Exemple #1
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = get_required_args()
    optionalArgs = get_optional_args()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = \
            parents=[requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs,
                     parentParser, normalizationParser, bamParser],
            description='This tool takes an alignment of reads or fragments '
            'as input (BAM file) and generates a coverage track (bigWig or '
            'bedGraph) as output. '
            'The coverage is calculated as the number of reads per bin, '
            'where bins are short consecutive counting windows of a defined '
            'size. It is possible to extended the length of the reads '
            'to better reflect the actual fragment length. *bamCoverage* '
            'offers normalization by scaling factor, Reads Per Kilobase per '
            'Million mapped reads (RPKM), counts per million (CPM), bins per '
            'million mapped reads (BPM) and 1x depth (reads per genome '
            'coverage, RPGC).\n',
            usage='An example usage is:'
            '$ bamCoverage -b reads.bam -o coverage.bw',

    return parser
Exemple #2
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = getRequiredArgs()
    optionalArgs = getOptionalArgs()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        parents=[requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs,
                 parentParser, normalizationParser, bamParser],
        description='This tool compares two BAM files based on the number of '
        'mapped reads. To compare the BAM files, the genome is partitioned '
        'into bins of equal size, then the number of reads found in each bin'
        'is counted per file and finally a summary value is '
        'reported. This value can be the ratio of the number of reads per '
        'bin, the log2 of the ratio or the difference. \nThis tool can '
        'normalize the number of reads in each BAM file using the SES method '
        'proposed by Diaz et al. (2012) "Normalization, bias correction, and '
        'peak calling for ChIP-seq". Statistical Applications in Genetics '
        'and Molecular Biology, 11(3). Normalization based on read counts '
        'is also available. \nThe output is either a bedgraph or bigWig file '
        'containing the bin location and the resulting comparison value. By '
        'default, if reads are paired, the fragment length reported in the BAM '
        'file is used. Each mate, however, '
        'is treated independently to avoid a bias when a mixture of concordant '
        'and discordant pairs is present. This means that *each end* will '
        'be extended to match the fragment length.',

        usage=' bamCompare -b1 treatment.bam -b2 control.bam -o log2ratio.bw',


    return parser
Exemple #3
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = get_required_args()
    optionalArgs = get_optional_args()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = \
            parents=[requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs,
                     parentParser, normalizationParser, bamParser],
            description='This tool takes an alignment of reads or fragments '
            'as input (BAM file) and generates a coverage track (bigWig or '
            'bedGraph) as output. '
            'The coverage is calculated as the number of reads per bin, '
            'where bins are short consecutive counting windows of a defined '
            'size. It is possible to extended the length of the reads '
            'to better reflect the actual fragment length. *bamCoverage* '
            'offers normalization by scaling factor, Reads Per Kilobase per '
            'Million mapped reads (RPKM), counts per million (CPM), bins per '
            'million mapped reads (BPM) and 1x depth (reads per genome '
            'coverage, RPGC).\n',
            usage='An example usage is:'
            '$ bamCoverage -b reads.bam -o coverage.bw',

    return parser
Exemple #4
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = getRequiredArgs()
    optionalArgs = getOptionalArgs()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs, parentParser,
            normalizationParser, bamParser
        description='This tool compares two BAM files based on the number of '
        'mapped reads. To compare the BAM files, the genome is partitioned '
        'into bins of equal size, then the number of reads found in each is counted per file '
        'and finally a summary value is '
        'reported. This value can be the ratio of the number of reads per '
        'bin, the log2 of the ratio or the difference. This tool can '
        'normalize the number of reads in each BAM file using the SES method '
        'proposed in Diaz et al. (2012). "Normalization, bias correction, and '
        'peak calling for ChIP-seq". Statistical applications in genetics '
        'and molecular biology, 11(3). Normalization based on read counts '
        'is also available. The output is either a bedgraph or bigWig file '
        'containing the bin location and the resulting comparison values. By '
        'default, if reads are mated, the fragment length reported in the BAM '
        'file is used. In the case of paired-end mapping, each mate '
        'is treated independently to avoid a bias when a mixture of concordant '
        'and discordant pairs is present. This means that *each end* will '
        'be extended to match the fragment length.',
        usage='An example usage is:\n bamCompare '
        '-b1 treatment.bam -b2 control.bam -o log2ratio.bw',

    return parser
Exemple #5
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = getRequiredArgs()
    optionalArgs = getOptionalArgs()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs, parentParser,
            normalizationParser, bamParser
        description='This tool compares two BAM files based on the number of '
        'mapped reads. To compare the BAM files, the genome is partitioned '
        'into bins of equal size, then the number of reads found in each bin'
        ' is counted per file, and finally a summary value is '
        'reported. This value can be the ratio of the number of reads per '
        'bin, the log2 of the ratio, or the difference. This tool can '
        'normalize the number of reads in each BAM file using the SES method '
        'proposed by Diaz et al. (2012) "Normalization, bias correction, and '
        'peak calling for ChIP-seq". Statistical Applications in Genetics '
        'and Molecular Biology, 11(3). Normalization based on read counts '
        'is also available. The output is either a bedgraph or bigWig file '
        'containing the bin location and the resulting comparison value. '
        'Note that *each end* in a pair (for paired-end reads) is treated '
        'independently. If this is undesirable, then use the --samFlagInclude '
        'or --samFlagExclude options.',
        usage=' bamCompare -b1 treatment.bam -b2 control.bam -o log2ratio.bw',

    return parser
Exemple #6
def parseArguments():
    parentParser = parserCommon.getParentArgParse()
    bamParser = parserCommon.read_options()
    normalizationParser = parserCommon.normalization_options()
    requiredArgs = getRequiredArgs()
    optionalArgs = getOptionalArgs()
    outputParser = parserCommon.output()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        parents=[requiredArgs, outputParser, optionalArgs,
                 parentParser, normalizationParser, bamParser],
        description='This tool compares two BAM files based on the number of '
        'mapped reads. To compare the BAM files, the genome is partitioned '
        'into bins of equal size, then the number of reads found in each bin'
        ' is counted per file, and finally a summary value is '
        'reported. This value can be the ratio of the number of reads per '
        'bin, the log2 of the ratio, or the difference. This tool can '
        'normalize the number of reads in each BAM file using the SES method '
        'proposed by Diaz et al. (2012) "Normalization, bias correction, and '
        'peak calling for ChIP-seq". Statistical Applications in Genetics '
        'and Molecular Biology, 11(3). Normalization based on read counts '
        'is also available. The output is either a bedgraph or bigWig file '
        'containing the bin location and the resulting comparison value. '
        'Note that *each end* in a pair (for paired-end reads) is treated '
        'independently. If this is undesirable, then use the --samFlagInclude '
        'or --samFlagExclude options.',

        usage=' bamCompare -b1 treatment.bam -b2 control.bam -o log2ratio.bw',


    return parser