def processFiles(pos_dir, neg_dir, recurse=False, output_file=False, output_filename=None, color_space="bgr", channels=[0, 1, 2], hog_features=False, hist_features=False, spatial_features=False, hog_lib="cv", size=(64, 64), hog_bins=9, pix_per_cell=(8, 8), cells_per_block=(2, 2), block_stride=None, block_norm="L1", transform_sqrt=True, signed_gradient=False, hist_bins=16, spatial_size=(16, 16)): """ Extract features from positive samples and negative samples. Store feature vectors in a dict and optionally save to pickle file. @param pos_dir (str): Path to directory containing positive samples. @param neg_dir (str): Path to directory containing negative samples. @param recurse (bool): Traverse directories recursively (else, top-level only). @param output_file (bool): Save processed samples to file. @param output_filename (str): Output file filename. @param color_space (str): Color space conversion. @param channels (list): Image channel indices to use. For remaining arguments, refer to Descriptor class: @see descriptor.Descriptor#__init__(...) @return feature_data (dict): Lists of sample features split into training, validation, test sets; scaler object; parameters used to construct descriptor and process images. NOTE: OpenCV HOGDescriptor currently only supports 1-channel and 3-channel images, not 2-channel images. """ if not (hog_features or hist_features or spatial_features): raise RuntimeError( "No features selected (set hog_features=True, " + "hist_features=True, and/or spatial_features=True.)") pos_dir = os.path.abspath(pos_dir) neg_dir = os.path.abspath(neg_dir) if not os.path.isdir(pos_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("Directory " + pos_dir + " does not exist.") if not os.path.isdir(neg_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("Directory " + neg_dir + " does not exist.") print("Building file list...") if recurse: pos_files = [ os.path.join(rootdir, file) for rootdir, _, files in os.walk(pos_dir) for file in files ] neg_files = [ os.path.join(rootdir, file) for rootdir, _, files in os.walk(neg_dir) for file in files ] else: pos_files = [ os.path.join(pos_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(pos_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pos_dir, file)) ] neg_files = [ os.path.join(neg_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(neg_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(neg_dir, file)) ] print("{} positive files and {} negative files found.\n".format( len(pos_files), len(neg_files))) # Get color space information. color_space = color_space.lower() if color_space == "gray": color_space_name = "grayscale" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY channels = [0] elif color_space == "hls": color_space_name = "HLS" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS elif color_space == "hsv": color_space_name = "HSV" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV elif color_space == "lab": color_space_name = "Lab" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab elif color_space == "luv": color_space_name = "Luv" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2Luv elif color_space == "ycrcb" or color_space == "ycc": color_space_name = "YCrCb" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCrCb elif color_space == "yuv": color_space_name = "YUV" cv_color_const = cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV else: color_space_name = "BGR" cv_color_const = -1 # Get names of desired features. features = [ feature_name for feature_name, feature_bool in zip(["HOG", "color histogram", "spatial"], [hog_features, hist_features, spatial_features]) if feature_bool == True ] feature_str = features[0] for feature_name in features[1:]: feature_str += ", " + feature_name # Get information about channel indices. if len(channels) == 2 and hog_features and hog_lib == "cv": warnings.warn("OpenCV HOG does not support 2-channel images", RuntimeWarning) channel_index_str = str(channels[0]) for ch_index in channels[1:]: channel_index_str += ", {}".format(ch_index) print("Converting images to " + color_space_name + " color space and " + "extracting " + feature_str + " features from channel(s) " + channel_index_str + ".\n") # Store feature vectors for positive samples in list pos_features and # for negative samples in neg_features. pos_features = [] neg_features = [] start_time = time.time() # Get feature descriptor object to call on each sample. descriptor = Descriptor(hog_features=hog_features, hist_features=hist_features, spatial_features=spatial_features, hog_lib=hog_lib, size=size, hog_bins=hog_bins, pix_per_cell=pix_per_cell, cells_per_block=cells_per_block, block_stride=block_stride, block_norm=block_norm, transform_sqrt=transform_sqrt, signed_gradient=signed_gradient, hist_bins=hist_bins, spatial_size=spatial_size) # Iterate through files and extract features. for i, filepath in enumerate(pos_files + neg_files): image = cv2.imread(filepath) if cv_color_const > -1: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv_color_const) if len(image.shape) > 2: image = image[:, :, channels] feature_vector = descriptor.getFeatureVector(image) if i < len(pos_files): pos_features.append(feature_vector) else: neg_features.append(feature_vector) print("Features extracted from {} files in {:.1f} seconds\n".format( len(pos_features) + len(neg_features), time.time() - start_time)) # Store the length of the feature vector produced by the descriptor. num_features = len(pos_features[0]) ##TODO: Instantiate scaler and scale features. scaler = StandardScaler(), neg_features), axis=0)) pos_features = scaler.transform(pos_features) neg_features = scaler.transform(neg_features) ##TODO: Randomize lists of feature vectors. Split 75/20/5 into training, # validation, and test sets. print( "Shuffling samples into training, cross-validation, and test sets.\n") random.shuffle(pos_features) random.shuffle(neg_features) # Use pos_train, pos_val, pos_test and neg_train, neg_val, neg_test to represent # the Train, Validation and Test sets of Positive and Negtive sets. pos_train, pos_val, pos_test = np.split( pos_features, [int(.75 * len(pos_features)), int(.95 * len(pos_features))]) neg_train, neg_val, neg_test = np.split( neg_features, [int(.75 * len(neg_features)), int(.95 * len(neg_features))]) # Store sample data and parameters in dict. # Descriptor class object seems to produce errors when unpickling and # has been commented out below. The descriptor will be re-instantiated # by the Detector object later. feature_data = { "pos_train": pos_train, "neg_train": neg_train, "pos_val": pos_val, "neg_val": neg_val, "pos_test": pos_test, "neg_test": neg_test, #"descriptor": descriptor, "scaler": scaler, "hog_features": hog_features, "hist_features": hist_features, "spatial_features": spatial_features, "color_space": color_space, "cv_color_const": cv_color_const, "channels": channels, "hog_lib": hog_lib, "size": size, "hog_bins": hog_bins, "pix_per_cell": pix_per_cell, "cells_per_block": cells_per_block, "block_stride": block_stride, "block_norm": block_norm, "transform_sqrt": transform_sqrt, "signed_gradient": signed_gradient, "hist_bins": hist_bins, "spatial_size": spatial_size, "num_features": num_features } # Pickle to file if desired. if output_file: if output_filename is None: output_filename = ("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "_data.pkl") pickle.dump(feature_data, open(output_filename, "wb")) print( "Sample and parameter data saved to {}\n".format(output_filename)) return feature_data
class Detector: """ Class for finding objects in a video stream. Loads and utilizes a pretrained classifier. """ def __init__(self, init_size=(64, 64), x_overlap=0.5, y_step=0.05, x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), scale=1.5): """For input arguments, @see slidingwindow.#slidingWindow(...)""" self.init_size = init_size self.x_overlap = x_overlap self.y_step = y_step self.x_range = x_range self.y_range = y_range self.scale = scale = None def loadClassifier(self, filepath=None, classifier_data=None): """ Load a classifier trained by the functions in Either a dict (classifier_data) or pickled file (filepath) may be supplied. """ if filepath is not None: filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise FileNotFoundError("File " + filepath + " does not exist.") classifier_data = pickle.load(open(filepath, "rb")) else: classifier_data = classifier_data if classifier_data is None: raise ValueError("Invalid classifier data supplied.") self.classifier = classifier_data["classifier"] self.scaler = classifier_data["scaler"] self.cv_color_const = classifier_data["cv_color_const"] self.channels = classifier_data["channels"] # Simply loading the descriptor from the dict with # self.descriptor = classifier_data["descriptor"] # produces an error. Thus, we instantiate a new descriptor object # using the same parameters on which the classifier was trained. self.descriptor = Descriptor( hog_features=classifier_data["hog_features"], hist_features=classifier_data["hist_features"], spatial_features=classifier_data["spatial_features"], hog_lib=classifier_data["hog_lib"], size=classifier_data["size"], hog_bins=classifier_data["hog_bins"], pix_per_cell=classifier_data["pix_per_cell"], cells_per_block=classifier_data["cells_per_block"], block_stride=classifier_data["block_stride"], block_norm=classifier_data["block_norm"], transform_sqrt=classifier_data["transform_sqrt"], signed_gradient=classifier_data["signed_gradient"], hist_bins=classifier_data["hist_bins"], spatial_size=classifier_data["spatial_size"]) return self def classify(self, image): """ Classify windows of an image as "positive" (containing the desired object) or "negative". Return a list of positively classified windows. """ if self.cv_color_const > -1: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, self.cv_color_const) if len(image.shape) > 2: image = image[:, :, self.channels] else: image = image[:, :, np.newaxis] feature_vectors = [ self.descriptor.getFeatureVector(image[y_upper:y_lower, x_upper:x_lower, :]) for (x_upper, y_upper, x_lower, y_lower) in ] # Scale feature vectors, predict, and return predictions. feature_vectors = self.scaler.transform(feature_vectors) predictions = self.classifier.predict(feature_vectors) return [[ind] for ind in np.argwhere(predictions == 1)[:, 0] ] def detectVideo(self, video_capture=None, num_frames=9, threshold=120, min_bbox=None, show_video=True, draw_heatmap=True, draw_heatmap_size=0.2, write=False, write_fps=24): """ Find objects in each frame of a video stream by integrating bounding boxes over several frames to produce a heatmap of pixels with high prediction density, ignoring pixels below a threshold, and grouping the remaining pixels into objects. Draw boxes around detected objects. @param video_capture (VideoCapture): cv2.VideoCapture object. @param num_frames (int): Number of frames to sum over. @param threshold (int): Threshold for heatmap pixel values. @param min_bbox (int, int): Minimum (width, height) of a detection bounding box in pixels. Boxes smaller than this will not be drawn. Defaults to 2% of image size. @param show_video (bool): Display the video. @param draw_heatmap (bool): Display the heatmap in an inset in the upper left corner of the video. @param draw_heatmap_size (float): Size of the heatmap inset as a fraction between (0, 1) of the image size. @param write (bool): Write the resulting video, with detection bounding boxes and/or heatmap, to a video file. @param write_fps (num): Frames per second for the output video. """ cap = video_capture if not cap.isOpened(): raise RuntimeError("Error opening VideoCapture.") (grabbed, frame) = (h, w) = frame.shape[:2] # Store coordinates of all windows to be checked at every frame. = slidingWindow((w, h), init_size=self.init_size, x_overlap=self.x_overlap, y_step=self.y_step, x_range=self.x_range, y_range=self.y_range, scale=self.scale) if min_bbox is None: min_bbox = (int(0.02 * w), int(0.02 * h)) # Heatmap inset size. inset_size = (int(draw_heatmap_size * w), int(draw_heatmap_size * h)) if write: vidFilename ="%Y%m%d%H%M") + ".avi" fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G') writer = cv2.VideoWriter(vidFilename, fourcc, write_fps, (w, h)) # Compute the heatmap for each frame and store in current_heatmap. # Store the last num_frames heatmaps in deque last_N_frames. At each # frame, sum in the deque to compute summed_heatmap. After # thresholding, label blobs in summed_heatmap with # scipy.ndimage.measurements.label and store in heatmap_labels. current_heatmap = np.zeros((frame.shape[:2]), dtype=np.uint8) summed_heatmap = np.zeros_like(current_heatmap, dtype=np.uint8) last_N_frames = deque(maxlen=num_frames) heatmap_labels = np.zeros_like(current_heatmap, # Weights for the frames in last_N_frames for producing summed_heatmap. # Recent frames are weighted more heavily than older frames. weights = np.linspace(1 / (num_frames + 1), 1, num_frames) frame_array = [] while True: (grabbed, frame) = if not grabbed: break current_heatmap[:] = 0 summed_heatmap[:] = 0 for (x_upper, y_upper, x_lower, y_lower) in self.classify(frame): current_heatmap[y_upper:y_lower, x_upper:x_lower] += 10 last_N_frames.append(current_heatmap) for i, heatmap in enumerate(last_N_frames): cv2.add(summed_heatmap, (weights[i] * heatmap).astype(np.uint8), dst=summed_heatmap) # Apply blur and/or dilate to the heatmap. #cv2.GaussianBlur(summed_heatmap, (5,5), 0, dst=summed_heatmap) cv2.dilate(summed_heatmap, np.ones((7, 7), dtype=np.uint8), dst=summed_heatmap) if draw_heatmap: inset = cv2.resize(summed_heatmap, inset_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) inset = cv2.cvtColor(inset, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) frame[:inset_size[1], :inset_size[0], :] = inset # Ignore heatmap pixels below threshold. summed_heatmap[summed_heatmap <= threshold] = 0 # Label remaining blobs with scipy.ndimage.measurements.label. num_objects = label(summed_heatmap, output=heatmap_labels) # Determine the largest bounding box around each object. for obj in range(1, num_objects + 1): (Y_coords, X_coords) = np.nonzero(heatmap_labels == obj) x_upper, y_upper = min(X_coords), min(Y_coords) x_lower, y_lower = max(X_coords), max(Y_coords) # Only draw box if object is larger than min bbox size. if (x_lower - x_upper > min_bbox[0] and y_lower - y_upper > min_bbox[1]): cv2.rectangle(frame, (x_upper, y_upper), (x_lower, y_lower), (0, 255, 0), 6) if write: writer.write(frame) if show_video: cv2.imshow("Detection", frame) cv2.waitKey(0) #control by myself cap.release() if write: writer.release()