Exemple #1
    def gather_candidates(self, context):
        candidates = []
        limit = self.vim.vars['deoplete#tag#cache_limit_size']
        include_files = self.vim.call(
            'neoinclude#include#get_tag_files') if self.vim.call(
                'exists', '*neoinclude#include#get_tag_files') else []
        for filename in [
                x for x in self.vim.call(
                    self.vim.call('tagfiles') +
                    include_files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p")')
                if exists(x) and getsize(x) < limit
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                    filename].mtime != mtime:
                with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                    new_candidates = parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+')
                    candidates += new_candidates
                    self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                        mtime, new_candidates)
                    limit -= getsize(filename)
                candidates += self.__cache[filename].candidates

        p = re.compile('(?:{})$'.format(context['keyword_patterns']))
        return [{'word': x} for x in candidates if p.match(x)]
Exemple #2
    def gather_candidates(self, context):
        candidates = []
        limit = self.vim.vars["deoplete#tag#cache_limit_size"]
        include_files = (
            if self.vim.call("exists", "*neoinclude#include#get_tag_files")
            else []
        for filename in [
            for x in self.vim.call("map", self.vim.call("tagfiles") + include_files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p")')
            if exists(x) and getsize(x) < limit
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[filename].mtime != mtime:
                with open(filename, "r", errors="replace") as f:
                    new_candidates = parse_file_pattern(f, "^[^!][^\t]+")
                    candidates += new_candidates
                    self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(mtime, new_candidates)
                    limit -= getsize(filename)
                candidates += self.__cache[filename].candidates

        p = re.compile("(?:{})$".format(context["keyword_patterns"]))
        return [{"word": x} for x in candidates if p.match(x)]
Exemple #3
 def __make_cache(self, context):
     for filename in self.__get_tagfiles():
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                     mtime, parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+'))
Exemple #4
 def __make_cache(self, context):
     for filename in self.__get_dictionaries():
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 self.__cache[filename] = DictCacheItem(
                     parse_file_pattern(f, context['keyword_patterns']))
 def __make_cache(self, context):
     for filename in self.__get_dictionaries():
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 self.__cache[filename] = DictCacheItem(
                     mtime, parse_file_pattern(
                         f, context['keyword_patterns']))
Exemple #6
    def on_event(self, context):
        self.__tagfiles[context['bufnr']] = self.__get_tagfiles(context)

        # Make cache
        for filename in self.__tagfiles[context['bufnr']]:
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                    filename].mtime != mtime:
                with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                    self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                        mtime, parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+'))
Exemple #7
    def on_event(self, context):
        self.__tagfiles[context['bufnr']] = self.__get_tagfiles(context)

        # Make cache
        for filename in self.__tagfiles[context['bufnr']]:
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                    filename].mtime != mtime:
                with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                    self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                        mtime, parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+'))
Exemple #8
    def __make_cache(self, context):
        tagfiles = self.__get_tagfiles(context)

        for filename in tagfiles:
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename in self.__cache and self.__cache[
                    filename].mtime == mtime:
            with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                    mtime, [{'word': x} for x in sorted(
                        parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+'), key=str.lower)]
        return tagfiles
Exemple #9
    def __make_cache(self, context):
        tagfiles = self.__get_tagfiles(context)

        for filename in tagfiles:
            mtime = getmtime(filename)
            if filename in self.__cache and self.__cache[
                    filename].mtime == mtime:
            with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(mtime, [{
                    'word': x
                } for x in sorted(parse_file_pattern(f, '^[^!][^\t]+'),
        return tagfiles
Exemple #10
 def gather_candidates(self, context):
     candidates = []
     for filename in [x for x in get_dictionaries(
             self.vim, context['filetype']) if exists(x)]:
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 new_candidates = parse_file_pattern(
                     f, context['keyword_patterns'])
                 candidates += new_candidates
             self.__cache[filename] = DictCacheItem(
                 mtime, new_candidates)
             candidates += self.__cache[filename].candidates
     return [{'word': x} for x in candidates]
Exemple #11
 def gather_candidates(self, context):
     candidates = []
     for filename in [x for x in get_dictionaries(
             self.vim, context['filetype']) if exists(x)]:
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 new_candidates = parse_file_pattern(
                     f, context['keyword_patterns'])
                 candidates += new_candidates
             self.__cache[filename] = DictCacheItem(
                 mtime, new_candidates)
             candidates += self.__cache[filename].candidates
     return [{'word': x} for x in candidates]
Exemple #12
 def gather_candidates(self, context):
     candidates = []
     limit = self.vim.vars['deoplete#tag#cache_limit_size']
     include_files = self.vim.call(
         'neoinclude#include#get_tag_files') if self.vim.call(
             'exists', '*neoinclude#include#get_tag_files') else []
     for filename in [x for x in self.vim.call(
             'map', self.vim.call('tagfiles') + include_files,
             'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p")')
                      if exists(x) and getsize(x) < limit]:
         mtime = getmtime(filename)
         if filename not in self.__cache or self.__cache[
                 filename].mtime != mtime:
             with open(filename, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
                 new_candidates = parse_file_pattern(
                     f, '^[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?=\t)')
                 candidates += new_candidates
                 self.__cache[filename] = TagsCacheItem(
                     mtime, new_candidates)
                 limit -= getsize(filename)
             candidates += self.__cache[filename].candidates
     return [{'word': x} for x in candidates]