Exemple #1
    def write(self, stream, schema, **kwargs):
        Writes this `DataSet` object to the file-like object `stream`
        in `schema`. `schema` must be a recognized and supported
        phylogenetic data file schema. If writing is not implemented for
        the schema specified, then a `UnsupportedSchemaError` is raised.

        The following optional keyword arguments are also recognized:

            - `exclude_trees` if True skips over tree data
            - `exclude_chars` if True skips over character data

        Additional keyword arguments may be handled by various writers
        specialized to handle specific data formats.
        from dendropy.utility.iosys import require_format_from_kwargs
        from dendropy.dataio import get_writer
        kwargs["dataset"] = self
        #        if self.attached_taxon_set is not None:
        #            if "taxon_set" not in kwargs:
        #                kwargs["taxon_set"] = self.attached_taxon_set
        #            elif kwargs["taxon_set"] is not self.attached_taxon_set:
        #                raise TypeError("DataSet object is already attached to a TaxonSet, but different TaxonSet passed using 'taxon_set' keyword argument")
        writer = get_writer(schema=schema, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
    def _format_and_write_to_stream(self,
        Writes out ``self`` in ``schema`` format to a destination given by
        file-like object ``stream``.

        stream : file or file-like object
            Destination for data.
        schema : string
            Must be a recognized character file schema, such as "nexus",
            "phylip", etc, for which a specialized tree list writer is
            available. If this is not implemented for the schema specified, then
            a UnsupportedSchemaError is raised.

        \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, optional
            Keyword arguments will be passed directly to the writer for the
            specified schema. See documentation for details on keyword
            arguments supported by writers of various schemas.

        writer = dataio.get_writer(schema, **kwargs)
        writer.write_dataset(self, stream, exclude_trees, exclude_chars)
Exemple #3
    def write(self, stream, schema, **kwargs):
        Writes this `DataSet` object to the file-like object `stream`
        in `schema`. `schema` must be a recognized and supported
        phylogenetic data file schema. If writing is not implemented for
        the schema specified, then a `UnsupportedSchemaError` is raised.

        The following optional keyword arguments are also recognized:

            - `exclude_trees` if True skips over tree data
            - `exclude_chars` if True skips over character data

        Additional keyword arguments may be handled by various writers
        specialized to handle specific data formats.
        from dendropy.utility.iosys import require_format_from_kwargs
        from dendropy.dataio import get_writer
        kwargs["dataset"] = self
#        if self.attached_taxon_set is not None:
#            if "taxon_set" not in kwargs:
#                kwargs["taxon_set"] = self.attached_taxon_set
#            elif kwargs["taxon_set"] is not self.attached_taxon_set:
#                raise TypeError("DataSet object is already attached to a TaxonSet, but different TaxonSet passed using 'taxon_set' keyword argument")
        writer = get_writer(schema=schema, **kwargs)
Exemple #4
    def _format_and_write_to_stream(self,
        Writes out ``self`` in ``schema`` format to a destination given by
        file-like object ``stream``.

        stream : file or file-like object
            Destination for data.
        schema : string
            Must be a recognized character file schema, such as "nexus",
            "phylip", etc, for which a specialized tree list writer is
            available. If this is not implemented for the schema specified, then
            a UnsupportedSchemaError is raised.

        \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, optional
            Keyword arguments will be passed directly to the writer for the
            specified schema. See documentation for details on keyword
            arguments supported by writers of various schemas.

        writer = dataio.get_writer(schema, **kwargs)
        writer.write_dataset(self, stream, exclude_trees, exclude_chars)
Exemple #5
 def write(self, dest, format):
     Writes dataset to `dest`, a file descriptor object, in `format`.
     from dendropy import dataio
     writer = dataio.get_writer(format)
     writer.write_dataset(self, dest)