def bootstrap(): """ Set up a new server (requires superuser credentials). """ # Very important that we only do this on remote machines and not locally. if not env.host_string: abort('You must specify a server to configure using -H.') # Use sudo if we're not logging on as root if env.user != 'root': env.sudo = True # Bootstrap stuff _bootstrap.user() _bootstrap.project() # Initial code deploy code.deploy(warn=False) # Initial puppet run # Fix permissions _bootstrap.chown()
def bootstrap(): """ Set up a new server. """ # Very important that we only do this on remote machines and not locally. if not env.host_string: abort('You must specify a server to configure using -H.') # Use sudo if we're not logging on as root if env.user != 'root': env.sudo = True # Bootstrap stuff _bootstrap.user() _bootstrap.project() # Initial code deploy code.deploy(warn=False) # Initial puppet run # Fix permissions _bootstrap.chown()
def deploy(): """ Deploy to remote environment. Deploys code from the current git branch to the remote server and reloads services so that the new code is in effect. The remote server to deploy to is automatically determined based on the currently checked-out git branch and matched to the configuration specified in fabfile/deploy/ """ code.deploy() # Post-deploy tasks on the remote server with settings(host_string=servers.remote()): build() app.reload()
def deploy(): """ Deploy to remote environment. Deploys code from the current git branch to the remote server and reloads services so that the new code is in effect. The remote server to deploy to is automatically determined based on the currently checked-out git branch and matched to the configuration specified in fabfile/deploy/ """ code.deploy() # Post-deploy tasks on the remote server with settings(host_string=servers.remote()): build() app.restart()
def _open_channels(ssh, paths, f, rec, preserve, check_hash): # Check if pyscp is available on remote stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("pyscp -h") while (not time.sleep(5. / 60.) # 5s if ( == 0): stdin, stdout, stderr = _exec_command(ssh, "pyscp", paths, f, rec, preserve, check_hash) else: remote_tempfile = dep.deploy(ssh) if (not remote_tempfile): raise Exception("Deployment failed") stdin, stdout, stderr = \ _exec_command(ssh, "python2 '{}'".format(remote_tempfile), paths, f, rec, preserve, check_hash) return stdin, stdout, stderr
''' Main Module for Project ''' import sys import scrapper import deployment import report_builder if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == '-d': deployment.deploy() scrapper = scrapper.Scrapper() report_builder = report_builder.ReportBuilder() report_builder.print_reports(scrapper.scrape())
'than using linux-user-chroot') if app.config.get('instances'): app.spawn() while True: try: compose(defs, target) break except KeyboardInterrupt: app.log(target, 'Interrupted by user') os._exit(1) except app.RetryException: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() app.log(target, 'Exiting: uncaught exception') os._exit(1) if app.config.get('reproduce'): app.log('REPRODUCED', 'Matched %s of' % len(app.config['reproduced']), app.config['tasks']) for match in app.config['reproduced']: print match[0], match[1] if target.get('kind') == 'cluster' and app.config.get('fork') is None: with app.timer(target, 'cluster deployment'): deploy(defs, target)
def home(): ''' Function that handles all page interaction. Renders the page based off of templating. Allows us to detect the payload selection and kick off the deployment scripts. ''' # instantiate all payload selection buttons/forms form = PayloadSelection() if form.validate_on_submit(): if payload = "setup.cfg.karma" config = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "KARMA" elif payload = "rc.local" config = "/etc/rc.local" payload2 = "setup.cfg.deauth" config2 = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "WiFi Jamming" elif payload = "" config = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "IO Message" elif payload = "" config = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "Webcam Disruption" elif payload = "setup.cfg.geo" config = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "Geolocate" elif payload = "setup.cfg.hailmary" config = "/home/pi/P4wnp1/setup.cfg" choice = "Hail Mary" if payload2: deploy(payload2, config2) failures = deploy(payload, config) failed = str(len(failures)) + "." + "".join(failures) return flask.render_template("armed.html", failed=failed, choice=choice) ''' # handle submit button press and launch script if karma.validate_on_submit(): if print(os.system("ls")) if jammer.validate_on_submit(): if print(os.system("ps")) return flask.render_template("armed.html") if io.validate_on_submit(): if print(os.system("ps")) if cam_disrupt.validate_on_submit(): if print(os.system("ps")) if geolocate.validate_on_submit(): if print(os.system("ps")) ''' return flask.render_template("index.html", form=form)
app.cleanup(app.config['tmp']) with app.timer('TOTAL'): lockfile = open(os.path.join(app.config['tmp'], 'lock'), 'r') fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_SH | fcntl.LOCK_NB) target = os.path.join(app.config['defdir'], app.config['target']) app.log('TARGET', 'Target is %s' % target, app.config['arch']) with app.timer('DEFINITIONS', 'parsing %s' % app.config['def-version']): defs = Definitions() with app.timer('CACHE-KEYS', 'cache-key calculations'): cache.cache_key(defs, app.config['target']) defs.save_trees() sandbox.executor = sandboxlib.executor_for_platform() app.log(app.config['target'], 'Sandbox using %s' % sandbox.executor) if sandboxlib.chroot == sandbox.executor: app.log(app.config['target'], 'WARNING: rogue builds in a chroot ' + 'sandbox may overwrite your system') if app.config.get('instances'): app.spawn() done = False while not done: try: done = assemble(defs, app.config['target']) except: pass deploy(defs, app.config['target'])
app.config['target'], 'WARNING: using chroot is less safe ' + 'than using linux-user-chroot') if 'instances' in app.config: app.spawn() while True: try: compose(defs, target) break except KeyboardInterrupt: app.log(target, 'Interrupted by user') os._exit(1) except app.RetryException: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() app.log(target, 'Exiting: uncaught exception') os._exit(1) if app.config.get('reproduce'): app.log('REPRODUCED', 'Matched %s of' % len(app.config['reproduced']), app.config['tasks']) for match in app.config['reproduced']: print match[0], match[1] if target.get('kind') == 'cluster' and app.config.get('fork') is None: with app.timer(target, 'cluster deployment'): deploy(defs, target)
import os import re import deployment from remote_hosts_list import __REMOTE_HOSTS_LIST__ from dirs_to_deploy_list import __DIRS_TO_DEPLOY_LIST__ addon_id = re.sub("deploy_", "", os.path.basename(__file__))[:-3] deployment = deployment.Deployment() deployment.deploy(__REMOTE_HOSTS_LIST__, [ next(deploy_dir for deploy_dir in __DIRS_TO_DEPLOY_LIST__ if deploy_dir["id"] == addon_id) ])
config['target'], 'WARNING: using chroot is less safe ' + 'than using linux-user-chroot') if 'instances' in config: spawn() while True: try: compose(target) break except KeyboardInterrupt: log(target, 'Interrupted by user') os._exit(1) except RetryException: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() log(target, 'Exiting: uncaught exception') os._exit(1) if config.get('reproduce'): log('REPRODUCED', 'Matched %s of' % len(config['reproduced']), config['tasks']) for match in config['reproduced']: print match[0], match[1] if target.get('kind') == 'cluster' and config.get('fork') is None: with timer(target, 'cluster deployment'): deploy(target)
log(config['target'], 'WARNING: using chroot is less safe ' + 'than using linux-user-chroot') if 'instances' in config: spawn() while True: try: compose(target) break except KeyboardInterrupt: log(target, 'Interrupted by user') os._exit(1) except RetryException: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() log(target, 'Exiting: uncaught exception') os._exit(1) if config.get('reproduce'): log('REPRODUCED', 'Matched %s of' % len(config['reproduced']), config['tasks']) for match in config['reproduced']: print match[0], match[1] if target.get('kind') == 'cluster' and config.get('fork') is None: with timer(target, 'cluster deployment'): deploy(target)