def factorTensor(X):
    # set the seed for the same initialization
    Y, iterStats, mstats = CP_APR.cp_apr(X, R, tol=tol, maxiters=outerIters, maxinner=innerIters)
    Y = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(Y, zeroThr=zeroThr)
    return Y
def factorTensor(X):
    # set the seed for the same initialization
    Y, iterStats, mstats = CP_APR.cp_apr(X, R, tol=tol, maxiters=outerIters, maxinner=innerIters)
    Y = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(Y, zeroThr=zeroThr)
    return Y
def findFactors(X, R=100, outerIter=70, innerIter=10, zeroThr=1e-4):
    """ Find the factor basis for this tensor """
    M, cpstats, mstats = CP_APR.cp_apr(X,
    M = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(M, zeroThr)
    return KLProjection.KLProjection(M.U, R), M, mstats
tol = 1e-2
zeroThr = 1e-5

# input file and output file
inputFile = args.inputFile.format("data")
yaxis = decompTools.loadAxisInfo(args.inputFile.format("info"))

print "Starting Tensor Factorization with ID:{0}".format(exptID)
X = sptensor.loadTensor(inputFile)
Y, ls = CP_ALS.cp_als(X, R, tol=tol, maxiters=iter)
ll = CP_APR.loglikelihood(X, Y)

# normalize the factors using the 1 norm and then sort in descending order
Y = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(Y, zeroThr=zeroThr)

Youtfile = "results/als-db-{0}-{1}.csv".format(exptID, iter)
Ysqlfile = "results/als-sql-{0}.sql".format(exptID)
# save the decomposition into the format
Yout = decompTools.getDBOutput(Y, yaxis)
Yout = np.column_stack((np.repeat(exptID, Yout.shape[0]), Yout))
np.savetxt(Youtfile, Yout, fmt="%s", delimiter="|")

sqlOut = file(Ysqlfile, "w")
    "load client from /home/joyceho/workspace/tensor/{0} of del modified by coldel| insert into joyceho.tensor_factors;\n"
    "insert into joyceho.tensor_models values({0}, {1}, \'{2}\',\'{3}\', {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8});\n"
tol = 1e-2
zeroThr = 1e-5

# input file and output file
inputFile = args.inputFile.format("data")
yaxis = decompTools.loadAxisInfo(args.inputFile.format("info"))

print "Starting Tensor Factorization with ID:{0}".format(exptID)
X = sptensor.loadTensor(inputFile)
Y, ls = CP_ALS.cp_als(X, R, tol=tol, maxiters=iter)
ll = CP_APR.loglikelihood(X, Y)

# normalize the factors using the 1 norm and then sort in descending order
Y = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(Y, zeroThr=zeroThr)

Youtfile = "results/als-db-{0}-{1}.csv".format(exptID, iter)
Ysqlfile = "results/als-sql-{0}.sql".format(exptID)
# save the decomposition into the format
Yout = decompTools.getDBOutput(Y, yaxis)
Yout = np.column_stack((np.repeat(exptID, Yout.shape[0]), Yout))
np.savetxt(Youtfile, Yout, fmt="%s", delimiter="|")

sqlOut = file(Ysqlfile, "w")
sqlOut.write("load client from /home/joyceho/workspace/tensor/{0} of del modified by coldel| insert into joyceho.tensor_factors;\n".format(Youtfile))
sqlOut.write("insert into joyceho.tensor_models values({0}, {1}, \'{2}\',\'{3}\', {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8});\n".format(exptID, labelID, patientSet, exptDesc, iter, innerIter, ls, ll, 0))

print "Completed Tensor Factorization with ID:{0}".format(exptID)
def findFactors(X, R=100, outerIter=70, innerIter=10, zeroThr=1e-4):
    """ Find the factor basis for this tensor """
    M, cpstats, mstats = CP_APR.cp_apr(X, R=R, maxiters=outerIter, maxinner=innerIter)
    M = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(M, zeroThr)
    return KLProjection.KLProjection(M.U, R), M, mstats
Exemple #7
import ktensor
import numpy
import decompTools

caseX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-1.dat")
controlX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-2.dat")
allX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-200.dat")

## since they don't share the same axis, remove one of the factors
caseX.U = [caseX.U[1], caseX.U[2]]
caseX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(caseX, 1e-2)
controlX.U = [controlX.U[1], controlX.U[2]]
controlX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(controlX, 1e-2)
allX.U = [allX.U[1], allX.U[2]]
allX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(allX, 1e-2)

fms = caseX.greedy_fms(controlX)
numpy.savetxt("plots/case-control.csv", fms, delimiter=",")
allFMS = caseX.greedy_fms(allX)
numpy.savetxt("plots/case-all.csv", allFMS, delimiter=",")
import ktensor
import numpy;
import decompTools

caseX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-1.dat")
controlX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-2.dat")
allX = ktensor.loadTensor("results/apr-raw-200.dat")

## since they don't share the same axis, remove one of the factors
caseX.U = [caseX.U[1], caseX.U[2]]
caseX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(caseX, 1e-2)
controlX.U = [controlX.U[1], controlX.U[2]]
controlX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(controlX, 1e-2)
allX.U = [allX.U[1], allX.U[2]]
allX = decompTools.zeroSmallFactors(allX, 1e-2)

fms = caseX.greedy_fms(controlX)
numpy.savetxt("plots/case-control.csv", fms, delimiter=",")
allFMS = caseX.greedy_fms(allX)
numpy.savetxt("plots/case-all.csv", allFMS, delimiter=",")