def __init__(self, file, data): super(DeepoMakeFile, self).__init__() self.__path__ = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), '') try: path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), '') self._validate_(path, data) except ValidationError as e: raise DMakeException(("Error in %s:\n" % file) + str(e)) if self.env.__has_value__: env = copy.deepcopy(self.env.default) if common.branch in self.env.branches: for var, value in self.env.branches[common.branch].items(): env[var] = value env_field = FieldSerializer("dict", child="string") env_field._validate_(self.__path__, env) self.__fields__['env'] = env_field else: self.__fields__['env'] = {} self.env_file = None self.docker_cmd = None self.docker_services_image = None
class EnvSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): default = FieldSerializer( [ FieldSerializer( "path", help_text= "to another deepomake file that declares a default environment." ), "dict" ], child="string", default={}, post_validation=load_env, help_text="List of environment variables that will be set by default.", example={ 'MY_ENV_VARIABLE': '1', 'ENV_TYPE': 'dev' }) branches = FieldSerializer( "dict", child=FieldSerializer("dict", child="string"), default={}, help_text= "If the branch matches one of the following fields, those variables will be defined as well, eventually replacing the default.", example={'master': { 'ENV_TYPE': 'prod' }})
class DeployConfigVolumesSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): container_volume = FieldSerializer("string", example="/mnt", help_text="Volume on the container") host_volume = FieldSerializer("string", example="/mnt", help_text="Volume on the host")
class SSHDeploySerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): user = FieldSerializer("string", example="ubuntu", help_text="User name") host = FieldSerializer("string", example="", help_text="Host address") port = FieldSerializer("int", default="22", help_text="SSH port") def _serialize_(self, commands, tmp_dir, app_name, docker_links, config): if not self.has_value(): return opts = config.full_docker_opts(False) launch_links = "" for link in docker_links: launch_links += 'if [ \\`docker ps -f name=%s | wc -l\\` = "1" ]; then set +e; docker rm -f %s 2> /dev/null ; set -e; docker run -d --name %s %s -i %s; fi\n' % ( link.link_name, link.link_name, link.link_name, link.deployed_options, link.image_name) opts += " --link %s" % link.link_name common.run_shell_command( 'export APP_NAME="%s" && export DOCKER_OPTS="%s" && export LAUNCH_LINK="%s" && export PRE_DEPLOY_HOOKS="%s" && export MID_DEPLOY_HOOKS="%s" && export POST_DEPLOY_HOOKS="%s" && deepomake_copy_template deploy/deploy_ssh/ %s && deepomake_copy_template deploy/deploy_ssh/ %s' % (app_name + "-%s" % common.branch.lower(), opts, launch_links, config.pre_deploy_script, config.mid_deploy_script, config.post_deploy_script, os.path.join(tmp_dir, ""), os.path.join(tmp_dir, ""))) cmd = 'deepomake_deploy_ssh "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % ( tmp_dir, self.user,, self.port) append_command(commands, 'sh', shell=cmd)
class DeployConfigPortsSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): container_port = FieldSerializer("int", example=8000, help_text="Port on the container") host_port = FieldSerializer("int", example=80, help_text="Port on the host")
class ServicesSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): service_name = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", help_text="The name of the application part.", example="api", no_slash_no_space=True) needed_services = FieldSerializer( "array", child=FieldSerializer("string", blank=False), default=[], help_text= "List here the sub apps (as defined by service_name) of our application that are needed for this sub app to run.", example=["worker"]) sources = FieldSerializer( "array", child=FieldSerializer(["path", "dir"]), optional=True, help_text= "If specified, this service will be considered as updated only when the content of those directories or files have changed.", example='path/to/app') config = DeployConfigSerializer(optional=True, help_text="Deployment configuration.") tests = TestsSerializer(optional=True, help_text="Unit tests list.") deploy = DeploySerializer(optional=True, help_text="Deploy stage")
class DeploySerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): deploy_name = FieldSerializer( "string", optional=True, example="", help_text= "The name used for deployment. Will default to \"db-app_name-service_name\" if not specified" ) stages = FieldSerializer("array", child=DeployStageSerializer(), help_text="Deployment possibilities") _tmp_dir_ = None def generate_build(self, commands, path_dir, app_name, service_name, docker_base, env, config): if self._tmp_dir_ is not None: raise DMakeException('Build already generated') if config.docker_image.has_value(): self._tmp_dir_ = config.docker_image.generate_build( commands, path_dir, app_name, service_name, docker_base, env, config) def generate_deploy(self, commands, app_name, service_name, docker_links, env, config): if self._tmp_dir_ is None: raise DMakeException( 'Sanity check failed: it seems the build step has been skipped: _tmp_dir_ is null.' ) if self.deploy_name is not None: app_name = self.deploy_name else: app_name = "dp-%s-%s" % (app_name, service_name) links = [] for link_name in config.docker_links_names: if link_name not in docker_links: raise DMakeException("Unknown link name: '%s'" % link_name) links.append(docker_links[link_name]) for stage in self.stages: branches = stage.branches if common.branch not in branches and '*' not in branches: continue env = copy.deepcopy(env) for var, value in stage.env.items(): env[var] = value os.environ[var] = value generate_dockerfile(commands, self._tmp_dir_, env) stage.aws_beanstalk._serialize_(commands, self._tmp_dir_, app_name, links, config) stage.ssh._serialize_(commands, self._tmp_dir_, app_name, links, config)
class HTMLReportSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): directory = FieldSerializer("string", example="reports", help_text="Directory of the html pages.") index = FieldSerializer("string", default="index.html", help_text="Main page.") title = FieldSerializer("string", default="HTML Report", help_text="Main page title.")
class DockerRootImageSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): name = FieldSerializer("string", help_text="Root image name.", example="library/ubuntu") tag = FieldSerializer( "string", help_text="Root image tag (you can use environment variables).") def full_name(self): full = + ":" + self.tag return common.eval_str_in_env(full)
class TestsSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): docker_links_names = FieldSerializer( "array", child="string", default=[], example=['mongo'], help_text= "The docker links names to bind to for this test. Must be declared at the root level of some deepomake file of the app." ) docker_opts = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", example="--privileged", help_text="Docker options to add when testing or launching.") commands = FieldSerializer( "array", child="string", example=["python test"], help_text="The commands to run for integration tests.") junit_report = FieldSerializer( "string", optional=True, example="test-reports/*.xml", help_text="Uses JUnit plugin to generate unit test report.") cobertura_report = FieldSerializer( "string", optional=True, example="", help_text="Publish a Cobertura report (not working for now).") html_report = HTMLReportSerializer(optional=True, help_text="Publish an HTML report.") def generate_test(self, commands, app_name, docker_cmd, docker_links): for cmd in self.commands: d_cmd = "${DOCKER_LINK_OPTS} -e BUILD=%s -e DMAKE_TESTING=1 " % ( common.build_id) + self.docker_opts + docker_cmd append_command(commands, 'sh', shell="deepomake_run_docker_command " + d_cmd + cmd) if self.junit_report is not None: append_command(commands, 'junit', report=self.junit_report) if self.cobertura_report is not None: append_command(commands, 'cobertura', report=self.cobertura_report) html = self.html_report._value_() if html is not None: append_command(commands, 'publishHTML', directory=html['directory'], index=html['index'], title=html['title'])
class DockerLinkSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): image_name = FieldSerializer( "string", example="mongo:3.2", help_text="Name and tag of the image to launch.") link_name = FieldSerializer("string", example="mongo", help_text="Link name.") deployed_options = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", example="-v /mnt:/data", help_text="Additional Docker options when deployed.") testing_options = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", example="-v /mnt:/data", help_text="Additional Docker options when testing on Jenkins.")
class InstallDirSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): dir_src = FieldSerializer( "dir", child_path_only=True, check_path=False, example="some/relative/directory/", help_text= "Path to the source directory (relative to this deepomake file) to copy." ) dir_dst = FieldSerializer( "string", check_path=False, help_text="Path to the install directory (in the docker).") def docker_cmd(self, commands, path_dir, tmp_dir): generate_copy_command(commands, path_dir, tmp_dir, self.dir_src, recursive=True) return "ADD %s %s" % (self.dir_src, self.dir_dst)
class InstallLibSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): lib = FieldSerializer( "path", child_path_only=True, check_path=False, example="some/relative/", help_text= "Path to the executable to copy (will be copied in /usr/local/lib).") def docker_cmd(self, commands, path_dir, tmp_dir): generate_copy_command(commands, path_dir, tmp_dir, self.lib) return "COPY %s /usr/local/lib/" % self.lib
class DeployStageSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): description = FieldSerializer("string", example="Deployment on AWS and via SSH", help_text="Deploy stage description.") branches = FieldSerializer( ["string", "array"], child="string", default=['stag'], post_validation=lambda x: [x] if common.is_string(x) else x, help_text= "Branch list for which this stag is active, '*' can be used to match any branch. Can also be a simple string." ) env = FieldSerializer( "dict", child="string", default={}, example={ 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': '1234', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': 'abcd' }, help_text="Additionnal environment variables for deployment.") aws_beanstalk = AWSBeanStalkDeploySerializer( optional=True, help_text="Deploy via Elastic Beanstalk") ssh = SSHDeploySerializer(optional=True, help_text="Deploy via SSH")
class DockerBaseSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): name = FieldSerializer( "string", help_text= "Base image name. If no docker user is indicated, the image will be kept locally" ) version = FieldSerializer( "string", help_text= "Base image version. The branch name will be prefixed to form the docker image tag.", example="v2", default='latest') install_scripts = FieldSerializer("array", default=[], child=FieldSerializer( "path", executable=True, child_path_only=True), example=["some/relative/script/to/run"]) python_requirements = FieldSerializer( "path", default="", child_path_only=True, help_text="Path to python requirements.txt.", example="") python3_requirements = FieldSerializer( "path", default="", child_path_only=True, help_text="Path to python requirements.txt.", example="requirements.txt") copy_files = FieldSerializer( "array", child=FieldSerializer("path", child_path_only=True), default=[], help_text= "Files to copy. Will be copied before scripts are ran. Paths need to be sub-paths to the build file to preserve MD5 sum-checking (which is used to decide if we need to re-build docker base image). A file 'foo/bar' will be copied in '/base/user/foo/bar'.", example=["some/relative/file/to/copy"])
class DeepoMakeFileSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): dmake_version = FieldSerializer("string", help_text="The deepomake version.", example="0.1") app_name = FieldSerializer("string", help_text="The application name.", example="my_app", no_slash_no_space=True) blacklist = FieldSerializer( "array", child="path", default=[], help_text="List of deepomake files to blacklist.", child_path_only=True, example=['some/sub/deepomake.yml']) env = EnvSerializer( help_text="Environment variables to embed in built docker images.") docker = FieldSerializer([ FieldSerializer( "path", help_text= "to another deepomake file (which will be added to dependencies) that declares a docker field, in which case it replaces this file's docker field." ), DockerSerializer() ], help_text= "The environment in which to build and deploy.") docker_links = FieldSerializer( "array", child=DockerLinkSerializer(), default=[], help_text= "List of link to create, they are shared across the whole application, so potentially across multiple deepomake files." ) build_tests_commands = FieldSerializer( "array", default=[], child=FieldSerializer(["string", "array"], child="string", post_validation=lambda x: [x] if common.is_string(x) else x), help_text= "Command list (or list of lists, in which case each list of commands will be executed in paralell) to build.", example=["cmake .", "make"]) build_services_commands = FieldSerializer( "array", default=[], child=FieldSerializer(["string", "array"], child="string", post_validation=lambda x: [x] if common.is_string(x) else x), help_text= "Command list (or list of lists, in which case each list of commands will be executed in paralell) to build.", example=["cmake .", "make"]) services = FieldSerializer("array", child=ServicesSerializer(), default=[], help_text="Service list.")
class AWSBeanStalkDeploySerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): region = FieldSerializer("string", default="eu-west-1", help_text="The AWS region where to deploy.") stack = FieldSerializer( "string", default="64bit Amazon Linux 2016.03 v2.1.6 running Docker 1.11.2") options = FieldSerializer( "path", example="path/to/options.txt", help_text= "AWS Option file as described here:" ) def _serialize_(self, commands, tmp_dir, app_name, docker_links, config): if not self.has_value(): return for port in config.ports: if port.container_port != port.host_port: raise DMakeException( "AWS Elastic Beanstalk only supports ports binding which are the same in the container and the host." ) ports = [{ "ContainerPort": ports.container_port } for ports in config.ports] volumes = [ { "HostDirectory": volume.host_volume, "ContainerDirectory": volume.container_volume } for volume in config.volumes if volume.host_volume != "/var/log/deepomatic" # Cannot specify a volume both in logging and mounting ] if config.pre_deploy_script != "" or \ config.mid_deploy_script != "" or \ config.post_deploy_script != "": raise DMakeException( "Pre/Mid/Post-Deploy scripts for AWS is not supported yet.") if len(config.docker_opts) > 0: raise DMakeException( "Docker options for AWS is not supported yet.") # Generate data = { "AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1", # "Authentication": { # "Bucket": "my-bucket", # "Key": "mydockercfg" # }, # "Image": { # "Name": "", # "Update": "true" # }, "Ports": ports, "Volumes": volumes, "Logging": "/var/log/deepomatic" } with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, ""), 'w') as dockerrun: json.dump(data, dockerrun) common.run_shell_command( 'deepomake_replace_vars %s %s' % (self.options, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'options.txt'))) append_command(commands, 'sh', shell='deepomake_deploy_aws_eb "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (tmp_dir, app_name, self.region, self.stack))
class DockerSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): root_image = FieldSerializer([ FieldSerializer( "path", help_text= "to another deepomake file, in which base the root_image will be this file's base_image." ), DockerRootImageSerializer() ], help_text="The source image name to build on.", example="ubuntu:16.04") base_image = DockerBaseSerializer( optional=True, help_text="Base (intermediate) image to speed-up builds.") command = FieldSerializer( "string", default="bash", help_text= "Only used when running 'dmake shell': set the command of the container" ) def _serialize_(self, commands, path_dir): if self.base_image.has_value(): # Make the temporary directory tmp_dir = common.run_shell_command('deepomake_make_tmp_dir') # Copy file and compute their md5 files_to_copy = [] for file in self.base_image.copy_files + self.base_image.install_scripts: files_to_copy.append(file) if self.base_image.python_requirements: files_to_copy.append(self.base_image.python_requirements) if self.base_image.python3_requirements: files_to_copy.append(self.base_image.python3_requirements) # Copy file and keep their md5 md5s = {} for file in files_to_copy: md5s[file] = common.run_shell_command( 'deepomake_copy_file %s %s' % (os.path.join( path_dir, file), os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'user', file))) # Set RUN command run_cmd = "cd user" for file in self.base_image.install_scripts: run_cmd += " && ./%s" % file # Install pip if needed if self.base_image.python_requirements: run_cmd += " && bash ../ && pip install --process-dependency-links -r " + self.base_image.python_requirements if self.base_image.python3_requirements: run_cmd += " && bash ../ && pip3 install --process-dependency-links -r " + self.base_image.python3_requirements # Save the command in a bash file file = '' with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, file), 'w') as f: f.write(run_cmd) md5s[file] = common.run_shell_command('deepomake_md5 %s' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, file)) # HACK: copy key while #493 is not closed: if common.key_file is not None: common.run_shell_command( 'cp %s %s' % (common.key_file, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'key'))) # Local environment for temmplates local_env = [] local_env.append("export ROOT_IMAGE=%s" % self.root_image) local_env = ' && '.join(local_env) if len(local_env) > 0: local_env += ' && ' # Copy templates for file in [ "", "config.logrotate", "", "", "" ]: md5s[file] = common.run_shell_command( '%s deepomake_copy_template docker-base/%s %s' % (local_env, file, os.path.join(tmp_dir, file))) # Output md5s for comparison with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'md5s'), 'w') as f: for md5 in md5s.items(): f.write('%s %s\n' % md5) # Append Docker Base build command append_command( commands, 'sh', shell='deepomake_build_base_docker "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (tmp_dir, self.root_image,, self._get_tag_(), self.base_image.version)) def _get_tag_(self): if common.is_pr: prefix = 'pr-%s' % common.pr_id else: prefix = common.branch return 'base-' + prefix + '-' + self.base_image.version def get_docker_base_image_name_tag(self): if self.base_image.has_value() is not None: image = + ":" + self._get_tag_() return image return self.root_image
class DeployConfigSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): docker_image = ServiceDockerSerializer( help_text="Docker to build for running and deploying") docker_links_names = FieldSerializer( "array", child="string", default=[], example=['mongo'], help_text= "The docker links names to bind to for this test. Must be declared at the root level of some deepomake file of the app." ) docker_opts = FieldSerializer("string", default="", example="--privileged", help_text="Docker options to add.") ports = FieldSerializer("array", child=DeployConfigPortsSerializer(), default=[], help_text="Ports to open.") volumes = FieldSerializer("array", child=DeployConfigVolumesSerializer(), default=[], help_text="Volumes to open.") pre_deploy_script = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", child_path_only=True, example="my/pre_deploy/script", help_text="Scripts to run before launching new version.") mid_deploy_script = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", child_path_only=True, example="my/mid_deploy/script", help_text= "Scripts to run after launching new version and before stopping the old one." ) post_deploy_script = FieldSerializer( "string", default="", child_path_only=True, example="my/post_deploy/script", help_text="Scripts to run after stopping old version.") def full_docker_opts(self, testing_mode): opts = [] for ports in self.ports: opts.append("-p" % (ports.host_port, ports.container_port)) for volumes in self.volumes: if testing_mode and not common.is_local: host_volume = os.path.join(common.cache_dir, 'volumes', volumes.host_volume) try: os.mkdir(host_volume) except OSError: pass else: host_volume = volumes.host_volume opts.append("-v %s:%s" % (common.join_without_slash(host_volume), common.join_without_slash(volumes.container_volume))) opts = self.docker_opts + " " + (" ".join(opts)) return opts
class ServiceDockerSerializer(YAML2PipelineSerializer): workdir = FieldSerializer( "string", default="/", help_text="Working directory of the produced docker file.") install_targets = FieldSerializer( "array", child=FieldSerializer([ InstallExeSerializer(), InstallLibSerializer(), InstallDirSerializer() ]), default=[], help_text="Target files or directories to install.") install_script = FieldSerializer( "path", child_path_only=True, executable=True, optional=True, example="", help_text= "The install script (will be run in the docker). It has to be executable." ) entrypoint = FieldSerializer( "path", optional=True, child_path_only=True, executable=True, help_text= "Set the entrypoint of the docker image generated to run the app.") start_script = FieldSerializer( "path", child_path_only=True, executable=True, example="", help_text= "The start script (will be run in the docker). It has to be executable." ) def get_image_name(self, app_name, service_name): image_name = "%s-%s:%s" % (app_name, service_name, common.branch.lower()) if common.build_id is not None: image_name += '.' + common.build_id return image_name def generate_build(self, commands, path_dir, app_name, service_name, docker_base, env, config): tmp_dir = common.run_shell_command('deepomake_make_tmp_dir') dockerfile_template = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'Dockerfile_template') with open(dockerfile_template, 'w') as f: f.write('FROM %s\n' % docker_base) f.write('\n') f.write('${ENV_VARS}\n') f.write('\n') f.write('WORKDIR %s\n' % self.workdir) f.write('\n') for port in config.ports: f.write('EXPOSE %s\n' % port.container_port) f.write('\n') for target in self.install_targets: f.write(target.docker_cmd(commands, path_dir, tmp_dir) + "\n") f.write('\n') if self.install_script is not None: generate_copy_command(commands, path_dir, tmp_dir, self.install_script) f.write('COPY %s %s\n' % (self.install_script, os.path.join(self.workdir, self.install_script))) f.write('RUN cd %s && ./%s\n' % (self.workdir, self.install_script)) f.write('\n') generate_copy_command(commands, path_dir, tmp_dir, self.start_script) f.write('COPY %s %s\n' % (self.start_script, os.path.join(self.workdir, self.start_script))) if self.entrypoint is not None: f.write('ENTRYPOINT ["./%s"]\n' % self.entrypoint) f.write('CMD ["./%s"]\n' % self.start_script) generate_dockerfile(commands, tmp_dir, env) image_name = self.get_image_name(app_name, service_name) append_command(commands, 'sh', shell='deepomake_build_docker "%s" "%s"' % (tmp_dir, image_name)) return tmp_dir