Exemple #1
 def upload(self, system, file_path, upload_file):
     f = BaseFileResource(self._ag, system, file_path)
     resp = f.upload(upload_file)
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                         'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, file_path),
                                         'levels': 1})
     return resp
Exemple #2
    def post(self, request, file_mgr_name, system_id, file_path):
        if file_mgr_name == AgaveFileManager.NAME \
            or file_mgr_name == 'public':
            if not request.user.is_authenticated():
                return HttpResponseForbidden('Log in required')

            agave_client = request.user.agave_oauth.client
            fm = AgaveFileManager(agave_client=agave_client)
            if request.FILES:
                upload_file = request.FILES['file']
                upload_dir = file_path

                relative_path = request.POST.get('relative_path', None)
                if relative_path:
                    # user uploaded a folder structure; ensure path exists
                    upload_dir = os.path.join(file_path, os.path.dirname(relative_path))
                    BaseFileResource.ensure_path(agave_client, system_id, upload_dir)

                    result = fm.upload(system_id, upload_dir, upload_file)
                except HTTPError as e:
                    return HttpResponseBadRequest(e.response.text)

            return JsonResponse({'status': 'ok'})

        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Unsupported operation")
Exemple #3
 def rename(self, system, file_path, rename_to):
     f = BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, file_path)
     resp = f.rename(rename_to)
     parent_path = '/'.join(file_path.strip('/').split('/')[:-1])
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                         'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, parent_path),
                                         'levels': 1})
     return resp
Exemple #4
    def project_directory(self):
        Queries for the File object that represents the root of this Project's files.

        :return: The project's root dir
        :rtype: :class:`BaseFileResource`
        if self._project_directory is None:
            self._project_directory = BaseFileResource.listing(
                system=self.project_system_id, path='/', agave_client=self._agave)
        return self._project_directory
Exemple #5
 def import_data(self, system, file_path, from_system, from_file_path):
     file_path = file_path or '/'
     if file_path != '/':
         file_path = file_path.strip('/')
     from_file_path = from_file_path.strip('/')
     f = BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, file_path)
     res = f.import_data(from_system, from_file_path)
     file_name = from_file_path.split('/')[-1]
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs={'username': '******',
                                       'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, os.path.join(file_path, file_name))})
     return res
Exemple #6
    def get(self, request, project_id, file_path=''):

        :return: The root directory for the Project's data
        :rtype: JsonResponse
        ag = request.user.agave_oauth.client
        p = Project(ag, uuid=project_id)
        list_path = '/'.join([project_id, file_path])
        listing = BaseFileResource.listing(ag, p.project_system_id, list_path)

        return JsonResponse(listing, encoder=AgaveJSONEncoder, safe=False)
Exemple #7
 def move(self, system, file_path, dest_path, dest_name=None):
     f = BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, file_path)
     resp = f.move(dest_path, dest_name)
     parent_path = '/'.join(file_path.strip('/').split('/')[:-1])
     parent_path = parent_path.strip('/') or '/'
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                         'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, parent_path),
                                         'levels': 1})
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                         'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, os.path.join(dest_path, resp.name)),
                                         'levels': 1})
     return resp
Exemple #8
    def trash(self, system, file_path, trash_path):

        name = os.path.basename(file_path)
        f = BaseFileResource(self._ag, system, file_path)

        # first ensure trash_path exists
        BaseFileResource.ensure_path(self._ag, system, trash_path)

        # check if file with same name exists in trash; expect 404
            check = os.path.join(trash_path, name)
            BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, check)

            # if we did not 404, then we have a conflict; append date to name
            name_ext = os.path.splitext(name)
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            name = '{0} {1}{2}'.format(name_ext[0], timestamp, name_ext[1])
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.response.status_code != 404:

        resp = f.move(trash_path, name)
        parent_path = '/'.join(file_path.strip('/').split('/')[:-1])
        parent_path = parent_path.strip('/') or '/'
        reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                            'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, trash_path),
                                            'levels': 1})
        reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                            'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, parent_path),
                                            'levels': 1})
        return resp
Exemple #9
    def copy(self, system, file_path, dest_path=None, dest_name=None):
        f = BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, file_path)

        # default to same path
        if dest_path is None:
            dest_path = f.path

        # default to same name
        if dest_name is None:
            dest_name = f.name

        # if same path and name, add suffix to file name
        if dest_name == f.name and dest_path == f.path:
            dest_name = '{0}_copy{1}'.format(*os.path.splitext(dest_name))

        copied_file = f.copy(dest_path, dest_name)

        # schedule celery task to index new copy
        reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                            'file_id': '{}/{}/{}'.format(system, dest_path.strip('/'), dest_name)})

        return copied_file
Exemple #10
    def post(self, request):
        Create a new Project. Projects and the root File directory for a Project should
        be owned by the portal, with roles/permissions granted to the creating user.

        1. Create the metadata record for the project
        2. Create a directory on the projects storage system named after the metadata uuid
        3. Associate the metadata uuid and file uuid

        :param request:
        :return: The newly created project
        :rtype: JsonResponse

        # portal service account needs to create the objects on behalf of the user
        ag = get_service_account_client()

        if request.is_ajax():
            post_data = json.loads(request.body)
            post_data = request.POST.copy()

        # create Project (metadata)
                     extra={'user' : request.user.username,
                            'sessionId': getattr(request.session, 'session_key', ''),
                            'operation': 'metadata_create',
                            'info': {'postData': post_data} })
        p = Project(ag)
        p.title = post_data.get('title')
        p.pi = post_data.get('pi', None)

        # create Project Directory on Managed system
                     extra={'user' : request.user.username,
                            'sessionId': getattr(request.session, 'session_key', ''),
                            'operation': 'base_directory_create',
                            'info': {
                                'systemId': Project.STORAGE_SYSTEM_ID,
                                'uuid': p.uuid
        project_storage_root = BaseFileResource(ag, Project.STORAGE_SYSTEM_ID, '/')

        # Wrap Project Directory as private system for project
        project_system_tmpl = template_project_storage_system(p)
                     extra={'user' : request.user.username,
                            'sessionId': getattr(request.session, 'session_key', ''),
                            'operation': 'private_system_create',
                            'info': {
                                'id': project_system_tmpl.get('id'),
                                'site': project_system_tmpl.get('site'),
                                'default': project_system_tmpl.get('default'),
                                'status': project_system_tmpl.get('status'),
                                'description': project_system_tmpl.get('description'),
                                'name': project_system_tmpl.get('name'),
                                'globalDefault': project_system_tmpl.get('globalDefault'),
                                'available': project_system_tmpl.get('available'),
                                'public': project_system_tmpl.get('public'),
                                'type': project_system_tmpl.get('type'),
                                'storage': {
                                    'homeDir': project_system_tmpl.get('storage', {}).get('homeDir'),
                                    'rootDir': project_system_tmpl.get('storage', {}).get('rootDir')

        # grant initial permissions for creating user and PI, if exists
        project_system_tmpl = template_project_storage_system(p)
                     extra={'user' : request.user.username,
                            'sessionId': getattr(request.session, 'session_key', ''),
                            'operation': 'initial_pems_create',
                            'info': {'collab': request.user.username, 'pi': p.pi} })
        if p.pi and p.pi != request.user.username:

        return JsonResponse(p, encoder=AgaveJSONEncoder, safe=False)
Exemple #11
 def project_data_listing(self, path='/'):
     return BaseFileResource.listing(system=self.project_system_id,
Exemple #12
 def listing(self, system, file_path, offset=0, limit=100):
     return BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, file_path, offset, limit)
Exemple #13
 def download(self, system, path):
     file_obj = BaseFileResource.listing(self._ag, system, path)
     postit = file_obj.download_postit()
     return postit
Exemple #14
 def mkdir(self, system, file_path, dir_name):
     f = BaseFileResource(self._ag, system, file_path)
     resp = f.mkdir(dir_name)
     reindex_agave.apply_async(kwargs = {'username': '******',
                                         'file_id': '{}/{}'.format(system, file_path)})
     return resp