def create_parser(description): cli = BaseCLI(description, None, 1, hostname_required=True) cli.remove_options(['--config-file']) cli.parser.add_argument('config_file', help='project-specific config file') cli.parser.add_argument('--catalog-id', type=int, default=1) cli.parser.add_argument( '--scratch-directory', help='directory for temporary storage of downloaded files') return (cli)
def main(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel("WARNING") cli = BaseCLI(__name__, "Create a sitemap from a table specified on the command line or a set of tables from a config file", __version__, hostname_required=True) cli.remove_options(["--credential-file", "--token", "--oauth2-token"]) cli.parser.add_argument("--catalog", default=1, metavar="<1>", help="Catalog number") cli.parser.add_argument("-p", "--priority", type=float, help="A floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the table's priority") cli.parser.add_argument("-s", "--schema", help="the name of the schema of the (single) table to include") cli.parser.add_argument("-t", "--table", help="the name of the (single) table to include") args = cli.parse_cli() if args.priority is not None: if args.priority < 0 or args.priority > 1: logger.error("priority should be a floating-point number between 0 and 1") sys.exit(1) if not ((args.schema and args.table) or args.config_file): logger.error("must specify either a schema and table or a config file") sys.exit(1) sb = SitemapBuilder("https",, args.catalog) if args.schema and args.table: sb.add_table_spec(args.schema, args.table, priority=args.priority) if args.config_file: rows = json.load(open(args.config_file)) for row in rows: if row.get("schema") is None or row.get("table") is None: logger.warning("malformed entry in {f}: schema or table is missing. Skipping".format(f=args.config_file)) next if row.get("priority") is None: priority = args.priority else: try: priority = float(row.get("priority")) if priority < 0 or priority > 1: logger.warning("bad priority '{p}' - should be a floating-point number between 0 and 1. Ignoring".format(p=priority)) priority = args.priority except ValueError: logger.warning("malformed priority '{p}' - should be a floating-point number between 0 and 1. Ignoring".format(p=row.get("priority"))) priority = args.priority sb.add_table_spec(row["schema"], row["table"], priority=priority) sb.write_sitemap(sys.stdout) return 0
"Input_Bag": args.inputBagRID, "Notes": args.notes, "Execution_Status": args.status, "Execution_Status_Detail": args.statusDetail.replace('\\n','\n') } entities = run_table.insert([run_data]) rid = entities[0]["RID"] else: run_data = { "RID": args.update, "Replicate": args.repRID, "Workflow": args.workflowRID, "Reference_Genome": args.referenceRID, "Input_Bag": args.inputBagRID, "Notes": args.notes, "Execution_Status": args.status, "Execution_Status_Detail": args.statusDetail.replace('\\n','\n') } entities = run_table.update([run_data]) rid = args.update print(rid) if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_args() cli = BaseCLI("Custom RNASeq query", None, 1) cli.remove_options(["--config-file"]) host = credentials = {"cookie": args.cookie} main(host, 2, credentials)