Exemple #1
def tune_app_control(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception):

        # Create a PoliciesApi object
        policies_api = api.PoliciesApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

        # List policies using version v1 of the API
        policies_list = policies_api.list_policies(api_version)

        # View the list of policies
        # return policies_list

    except api_exception as e:
        return "Exception: " + str(e)

    # Search computer in deep security dashboard
    search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
    search_criteria.field_name = "displayName"
    search_criteria.string_value = '%' + search_name + '%'
    search_criteria.string_test = "equal"
    search_criteria.string_wildcards = True

    # Create search filter to find computer
    search_filter = api.SearchFilter(None, [search_criteria])

    # Create a ComputerApi object
    computer_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

        # Perform the search
        computer_details = computer_api.search_computers(api_version, search_filter=search_filter)
        ec2_instance_id = []
        ds_ids = []
        for ec2_details in computer_details.computers:

        # Set the Reconnaissance Scan value
        setting_value = api.SettingValue()
        setting_value.value = "true"

        # Add the SettingValue to a ComputerSettings object
        computer_settings = api.ComputerSettings()
        computer_settings.firewall_setting_reconnaissance_enabled = setting_value

        app_controll_settings = api.ApplicationControlComputerExtension()
        app_controll_settings.state = app_control_status

        # Add the ComputerSettings object to a Computer object
        computer = api.Computer()
        computer.computer_settings = computer_settings
        computer.application_control = app_controll_settings

        for ds_id in ds_ids:
            computer_api.modify_computer(ds_id, computer, api_version, overrides=True)

        return ec2_instance_id

    except api_exception as e:
        return "Exception: " + str(e)
    def get_ips_rules(self):
        ips_rules = dict()

        search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
        search_criteria.id_value = 0
        search_criteria.id_test = 'greater-than'

        search_filter = api.SearchFilter()
        search_filter.max_items = 5000
        search_filter.search_criteria = [search_criteria]

        ips_api = api.IntrusionPreventionRulesApi(self.api_client)

        while True:
                rule_list = ips_api.search_intrusion_prevention_rules(
                    self.api_version, search_filter=search_filter)
                num_found = len(rule_list.intrusion_prevention_rules)

                if num_found == 0:

            except ApiException as e:
                return 'Exception: ' + str(e)

            for rule in rule_list.intrusion_prevention_rules:
                ips_rules[rule.id] = rule

            last_id = rule_list.intrusion_prevention_rules[-1].id
            search_criteria.id_value = last_id

        return ips_rules
Exemple #3
def search_firewall_rules(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception):
    """ Searches the firewall rules for any rule that contains DHCP in the rule name.

    :param api: The Deep Security API modules.
    :param configuration: Configuration object to pass to the api client.
    :param api_version: The version of the API to use.
    :param api_exception: The Deep Security API exception module.
    :return: A list containing all firewall rules that match the search criteria.

    # Define the search criteria
    search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
    search_criteria.field_name = "name"
    search_criteria.string_value = "%DHCP%"
    search_criteria.string_test = "equal"
    search_criteria.string_wildcards = True

    # Create search filter to find the rule
    search_filter = api.SearchFilter(None,[search_criteria])

    # Create a FirewallRulesApi object
    firewall_rules_api = api.FirewallRulesApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

        # Perform the search
        firewall_rules = firewall_rules_api.search_firewall_rules(api_version, search_filter=search_filter)
        firewall_rules_list = []
        for rule in firewall_rules.firewall_rules:
        return firewall_rules

    except api_exception as e:
        return "Exception: " + str(e)
def getIPSrules(cve):
    # Initialization
    # Set Any Required Values
    api_instance = deepsecurity.IntrusionPreventionRulesApi(
    api_version = 'v1'

    # Set search criteria for the date range
    search_criteria = deepsecurity.SearchCriteria()
    search_criteria.field_name = "CVE"
    search_criteria.string_value = "%" + cve + "%"

    search_filter = deepsecurity.SearchFilter(None, [search_criteria])

        ipsrules = api_instance.search_intrusion_prevention_rules(
            api_version, search_filter=search_filter)

        i = 0
        for ipsrid in ipsrules.intrusion_prevention_rules:
            ipsruleidentifier = ipsrid.identifier
            ipsrulename = ipsrid.name
            print("ID: " + str(ipsruleidentifier), "- " + str(ipsrulename))
            i += 1

    except ApiException as e:
            "An exception occurred when calling IntrusionPreventionRulesApi.search_intrusion_prevention_rules: %s\n"
            % e)
Exemple #5
def GetAllComputers(configuration):

    expand = Expand(Expand.ec2_virtual_machine_summary)
    expndList = expand.list()
    # Set search criteria
    search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
    search_criteria.id_value = 0
    search_criteria.id_test = "greater-than"

    # Create a search filter with maximum returned items
    page_size = 50
    search_filter = api.SearchFilter()
    search_filter.max_items = page_size
    search_filter.search_criteria = [search_criteria]

    # Perform the search and do work on the results
    computers_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
    paged_computers = []
    while True:
            t0 = time.time()
            computers = computers_api.search_computers(
                api_version, search_filter=search_filter, expand=expndList)
            t1 = time.time()
            num_found = len(computers.computers)
            current_paged_computers = []

            if num_found == 0:
                print("No computers found.")

            for computer in computers.computers:


            # Get the ID of the last computer in the page and return it with the number of computers on the page
            last_id = computers.computers[-1].id
            search_criteria.id_value = last_id
            print("Last ID: " + str(last_id),
                  "Computers found: " + str(num_found))
            print("Return rate: {0} hosts/sec".format(num_found / (t1 - t0)))

            if num_found != page_size:
                print("Num_found {0} - Page size is {1}".format(
                    num_found, page_size))

        except api_exception as e:
            print("Exception: {0}".format(str(e)))

    return paged_computers
    def _find_exact_match(self, search_field, search_string, object_api):
        search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
        search_criteria.field_name = search_field
        search_criteria.string_test = 'equal'
        search_criteria.string_value = search_string

        search_filter = api.SearchFilter(None, [search_criteria])
        search_filter.max_items = 1

            result = object_api(self.api_version, search_filter=search_filter)

            return result

        except ApiException as e:
Exemple #7
    def GetAllGroups(self, configuration):
        # Set search criteria
        search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
        search_criteria.id_value = 0
        search_criteria.id_test = "greater-than"
        # Create a search filter with maximum returned items
        page_size = 5000
        search_filter = api.SearchFilter()
        search_filter.max_items = page_size
        search_filter.search_criteria = [search_criteria]

        groupsapi = api.ComputerGroupsApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

        paged_groups = []
            while True:
                t0 = time.time()
                groups = groupsapi.search_computer_groups(
                    api_version, search_filter=search_filter)
                t1 = time.time()
                num_found = len(groups.computer_groups)
                if num_found == 0:
                    print("No groups found.")
                # Get the ID of the last group in the page and return it with the number of groups on the page
                last_id = groups.computer_groups[-1].id
                search_criteria.id_value = last_id
                print("Last ID: " + str(last_id),
                      "Groups found: " + str(num_found))
                print("Return rate: {0} groups/sec".format(num_found /
                                                           (t1 - t0)))
                if num_found != page_size:
                    print("Num_found {0} - Page size is {1}".format(
                        num_found, page_size))

        except api_exception as e:
            return "Exception: " + str(e)

        return paged_groups
Exemple #8
# Initialization
# Set Any Required Values
api_instance = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
# Add AV and IPS information
expand_options = api.Expand()
expand = expand_options.list()
overrides = False

# Set search criteria
search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
search_criteria.id_value = 0
search_criteria.id_test = "greater-than"

# Create a search filter with maximum returned items
page_size = 50
search_filter = api.SearchFilter()
search_filter.max_items = page_size
search_filter.search_criteria = [search_criteria]

# Add column titles to comma-separated values string
csv = "Host Name;Displayname;DNS Name;Agent version;Platform;IP Address;Agent Status;Agent Status Message;PolicyId;GroupId;Last Communication;Last Policy Sent;Last Policy Success;Update Status;AM Module State;AM Status;AM Status Message;AM Update Status;IPS Status;IPS Status Message\n"

    # Perform the search and do work on the results
    print("Start reading computers")
# Setup
if not sys.warnoptions:
configuration = deepsecurity.Configuration()
configuration.host = ''

# Authentication
configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = '2:PZGmBIe8rcKSF6fK2HeMkoyh5ZrC/fQeeyJyUjcpzyk='

# Initialization
# Set Any Required Values
api_instance = deepsecurity.PoliciesApi(deepsecurity.ApiClient(configuration))
api_version = 'v1'

search_criteria = deepsecurity.SearchCriteria()
search_criteria.field_name = "name"
search_criteria.string_test = "equal"
search_criteria.string_value = "%Linux Server%"

# Create a search filter
search_filter = deepsecurity.SearchFilter(None, [search_criteria])
policies_api = deepsecurity.PoliciesApi(deepsecurity.ApiClient(configuration))
computers_api = deepsecurity.ComputersApi(deepsecurity.ApiClient(configuration))
computer = deepsecurity.Computer()

    # Perform the search
    policy_search_results = policies_api.search_policies(api_version, search_filter=search_filter)

    # Assign the policy to the computer
Exemple #10
    def _GetGroupComputers(self, configuration, groupID):

        # Set search group criteria
        search_group_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
        search_group_criteria.field_name = "groupID"
        if groupID:
            search_group_criteria.numeric_value = groupID
            search_group_criteria.numeric_test = "equal"
            search_group_criteria.null_test = True

        # Set search criteria
        search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
        search_criteria.id_value = 0
        search_criteria.id_test = "greater-than"

        # Create a search filter with maximum returned items
        page_size = 250
        search_filter = api.SearchFilter()
        search_filter.max_items = page_size
        search_filter.search_criteria = [
            search_criteria, search_group_criteria

        # Perform the search and do work on the results
        computers_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
        paged_computers = []
        while True:
                expand = Expand(Expand.ec2_virtual_machine_summary)
                t0 = time.time()
                computers = computers_api.search_computers(
                t1 = time.time()
                num_found = len(computers.computers)
                current_paged_computers = []

                if num_found == 0:
                    #This gets noise with so many threads
                    #print("No computers found.")

                for computer in computers.computers:


                # Get the ID of the last computer in the page and return it with the number of computers on the page
                last_id = computers.computers[-1].id
                search_criteria.id_value = last_id
                print("Last ID: " + str(last_id),
                      "Computers found: " + str(num_found))
                print("Return rate: {0} hosts/sec".format(num_found /
                                                          (t1 - t0)))
                if num_found != page_size:
                    print("Num_found {0} - Page size is {1}".format(
                        num_found, page_size))

            except api_exception as e:
                print("Exception: {0}".format(str(e)))

        return paged_computers
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_config = deepsecurity.Configuration()
        self.api_version = ''

        self.API_CONFIG_PATH = "config/api_config.yml"
        self.MAX_RETRY_ERROR_MSG = "ERROR: Failed to establish connection - Make sure the hostname is correct"
        self.MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 1000 #Up To 5000

        expand_options = deepsecurity.Expand()
            # deepsecurity.Expand.anti_malware,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.application_control,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.firewall,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.web_reputation,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.log_inspection,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.integrity_monitoring,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.intrusion_prevention,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.computer_settings,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.computer_status,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.ec2_virtual_machine_summary,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.azure_arm_virtual_machine_summary,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.azure_vm_virtual_machine_summary,
            # deepsecurity.Expand.gcp_virtual_machine_summary
        self.COMPUTER_EXPAND = expand_options.list()

        search_criteria = deepsecurity.SearchCriteria()
        search_criteria.id_value = 0
        search_criteria.id_test = "greater-than"
        self.SEARCH_FILTER = deepsecurity.SearchFilter(max_items=self.MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, search_criteria=search_criteria)

        #Turns off warnings unless specified
        if not sys.warnoptions:

        file_config = dict()

            with open(self.API_CONFIG_PATH, "r", encoding = 'utf-8') as cfg_fd:
                file_config = yaml.safe_load(cfg_fd.read())

            if file_config is None:
                file_config = dict()

            self.api_config.host = file_config["host"]
            self.api_config.api_key['api-secret-key'] = file_config["api-secret-key"]
            self.api_version = file_config["api-version"]

            if not "https://" in self.api_config.host:
                self.api_config.host = "https://"+self.api_config.host
        except Exception as e:
            print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "Error while loading the config/api_config.yml file, resetting it...")
            except Exception as e:

            if "host" not in file_config or file_config["host"] == "https://<Your DSM Hostname or IP>:<DSM Port>/api" or \
                "api-secret-key" not in file_config or file_config["api-secret-key"] == "" or "api-version" not in file_config:
                print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX+"CONFIG FILE NOT SET!")
                print("{}Insert the DSM host (link) following this example {}[{}https://{}<Your DSM Hostname or IP>{}:{}<DSM Port if on-premise>{}/api{}]".
                self.api_config.host = input("Inset the DSM Host: ").rstrip().lstrip()
                file_config["host"] = self.api_config.host
                if self.api_config.host == "":
                    raise TypeError("Empty Host Configuration is NOT VALID")

                print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + "Insert the secret key for the API (Check the documentation if lost)")
                self.api_config.api_key['api-secret-key'] = input("Inset the Api Secret key: ").rstrip().lstrip()
                file_config["api-secret-key"] = self.api_config.api_key['api-secret-key']
                if self.api_config.api_key['api-secret-key'] == "":
                    raise TypeError("Empty key Configuration is NOT VALID")

                self.api_version = "v1"
                file_config["api-version"] = self.api_version

                print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "Saving to config/api_config.yml (you can modify the info here)")
                    with open(self.API_CONFIG_PATH, "w+") as config:
                        yaml.dump(file_config,config, default_flow_style=False)
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Could not save configs to file, you will have to type them again later")
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError("Corrupted api_config, please re download the file: " + str(e))

        if self.api_config.host is None or self.api_config.api_key is None or self.api_version is None:
            raise TypeError( ("API Configuration values on {} are NOT VALID".format(self.API_CONFIG_PATH)))