Exemple #1
lineStyle = ['--'] * numIonTypes + ['-'] * numIonTypePairs

if (args.decond_D is None):
    decond_D = [args.decond]
    decond_D = args.decond_D
    if len(decond_D) > 1:
        assert(sdD_plot_list is not None)
        assert(len(sdD_plot_list) == len(decond_D))

if (args.decond_decqnt is None):
    decond_decqnt = args.decond
    decond_decqnt = args.decond_decqnt

g, rBins, rBins_unit = da.get_rdf(args.decond)[0:3]
DI, _, DI_unit, fit = da.get_D(decond_D[0])[0:4]
sdD_list = []
rBins_sdD_list = []
g_sdD_list = []

print("fitting range: {}".format(fit[fitkey]))

for file in decond_D:
    _sdD, _, _, _rBins_sdD = da.get_decD(file, da.DecType.spatial)[0:4]

sigI, sig_unit, rBins_sigI, _, _, _, sig_local, sig_nonlocal = (
        da.get_decqnt_sd(decond_decqnt, sep_nonlocal=sep_nonlocal,
if (args.custom):
    mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = color

fitKey = 0

if (args.decond_D is None):
    decond_D = args.decond
    decond_D = args.decond_D

if (args.decond_ecdec is None):
    decond_ecdec = args.decond
    decond_ecdec = args.decond_ecdec

g, rBins = da.get_rdf(args.decond)[0:2]
DI, _, _, fit = da.get_diffusion(decond_D)[0:4]
sdD, _, _, rBins_sdD = da.get_decD(decond_D, da.DecType.spatial)[0:4]
g_sdD = da.get_rdf(decond_D)[0]
sigI, _, rBins_sigI = da.get_ec_dec(decond_ecdec, da.DecType.spatial)[0:3]

rBins /= da.const.angstrom
rBins_sdD /= da.const.angstrom
rBins_sigI /= da.const.angstrom
DI /= da.const.angstrom**2 / da.const.pico
sdD /= da.const.angstrom**2 / da.const.pico

numPlots = 3

halfCellIndex = rBins.size / np.sqrt(3)
halfCellLength = rBins[halfCellIndex]
if (args.custom):
    mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = color

fitKey = 0

if (args.decond_D is None):
    decond_D = args.decond
    decond_D = args.decond_D

if (args.decond_ecdec is None):
    decond_ecdec = args.decond
    decond_ecdec = args.decond_ecdec

g, rBins = da.get_rdf(args.decond)[0:2]
DI, _, _, fit = da.get_diffusion(decond_D)[0:4]
sdD, _, _, rBins_sdD = da.get_decD(decond_D, da.DecType.spatial)[0:4]
g_sdD = da.get_rdf(decond_D)[0]
sigI, _, rBins_sigI = da.get_ec_dec(decond_ecdec, da.DecType.spatial)[0:3]

rBins /= da.const.angstrom
rBins_sdD /= da.const.angstrom
rBins_sigI /= da.const.angstrom
DI /= da.const.angstrom**2 / da.const.pico
sdD /= da.const.angstrom**2 / da.const.pico

numPlots = 3

halfCellIndex = rBins.size / np.sqrt(3)
halfCellLength = rBins[halfCellIndex]
Exemple #4
    threshold = 0
    cnum = 31

with h5py.File(args.corrData, 'r') as f:
    timeLags = f['timeLags'][...]
    volume = f['volume'][...]
    numMol = f['numMol'][...]
    numIonTypes = numMol.size
    numIonTypePairs = (numIonTypes * (numIonTypes + 1)) // 2
    decgrp = f[da.DecType.spatial.value]
    rBins = decgrp['decBins'][...]  # nm
    rBins *= da.const.nano / da.const.angstrom  # AA
    sdCorr = decgrp['decCorr'][...]  # nm^2 / ps^2
    sdCorr *= (da.const.nano / da.const.angstrom)**2  # AA^2 / ps^2

g = da.get_rdf(args.corrData)[0]

# validate arguments
if (args.custom):
    assert (len(label) == numIonTypes)
    label = ['{}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(numIonTypes)]

label += ['-'.join(l) for l in it.combinations_with_replacement(label, 2)]

# plot sdCorr
rc = {
    'font': {
        'size': 46,
        'family': 'serif',
        'serif': 'Times'
Exemple #5
    threshold = 0
    cnum = 31

with h5py.File(args.corrData, 'r') as f:
    timeLags = f['timeLags'][...]
    volume = f['volume'][...]
    numMol = f['numMol'][...]
    numIonTypes = numMol.size
    numIonTypePairs = (numIonTypes*(numIonTypes+1)) // 2
    decgrp = f[da.DecType.spatial.value]
    rBins = decgrp['decBins'][...]  # nm
    rBins *= da.const.nano / da.const.angstrom  # AA
    sdCorr = decgrp['decCorr'][...]  # nm^2 / ps^2
    sdCorr *= (da.const.nano / da.const.angstrom)**2  # AA^2 / ps^2

g = da.get_rdf(args.corrData)[0]

# validate arguments
if (args.custom):
    assert(len(label) == numIonTypes)
    label = ['{}'.format(i+1) for i in range(numIonTypes)]

label += ['-'.join(l) for l in it.combinations_with_replacement(label, 2)]

# plot sdCorr
rc = {'font': {'size': 46,
               'family': 'serif',
               'serif': 'Times'},
      'text': {'usetex': True},
      'legend': {'fontsize': 46},