def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name)
class Builder(object): """Build out the system-level environment needed to run tests""" APT_NO_LOCK = 100 # The return code for "couldn't acquire lock" in APT APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY = 10 def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name) def bootstrap(self): if not self.environment: return logging.debug("Bootstrap environment: %s" % self.env_name) if self.options.dryrun: return cmd = ['juju', 'status'] if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: cmd.append('-e') else: cmd.append('-m') cmd.append(self.env_name) ec =, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ec != 0: if self.config.bootstrap is True: if self.options.juju_major_version == 1:"Bootstrapping Juju Environment...") self.environment.bootstrap() self.environment.connect() return True else: sys.exit( "Bootstrapping a Juju {} controller is not supported. " "Please bootstrap before running bundletester.".format( self.options.juju_major_version)) else: self.environment.connect() def deploy(self, cmd): result = { 'returncode': 0 } if self.options.dryrun: return result logging.debug("deploy %s", ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Print all output as it comes in to debug output = [] lines = iter(p.stdout.readline, "") for line in lines: output.append(line) logging.debug(str(line.rstrip())) p.communicate() return { 'returncode': p.returncode, 'output': ''.join(output), 'executable': cmd } def destroy(self): if self.options.no_destroy: return if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: subprocess.check_call(['juju', 'destroy-environment', '-y', self.env_name, '--force']) else: # We could call 'destroy-model' here instead, but since # bundletester won't create a new one for you, I think # it makes more sense to just reset the model instead, # at least for now. self.reset() def reset(self): if self.options.dryrun: return if self.environment: start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: try: self.environment.reset( terminate_machines=True, terminate_delay=60, force_terminate=True ) break except Exception as e: reconnect_errors = [ errno.ETIMEDOUT, errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ENETRESET, ] if (isinstance( e, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException) or getattr(e, 'errno', None) in reconnect_errors): logging.debug('Reconnecting to environment...') self.environment.connect() continue logging.exception(e) if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to reset environment ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) time.sleep(1) logging.debug('Retrying environment reset...') # wait for all applications to be removed logging.debug("Waiting for applications to be removed...") start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: status = self.environment.status() if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: key = 'services' else: key = 'applications' if not status.get(key): break if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to destroy all applications ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) logging.debug( " Remaining applications: %s", status.get(key).keys()) time.sleep(4) def build_virtualenv(self, path): subprocess.check_call( ['virtualenv', '-p', self.config.virtualenv_python, path], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def _run_apt_command(self, cmd, retries=3): """ Run an APT command, retrying if failed. :param: cmd: str: The apt command to run. :param: fatal: bool: Whether the command's output should be checked and retried. """ env = os.environ.copy() if 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' not in env: env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' result = None retry_count = 0 while result is None or result == self.APT_NO_LOCK: try: result = subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: retry_count = retry_count + 1 if retry_count > retries: raise result = e.returncode "Couldn't acquire DPKG lock. Will retry in {} seconds." "".format(self.APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY)) time.sleep(self.APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY) def add_source(self, source): logging.debug('Adding source: %s', source) subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', '--yes', source]) def add_sources(self, update=True): for source in self.config.sources: self.add_source(source) if self.config.sources and update: self.apt_update() def apt_update(self): logging.debug('Running `sudo apt-get update -qq`') self._run_apt_command(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update', '-qq']) def install_packages(self): if self.config.packages: cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', '-y'] cmd.extend(set(self.config.packages)) if (self.config.python_packages and['which', 'pip']) != 0): cmd.extend('python-pip') self._run_apt_command(cmd) if self.config.python_packages or self.config.requirements: cmd = ['sudo'] if not self.config.virtualenv else [] cmd.extend(['pip', 'install', '-U']) for requirement in self.config.requirements: requirement_path = os.path.join( self.options.testdir, requirement) if os.path.exists(requirement_path): cmd.extend(['--requirement', requirement_path]) if self.config.python_packages: cmd.extend(set(self.config.python_packages)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
class Builder(object): """Build out the system-level environment needed to run tests""" def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name) def bootstrap(self): if not self.environment: return logging.debug("Bootstrap environment: %s" % self.env_name) if self.options.dryrun: return cmd = ['juju', 'status'] if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: cmd.append('-e') else: cmd.append('-m') cmd.append(self.env_name) ec =, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ec != 0: if self.config.bootstrap is True: if self.options.juju_major_version == 1:"Bootstrapping Juju Environment...") self.environment.bootstrap() self.environment.connect() return True else: sys.exit( "Bootstrapping a Juju {} controller is not supported. " "Please bootstrap before running bundletester.".format( self.options.juju_major_version)) else: self.environment.connect() def deploy(self, cmd): result = { 'returncode': 0 } if self.options.dryrun: return result logging.debug("deploy %s", ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Print all output as it comes in to debug output = [] lines = iter(p.stdout.readline, "") for line in lines: output.append(line) logging.debug(str(line.rstrip())) p.communicate() return { 'returncode': p.returncode, 'output': ''.join(output), 'executable': cmd } def destroy(self): if self.options.no_destroy: return if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: subprocess.check_call(['juju', 'destroy-environment', '-y', self.env_name, '--force']) else: # We could call 'destroy-model' here instead, but since # bundletester won't create a new one for you, I think # it makes more sense to just reset the model instead, # at least for now. self.reset() def reset(self): if self.options.dryrun: return if self.environment: start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: try: self.environment.reset( terminate_machines=True, terminate_delay=60, force_terminate=True ) break except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) if isinstance( e, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException): logging.debug('Reconnectinng to environment...') self.environment.connect() continue if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to reset environment ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) time.sleep(1) logging.debug('Retrying environment reset...') # wait for all applications to be removed logging.debug("Waiting for applications to be removed...") start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: status = self.environment.status() if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: key = 'services' else: key = 'applications' if not status.get(key): break if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to destroy all applications ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) logging.debug( " Remaining applications: %s", status.get(key).keys()) time.sleep(4) def build_virtualenv(self, path): subprocess.check_call( ['virtualenv', '-p', self.config.virtualenv_python, path], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def add_source(self, source): logging.debug('Adding source: %s', source) subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', '--yes', source]) def add_sources(self, update=True): for source in self.config.sources: self.add_source(source) if self.config.sources and update: self.apt_update() def apt_update(self): logging.debug('Running `sudo apt-get update -qq`') subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update', '-qq']) def install_packages(self): if self.config.packages: cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', '-y'] cmd.extend(set(self.config.packages)) if (self.config.python_packages and['which', 'pip']) != 0): cmd.extend('python-pip') subprocess.check_call(cmd) if self.config.python_packages: cmd = ['sudo'] if not self.config.virtualenv else [] cmd.extend(['pip', 'install', '-U']) cmd.extend(set(self.config.python_packages)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
class Builder(object): """Build out the system-level environment needed to run tests""" APT_NO_LOCK = 100 # The return code for "couldn't acquire lock" in APT APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY = 10 def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name) def bootstrap(self): if not self.environment: return logging.debug("Bootstrap environment: %s" % self.env_name) if self.options.dryrun: return cmd = ['juju', 'status'] if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: cmd.append('-e') else: cmd.append('-m') cmd.append(self.env_name) ec =, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ec != 0: if self.config.bootstrap is True: if self.options.juju_major_version == 1:"Bootstrapping Juju Environment...") self.environment.bootstrap() self.environment.connect() return True else: sys.exit( "Bootstrapping a Juju {} controller is not supported. " "Please bootstrap before running bundletester.".format( self.options.juju_major_version)) else: self.environment.connect() def deploy(self, cmd): result = {'returncode': 0} if self.options.dryrun: return result logging.debug("deploy %s", ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Print all output as it comes in to debug output = [] lines = iter(p.stdout.readline, "") for line in lines: output.append(line) logging.debug(str(line.rstrip())) p.communicate() return { 'returncode': p.returncode, 'output': ''.join(output), 'executable': cmd } def destroy(self): if self.options.no_destroy: return if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: subprocess.check_call([ 'juju', 'destroy-environment', '-y', self.env_name, '--force' ]) else: # We could call 'destroy-model' here instead, but since # bundletester won't create a new one for you, I think # it makes more sense to just reset the model instead, # at least for now. self.reset() def reset(self): if self.options.dryrun: return if self.environment: start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: try: self.environment.reset(terminate_machines=True, terminate_delay=60, force_terminate=True) break except Exception as e: reconnect_errors = [ errno.ETIMEDOUT, errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ENETRESET, ] if (isinstance( e, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException) or getattr(e, 'errno', None) in reconnect_errors): logging.debug('Reconnecting to environment...') self.environment.connect() continue logging.exception(e) if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to reset environment ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) time.sleep(1) logging.debug('Retrying environment reset...') # wait for all applications to be removed logging.debug("Waiting for applications to be removed...") start, timeout = time.time(), self.config.reset_timeout while True: status = self.environment.status() if self.options.juju_major_version == 1: key = 'services' else: key = 'applications' if not status.get(key): break if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to destroy all applications ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) logging.debug(" Remaining applications: %s", status.get(key).keys()) time.sleep(4) def build_virtualenv(self, path): subprocess.check_call( ['virtualenv', '-p', self.config.virtualenv_python, path], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def _run_apt_command(self, cmd, retries=3): """ Run an APT command, retrying if failed. :param: cmd: str: The apt command to run. :param: fatal: bool: Whether the command's output should be checked and retried. """ env = os.environ.copy() if 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' not in env: env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' result = None retry_count = 0 while result is None or result == self.APT_NO_LOCK: try: result = subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: retry_count = retry_count + 1 if retry_count > retries: raise result = e.returncode "Couldn't acquire DPKG lock. Will retry in {} seconds." "".format(self.APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY)) time.sleep(self.APT_NO_LOCK_RETRY_DELAY) def add_source(self, source): logging.debug('Adding source: %s', source) subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', '--yes', source]) def add_sources(self, update=True): for source in self.config.sources: self.add_source(source) if self.config.sources and update: self.apt_update() def apt_update(self): logging.debug('Running `sudo apt-get update -qq`') self._run_apt_command(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update', '-qq']) def install_packages(self): if self.config.packages: cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', '-y'] cmd.extend(set(self.config.packages)) if (self.config.python_packages and['which', 'pip']) != 0): cmd.extend('python-pip') self._run_apt_command(cmd) if self.config.python_packages or self.config.requirements: cmd = ['sudo'] if not self.config.virtualenv else [] cmd.extend(['pip', 'install', '-U']) for requirement in self.config.requirements: requirement_path = os.path.join(self.options.testdir, requirement) if os.path.exists(requirement_path): cmd.extend(['--requirement', requirement_path]) if self.config.python_packages: cmd.extend(set(self.config.python_packages)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def juju_environment(bootstrap): current_env = subprocess.check_output("juju env", shell=True).strip() env = Env(current_env, None) yield Env env.reset(terminate_machines=True)
class Builder(object): """Build out the system-level environment needed to run tests""" def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name) def bootstrap(self): if not self.environment: return logging.debug("Bootstrap environment: %s" % self.env_name) if self.options.dryrun: return ec =['juju', 'status', '-e', self.env_name], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ec != 0: if self.config.bootstrap is True:"Bootstrapping Juju Environment...") self.environment.bootstrap() self.environment.connect() return True else: self.environment.connect() def deploy(self, bundle): result = {'returncode': 0} bundle = bundle or self.options.bundle if not bundle: return result if not os.path.exists(bundle): raise OSError("Missing required bundle file: %s" % bundle) if self.options.dryrun: return result cmd = ['juju-deployer'] if self.options.verbose: cmd.append('-Wvd') cmd += ['-c', bundle] if self.options.deployment: cmd.append(self.options.deployment) logging.debug("deploy %s", ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Print all output as it comes in to debug output = [] lines = iter(p.stdout.readline, "") for line in lines: output.append(line) logging.debug(str(line.rstrip())) p.communicate() return { 'returncode': p.returncode, 'output': ''.join(output), 'executable': cmd } def destroy(self): if self.options.no_destroy is not True: subprocess.check_call([ 'juju', 'destroy-environment', '-y', self.env_name, '--force' ]) def reset(self): if self.options.dryrun: return if self.environment: start, timeout = time.time(), 60 while True: try: self.environment.reset(terminate_machines=True) break except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) if isinstance( e, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException): logging.debug('Reconnectinng to environment...') self.environment.connect() continue if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to reset environment ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) time.sleep(1) logging.debug('Retrying environment reset...') # wait for all services to be removed logging.debug("Waiting for services to be removed...") start, timeout = time.time(), 600 while True: status = self.environment.status() if not status.get('services', {}): break if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to destroy all services ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) logging.debug(" Remaining services: %s", status.get("services").keys()) time.sleep(4) def build_virtualenv(self, path): subprocess.check_call(['virtualenv', path], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def add_source(self, source): subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', '--yes', source]) def add_sources(self, update=True): for source in self.config.sources: self.add_source(source) if self.config.sources and update: self.apt_update() def apt_update(self): subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update', '-qq']) def install_packages(self): if not self.config.packages: return cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', '-y'] cmd.extend(self.config.packages) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
class Builder(object): """Build out the system-level environment needed to run tests""" def __init__(self, config, options): self.config = config self.options = options self.environment = None self.env_name = None if options: self.env_name = options.environment if self.env_name: self.environment = GoEnvironment(self.env_name) def bootstrap(self): if not self.environment: return logging.debug("Bootstrap environment: %s" % self.env_name) if self.options.dryrun: return ec =['juju', 'status', '-e', self.env_name], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if ec != 0: if self.config.bootstrap is True:"Bootstrapping Juju Environment...") self.environment.bootstrap() self.environment.connect() return True else: self.environment.connect() def deploy(self, bundle): result = { 'returncode': 0 } bundle = bundle or self.options.bundle if not bundle: return result if not os.path.exists(bundle): raise OSError("Missing required bundle file: %s" % bundle) if self.options.dryrun: return result cmd = ['juju-deployer'] if self.options.verbose: cmd.append('-Wvd') cmd += ['-c', bundle] if self.options.deployment: cmd.append(self.options.deployment) logging.debug("deploy %s", ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Print all output as it comes in to debug output = [] lines = iter(p.stdout.readline, "") for line in lines: output.append(line) logging.debug(str(line.rstrip())) p.communicate() return { 'returncode': p.returncode, 'output': ''.join(output), 'executable': cmd } def destroy(self): if self.options.no_destroy is not True: subprocess.check_call(['juju', 'destroy-environment', '-y', self.env_name, '--force']) def reset(self): if self.options.dryrun: return if self.environment: start, timeout = time.time(), 60 while True: try: self.environment.reset( terminate_machines=True, terminate_delay=60, force_terminate=True ) break except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) if isinstance( e, websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException): logging.debug('Reconnectinng to environment...') self.environment.connect() continue if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to reset environment ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) time.sleep(1) logging.debug('Retrying environment reset...') # wait for all services to be removed logging.debug("Waiting for services to be removed...") start, timeout = time.time(), 60 while True: status = self.environment.status() if not status.get('services', {}): break if (time.time() - start) > timeout: raise RuntimeError( 'Timeout exceeded. Failed to destroy all services ' ' in %s seconds.' % timeout) logging.debug( " Remaining services: %s", status.get("services").keys()) time.sleep(4) def build_virtualenv(self, path): subprocess.check_call(['virtualenv', path], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def add_source(self, source): subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', '--yes', source]) def add_sources(self, update=True): for source in self.config.sources: self.add_source(source) if self.config.sources and update: self.apt_update() def apt_update(self): subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update', '-qq']) def install_packages(self): if not self.config.packages: return cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq', '-y'] cmd.extend(self.config.packages) subprocess.check_call(cmd)