def _get_widget_path_at_line(self, lineno, root_lineno=0):
        '''To get widget path of widget at line

        if self.text == '':
            return []

        text = self.text
        # Remove all comments
        text = re.sub(r'#.+', '', text)

        lines = text.splitlines()
        line = lines[lineno]

        # Search for the line containing widget's name
        _lineno = lineno

        while line.find(':') != -1 and \
                line.strip().find(':') != len(line.strip()) - 1:
            lineno -= 1
            line = lines[lineno]

        path = []
        child_count = 0
        # From current line go above and
        # fill number of children above widget's rule
        while _lineno >= root_lineno and lines[_lineno].strip() != "" and \
                get_indentation(lines[lineno]) != 0:
            _lineno = lineno - 1
            diff_indent = get_indentation(lines[lineno]) - \

            while _lineno >= root_lineno and (lines[_lineno].strip() == ''
                                              or diff_indent <= 0):
                if lines[_lineno].strip() != '' and diff_indent == 0 and \
                    'canvas' not in lines[_lineno] and \
                        (lines[_lineno].find(':') == -1 or
                         lines[_lineno].find(':') ==
                         len(lines[_lineno].rstrip()) - 1):
                    child_count += 1

                _lineno -= 1
                diff_indent = get_indentation(lines[lineno]) - \

            lineno = _lineno

            if _lineno > root_lineno:
                _lineno += 1

            if 'canvas' not in lines[_lineno] and \
                    lines[_lineno].strip().find(':') == \
                    len(lines[_lineno].strip()) - 1:

                path.insert(0, child_count)
                child_count = 0

        return path
    def _find_widget_place(self, path, lines, total_lines, lineno, indent=4):
        '''To find the line where widget is declared according to path

        child_count = 0
        path_index = 1
        path_length = len(path)
        # From starting line go down to find the widget's rule according to path
        while lineno < total_lines and path_index < path_length:
            line = lines[lineno]
            _indent = get_indentation(line)
            colon_pos = line.find(':')
            if _indent == indent and line.strip() != '':
                if colon_pos != -1:
                    line = line.rstrip()
                    if colon_pos == len(line) - 1 and 'canvas' not in line:
                        line = line[:colon_pos].lstrip()
                        if child_count == path[path_index]:
                            path_index += 1
                            indent = _indent + 4
                            child_count = 0
                            child_count += 1
                    child_count += 1

            lineno += 1

        return lineno - 1
    def get_widget_text_pos_from_kv(self, widget, parent=None,
        '''To get start and end pos of widget's rule in kv text
        :param path_to_widget: array with widget path
        :param parent: parent of widget
        :param widget: widget to find the kv text
        if not path_to_widget:
            path_to_widget = self.get_widget_path(widget)

        # Go to widget's rule's line and determines all its rule's
        # and it's child if any. Then delete them
        text = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text)
        lines = text.splitlines()
        total_lines = len(lines)
        root_lineno = 0
        root_name = self.playground.root_name
        for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
            pos = line.find(root_name)
            if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                root_lineno = lineno

        widget_lineno = self._find_widget_place(path_to_widget, lines,
                                                total_lines, root_lineno + 1)
        widget_line = lines[widget_lineno]
        indent = len(widget_line) - len(widget_line.lstrip())
        lineno = widget_lineno
        _indent = indent + 1
        line = widget_line
        while line.strip() == '' or _indent > indent:
            lineno += 1
            if lineno >= total_lines:
            line = lines[lineno]
            _indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())

        delete_until_line = lineno - 1
        line = lines[delete_until_line]
        while line.strip() == '':
            delete_until_line -= 1
            line = lines[delete_until_line]

        widget_line_pos = get_line_start_pos(self.text, widget_lineno)
        delete_until_line_pos = -1
        if delete_until_line == total_lines - 1:
            delete_until_line_pos = len(self.text)
            delete_until_line_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text,

        self._reload = False

        return widget_line_pos, delete_until_line_pos
    def shift_widget(self, widget, from_index):
        '''This function will shift widget's kv str from one position
           to another.
           :param from_index: original index of widget before moving
           :param widget: shifted widget
        self._reload = False

        path = self.get_widget_path(widget)
        # copies the original path
        prev_path = list(path)
        # get the path before shifting the widget
        prev_path[-1] = len(widget.parent.children) - from_index - 1
        start_pos, end_pos = self.get_widget_text_pos_from_kv(
            widget, widget.parent, path_to_widget=prev_path)

        widget_text = self.text[start_pos:end_pos]

        if widget.parent.children.index(widget) == 0:
            self.text = self.text[:start_pos] + self.text[end_pos:]
            self.add_widget_to_parent(widget, widget.parent,

            self.text = self.text[:start_pos] + self.text[end_pos:]
            text = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text)
            lines = text.splitlines()
            total_lines = len(lines)
            root_lineno = 0
            root_name = self.playground.root_name
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
                pos = line.find(root_name)
                if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                    root_lineno = lineno

            next_widget_path = path
            lineno = self._find_widget_place(next_widget_path, lines,
                                             root_lineno + 1)

            self.cursor = (0, lineno)
            self.insert_text(widget_text + '\n')
    def set_property_value(self, widget, prop, value, proptype):
        '''To find and change the value of property of widget rule in text

        # Do not add property if value is empty and
        # property is not a string property

        self._reload = False
        if not isinstance([prop], StringProperty) and\
                value == '':

        path_to_widget = self.get_widget_path(widget)

        # Go to the line where widget is declared
        lines = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text.rstrip()).splitlines()
        total_lines = len(lines)

        root_name = self.playground.root_name
        total_lines = len(lines)
        root_lineno = 0
        for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
            pos = line.find(root_name)
            if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                root_lineno = lineno

        widget_lineno = self._find_widget_place(path_to_widget, lines,
                                                total_lines, root_lineno + 1)
        widget_line = lines[widget_lineno]
        if not widget_line.strip():

        indent = get_indentation(widget_line)
        prop_found = False

        if ':' not in widget_line:
            # If cannot find ':' then insert it
            self.cursor = (len(lines[widget_lineno]), widget_lineno)
            lines[widget_lineno] += ':'

            # Else find if property has already been declared with a value
            lineno = widget_lineno + 1
            # But if widget line is the last line in the text
            if lineno < total_lines:
                line = lines[lineno]
                _indent = get_indentation(line)
                colon_pos = -1
                while lineno < total_lines and (line.strip() == '' or
                                                _indent > indent):
                    line = lines[lineno]
                    _indent = get_indentation(line)
                    if line.strip() != '':
                        colon_pos = line.find(':')
                        if colon_pos == -1:

                        if colon_pos == len(line.rstrip()) - 1:

                        if prop == line[:colon_pos].strip():
                            prop_found = True

                    lineno += 1

        if prop_found:
            # if property found then change its value
            _pos_prop_value = get_line_start_pos(self.text, lineno) + \
                colon_pos + 2
            if lineno == total_lines - 1:
                _line_end_pos = len(self.text)
                _line_end_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text, lineno)

            if proptype == 'StringProperty' or \
                    (proptype == 'OptionProperty' and
                         not isinstance(value, list)):
                value = "'{}'".format(value.replace("'", "\\'"))

            self.text = self.text[:_pos_prop_value] + ' ' + str(value) + \

            self.cursor = (0, lineno)

            # if not found then add property after the widgets line
            _line_start_pos = get_line_start_pos(self.text, widget_lineno)
            _line_end_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text, widget_lineno)
            if proptype == 'StringProperty' or \
                    (proptype == 'OptionProperty' and
                         not isinstance(value, list)):
                value = "'{}'".format(value.replace("'", "\\'"))

            indent_str = '\n'
            for i in range(indent + 4):
                indent_str += ' '

            self.cursor = (len(lines[widget_lineno]), widget_lineno)
            self.insert_text(indent_str + prop + ': ' + str(value))
    def set_event_handler(self, widget, prop, value):
        self._reload = False

        path_to_widget = self.get_widget_path(widget)

        # Go to the line where widget is declared
        lines = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text).splitlines()
        total_lines = len(lines)

        root_name = self.playground.root_name
        total_lines = len(lines)
        root_lineno = 0
        for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
            pos = line.find(root_name)
            if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                root_lineno = lineno

        widget_lineno = self._find_widget_place(path_to_widget, lines,
                                                total_lines, root_lineno + 1)

        widget_line = lines[widget_lineno]
        indent = get_indentation(widget_line)
        prop_found = False

        if not widget_line.strip():

        if ':' not in widget_line:
            # If cannot find ':' then insert it
            self.cursor = (len(lines[widget_lineno]), widget_lineno)
            lines[widget_lineno] += ':'

            # Else find if property has already been declared with a value
            lineno = widget_lineno + 1
            # But if widget line is the last line in the text
            if lineno < total_lines:
                line = lines[lineno]
                _indent = get_indentation(line)
                colon_pos = -1
                while lineno < total_lines and (line.strip() == '' or
                                                _indent > indent):
                    line = lines[lineno]
                    _indent = get_indentation(line)
                    if line.strip() != '':
                        colon_pos = line.find(':')
                        if colon_pos == -1:

                        if colon_pos == len(line.rstrip()) - 1:

                        if prop == line[:colon_pos].strip():
                            prop_found = True

                    lineno += 1

        if prop_found:
            if lineno == total_lines - 1:
                _line_end_pos = len(self.text)
                _line_end_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text, lineno)

            if value != '':
                # if property found then change its value
                _pos_prop_value = get_line_start_pos(self.text, lineno) + \
                    colon_pos + 2
                self.text = self.text[:_pos_prop_value] + ' ' + value + \

                self.cursor = (0, lineno)

                _line_start_pos = get_line_start_pos(self.text, widget_lineno)
                self.text = \
                    self.text[:get_line_start_pos(self.text, lineno)] + \

        elif value != '':
            # if not found then add property after the widgets line
            _line_end_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text, widget_lineno)

            indent_str = '\n'
            for i in range(indent + 4):
                indent_str += ' '

            self.cursor = (len(lines[widget_lineno]), widget_lineno)
            self.insert_text(indent_str + prop + ': ' + str(value))
    def get_property_value(self, widget, prop):
        self._reload = False
        if prop[:3] != 'on_' and \
                not isinstance([prop], StringProperty) and\
                value == '':

        path_to_widget = self.get_widget_path(widget)

        # Go to the line where widget is declared
        lines = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text).splitlines()
        total_lines = len(lines)

        root_name = self.playground.root_name
        total_lines = len(lines)
        root_lineno = 0
        for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
            pos = line.find(root_name)
            if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                root_lineno = lineno

        widget_lineno = self._find_widget_place(path_to_widget, lines,
                                                total_lines, root_lineno + 1)
        widget_line = lines[widget_lineno]
        indent = get_indentation(widget_line)
        prop_found = False

        # Else find if property has already been declared with a value
        lineno = widget_lineno + 1
        # But if widget line is the last line in the text
        if lineno < total_lines:
            line = lines[lineno]
            _indent = get_indentation(line)
            colon_pos = -1
            while lineno < total_lines and (line.strip() == '' or
                                            _indent > indent):
                line = lines[lineno]
                _indent = get_indentation(line)
                if line.strip() != '':
                    colon_pos = line.find(':')
                    if colon_pos == -1:

                    if colon_pos == len(line.rstrip()) - 1:

                    if prop == line[:colon_pos].strip():
                        prop_found = True

                lineno += 1

        if prop_found:
            # if property found then change its value
            _pos_prop_value = get_line_start_pos(self.text, lineno) + \
                colon_pos + 2
            if lineno == total_lines - 1:
                _line_end_pos = len(self.text)
                _line_end_pos = get_line_end_pos(self.text, lineno)

            return self.text[_pos_prop_value:_line_end_pos]

        return ''
    def add_widget_to_parent(self, widget, target, kv_str=''):
        '''This function is called when widget is added to target.
           It will search for line where parent is defined in text and will add
           widget there.
        text = re.sub(r'#.+', '', self.text)
        lines = text.splitlines()
        total_lines = len(lines)
        if total_lines == 0:

        self._reload = False

        # If target is not none then widget is not root widget
        if target:
            path_to_widget = self.get_widget_path(target)


            root_lineno = 0
            root_name = self.playground.root_name
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
                pos = line.find(root_name)
                if pos != -1 and get_indentation(line) == 0:
                    root_lineno = lineno

            parent_lineno = self._find_widget_place(path_to_widget, lines,
                                                    root_lineno + 1)

            if parent_lineno >= total_lines:

            # Get text of parents line
            parent_line = lines[parent_lineno]
            if not parent_line.strip():

            insert_after_line = -1

            if parent_line.find(':') == -1:
                # If parent_line doesn't contain ':' then insert it
                # Also insert widget's rule after its properties
                insert_after_line = parent_lineno
                _line = 0
                _line_pos = -1
                _line_pos = self.text.find('\n', _line_pos + 1)

                while _line <= insert_after_line:
                    _line_pos = self.text.find('\n', _line_pos + 1)
                    _line += 1

                self.text = self.text[:_line_pos] + ':' + self.text[_line_pos:]
                indent = len(parent_line) - len(parent_line.lstrip())

                # If ':' in parent_line then,
                # find a place to insert widget's rule
                indent = len(parent_line) - len(parent_line.lstrip())
                lineno = parent_lineno
                _indent = indent + 1
                line = parent_line
                while (line.strip() == '' or _indent > indent):
                    lineno += 1
                    if lineno >= total_lines:
                    line = lines[lineno]
                    _indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())

                insert_after_line = lineno - 1
                line = lines[insert_after_line]
                while line.strip() == '':
                    insert_after_line -= 1
                    line = lines[insert_after_line]

            to_insert = ''
            # counts indentation in the beginning of the string
            extra_indent = len(kv_str) - len(kv_str.lstrip())
            if kv_str == '':
                to_insert = type(widget).__name__ + ':'
                to_insert = kv_str

            if insert_after_line == total_lines - 1:
                # if inserting at the last line
                _line_pos = len(self.text) - 1
                indent = get_indent_str(indent + 4 - extra_indent)
                to_add = ''
                for line in to_insert.splitlines():
                    to_add += '\n' + indent + line
                self.text = self.text[:_line_pos + 1] + to_add
                # inserting somewhere else
                insert_after_line -= 1
                _line = 0
                _line_pos = -1
                _line_pos = self.text.find('\n', _line_pos + 1)
                while _line <= insert_after_line:
                    _line_pos = self.text.find('\n', _line_pos + 1)
                    _line += 1

                self.text = self.text[:_line_pos] + '\n' + \
                    get_indent_str(indent + 4) + to_insert + \

            # widget is a root widget
            parent_lineno = 0
            self.cursor = (0, 0)
            type_name = type(widget).__name__
            is_class = False
            app_widgets = get_current_project().app_widgets
            for rule_name in app_widgets:
                if rule_name == type_name:
                    is_class = True

            if not is_class:
                self.insert_text(type_name + ':\n')
