod_name, mod_config in modules.items(): txt += "\t\t{}\n".format(mod_name) products = produces.get(mod_name, []) for product in products: try: df = data_block[product] df = pd.read_json(df.to_json()) txt += "{}\n".format( tabulate.tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += "\t\t\t{}\n".format(e) return txt[:-1] def rpc_status(self): with self.workers.access() as workers: channel_keys = workers.keys() if not channel_keys: return "No channels are currently active.\n" + self.reaper_status( ) txt = "" width = max([len(x) for x in channel_keys]) + 1 for ch, worker in workers.items(): txt += "channel: {:<{width}}, id = {:<{width}}, state = {:<10} \n".format( ch, worker.task_manager_id, worker.get_state_name(), width=width) produces = worker.get_produces() consumes = worker.get_consumes() channel_config = self.channel_config_loader.get_channels()[ch] for i in ("sources", "transforms", "logicengines", "publishers"): txt += "\t{}:\n".format(i) modules = channel_config.get(i, {}) for mod_name, mod_config in modules.items(): txt += "\t\t{}\n".format(mod_name) txt += "\t\t\tconsumes : {}\n".format( consumes.get(mod_name, [])) txt += "\t\t\tproduces : {}\n".format( produces.get(mod_name, [])) return txt + self.reaper_status() def rpc_stop(self): self.shutdown() self.stop_channels() self.reaper_stop() return "OK" def start_channel(self, channel_name, channel_config): generation_id = 1 task_manager = TaskManager.TaskManager(channel_name, generation_id, channel_config, self.global_config) worker = Worker(task_manager, self.global_config['logger']) with self.workers.access() as workers: workers[channel_name] = worker self.logger.debug(f"Trying to start {channel_name}") worker.start() worker.wait_while(ProcessingState.State['BOOT'])"Channel {channel_name} started") def start_channels(self): self.channel_config_loader.load_all_channels() if not self.channel_config_loader.get_channels(): "No channel configurations available in " + f"{self.channel_config_loader.channel_config_dir}") else: self.logger.debug( f"Found channels: {self.channel_config_loader.get_channels().items()}" ) for name, config in self.channel_config_loader.get_channels().items(): try: self.start_channel(name, config) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Channel {name} failed to start : {e}") def rpc_start_channel(self, channel_name): with self.workers.access() as workers: if channel_name in workers: return f"ERROR, channel {channel_name} is running" success, result = self.channel_config_loader.load_channel(channel_name) if not success: return result self.start_channel(channel_name, result) return "OK" def rpc_start_channels(self): self.start_channels() return "OK" def rpc_stop_channel(self, channel): return self.rpc_rm_channel(channel, None) def rpc_kill_channel(self, channel, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = self.global_config.get("shutdown_timeout", 10) return self.rpc_rm_channel(channel, timeout) def rpc_rm_channel(self, channel, maybe_timeout): rc = self.rm_channel(channel, maybe_timeout) if rc == StopState.NotFound: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." elif rc == StopState.Terminated: if maybe_timeout == 0: return f"Channel {channel} has been killed." # Would be better to use something like the inflect # module, but that introduces another dependency. suffix = 's' if maybe_timeout > 1 else '' return f"Channel {channel} has been killed due to shutdown timeout ({maybe_timeout} second{suffix})." assert rc == StopState.Clean return f"Channel {channel} stopped cleanly." def rm_channel(self, channel, maybe_timeout): rc = None with self.workers.access() as workers: if channel not in workers: return StopState.NotFound self.logger.debug(f"Trying to stop {channel}") rc = self.stop_worker(workers[channel], maybe_timeout) del workers[channel] return rc def stop_worker(self, worker, timeout): if worker.is_alive(): self.logger.debug("Trying to shutdown worker") worker.task_manager.set_to_shutdown() self.logger.debug("Trying to take worker offline") worker.task_manager.take_offline(None) worker.join(timeout) if worker.exitcode is None: worker.terminate() return StopState.Terminated else: return StopState.Clean def stop_channels(self): timeout = self.global_config.get("shutdown_timeout", 10) with self.workers.access() as workers: for worker in workers.values(): self.stop_worker(worker, timeout) workers.clear() def rpc_stop_channels(self): self.stop_channels() return "All channels stopped." def handle_sighup(self, signum, frame): self.reaper_stop() self.stop_channels() self.start_channels() self.reaper_start(delay=self.global_config['dataspace'].get( 'reaper_start_delay_seconds', 1818)) def rpc_get_log_level(self): engineloglevel = self.get_logger().getEffectiveLevel() return logging.getLevelName(engineloglevel) def rpc_get_channel_log_level(self, channel): with self.workers.access() as workers: if channel not in workers: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." worker = workers[channel] if not worker.is_alive(): return f"Channel {channel} is in ERROR state." return logging.getLevelName(worker.task_manager.get_loglevel()) def rpc_set_channel_log_level(self, channel, log_level): """Assumes log_level is a string corresponding to the supported logging-module levels.""" with self.workers.access() as workers: if channel not in workers: return f"No channel found with the name {channel}." worker = workers[channel] if not worker.is_alive(): return f"Channel {channel} is in ERROR state." log_level_code = getattr(logging, log_level) if worker.task_manager.get_loglevel() == log_level_code: return f"Nothing to do. Current log level is : {log_level}" worker.task_manager.set_loglevel_value(log_level) return f"Log level changed to : {log_level}" def rpc_reaper_start(self, delay=0): ''' Start the reaper process after 'delay' seconds. Default 0 seconds delay. :type delay: int ''' self.reaper_start(delay) return "OK" def reaper_start(self, delay): self.reaper.start(delay) def rpc_reaper_stop(self): self.reaper_stop() return "OK" def reaper_stop(self): self.reaper.stop() def rpc_reaper_status(self): interval = self.reaper.retention_interval state = self.reaper.state.get() txt = 'reaper:\n\tstate: {}\n\tretention_interval: {}'.format( state, interval) return txt def reaper_status(self): interval = self.reaper.retention_interval state = self.reaper.state.get() txt = '\nreaper:\n\tstate: {}\n\tretention_interval: {}\n'.format( state, interval) return txt def rpc_query_tool(self, product, format=None, start_time=None): found = False result = pd.DataFrame() txt = "Product {}: ".format(product) with self.workers.access() as workers: for ch, worker in workers.items(): if not worker.is_alive(): txt += f"Channel {ch} is in not active\n" continue produces = worker.get_produces() r = [x for x in list(produces.items()) if product in x[1]] if not r: continue found = True txt += " Found in channel {}\n".format(ch) if start_time: tms = self.dataspace.get_taskmanagers( ch, start_time=start_time) else: tms = [self.dataspace.get_taskmanager(ch)] for tm in tms: try: data_block = datablock.DataBlock( self.dataspace, ch, taskmanager_id=tm['taskmanager_id'], sequence_id=tm['sequence_id']) products = data_block.get_dataproducts(product) for p in products: df = p["value"] if df.shape[0] > 0: df["channel"] = [tm["name"]] * df.shape[0] df["taskmanager_id"] = [p["taskmanager_id"] ] * df.shape[0] df["generation_id"] = [p["generation_id"] ] * df.shape[0] result = result.append(df) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover txt += "\t\t{}\n".format(e) if found: dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_table if format == "csv": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_csv if format == "json": dataframe_formatter = self._dataframe_to_json result = result.reset_index(drop=True) txt += dataframe_formatter(result) else: txt += "Not produced by any module\n" return txt
class TestReaper(unittest.TestCase): logger = logging.getLogger() def setUp(self): with mock.patch.object(dataspace.DataSourceLoader, "create_datasource") as source: source.return_value = MockSource() GLOBAL_CONFIG["dataspace"]["retention_interval_in_days"] = 365 self.reaper = Reaper(GLOBAL_CONFIG) def tearDown(self): # Make sure there are no dangling reapers try: if self.reaper.thread.is_alive( ) or not self.reaper.state.should_stop(): self.reaper.state.set(State.OFFLINE) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception: pass def test_reap_default_state(self): self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.BOOT) def test_reaper_can_reap(self): self.reaper.reap() def test_just_stop_no_error(self): self.reaper.stop() def test_start_stop(self): self.reaper.start() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.IDLE, State.ACTIVE, State.STEADY)) self.reaper.stop() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.SHUTTINGDOWN, State.SHUTDOWN)) def test_start_stop_stop(self): self.reaper.start() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.IDLE, State.ACTIVE, State.STEADY)) self.reaper.stop() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.SHUTTINGDOWN, State.SHUTDOWN)) self.logger.debug("running second stop") self.reaper.stop() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.SHUTTINGDOWN, State.SHUTDOWN)) def test_state_can_be_active(self): self.reaper.start() time.sleep(0.5) # make sure reaper has a chance to get the lock self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.ACTIVE) @pytest.mark.timeout(20) def test_state_sets_timer_and_uses_it(self): self.reaper.MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_RUNS = 1 self.reaper.seconds_between_runs = 1 self.reaper.start(delay=2) self.assertEqual(self.reaper.seconds_between_runs, 1) self.reaper.state.wait_while( State.IDLE) # Make sure the reaper started self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.ACTIVE) self.reaper.state.wait_while( State.ACTIVE) # let the reaper finish its scan self.reaper.state.wait_while( State.IDLE) # Make sure the reaper started a second time self.reaper.state.wait_while( State.ACTIVE) # let the reaper finish its scan def test_start_delay(self): self.reaper.start(delay=90) self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.IDLE) @pytest.mark.timeout(20) def test_loop_of_start_stop_in_clumps(self): for _ in range(3): self.logger.debug(f"run {_} of rapid start/stop") self.reaper.start() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.IDLE, State.ACTIVE, State.STEADY)) self.reaper.stop() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.SHUTTINGDOWN, State.SHUTDOWN)) def test_fail_small_retain(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.reaper.retention_interval = 1 def test_fail_small_run_interval(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.reaper.seconds_between_runs = 1 def test_fail_start_two_reapers(self): self.reaper.start() self.assertIn(self.reaper.state.get(), (State.IDLE, State.ACTIVE, State.STEADY)) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.logger.debug("running second start") self.reaper.start() def test_fail_missing_config(self): with self.assertRaises(dataspace.DataSpaceConfigurationError): with mock.patch.object(dataspace.DataSourceLoader, "create_datasource") as source: source.return_value = MockSource() test_config = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy() del test_config["dataspace"] Reaper(test_config) def test_fail_bad_config(self): with self.assertRaises(dataspace.DataSpaceConfigurationError): with mock.patch.object(dataspace.DataSourceLoader, "create_datasource") as source: source.return_value = MockSource() test_config = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy() test_config["dataspace"] = 'somestring' Reaper(test_config) def test_fail_missing_config_key(self): with self.assertRaises(dataspace.DataSpaceConfigurationError): with mock.patch.object(dataspace.DataSourceLoader, "create_datasource") as source: source.return_value = MockSource() test_config = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy() del test_config["dataspace"]["retention_interval_in_days"] Reaper(test_config) def test_fail_wrong_config_key(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): with mock.patch.object(dataspace.DataSourceLoader, "create_datasource") as source: source.return_value = MockSource() test_config = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy() test_config["dataspace"]["retention_interval_in_days"] = "abc" Reaper(test_config) @pytest.mark.timeout(20) def test_source_fail_can_be_fixed(self): with mock.patch.object(MockSource, "delete_data_older_than") as function: function.side_effect = KeyError self.reaper.start() time.sleep( 1) # make sure stack trace bubbles up before checking state self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.ERROR) self.reaper.stop() self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.ERROR) function.side_effect = None self.reaper.start(delay=30) self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.IDLE) self.reaper.stop() self.assertEqual(self.reaper.state.get(), State.SHUTDOWN)