Exemple #1
def test_frozen_param():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that linear and nonlinear parameters can be frozen during the optimization"
    r = np.linspace(0, 6, 300)

    def Amodel(p):
        mean1, mean2, width1, width2 = p
        return np.atleast_2d([
            dd_gauss.nonlinmodel(r, mean1, width1),
            dd_gauss.nonlinmodel(r, mean2, width2)

    x = np.array([0.5, 0.6])
    y = Amodel([3, 5, 0.2, 0.3]) @ x

    nonlin_frozen = [None, 5, None, None]
    lin_frozen = [0.5, None]
    fit = snlls(y,
                par0=[3.2, 5.2, 0.2, 0.3],
                lb=[0, 0, 0.01, 0.01],
                ub=[10, 10, 5, 5],
                lbl=[0, 0])
    fit_frozen = snlls(y,
                       par0=[3.2, 5.2, 0.2, 0.3],
                       lb=[0, 0, 0.01, 0.01],
                       ub=[10, 10, 5, 5],
                       lbl=[0, 0],

    assert np.allclose(fit_frozen.model, y, atol=1e-2) and np.allclose(
        fit_frozen.model, fit.model, atol=1e-2)
Exemple #2
def test_extrapenalty():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that custom penalties can be passed and act on the solution"

    t = np.linspace(0, 3, 300)
    r = np.linspace(2, 5, 200)
    P = dd_gauss2(r, 3.5, 0.5, 0.5, 4, 0.1, 0.5)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.15, seed=1)

    par0 = [2.5, 0.01, 0.1, 4.5, 0.01, 0.6]
    lb = [1, 0.01, 0, 1, 0.01, 0]
    ub = [20, 1, 1, 20, 1, 1]
    # Fit case it fails, stuck at "spicky" Gaussians
    model = lambda p: K @ dd_gauss2(r, *p)
    fit = snlls(V, model, par0, lb, ub)

    # Fit with Tikhonov penalty on the Gaussians model
    L = regoperator(r, 2)
    alpha = 1e-4
    tikhonov = lambda p, _: alpha * L @ dd_gauss2(r, *p)
    fit_tikh = snlls(V, model, par0, lb, ub, extrapenalty=tikhonov)

    Pfit = dd_gauss2(r, *fit.nonlin)
    Pfit_tikh = dd_gauss2(r, *fit_tikh.nonlin)

    assert ovl(P, Pfit) < ovl(P, Pfit_tikh)
Exemple #3
def test_multiple_penalties():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that multiple additional penaltyies can be passed correctly"

    t = np.linspace(0, 5, 300)
    r = np.linspace(2, 6, 90)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 4.5, 0.25)
    param = 0.2
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=param)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.001, seed=1)
    dr = np.mean(np.diff(r))
    beta = 0.05
    R = 0.5
    compactness_penalty = lambda pnonlin, plin: beta * np.sqrt(plin * (
        r - np.trapz(plin * r, r))**2 * dr)
    radial_penalty = lambda pnonlin, plin: 1 / R**2 * (np.linalg.norm(
        (pnonlin - param) / param - R))**2

    Kmodel = lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    fit0 = snlls(V,
    fitmoved = snlls(V,
                     extrapenalty=[compactness_penalty, radial_penalty])

    assert ovl(P, fit0.lin) > ovl(P, fitmoved.lin)
Exemple #4
def test_frozen_Nparam():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the correct number of linear and nonlinear parameters are return even when freezing"
    r = np.linspace(0, 6, 90)

    def Amodel(p):
        mean1, mean2, width1, width2 = p
        return np.atleast_2d([
            dd_gauss.nonlinmodel(r, mean1, width1),
            dd_gauss.nonlinmodel(r, mean2, width2)

    x = np.array([0.5, 0.6])
    y = Amodel([3, 5, 0.2, 0.3]) @ x
    nonlin_frozen = [None, 5, None, None]
    lin_frozen = [0.5, None]

    fit = snlls(y,
                par0=[2, 4, 0.2, 0.2],
                lb=[0, 0, 0.01, 0.01],
                ub=[10, 10, 5, 5],
                lbl=[0, 0],

    fit_frozen = snlls(y,
                       par0=[2, 4, 0.2, 0.2],
                       lb=[0, 0, 0.01, 0.01],
                       ub=[10, 10, 5, 5],
                       lbl=[0, 0])

    assert len(fit.nonlin) == 4 and len(fit.lin) == 2 and len(
        fit_frozen.nonlin) == 4 and len(fit_frozen.lin) == 2
Exemple #5
def test_masking():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that datapoints can be masked out"

    x = np.linspace(0, 7, 100)

    def model(p):
        center, width = p
        y = dd_gauss(x, center, width)
        return y

    mask = np.ones_like(x).astype(bool)
    mask[(x > 2.5) & (x < 3.5)] = False

    y = model([3, 0.5])
    yref = y.copy()
    y[~mask] = 0

    fitmasked = snlls(y,
                      par0=[4, 0.2],
                      lb=[1, 0.05],
                      ub=[6, 5],
    fit = snlls(y, model, par0=[4, 0.2], lb=[1, 0.05], ub=[6, 5])

    assert np.allclose(fitmasked.model,
                       yref) and not np.allclose(fit.model, yref)
Exemple #6
def test_confinter_scaling():
    "Check that the confidence intervals are agnostic w.r.t. scaling"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 50)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.01, seed=1)
    # Non-linear parameters
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    V0_1 = 1
    V0_2 = 1e8

    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit1 = snlls(V * V0_1,
                 lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),
    fit2 = snlls(V * V0_2,
                 lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),

    # Assess linear parameter uncertainties
    ci1 = fit1.linUncert.ci(95)
    ci2 = fit2.linUncert.ci(95)
    ci1[ci1 == 0] = 1e-16
    ci2[ci2 == 0] = 1e-16

    assert np.max(abs(ci2 / V0_2 - ci1)) < 1e-6

    # Assess nonlinear parameter uncertainties
    ci1 = fit1.nonlinUncert.ci(95)
    ci2 = fit2.nonlinUncert.ci(95)
    ci1[ci1 == 0] = 1e-16
    ci2[ci2 == 0] = 1e-16

    assert np.max(abs(ci2 - ci1)) < 1e-6
Exemple #7
def test_globalfit():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that global fitting yields correct results"

    r = np.linspace(2, 5, 200)
    par = np.array([3, 0.2])
    P = dd_gauss(r, *par)

    t1 = np.linspace(0, 3, 300)
    K1 = dipolarkernel(t1, r)
    V1 = K1 @ P

    t2 = np.linspace(-0.5, 4, 200)
    K2 = dipolarkernel(t2, r)
    V2 = K2 @ P

    def Vmodel(par):
        Pfit = dd_gauss(r, *par)
        V1 = K1 @ Pfit
        V2 = K2 @ Pfit
        return [V1, V2]

    par0 = [5, 0.5]
    lb = [1, 0.1]
    ub = [20, 1]
    fit = snlls([V1, V2], Vmodel, par0, lb, ub)

    assert all(abs(par - fit.nonlin) < 1e-2)
Exemple #8
def test_confinter_values():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the values of the confidence intervals are correct"

    A = np.random.rand(300, 2)
    p = np.array([0.5, 3])
    y = A @ p + 0.2 * np.random.randn(300)

    # Reference confidence intervals (calculated using lmfit package, see #116)
    cov = [99.73, 95.45, 68.27]
    a_ci_ref = [[0.41918705096124576, 0.6052333453428683],
                [0.4504549830560608, 0.5739654132472912],
                [0.48140740318342196, 0.5430129931207299]]
    b_ci_ref = [[2.8472129716943995, 3.0317740823087562],
                [2.878254646104185, 3.00073387702068],
                [2.9089331341860465, 2.9700584546043713]]

    fit = snlls(y, A, reg=False)
    a_ci = [fit.paramUncert.ci(cov[i])[0, :] for i in range(3)]
    b_ci = [fit.paramUncert.ci(cov[i])[1, :] for i in range(3)]

    ci_match = lambda ci, ci_ref, truth: np.max(
        abs(np.array(ci) - np.array(ci_ref))) / truth < 0.05
    assert ci_match(a_ci, a_ci_ref, p[0]) & ci_match(b_ci, b_ci_ref, p[1])
Exemple #9
def test_globalfit_scales():
    "Check that the global fit with arbitrary amplitudes works."
    t1 = np.linspace(0, 5, 300)
    t2 = np.linspace(0, 2, 300)
    r = np.linspace(3, 5, 100)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 4, 0.25)
    K1 = dipolarkernel(t1, r)
    K2 = dipolarkernel(t2, r)
    scales = [1e3, 1e9]
    V1 = scales[0] * K1 @ P
    V2 = scales[1] * K2 @ P

    def Vmodel(par):
        Pfit = dd_gauss(r, *par)
        V1 = K1 @ Pfit
        V2 = K2 @ Pfit
        return block_diag(V1, V2).T

    par0 = [5, 0.5]
    lb = [1, 0.1]
    ub = [20, 1]
    fit = snlls(np.concatenate([V1, V2]), Vmodel, par0, lb, ub)

    assert max(abs(np.asarray(scales) / fit.lin - 1)) < 1e-2
Exemple #10
def test_confinter_model():
    "Check that the confidence intervals of the fitted model are correct"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 150)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.05, seed=1)

    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    lbl = np.full(len(r), 0)
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V, lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam), nlpar0, lb, ub,
    Vfit = fit.model
    Vuq = fit.modelUncert
    Vci50 = Vuq.ci(50)
    Vci95 = Vuq.ci(95)

    Vlb = np.full(len(t), -np.inf)
    Vub = np.full(len(t), np.inf)

    assert_confidence_intervals(Vci50, Vci95, Vfit, Vlb, Vub)
def test_multiple_datasets():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check bootstrapping when using multiple input datasets"

    t1 = np.linspace(0, 5, 200)
    t2 = np.linspace(-0.5, 3, 300)
    r = np.linspace(2, 6, 300)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 4, 0.8)
    K1 = dipolarkernel(t1, r)
    K2 = dipolarkernel(t2, r)

    Vexp1 = K1 @ P + whitegaussnoise(t1, 0.01, seed=1)
    Vexp2 = K2 @ P + whitegaussnoise(t2, 0.02, seed=2)

    def Vmodel(par):
        V1 = K1 @ dd_gauss(r, *par)
        V2 = K2 @ dd_gauss(r, *par)
        return [V1, V2]

    par0 = [3, 0.5]
    fit = snlls([Vexp1, Vexp2], Vmodel, par0)
    Vfit1, Vfit2 = fit.model

    def bootfcn(V):
        fit = snlls(V, Vmodel, par0)
        return fit.nonlin

    paruq = bootstrap_analysis(bootfcn, [Vexp1, Vexp2], [Vfit1, Vfit2], 5)

    assert all(abs(paruq.mean - fit.nonlin) < 1.5e-2)
Exemple #12
def test_reg_tikhonov():
    "Check that Tikhonov regularization of linear problem works"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 100)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [lam]
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V,
                lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),
    Pfit = fit.lin

    assert ovl(P, Pfit) > 0.95
Exemple #13
def test_plot():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the plot method works"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V,
                lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),
    fig = fit.plot(show=False)

    assert str(fig.__class__) == "<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>"
Exemple #14
def assert_solver(solver):
    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [lam]
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    ubl = []
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V,
                lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),
    Pfit = fit.lin

    assert ovl(P, Pfit) > 0.95
Exemple #15
def test_goodness_of_fit():
    "Check the goodness-of-fit statistics are correct"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(2, 5, 150)
    t = np.linspace(-0.2, 4, 100)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.15, 0.6, 4.5, 0.2, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    sigma = 0.03
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, sigma, seed=2, rescale=True)

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [lam]
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    ubl = []
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V,
                lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam),
    stats = fit.stats

    assert abs(stats['chi2red'] - 1) < 0.05
Exemple #16
def test_complex_model_uncertainty():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check the fit of a real-valued model to complex-valued data"

    x = np.linspace(0, 7, 100)

    def model(p):
        phase, center, width = p
        y = dd_gauss(x, center, width)
        y = y * np.exp(-1j * phase)
        return y

    y = model([np.pi / 5, 3, 0.5])

    y = y + whitegaussnoise(x, 0.01)
    y = y + 1j * whitegaussnoise(x, 0.05)

    fitResult = snlls(y,
                      par0=[2 * np.pi / 5, 4, 0.2],
                      lb=[-np.pi, 1, 0.05],
                      ub=[np.pi, 6, 5])
    ciwidth = np.sum(
        fitResult.modelUncert.ci(95)[:, 1] -
        fitResult.modelUncert.ci(95)[:, 0])

    assert (ciwidth.real < ciwidth.imag).all()
Exemple #17
def test_confinter_nonlinear():
    "Check that the confidence intervals of the non-linear parameters are correct"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [lam]
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    ubl = np.full(len(r), np.inf)

    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V, lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam), nlpar0, lb, ub,
                lbl, ubl)
    parfit = fit.nonlin
    uq = fit.nonlinUncert
    parci50 = np.atleast_2d(uq.ci(50))
    parci95 = np.atleast_2d(uq.ci(95))

    assert_confidence_intervals(parci50, parci95, parfit, lb, ub)
Exemple #18
def test_confinter_linear():
    "Check that the confidence intervals of the linear parameters are correct"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 150)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.05, seed=1)

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [lam]
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    ubl = np.full(len(r), np.inf)
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V, lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam), nlpar0, lb, ub,
    Pfit = np.round(fit.lin, 6)
    uq = fit.linUncert
    Pci50 = np.round(uq.ci(50), 6)
    Pci95 = np.round(uq.ci(95), 6)

    assert_confidence_intervals(Pci50, Pci95, Pfit, lbl, ubl)
Exemple #19
def test_confinter_values():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the values of the confidence intervals are correct"

    A0 = np.random.rand(300, 2)
    A = lambda p: 1 - p[0] + A0**p[1]
    pnonlin = np.array([0.5, 2])
    plin = np.array([0.75, 5.5])
    y = A(pnonlin) @ plin + 0.3 * np.random.randn(300)

    # Reference confidence intervals (calculated using lmfit package, see #116)
    cov = [99.73, 95.45, 68.27]
    a_ci_ref = [[0.4636991758611843, 0.5411943256617782],
                [0.47730341575508245, 0.5286896152296477],
                [0.4905189733270308, 0.5161245529171482]]
    b_ci_ref = [[1.7876921926935445, 2.1089296764536907],
                [1.8384482433779732, 2.0515346381926847],
                [1.8899306688797555, 1.9961521871803736]]

    fit = snlls(y, A, [0.5, 0.2], reg=False)
    a_ci = [fit.nonlinUncert.ci(cov[i])[0, :] for i in range(3)]
    b_ci = [fit.nonlinUncert.ci(cov[i])[1, :] for i in range(3)]

    ci_match = lambda ci, ci_ref, truth: np.max(
        abs(np.array(ci) - np.array(ci_ref))) / truth < 0.01
    assert ci_match(a_ci, a_ci_ref, pnonlin[0]) & ci_match(
        b_ci, b_ci_ref, pnonlin[1])
Exemple #20
def test_cost_value():
    "Check that the cost value is properly returned"

    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    lam = 0.25
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P
    # Non-linear parameters
    nlpar0 = 0.2
    lb = 0
    ub = 1
    # Linear parameters: non-negativity
    lbl = np.zeros(len(r))
    ubl = np.full(len(r), np.inf)
    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V, lambda lam: dipolarkernel(t, r, mod=lam), nlpar0, lb, ub,
                lbl, ubl)

    assert isinstance(fit.cost, float) and np.round(
        fit.cost / np.sum(fit.residuals**2), 5) == 1
Exemple #21
def assert_multigauss_SNLLS_problem(nonlinearconstr=True, linearconstr=True):
    # Prepare test data
    r = np.linspace(1, 8, 80)
    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 200)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    parin = [3.5, 0.4, 0.6, 4.5, 0.5, 0.4]
    P = dd_gauss2(r, *parin)
    V = K @ P

    def Kmodel(p, t, r):
        # Unpack parameters
        r1, w1, r2, w2 = p
        # Generate basic kernel
        K0 = dipolarkernel(t, r)
        # Get Gauss basis functions
        P1 = dd_gauss(r, r1, w1)
        P2 = dd_gauss(r, r2, w2)
        # Combine all non-linear functions into one
        K = np.zeros((len(t), 2))
        K[:, 0] = K0 @ P1
        K[:, 1] = K0 @ P2
        return K

    # Non-linear parameters
    # nlpar = [r1 w1 r2 w2]
    nlpar0 = [3.2, 0.2, 4.2, 0.3]
    if nonlinearconstr:
        lb = [1, 0.1, 1, 0.1]
        ub = [20, 5, 20, 5]
        lb = []
        ub = []
    # Linear parameters
    if linearconstr:
        lbl = [0, 0]
        ubl = [1, 1]
        lbl = []
        ubl = []

    # Separable LSQ fit
    fit = snlls(V,
                lambda p: Kmodel(p, t, r),
    nonlinfit = fit.nonlin
    linfit = fit.lin
    parout = [
        nonlinfit[0], nonlinfit[1], linfit[0], nonlinfit[2], nonlinfit[3],
    parout = np.asarray(parout)
    parin = np.asarray(parin)
    assert np.max(abs(parout - parin) < 1e-1)
Exemple #22
def test_confinter_global():
    "Check that the confidence intervals are correctly computed even with multiple datasets"

    r, _, V1, V2, K1, K2 = generate_global_dataset()

    fit = snlls([V1, V2], [K1, K2], lbl=np.zeros_like(r))

    assert_confidence_intervals(fit.paramUncert, fit.param)
Exemple #23
def test_global_weights():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the global weights properly work when specified"

    t = np.linspace(0, 5, 300)
    r = np.linspace(2, 8, 150)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)

    param1 = [3, 0.2]
    param2 = [5, 0.2]
    P1 = dd_gauss(r, *param1)
    P2 = dd_gauss(r, *param2)
    V1 = K @ P1 + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.01, seed=1)
    V2 = K @ P2 + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.01, seed=1)

    fit1 = snlls([V1, V2], [K, K], lbl=np.zeros_like(r), weights=[1, 1e-10])
    fit2 = snlls([V1, V2], [K, K], lbl=np.zeros_like(r), weights=[1e-10, 1])

    assert ovl(P1, fit1.param) > 0.95 and ovl(P2, fit2.param) > 0.95
Exemple #24
def test_frozen_Nparam():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that the correct number of parameters are returned even with frozen parameters"
    x = np.linspace(0, 6, 100)

    def gauss(mean, width):
        return np.exp(-(x - mean)**2 / width**2 / 2)

    A = np.squeeze(np.atleast_2d([gauss(3, 0.4), gauss(4, 0.2)]).T)
    y = A @ np.array([0.5, 0.6])
    xfrozen = [0.5, None]

    fit = snlls(y, A, lbl=np.zeros(2))
    fit_frozen = snlls(y, A, lbl=np.zeros(2), lin_frozen=xfrozen)

    assert len(fit.param) == 2 and len(fit_frozen.param) == 2

# ======================================================================
Exemple #25
def assert_solver(solver):

    t = np.linspace(-2, 4, 300)
    r = np.linspace(2, 6, 100)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 3, 0.2)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    V = K @ P + whitegaussnoise(t, 0.01)
    fit = snlls(V, K, lbl=np.zeros_like(r), nnlsSolver=solver, uq=False)

    assert ovl(P, fit.param) > 0.95  # more than 95% overlap
Exemple #26
def test_frozen_param():
    # ======================================================================
    "Check that parameters can be frozen during the optimization"
    r = np.linspace(0, 6, 300)

    def model(param):
        mean1, mean2, width1, width2, amp1, amp2 = param
        return amp1 * dd_gauss(r, mean1, width1) + amp2 * dd_gauss(
            r, mean2, width2)

    y = model([3, 4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6])
    par0 = [3.1, 4.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6]
    lb = [0, 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0, 0]
    ub = [10, 10, 5, 5, 1, 1]

    frozenpars = [None, 4, None, 0.3, None, None]
    fit = snlls(y, model, par0, lb, ub)
    fit_frozen = snlls(y, model, par0, lb, ub, nonlin_frozen=frozenpars)

    assert np.allclose(fit_frozen.model, fit.model) and np.allclose(
        fit_frozen.model, y)
Exemple #27
def test_goodness_of_fit_global():
    "Check the goodness-of-fit statistics are correct with multiple signals"

    r, _, V1, V2, K1, K2 = generate_global_dataset()

    fit = snlls([V1, V2], [K1, K2],
                noiselvl=[0.01, 0.01])
    stats = fit.stats

    assert (abs(stats[0]['chi2red'] - 1) <
            5e-2) and (abs(stats[1]['chi2red'] - 1) < 5e-2)
Exemple #28
def test_nonuniform_r():
    "Check that fit works correctly with non-uniform distance vectors"

    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 300)
    r = np.sqrt(np.linspace(1, 7**2, 200))
    P = dd_gauss(r, 3, 0.2)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    V = K @ P

    fit = snlls(V, K, lbl=np.zeros_like(r))
    Vfit = K @ fit.param
    assert abs(Vfit[0] - 1) < 1e-6
Exemple #29
def test_plot():
    "Check the plotting method"

    t = np.linspace(0, 3, 200)
    r = np.linspace(1, 5, 100)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 3, 0.08)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    V = K @ P

    fit = snlls(V, K, lbl=np.zeros_like(r))
    fig = fit.plot(show=False)
    assert str(fig.__class__) == "<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>"
Exemple #30
def test_convergence_criteria():
    "Check that convergence criteria can be specified without crashing"

    t = np.linspace(0, 3, 200)
    r = np.linspace(1, 5, 100)
    P = dd_gauss(r, 3, 0.08)
    K = dipolarkernel(t, r)
    V = K @ P

    fit = snlls(V, K, lin_tol=1e-9, lin_maxiter=2e3, lbl=np.zeros_like(r))

    assert ovl(P, fit.param) > 0.90  # more than 80% overlap