def deploy_network():"Deploying network") tar_file = deploy.package("rendered/nectar1/netkit/", "netkit") server = "" deploy.transfer(server, "sknight", tar_file, tar_file) print "server", server cd_dir = "rendered/nectar1/netkit/" deploy.extract(server, tar_file, cd_dir)
def deploy_network(nidb):"Deploying network") tar_file = deploy.package("rendered/nectar1/nklab/", "nklab") server = "" username = "******" server = "" # 16 core server = "" # 8 core username = "******" key_filename = "/Users/sk2/.ssh/sk.pem" deploy.transfer(server, username, tar_file, tar_file, key_filename) cd_dir = "rendered/nectar1/nklab/" deploy.extract(server, username, tar_file, cd_dir, timeout = 60, key_filename= key_filename)
def deploy(head: str, version_dir: str, deploy_dir: str, download_url: str, archive_name: str, github_token: Optional[str] = None): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: # コンパイラをダウンロード header_args = ["-H", "Accept: application/octet-stream"] if github_token is not None: header_args += ["-H", f"Authorization: token {github_token}"] # なんかよく切断されるのでリトライを設定する header_args += ["--retry", "5"] archive_path = download(download_url, tempdir, archive_name, header_args) # テンポラリディレクトリ上に解凍 mkdir_p(version_dir) extract_path = extract(archive_path, tempdir) # バージョンファイルと本体を消して、解凍した新しいバージョンを配置する version_path = os.path.join(version_dir, head) if os.path.exists(version_path): with open(version_path, 'rb') as f: rm_rf('utf-8')) rm_rf(version_path) mkdir_p(deploy_dir) deploy_path = os.path.join(deploy_dir, head) os.rename(extract_path, deploy_path) # デプロイ完了したのでバージョン情報とパスを書き込む with open(version_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(deploy_path.encode('utf-8'))