def bundle(build_dir, dest_dir): '''Bundle the programme: copy all the necessary file into ':dest_dir:/release' and make an archive with the data in :dest_dir: :param build_dir: directory with the built executable, :param dest_dir: directory to put the archive into ''' print('Bundling Myfyrio...') dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) release_dir = dest_dir / 'release' if release_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(release_dir) release_dir.mkdir(parents=True) copy_exe(build_dir, release_dir, strip=True) sysroot_dir = project_dir / 'sysroot' copy_licenses(release_dir, sysroot_dir) if utils.is_linux(): copy_icon(release_dir) generate_desktop(release_dir, '', '', user_mode=True) pack(dest_dir, release_dir)
def _copy_thirdparty_licenses(dest_dir): # Copy the prepared earlier the '3RD-PARTY-LICENSE' licenses deploy_dir = project_dir / 'deploy' shutil.copytree(deploy_dir / '3RD-PARTY-LICENSE', dest_dir) if not utils.is_linux(): libffi_license = dest_dir / 'libffi' shutil.rmtree(libffi_license) _set_license_dir_permissions(dest_dir)
def copy_exe(src_dir, dest_dir, strip=False): '''Copy the executable from :src_dir: into :dest_dir: and set its mod to 755. Also the symbols can be stripped :param src_dir: directory where the executable is located, :param dest_dir: directory to put the executable into, :param strip: True - strip the executable (optional) ''' exe_name = md.NAME.lower() if not utils.is_linux(): exe_name += '.exe' src_dir = pathlib.Path(src_dir) / 'release' new_exe = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) / exe_name shutil.copyfile(src_dir / exe_name, new_exe) if strip and utils.is_linux(): utils.strip_exe(new_exe) os.chmod(new_exe, 0o755)
def run(cmd, src_dir, cwd=None): '''Run a command in the shell :param cmd: command to run, :param src_dir: folder with Qt5 source (to set environment variables in Windows), :param cwd: set the current working directory (optional, default - None) ''' if not utils.is_linux(): set_vars_cmd = set_vars_msvc_cmd(src_dir) cmd = f'{set_vars_cmd} && {cmd}', cwd=cwd)
def build(src_dir, build_dir, install_dir, options='', disabled_features='', clean=True): '''Build Qt5 :param src_dir: folder with Qt5 source, :param build_dir: path to the build directory, :param install_dir: installation directory, :param options: Qt5 build options (optional), :param disabled_features: Qt5 disabled features with '-no-feature' prefix (optional), :param clean: True - remove the existing :build_dir:, False - not (optional, default - True) ''' print('Building Qt...') if build_dir.exists(): if clean: shutil.rmtree(build_dir) build_dir.mkdir() else: config_file = build_dir / 'config.cache' if config_file.exists(): config_file.unlink() else: build_dir.mkdir() configure_path = src_dir / 'configure' configure_cmd = (f'{configure_path} {options} {disabled_features} ' f'-prefix {install_dir}') run(configure_cmd, src_dir, cwd=build_dir) make_cmd = 'make' if utils.is_linux() else 'nmake' run(make_cmd, src_dir, cwd=build_dir) print('Installing Qt...') if install_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(install_dir) install_dir.mkdir() install_cmd = f'{make_cmd} install' run(install_cmd, src_dir, cwd=build_dir)
def check_build_dependencies(): '''Check that all the necessary dependencies are installed''' # # print('Checking build dependencies...') if utils.is_linux(): deps = [ 'libfontconfig1-dev', 'libfreetype6-dev', 'libx11-dev', 'libxext-dev', 'libxfixes-dev', 'libxi-dev', 'libxrender-dev', 'libxcb1-dev', 'libx11-xcb-dev', 'libxcb-glx0-dev', 'libxkbcommon-x11-dev', 'libxkbcommon-dev' ] #system_xcb_deps = [ # 'libxcb-keysyms1-dev', # 'libxcb-image0-dev', # 'libxcb-shm0-dev', # 'libxcb-icccm4-dev', # 'libxcb-sync0-dev', # 'libxcb-xfixes0-dev', # 'libxcb-shape0-dev', # 'libxcb-randr0-dev', # 'libxcb-render-util0-dev', #] check_func = utils.apt_installed msg = 'is not installed' else: deps = [ 'Perl64', # ActivePerl 'Python' ] path = os.environ['PATH'] check_func = lambda names: [(n, n in path) for n in names] msg = "is not installed (or, at least, not in 'PATH')" all_installed = True for name, installed in check_func(deps): if not installed: all_installed = False print(f'{name} {msg}') if not all_installed: input("Some dependencies are missing. If you are sure that " "everything is fine, press any key to continue...")
def pack(dest_dir, dir_to_arch): '''Pack the data in :dir_to_arch: and put the result archive into :dest_dir: :param dest_dir: directory to put the result archive into, :param dir_to_arch: directory to pack ''' if utils.is_linux(): platform = 'linux64' arch_format = 'gztar' else: platform = 'win64' arch_format = 'zip' arch_name = f'{md.NAME.lower()}-{md.VERSION}-{platform}' arch = pathlib.Path(dest_dir) / arch_name shutil.make_archive(arch, arch_format, root_dir=dir_to_arch)
def build_myfyrio(sysroot_dir, pdy_file, build_dir): '''Build the programme :param sysroot_dir: path to the sysroot folder, :param pdy_file: path to the project '.pdy' file, :param build_dir: myfyrio build directory ''' print('Building Myfyrio...') qt_src = sysroot_dir.joinpath('build', 'qtbase-everywhere-src-5.14.2') options = f'--sysroot {sysroot_dir} --build-dir {build_dir}' build_project_cmd = f'pyqtdeploy-build {options} {pdy_file}', qt_src) qmake_cmd = sysroot_dir.joinpath('qt', 'bin', 'qmake'), qt_src, cwd=build_dir) make_cmd = 'make' if utils.is_linux() else 'nmake', qt_src, cwd=build_dir)
def build(src_dir, build_dir, qmake, build_options=None, install_dir=None): '''Build PyQt5 :param src_dir: folder with the unpacked PyQt5, :param build_dir: path to the build directory, :param qmake: path to the Qt5 'qmake', :param build_options: list with build options, e.g. ['--confirm-license', '--verbose'], :param install_dir: installation directory (optional, default - None, if None, it will be installed in the Python 'site-packages' directory) ''' # pip install PyQt-builder print('Building PyQt...') if build_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(build_dir) build_dir.mkdir() options = [ f'--build-dir {build_dir}', f'--qmake {qmake}', ] if build_options is not None: options.extend(build_options) if install_dir is not None: if not install_dir.exists(): install_dir.mkdir() options.append(f'--target-dir {install_dir}') options = ' '.join(options) cmd = f'sip-install {options}' if utils.is_linux(): add_ccache_cmd = utils.add_ccache_to_PATH_cmd() cmd = f'{add_ccache_cmd} && {cmd}', src_dir, cwd=src_dir)
def set_project_toml(): # TODO: add disabled features to toml dynamically pass if __name__ == '__main__': check_build_dependencies() sysroot = project_dir / 'sysroot' if not sysroot.exists(): sysroot.mkdir() src_dir = project_dir.joinpath('build-src', 'PyQt5-5.14.2mod') build_dir = sysroot / 'build-pyqt' install_dir = sysroot / 'PyQt' qt_bin = sysroot.joinpath('Qt', 'bin') qmake = qt_bin / ('qmake' if utils.is_linux() else 'qmake.exe') options = [ '--confirm-license', '--no-dbus-python', '--no-designer-plugin', '--no-qml-plugin', '--no-tools', '--no-docstring', '--enable QtCore', '--enable QtGui', '--enable QtWidgets', '--verbose' ] build(src_dir, build_dir, qmake, build_options=options, install_dir=install_dir)