def getOpenTreesFromOneZoom(OpenTreeFile, output_dir, include_var, phy_files, verbose=False):
    '''Python routine to get OToL subtrees from phy files. If include_var is a number, 
    treat it as a recursion depth, otherwise a dictionary of names to keep. 
    The parameter phy_files should be an iterable list of .phy or .PHY filenames'''
    from numbers import Number
    ExtractionUtility = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "")
    #find all nodes that end in  ott plus a number and (optionally) some other numbers starting with underscore, ending in
    # an at sign followed optionally by another number (giving the max depth) are OpenTree subnode IDs
    # the first number after the ott is always the ott number to use as the filename. 
    # the 1) ott123 2) ott_123: use the name, not the ott id
    ottRE = re.compile(r"^(.*)_ott([-~\d]+)\@(\d*)$")
    id_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d*)~?([-\d]*)$")
    if not os.path.isfile(OpenTreeFile):
        OpenTreeURL = ""
        warn("Could not find the OpenTree file {}. Do you want to download it from {}".format(OpenTreeFile, OpenTreeURL))
        if (input("Press Enter to accept, or N to abort... ") == "N"):
        if not get_species_level_tree(OpenTreeFile):
            warn("Could not get the Open Tree of Life newick file to save at {}".format(OpenTreeFile))
    if isinstance(include_var, Number):
        keep = True #means keep all of the species down to a certain depth, i.e. do not use an include list
        default_recursion_depth = include_var
        keep = include_var
        default_recursion_depth = float('nan')
    for file in phy_files:
        if file == "-":
            trees = TreeList.get_from_stream(sys.stdin, schema="newick", preserve_underscores=True, rooting='default-rooted')
            file = "<stdin>"
                with open(file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as stream:
                    trees = TreeList.get_from_stream(stream, schema="newick", preserve_underscores=True, rooting='default-rooted')
            except Exception as e:
                trees = []
                warn("Problem reading tree from {}: {}".format(file, e))
        for tree in trees:
            for i, include_ott in enumerate(tree.preorder_node_iter(
                    lambda node: True if hasattr(node, "taxon") and node.taxon is not None and else False
                if i==0:
                    print("\n//;#  == {} ==, from file {}".format(tree.seed_node.label, file))
                #each of these is a file to @include
                #first get recursion depth from the end of the string
                match =
                name =
                ottIDs =
                if default_recursion_depth < 0:
                    recursion_depth = abs(default_recursion_depth)
                    recursion_depth = float( if len( else default_recursion_depth
                match = id_pattern.match(ottIDs)
                if match:
                    subfile_name = or name
                    del_otts = ( or '').split('-') #split by minus signs
                    base_ott = del_otts.pop(0) or #first number after '=' is the tree to extract.
                    system_call = [ExtractionUtility]
                    if keep==True and math.isfinite(recursion_depth):
                    system_call.append(os.path.relpath(OpenTreeFile, output_dir))
                    OpenSubTreeFile = os.path.join(output_dir, base_ott + ".nwk")
                    if verbose:
                        warn("For "+include_ott.taxon.label+": extracting tree into " + OpenSubTreeFile, prefix='');
                    call(system_call, cwd=output_dir) #should create many ottID.nwk files
                    OutputFilename = os.path.join(output_dir, subfile_name + ".phy")
                    if os.path.isfile(OpenSubTreeFile):
                        removed = "" if len(del_otts)==0 else " removed {}".format(del_otts)
                        subtree = prune_tree(OpenSubTreeFile, keep, del_otts)
                        if keep == True:
                            if verbose:
                                warn("Found file {} with {} leaf taxa,{} and extracted to max depth: {}".format(OpenSubTreeFile, len(subtree.taxon_namespace), removed, recursion_depth), prefix='')
                            subtree_size = len(subtree.leaf_nodes())
                            if verbose:
                                warn("Found file with {} leaf taxa, {}, and simplified to only selected taxa ({} {})".format(len(subtree.taxon_namespace), removed, subtree_size, 'leaf' if subtree_size==1 else 'leaves', del_otts), prefix='')
                        '''this is not needed until the OpenTree has branch lengths
                        subtree.ultrametricize() #maybe use subtree.calc_node_ages()
                        warn("ultrametricized\n", prefix="")
                        stem_height = include_ott.edge_length - subtree.calc_tree_height
                        if (stem_height < 0):'''
                        if verbose:
                            warn("Now writing to {}".format(OutputFilename), prefix='')
                        with open(OutputFilename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as outputstream:
                            subtree.write_to_stream(outputstream,'newick', unquoted_underscores=True, suppress_rooting=True)

                        max_tree_height = 0
                        if include_ott.edge_length is not None and include_ott.edge_length > max_tree_height:
                            stem_height = include_ott.edge_length- max_tree_height
                            stem_height = 0

                        # print(r'$tree.substitute_with_fn_last("{}_ott{}@\\d*", {}, "{}", {}); //;# "user/OpenTree/{}");'.format(name, ottIDs, stem_height, name, len(subtree.taxon_namespace), OutputFilename))
                        # OpenTrees are currently not dated, so we should omit the 'stem_length' value, so that the node becomes
                        # 'date unknown'
                        print(r"$tree.substitute('{}_ott{}@\\d*', '{}');".format(name, ottIDs, OutputFilename))
                        warn("File " + OpenSubTreeFile + " does not exist, skipping\n")