Exemple #1
def fixError (res,k,m,t):
    global errors
    #remove the last partial results
    #for i in range(0,sampleSize):
    #    res[0][i].pop()
    #    res[1][i].pop()
    k<<=1 #add a random bit; will be deleted at the beginning of the loop
    print "Trying to fix the error by backtracking at most "+str(len(res[0][0]))+" bits."
    while (len(res[0][0])>1): #while I still have previous results that I can use
        k>>=1 #remove a bit from the key
        k^=1 #flip the last bit
        #if I have already changed that bit once, give up
        if (k&1) == initial_guess[bits(k)-1]:
            return 0, res
        #print "Removed one bit"
        #print "1011111110001100011110011001001001001010111110011101001010000101"
        print "{0:b}".format(k)
        print "==================="
        for i in range(0,sampleSize):
            res[0][i].pop() #remove the partial results corresponding to the last removed bit
            res[1][i].pop() #remove the partial results corresponding to the last removed bit
        if test_errorFix(res,k,m,t):
            #temp,temp,res = classify(res,m,n,omega,k&1)
            return k,res

    return 0,res
Exemple #2
def main(m,t,res,maxLength):
    global errors, threshold_difference, initial_guess
    errors = 0
    threshold_difference = threshold_difference_init
    print "Starting the attack"
    # Temporary memory to save partial results of the exponentiation when 
    # assuming the last bit of the key is 0 or 1
    lastBit = 1
    key_guess = 1;
    B = 1 # number of bits in the guessed key
    H = 1 # hamming weight of the guessed key
    average = deque([],average_n)
    lastError = -2
    while (maxLength-B-H>0):
        if (maxLength-B-H<threshold_brute):
            print "Switch to brute forcing the key"
            result = brute(key_guess,B,H,maxLength)
            if result!=0:
                return result
            print "There might have been an error in the key before brute force"
            key_guess,res = fixError(res,key_guess,m,t)
            if key_guess==0:
                return -1
                lastError = B
                B = bits(key_guess)
                H = hammingWeight(key_guess)
                average = deque([],average_n)
                lastBit = key_guess & 1
                print "FIXED"
                print "{0:b}".format(key_guess)
        u0,u1,res = classify(res,m,n,omega,lastBit)
        # If the average of abs(u0-u1) for the past 'average_n' iterations drops
        #   under 'threshold_difference' stop the attack and increase the sample
        #   size;
        # Thresholding the average for the past few iterations and not just the
        #   last result reduces the chance of getting a false positive in the
        #   error detection; I deduced this from trial and error and from the
        #   graph presented in the given paper [1]
        if (len(average)==average_n) and (sum(average) < (threshold_difference * len(average))):
            #if B-lastError>5:
            print "Error detected. Trying to fix it"
            key_guess,res = fixError(res,key_guess,m,t)
            if key_guess!=0:
                #key_guess = ((key_guess>>2)<<1)|(key_guess&1)
                lastError = B
                B = bits(key_guess)
                H = hammingWeight(key_guess)
                average = deque([],average_n)
                lastBit = key_guess & 1
                print "FIXED"
                print "{0:b}".format(key_guess)
            print "The difference between deviation of means is not big enough"
            print sum(average)/average_n
            return -1
        # Append the guessed bit to the key and save the partial results of the 
        # exponentiation in x
        key_guess = key_guess<<1
        lastBit = 0
        if u1>u0:
            key_guess +=1
            lastBit = 1
        if B == len(initial_guess)+1:
        print "{0:b}".format(key_guess)
    return -1
    print "Switch to brute forcing the key"
    return brute(key_guess,B,H,maxLength)
Exemple #3
        if B == len(initial_guess)+1:
        print "{0:b}".format(key_guess)
    return -1
    print "Switch to brute forcing the key"
    return brute(key_guess,B,H,maxLength)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        raise Excepton("Incorrect number of arguments")
    exe_name = "./"+sys.argv[1]
    params_file = open(sys.argv[2])
    n = int(params_file.readline(),16)
    e = int(params_file.readline(),16)
    n_length = bits(n)
    #get parameters for the MontMul
    rho2 = getRho2(n)
    omega = getOmega(n)
    #start the oracle as a subprocess and pipe the input/output
    exe = subprocess.Popen(exe_name, 
                        stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
                        stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
    exe_in  = exe.stdin
    exe_out = exe.stdout
    # Get decryption time for c=0;
    # It will be used to calculate:
    # maxLength = bit_length(d)+hamming_weight(d)