Exemple #1
  def test_token_err(self):
    ''' test tooken error rate '''
    config = utils.load_config(self.token_conf_file)

    metrics1 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=self.token_true_label, y_pred=self.token_pred1)
    self.assertEqual(0.0, metrics1['TokenErrCal'])

    metrics2 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=self.token_true_label, y_pred=self.token_pred2)
    self.assertEqual(0.75, metrics2['TokenErrCal'])
Exemple #2
  def test_crf_metrics(self):
    ''' test crf metrics '''
    config = utils.load_config(self.config_file_crf)
    metrics3 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=[self.true_label], y_pred=[self.pred1])
    # metrics3: one string. Text summary of the precision, recall, F1 score for each class.
    # res3 = metrics3['CrfCal']
    # print(res3)
    # for i, s in enumerate(res3):
    #   print(i, s)
    self.assertEqual('1.0000', metrics3['CrfCal'][67:73])

    metrics4 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=[self.true_label], y_pred=[self.pred2])
    self.assertEqual('0.0000', metrics4['CrfCal'][67:73])
Exemple #3
  def test_metric(self):
    ''' test get_metrics function '''
    config = utils.load_config(self.conf_file)

    metrics1 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=self.true_label, y_pred=self.pred1)
    self.assertEqual(1.0, metrics1['AccuracyCal'])
    self.assertEqual(1.0, metrics1['PrecisionCal'])
    self.assertEqual(1.0, metrics1['RecallCal'])
    self.assertEqual(1.0, metrics1['F1ScoreCal'])

    metrics2 = metrics.get_metrics(
        config, y_true=self.true_label, y_pred=self.pred2)
    self.assertEqual(0.0, metrics2['AccuracyCal'])
    self.assertEqual(0.0, metrics2['PrecisionCal'])
    self.assertEqual(0.0, metrics2['RecallCal'])
    self.assertEqual(0.0, metrics2['F1ScoreCal'])
def run_metrics(config, y_preds, y_ground_truth, mode):
  """Run metrics for one output"""
  metcs = metrics.get_metrics(
      config=config, y_pred=y_preds, y_true=y_ground_truth)
  logging.info("Evaluation on %s:" % mode)
  if isinstance(metcs, list):
    for one_metcs in metcs:
      for key in sorted(one_metcs.keys()):
        logging.info(key + ":" + str(one_metcs[key]))
    for key in sorted(metcs.keys()):
      logging.info(key + ":" + str(metcs[key]))
Exemple #5
  def eval_or_infer_core(self, model, mode):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches
    """The core part of evaluation."""
    model_path = self.get_model_path(mode)
    if model_path is None:
      logging.warning("model_path is None!")

    with model.sess.graph.as_default():
      model.saver.restore(model.sess, save_path=model_path)
      if self.first_eval:
        self.first_eval = False

      # Evaluating loop.
      total_loss = 0.0
      data_size = self.config["data"]['{}_data_size'.format(mode)]
      num_batch_every_epoch = int(math.ceil(data_size / self.batch_size))

      y_ground_truth = []
      y_preds = []

      for i in range(num_batch_every_epoch):

        if mode == utils.EVAL:
          loss_val, \
          batch_preds, \
          batch_y_ground_truth = model.sess.run(
              [model.loss, model.preds, model.y_ground_truth])
        elif not self.infer_no_label:
          batch_preds, \
          batch_y_ground_truth = model.sess.run(
            [model.preds, model.y_ground_truth])
          batch_preds = model.sess.run([model.preds])
          batch_preds = batch_preds[0]

        if mode == utils.EVAL:
          total_loss += loss_val
          y_preds.append([preds for preds in batch_preds])
          end_id = (i + 1) * self.batch_size

          if data_size < end_id:
            act_end_id = self.batch_size - end_id + data_size
            batch_preds = batch_preds[:act_end_id]
            if not self.infer_no_label:
              batch_y_ground_truth = batch_y_ground_truth[:act_end_id]
          y_preds.extend([preds for preds in batch_preds])

          if not self.infer_no_label:
                [ground_truth for ground_truth in batch_y_ground_truth])

        if i % 10 == 0 or i == num_batch_every_epoch - 1:
          logging.info("Evaluation rate of "
                       "progress: [ {:.2%} ]".format(
                           i / (num_batch_every_epoch - 1)))

      if mode == utils.EVAL:
        logging.info("Evaluation Average Loss: {:.6}".format(total_loss /

        predictions = {"preds": y_preds}
        self.postproc_fn()(predictions, log_verbose=False)

        if not self.infer_no_label:
          metcs = metrics.get_metrics(
              config=self.config, y_pred=y_preds, y_true=y_ground_truth)
          logging.info("Evaluation on %s:" % mode)
          # add sort function to make sequence of metrics identical.
          for key in sorted(metcs.keys()):
            logging.info(key + ":" + str(metcs[key]))