Exemple #1
 def test_Planform_idx_z_t_mutual_exclusive(self):
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Cannot .* `z` and `idx`.'):
         _ = plan.Planform(golfcube, z=5e6, idx=30)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Cannot .* `t` and `idx`.'):
         _ = plan.Planform(golfcube, t=3e6, idx=30)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Cannot .* `z` and `t`.'):
         _ = plan.Planform(golfcube, t=3e6, z=5e6)
Exemple #2
 def test_Planform_z_t_thesame(self):
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     plnfrm = plan.Planform(golfcube, t=3e6)
     plnfrm2 = plan.Planform(golfcube, z=3e6)
     assert plnfrm.name == 'data'
     assert plnfrm.idx == 6
     assert plnfrm.idx == plnfrm2.idx
     assert plnfrm.cube == golfcube
     assert len(plnfrm.variables) > 0
Exemple #3
 def test_Planform_slicing(self):
     # make the planforms
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golfcubestrat = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golfcubestrat.stratigraphy_from('eta', dz=0.1)
     golfstrat = cube.StratigraphyCube.from_DataCube(golfcube, dz=0.1)
     plnfrm1 = plan.Planform(golfcube, idx=-1)
     plnfrm2 = plan.Planform(golfcubestrat, z=-2)
     plnfrm3 = plan.Planform(golfstrat,
                             z=-6)  # note should be deep enough for no nans
     assert np.all(plnfrm1['eta'] == golfcube['eta'][-1, :, :])
     assert np.all(
         plnfrm2['time'] == golfcubestrat['time'][plnfrm2.idx, :, :])
     assert np.all(plnfrm3['time'] == golfstrat['time'][plnfrm3.idx, :, :])
Exemple #4
 def test_Planform_private_show(self):
     """Doesn't actually check the plots,
     just checks that the function runs.
     # make the planforms
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     plnfrm = plan.Planform(golfcube, idx=-1)
     _field = plnfrm['eta']
     _varinfo = golfcube.varset['eta']
     # with axis
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo, ax=ax)
     # without axis
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo)
     # with colorbar_label
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo, ax=ax[0], colorbar_label='test')
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo, ax=ax[1], colorbar_label=True)
     # with ticks
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo, ax=ax, ticks=True)
     # with title
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     plnfrm._show(_field, _varinfo, ax=ax, title='some title')
Exemple #5
 def test_Planform_idx(self):
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     plnfrm = plan.Planform(golfcube, idx=40)
     assert plnfrm.name == 'data'
     assert plnfrm.idx == 40
     assert plnfrm.cube == golfcube
     assert len(plnfrm.variables) > 0
Exemple #6
 def test_planforms_slice_op(self):
     golf = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golf.stratigraphy_from('eta', dz=0.1)
     golf.register_planform('testplanform', plan.Planform(idx=10))
     assert 'testplanform' in golf.planforms.keys()
     slc = golf.planforms['testplanform']
     assert issubclass(type(slc), plan.BasePlanform)
Exemple #7
 def test_register_plan_legacy_method(self):
     """This tests the shorthand named version."""
     golf = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golf.register_plan('testplanform', plan.Planform(idx=10))
     assert golf.planforms is golf.planform_set
     assert len(golf.planforms.keys()) == 1
     assert 'testplanform' in golf.planforms.keys()
Exemple #8
 def test_register_planform(self):
     golf = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golf.stratigraphy_from('eta', dz=0.1)
     golf.register_planform('testplanform', plan.Planform(idx=10))
     assert golf.planforms is golf.planform_set
     assert len(golf.planforms.keys()) == 1
     assert 'testplanform' in golf.planforms.keys()
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'`PlanformInstance` .*'):
         golf.register_planform('fail1', 'astring')
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'`PlanformInstance` .*'):
         golf.register_planform('fail2', 22)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'`name` .*'):
         golf.register_planform(22, plan.Planform(idx=10))
     returnedplanform = golf.register_planform('returnedplanform',
     assert returnedplanform.name == 'returnedplanform'
Exemple #9
 def test_Planform_without_cube(self):
     plfrm = plan.Planform(idx=-1)
     assert plfrm.name is None
     assert plfrm._input_z is None
     assert plfrm._input_t is None
     assert plfrm._input_idx is -1
     assert plfrm.shape is None
     assert plfrm.cube is None
     assert plfrm._dim0_idx is None
     assert plfrm.variables is None
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=r'No cube connected.*.'):
Exemple #10
 def test_Planform_public_show(self):
     golfcube = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     plnfrm = plan.Planform(golfcube, idx=-1)
     plnfrm._show = mock.MagicMock()
     # test with ax
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     plnfrm.show('time', ax=ax)
     assert plnfrm._show.call_count == 1
     # check that all bogus args are passed to _show
     plnfrm.show('time', ax=100, title=101, ticks=102, colorbar_label=103)
     assert plnfrm._show.call_count == 2
     # hacky method to pull out the keyword calls only
     kw_calls = plnfrm._show.mock_calls[1][2:][0]
     assert kw_calls['ax'] == 100
     assert kw_calls['title'] == 101
     assert kw_calls['ticks'] == 102
     assert kw_calls['colorbar_label'] == 103
Exemple #11
 def test_show_planform_mocked_Planform_show(self):
     golf = cube.DataCube(golf_path)
     golf.register_planform('displayplan', plan.Planform(idx=-1))
     golf.planforms['displayplan'].show = mock.MagicMock()
     mocked = golf.planforms['displayplan'].show
     # no arguments is an error
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'.* missing 2 .*'):
     # one argument is an error
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'.* missing 1 .*'):
     # three arguments is an error
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'.* takes 3 .*'):
         golf.show_planform('one', 'two', 'three')
     # two arguments passes to BaseSection.show()
     golf.show_planform('displayplan', 'eta')
     assert mocked.call_count == 1
     # kwargs should be passed along to BaseSection.show
     golf.show_planform('displayplan', 'eta', ax=100)
     assert mocked.call_count == 2
     mocked.assert_called_with('eta', ax=100)
     # first arg must be a string
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'`name` was not .*'):
         golf.show_planform(1, 'two')
Exemple #12
 def test_Planform_bad_cube(self):
     badcube = ['some', 'list']
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Expected type is *.'):
         _ = plan.Planform(badcube, idx=12)