Exemple #1
    def testMultiSeries(self):
        Test suite for methods inherited from MultiSeries - bah...

        # NB: the error message:
        #   java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Series type does not support this method.
        #   seriesType=class io.deephaven.db.plot.datasets.xy.XYDataSeriesTableArray
        #   method='@Override public  FigureImpl pointsVisible( java.lang.Boolean visible, java.lang.Object... keys )'

        # TODO: seriesNamingFunction(*args)?,pointColorByY(func, *keys)?
        # TODO: a ton of other call signatures for basically XYDataSeriesMethods

        figure = Plot.plot("Microsoft", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "timestamp", "price")\
            .plot("Apple", self.table.where("Sym=`AAPL`"), "timestamp", "price")

        with self.subTest(msg="gradientVisible(boolean, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.gradientVisible(True, "Microsoft")
        with self.subTest(msg="lineColor(Paint/int/string, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.lineColor("RED", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="lineStyle(LineStyle, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.lineStyle(Plot.lineStyle(4.0, 4.0), "Microsoft",
        with self.subTest(msg="linesVisible(boolean, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.linesVisible(True, "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointColor(Paint/int/string, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointColor("BLUE", "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointLabel(object, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointLabel("label", "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointLabelFormat(string, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointLabelFormat("{0}: ({1}, {2})", "Microsoft",
        with self.subTest(msg="pointShape(string, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointShape("SQUARE", "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointSize(double, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointSize(2.0, "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointsVisible(boolean, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.pointsVisible(True, "Microsoft", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="seriesColor(Paint/int/string, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.seriesColor(Plot.colorRGB(255, 0, 0), "Microsoft",
        with self.subTest(msg="tool tips"):
            figure = figure.toolTipPattern("###,###.00", "Apple")\
                .xToolTipPattern("###,###.00", "Apple")\
                .yToolTipPattern("###,###.00", "Apple")
        with self.subTest(msg="group(int, *keys)"):
            figure = figure.group(0, "Microsoft", "Apple")
        del figure
    def testPlot(self):
        plot method calls - possibly expand over time

        # perform basic Plot.plot(name, x, y), where x, y span every pairwise choice from the self.arrays dictionary
        figure = None
        typs = sorted(self.arrays.keys())
        for i, xtyp in enumerate(typs):
            xarray = self.arrays[xtyp]
            for j, ytyp in enumerate(typs):
                yarray = self.arrays[ytyp]
                with self.subTest(msg="plot({}, {})".format(xtyp, ytyp)):
                    series_name = '{}_{}'.format(xtyp, ytyp)
                    figure = Plot.plot(series_name, xarray, yarray).show()
        del figure
Exemple #3
    def testDataSeriesMethods(self):
        Test suite for methods inherited from DataSeries

        # TODO: pointColorByY(SerializableFunction)?, pointColorByY(Closure)?

        figure = Plot.plot("Microsoft", self.table.where("Sym=`MSFT`"),
                           "timestamp", "price")
        with self.subTest(msg="linesVisible(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.linesVisible(True)
        with self.subTest(msg="lineColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.lineColor(Plot.colorRGB(0.2, 1.0, 0.2))
        with self.subTest(msg="lineStyle(LineStyle)"):
            figure = figure.lineStyle(Plot.lineStyle(4, 4))
        with self.subTest(msg="pointsVisible(boolean)"):
            figure = figure.pointsVisible(True)
        with self.subTest(msg="pointSize(double)"):
            figure = figure.pointSize(2.0)
        with self.subTest(msg="pointLabel(object)"):
            figure = figure.pointLabel("label")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointLabelFormat(string)"):
            figure = figure.pointLabelFormat("{0}: ({1}, {2})")
        with self.subTest(msg="pointShape(string)"):
            figure = figure.pointShape("CIRCLE")
        with self.subTest(msg="seriesColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.seriesColor(Plot.colorRGB(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
        with self.subTest(msg="pointColor(Paint)"):
            figure = figure.pointColor(Plot.colorRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        with self.subTest(msg="gradientVisible(boolean)"):
        with self.subTest(msg="toolTipPattern(string)"):
            figure = figure.toolTipPattern("###,###.00")
        with self.subTest(msg="xToolTipPattern(string)"):
            figure = figure.xToolTipPattern("###,###.00")
        with self.subTest(msg="yToolTipPattern(string)"):
            figure = figure.yToolTipPattern("###,###.00")
        del figure
# note that we are constraining the data to NYSE business time
import deephaven.Calendars as Calendars
cal = Calendars.calendar("USNYSE")
trades = db.t("LearnIris", "StockTrades").where("Date=`2017-08-25`")
trades = trades.where("cal.isBusinessTime(ExchangeTimestamp)")

# ************* XY SERIES PLOTTING *************


t1 = db.t("LearnDeephaven", "StockTrades")\
    .where("Date=`2017-08-24`", "USym=`AAPL`")

PlotSingle = Plot.plot("AAPL", t1.where("USym = `AAPL`"), "Timestamp", "Last")\


t2 = db.t("LearnDeephaven", "StockTrades")\
    .where("Date=`2017-08-24`", "USym in `INTC`,`CSCO`")

plotSharedAxis = Plot.plot("INTC", t2.where("USym = `INTC`"), "Timestamp", "Last")\
    .plot("CSCO", t2.where("USym = `CSCO`"), "Timestamp", "Last")\


t3 = db.t("LearnDeephaven","StockTrades")\
import deephaven.TableTools as tt
import deephaven.Plot as plt

t = tt.emptyTable(50)\
    .update("X = i + 5", "XLow = X -1", "XHigh = X + 1", "Y = Math.random() * 5", "YLow = Y - 1", "YHigh = Y + 1", "USym = i % 2 == 0 ? `AAPL` : `MSFT`")

p = plt.plot("S1", t, "X", "Y").lineColor("black").show()
p2 = plt.plot("S1", t, "X", "Y").plotStyle("bar").gradientVisible(True).show()
p3 = plt.plot(
    "S1", t, "X",
p4 = plt.plot("S1", t, "X", "Y").plotStyle("area").seriesColor("red").show()

p4 = plt.plot3d("S1", t, "X", "X", "Y").show()

pBy = plt.plotBy("S1", t, "X", "Y", "USym").show()
pBy = plt.plot3dBy("S1", t, "X", "X", "Y", "USym").show()

cp = plt.catPlot("S1", t, "X", "Y").lineColor("black").show()
cp2 = plt.catPlot("S1", t, "X",
cp3 = plt.catPlot(
    "S1", t, "X",
cp4 = plt.catPlot("S1", t, "X",

cp = plt.catPlot3d("S1", t, "X", "X", "Y").show()

cpBy = plt.catPlotBy("S1", t, "X", "Y", "USym").show()
Exemple #6
# generate shared tables
trades = db.t("LearnDeephaven", "StockTrades")\
   .view("Sym", "Last", "Size", "ExchangeTimestamp")

# note that we are constraining the data to NYSE business time
import deephaven.Calendars as Calendars
cal = Calendars.calendar("USNYSE")
trades = trades.where("cal.isBusinessTime(ExchangeTimestamp)")

totalShares = trades.view("Sym", "SharesTraded=Size").sumBy("Sym")
summaries = db.t("LearnDeephaven",

# XY Series
timePlot = Plot.plot("Microsoft", trades.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "ExchangeTimestamp", "Last")\

multiSeries = Plot.plot("Microsoft", trades.where("Sym=`MSFT`"), "ExchangeTimestamp", "Last")\
   .plot("Apple", trades.where("Sym=`AAPL`"), "ExchangeTimestamp", "Last")\
   .chartTitle("Price Over Time")\

# Category
categoryPlot = Plot.catPlot("Shares Traded", totalShares, "Sym", "SharesTraded")\
   .chartTitle("Total Shares")\

# Pie
pieChart = Plot.piePlot("Shares Traded", totalShares, "Sym", "SharesTraded")\
   .chartTitle("Total Shares")\