Exemple #1
def simulate_exposure(simspecfile, rawfile, cameras=None,
        ccdshape=None, simpixfile=None, addcosmics=None, comm=None,
    Simulate frames from an exposure, including I/O

        simspecfile: input simspec format file with spectra
        rawfile: output raw data file to write

        cameras: str or list of str, e.g. b0, r1, .. z9
        ccdshape: (npix_y, npix_x) primarily used to limit memory while testing
        simpixfile: output file for noiseless truth pixels
        addcosmics: if True (must be specified via command input), add cosmics from real data
        comm: MPI communicator object

    Additional keyword args are passed to pixsim.simulate()

    For a lower-level pixel simulation interface that doesn't perform I/O,
    see pixsim.simulate()

    Note: call desi_preproc or desispec.preproc.preproc to pre-process the
    output desi*.fits file for overscan subtraction, noise estimation, etc.
    #- Split communicator by nodes; each node processes N frames
    #- Assumes / requires equal number of ranks per node
    if comm is not None:
        rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size
        num_nodes = mpi_count_nodes(comm)
        comm_node, node_index, num_nodes = mpi_split_by_node(comm, 1)
        node_rank = comm_node.rank
        node_size = comm_node.size
        log.debug('Not using MPI')
        rank, size = 0, 1
        comm_node = None
        node_index = 0
        num_nodes = 1
        node_rank = 0
        node_size = 1

    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Starting simulate_exposure at {}'.format(asctime()))

    if cameras is None:
        if rank == 0:
            from astropy.io import fits
            fibermap = fits.getdata(simspecfile, 'FIBERMAP')
            cameras = io.fibers2cameras(fibermap['FIBER'])
            log.debug('Found cameras {} in input simspec file'.format(cameras))
            if len(cameras) % num_nodes != 0:
                raise ValueError('Number of cameras {} should be evenly divisible by number of nodes {}'.format(
                    len(cameras), num_nodes))

    if comm is not None:
        cameras = comm.bcast(cameras, root=0)

    #- Fail early if camera alreaady in output file
    if rank == 0 and os.path.exists(rawfile):
        from astropy.io import fits
        err = False
        fx = fits.open(rawfile)
        for camera in cameras:
            if camera in fx:
                log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(camera, rawfile))
                err = True
        if err:
            raise ValueError('Some cameras already in output file')

    #- Read simspec input; I/O layer handles MPI broadcasting
    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Reading simspec at {}'.format(asctime()))

    mycameras = cameras[node_index::num_nodes]
    if node_rank == 0:
        log.info("Assigning cameras {} to comm_exp node {}".format(mycameras, node_index))

    simspec = io.read_simspec(simspecfile, cameras=mycameras,
        readflux=False, comm=comm)
    night = simspec.header['NIGHT']
    expid = simspec.header['EXPID']

    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Reading PSFs at {}'.format(asctime()))

    psfs = dict()
    #need to initialize previous channel
    previous_channel = 'a'
    for camera in mycameras:
        #- Note: current PSF object can't be pickled and thus every
        #- rank must read it instead of rank 0 read + bcast
        channel = camera[0]
        if channel not in psfs:
            log.info('Reading {} PSF at {}'.format(channel, asctime()))
            psfs[channel] = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)

            #- Trim effective CCD size; mainly to limit memory for testing
            if ccdshape is not None:
                psfs[channel].npix_y, psfs[channel].npix_x = ccdshape

        psf = psfs[channel]

        #avoid re-broadcasting cosmics if we can
        if previous_channel != channel:
            if (addcosmics is True) and (node_rank == 0):
                cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(camera, simspec.header['EXPTIME'])
                log.info('Reading cosmics templates {} at {}'.format(
                    cosmics_file, asctime()))
                shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
                cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file, expid, shape=shape)
            if (addcosmics is True) and (comm_node is not None):
                if node_rank == 0:
                    log.info('Broadcasting cosmics at {}'.format(asctime()))
                cosmics = comm_node.bcast(cosmics, root=0)
                log.debug("Cosmics not requested")

        if node_rank == 0:
            log.info("Starting simulate for camera {} on node {}".format(camera,node_index))
        image, rawpix, truepix = simulate(camera, simspec, psf, comm=comm_node, preproc=False, cosmics=cosmics, **kwargs)

        #- Use input communicator as barrier since multiple sub-communicators
        #- will write to the same output file
        if rank == 0:
            log.debug('Writing outputs at {}'.format(asctime()))

        tmprawfile = rawfile + '.tmp'
        if comm is not None:
            for i in range(comm.size):
                if (i == comm.rank) and (comm_node.rank == 0):
                    desispec.io.write_raw(tmprawfile, rawpix, image.meta,
                    if simpixfile is not None:
                        io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera,
            desispec.io.write_raw(tmprawfile, rawpix, image.meta, camera=camera)
            if simpixfile is not None:
                io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera,

        if rank == 0:
            log.info('Wrote {}'.format(rawfile))
            log.debug('done at {}'.format(asctime()))

        previous_channel = channel

    #- All done; rename temporary raw file to final location
    if comm is None or comm.rank == 0:
        os.rename(tmprawfile, rawfile)
Exemple #2
def simulate_exposure(simspecfile, rawfile, cameras=None,
        ccdshape=None, simpixfile=None, addcosmics=None, comm=None,
    Simulate frames from an exposure, including I/O

        simspecfile: input simspec format file with spectra
        rawfile: output raw data file to write

        cameras: str or list of str, e.g. b0, r1, .. z9
        ccdshape: (npix_y, npix_x) primarily used to limit memory while testing
        simpixfile: output file for noiseless truth pixels
        addcosmics: if True (must be specified via command input), add cosmics from real data
        comm: MPI communicator object

    Additional keyword args are passed to pixsim.simulate()

    For a lower-level pixel simulation interface that doesn't perform I/O,
    see pixsim.simulate()

    Note: call desi_preproc or desispec.preproc.preproc to pre-process the
    output desi*.fits file for overscan subtraction, noise estimation, etc.
    #- Split communicator by nodes; each node processes N frames
    #- Assumes / requires equal number of ranks per node
    if comm is not None:
        rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size
        num_nodes = mpi_count_nodes(comm)
        comm_node, node_index, num_nodes = mpi_split_by_node(comm, 1)
        node_rank = comm_node.rank
        node_size = comm_node.size
        log.debug('Not using MPI')
        rank, size = 0, 1
        comm_node = None
        node_index = 0
        num_nodes = 1
        node_rank = 0
        node_size = 1
    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Starting simulate_exposure at {}'.format(asctime()))

    if cameras is None:
        if rank == 0:
            from astropy.io import fits
            fibermap = fits.getdata(simspecfile, 'FIBERMAP')
            cameras = io.fibers2cameras(fibermap['FIBER'])
            log.debug('Found cameras {} in input simspec file'.format(cameras))
            if len(cameras) % num_nodes != 0:
                raise ValueError('Number of cameras {} should be evenly divisible by number of nodes {}'.format(
                    len(cameras), num_nodes))

    if comm is not None:
        cameras = comm.bcast(cameras, root=0)

    #- Fail early if camera alreaady in output file
    if rank == 0 and os.path.exists(rawfile):
        from astropy.io import fits
        err = False
        fx = fits.open(rawfile)
        for camera in cameras:
            if camera in fx:
                log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(camera, rawfile))
                err = True
        if err:
            raise ValueError('Some cameras already in output file')

    #- Read simspec input; I/O layer handles MPI broadcasting
    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Reading simspec at {}'.format(asctime()))

    mycameras = cameras[node_index::num_nodes]
    if node_rank == 0:
        log.info("Assigning cameras {} to comm_exp node {}".format(mycameras, node_index))

    simspec = io.read_simspec(simspecfile, cameras=mycameras,
        readflux=False, comm=comm)
    night = simspec.header['NIGHT']
    expid = simspec.header['EXPID']

    if rank == 0:
        log.debug('Reading PSFs at {}'.format(asctime()))

    psfs = dict()
    #need to initialize previous channel
    previous_channel = 'a'
    for camera in mycameras:
        #- Note: current PSF object can't be pickled and thus every
        #- rank must read it instead of rank 0 read + bcast
        channel = camera[0]
        if channel not in psfs:
            psfs[channel] = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)

            #- Trim effective CCD size; mainly to limit memory for testing
            if ccdshape is not None:
                psfs[channel].npix_y, psfs[channel].npix_x = ccdshape

        psf = psfs[channel]

        #avoid re-broadcasting cosmics if we can
        if previous_channel != channel:
            if (addcosmics is True) and (node_rank == 0):
                cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(camera, simspec.header['EXPTIME'])
                log.info('cosmics templates {}'.format(cosmics_file))
                shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
                cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file, expid, shape=shape)
            if (addcosmics is True) and (comm_node is not None):
                cosmics = comm_node.bcast(cosmics, root=0)
                log.debug("Cosmics not requested")

        if node_rank == 0: 
            log.info("Starting simulate for camera {} on node {}".format(camera,node_index)) 
        image, rawpix, truepix = simulate(camera, simspec, psf, comm=comm_node, preproc=False, cosmics=cosmics, **kwargs)

        #- Use input communicator as barrier since multiple sub-communicators
        #- will write to the same output file
        if rank == 0:
            log.debug('Writing outputs at {}'.format(asctime()))

        tmprawfile = rawfile + '.tmp'
        if comm is not None:
            for i in range(comm.size):
                if (i == comm.rank) and (comm_node.rank == 0):
                    desispec.io.write_raw(tmprawfile, rawpix, image.meta,
                    if simpixfile is not None:
                        io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera,
            desispec.io.write_raw(tmprawfile, rawpix, image.meta, camera=camera)
            if simpixfile is not None:
                io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera,

        if rank == 0:
            log.info('Wrote {}'.format(rawfile))
            log.debug('done at {}'.format(asctime()))

        previous_channel = channel

    #- All done; rename temporary raw file to final location
    if comm is None or comm.rank == 0:
        os.rename(tmprawfile, rawfile)
Exemple #3
def main(args, comm=None):
    if args.verbose:
        import logging

    rank = 0
    nproc = 1
    if comm is not None:
        rank = comm.rank
        nproc = comm.size

    if rank == 0:
        log.info('Starting pixsim at {}'.format(asctime()))

    #- Pre-flight check that these cameras haven't been done yet
    if (rank == 0) and (not args.overwrite) and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
        log.debug('Checking if cameras are already in output file')
        from astropy.io import fits
        fx = fits.open(args.rawfile)
        oops = False
        for camera in args.cameras:
            if camera.upper() in fx:
                log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(camera, 
                oops = True
        if oops:
            log.fatal('Exiting due to repeat cameras already in output file')
            if comm is not None:

    ncamera = len(args.cameras)

    comm_group = comm
    comm_rank = None
    group = 0
    ngroup = 1
    group_rank = 0
    if comm is not None:
        if args.mpi_camera > 1:
            ngroup = int(comm.size / args.mpi_camera)
            group = int(comm.rank / args.mpi_camera)
            group_rank = comm.rank % args.mpi_camera
            comm_group = comm.Split(color=group, key=group_rank)
            comm_rank = comm.Split(color=group_rank, key=group)
            group = comm.rank
            ngroup = comm.size
            comm_group = MPI.COMM_SELF
            comm_rank = comm

    mycameras = np.array_split(np.arange(ncamera, dtype=np.int32), 

    rawtemp = "{}.tmp".format(args.rawfile)
    simpixtemp = "{}.tmp".format(args.simpixfile)

    if rank == 0:
        if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
            log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.rawfile))

        if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.simpixfile):
            log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.simpixfile))

        # cleanup stale temp files
        if os.path.isfile(rawtemp):
    if comm is not None:

    psf = None
    if args.psf is not None:
        from specter.psf import load_psf
        psf = load_psf(args.psf)

    simspec = None
    if rank == 0:
        simspec = io.read_simspec(args.simspec)
    if comm is not None:
        # Broadcast one array at a time, since this is a 
        # very large object.
        flv = None
        wv = None
        pht = None
        if simspec is not None:
            flv = simspec.flavor
            wv = simspec.wave
            pht = simspec.phot
        flv = comm.bcast(flv, root=0)
        wv = comm.bcast(wv, root=0)
        pht = comm.bcast(pht, root=0)
        if simspec is None:
            simspec = SimSpec(flv, wv, pht)
        simspec.flux = comm.bcast(simspec.flux, root=0)
        simspec.skyflux = comm.bcast(simspec.skyflux, root=0)
        simspec.skyphot = comm.bcast(simspec.skyphot, root=0)
        simspec.metadata = comm.bcast(simspec.metadata, root=0)
        simspec.fibermap = comm.bcast(simspec.fibermap, root=0)
        simspec.obs = comm.bcast(simspec.obs, root=0)
        simspec.header = comm.bcast(simspec.header, root=0)

    fibers = None
    if args.fibermap:
        if rank == 0:
            fibermap = desispec.io.read_fibermap(args.fibermap)
            fibers = fibermap['FIBER']
            if args.nspec is not None:
                fibers = fibers[0:args.nspec]
        if comm is not None:
            fibers = comm.bcast(fibers, root=0)

    # Use original seed to generate different random seeds for each camera
    seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**32-1, size=ncamera)

    image = {}
    rawpix = {}
    truepix = {}

    for c in mycameras:
        camera = args.cameras[c]
        if group_rank == 0:
            log.debug('Processing camera {}'.format(camera))
        channel = camera[0].lower()

        # Set the seed for this camera (regardless of which process is
        # performing the simulation).

        # Get the random cosmic expids.  The actual values will be
        # remapped internally with the modulus operator.
        cosexpid = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=1)[0]

        # Read inputs for this camera.  Unfortunately psf
        # objects are not serializable, so we read it on all
        # processes.
        if args.psf is None:
            psf = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)
            if args.ccd_npix_x is not None:
                psf.npix_x = args.ccd_npix_x
            if args.ccd_npix_y is not None:
                psf.npix_y = args.ccd_npix_y

        cosmics = None
        if args.cosmics:
            if group_rank == 0:
                if args.cosmics_file is None:
                    cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(camera, 
                    log.info('cosmics templates {}'.format(cosmics_file))
                    cosmics_file = args.cosmics_file

                shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
                cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file, cosexpid, 
            if comm_group is not None:
                cosmics = comm_group.bcast(cosmics, root=0)

        #- Do the actual simulation
        image[camera], rawpix[camera], truepix[camera] = \
            desisim.pixsim.simulate(camera, simspec, psf, fibers=fibers,
            nspec=args.nspec, ncpu=args.ncpu, cosmics=cosmics,
            wavemin=args.wavemin, wavemax=args.wavemax, preproc=False,

        if args.psf is None:
            del psf

    # Wait for all processes to finish their cameras
    if comm is not None:

    # Write the cameras in order.  Only the rank zero process in each
    # group has the data.
    for c in np.arange(ncamera, dtype=np.int32):
        camera = args.cameras[c]
        if c in mycameras:
            if group_rank == 0:
                desispec.io.write_raw(rawtemp, rawpix[camera], 
                    camera=camera, header=image[camera].meta, 
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera, args.rawfile))
                io.write_simpix(simpixtemp, truepix[camera], 
                    camera=camera, meta=simspec.header)
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera, 
        if comm is not None:

    # Move temp files into place
    if rank == 0:
        os.rename(simpixtemp, args.simpixfile)
        os.rename(rawtemp, args.rawfile)
    if comm is not None:

    # Apply preprocessing
    if args.preproc:
        if rank == 0:
            log.info('Preprocessing raw -> pix files')
        from desispec.scripts import preproc
        if len(mycameras) > 0:
            if group_rank == 0:
                for c in mycameras:
                    camera = args.cameras[c]
                    pixfile = desispec.io.findfile('pix', night=args.night,
                        expid=args.expid, camera=camera)
                    preproc_opts = ['--infile', args.rawfile, '--outdir',
                        args.preproc_dir, '--pixfile', pixfile]
                    preproc_opts += ['--cameras', camera]

    if comm is not None:
    # Python is terrible with garbage collection, but at least
    # encourage it...
    del image
    del rawpix
    del truepix

    if rank == 0:
        log.info('Finished pixsim {} expid {} at {}'.format(args.night, args.expid, asctime()))
Exemple #4
def main(args=None):
    log.info('Starting pixsim at {}'.format(asctime()))
    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))):
        args = parse(args)

    if args.verbose:
        import logging

    if args.mpi:
        from mpi4py import MPI
        mpicomm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        log.debug('Using mpi4py MPI communicator')
        from desisim.util import _FakeMPIComm
        log.debug('Using fake MPI communicator')
        mpicomm = _FakeMPIComm()

    log.info('Starting pixsim rank {} at {}'.format(mpicomm.rank, asctime()))
    log.debug('MPI rank {} size {} / {} {}'.format(mpicomm.rank, mpicomm.size,

    #- Pre-flight check that these cameras haven't been done yet
    if (mpicomm.rank == 0) and (not args.overwrite) and os.path.exists(
        log.debug('Checking if cameras are already in output file')
        from astropy.io import fits
        fx = fits.open(args.rawfile)
        oops = False
        for camera in args.cameras:
            if camera.upper() in fx:
                log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(
                    camera, args.rawfile))
                oops = True

        if oops:
            log.fatal('Exiting due to repeat cameras already in output file')

    ncameras = len(args.cameras)
    if ncameras % mpicomm.size != 0:
        log.fatal('Processing cameras {}'.format(args.cameras))
            'Number of cameras {} must be evenly divisible by MPI size {}'.
            format(ncameras, mpicomm.size))

    #- Use original seed to generate different random seeds for each MPI rank
    while True:
        seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1, size=mpicomm.size)
        if np.unique(seeds).size == mpicomm.size:

    if args.psf is not None:
        from specter.psf import load_psf
        psf = load_psf(args.psf)

    simspec = io.read_simspec(args.simspec)

    if args.fibermap:
        fibermap = desispec.io.read_fibermap(args.fibermap)
        fibers = fibermap['FIBER']
        if args.nspec is not None:
            fibers = fibers[0:args.nspec]
        fibers = None

    if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
        log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.rawfile))

    if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.simpixfile):
        log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.simpixfile))

    for i in range(mpicomm.rank, ncameras, mpicomm.size):
        camera = args.cameras[i]
        log.debug('Rank {} processing camera {}'.format(mpicomm.rank, camera))
        channel = camera[0].lower()
        assert channel in (
            'b', 'r',
            'z'), "Unknown camera {} doesn't start with b,r,z".format(camera)

        #- Read inputs for this camera
        if args.psf is None:
            psf = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)
            if args.ccd_npix_x is not None:
                psf.npix_x = args.ccd_npix_x
            if args.ccd_npix_y is not None:
                psf.npix_y = args.ccd_npix_y

        if args.cosmics:
            if args.cosmics_file is None:
                cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(camera,
                log.info('cosmics templates {}'.format(cosmics_file))
                cosmics_file = args.cosmics_file

            shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
            cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file, args.expid, shape=shape)
            cosmics = None

        #- Do the actual simulation
        image, rawpix, truepix = desisim.pixsim.simulate(camera,

        #- Synchronize with other MPI threads before continuing with output

        #- Loop over MPI ranks, letting each one take its turn writing output
        for rank in range(mpicomm.size):
            if rank == mpicomm.rank:
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera, args.rawfile))
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera,

    #- Call preproc separately from pixsim.simulate to ensure that it is
    #- done identically to real data.
    #- Note: This does lose the advantage of parallel preprocessing; we could
    #- change this if that is problematic
    if args.preproc and mpicomm.rank == 0:
        log.info('Preprocessing raw -> pix files')
        from desispec.scripts import preproc
        preproc_opts = ['--infile', args.rawfile, '--outdir', args.preproc_dir]
        preproc_opts += ['--cameras', ','.join(args.cameras)]

    if mpicomm.rank == 0:
        log.info('Finished pixsim {} expid {} at {}'.format(
            args.night, args.expid, asctime()))
Exemple #5
def main(args, comm=None):
    if args.verbose:
        import logging
    #we do this so we can use operator.itemgetter
    import operator
    #we do this so our print statements can have timestamps
    import time

    rank = 0
    nproc = 1
    if comm is not None:
        import mpi4py
        rank = comm.rank
        nproc = comm.size
        if args.ncpu == 0:
            import multiprocessing as mp
            args.ncpu = mp.cpu_count() // 2

    if rank == 0:
        log.info('Starting pixsim at {}'.format(asctime()))

    #- Pre-flight check that these cameras haven't been done yet
    if (rank == 0) and (not args.overwrite) and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
        log.debug('Checking if cameras are already in output file')
        from astropy.io import fits
        fx = fits.open(args.rawfile)
        oops = False
        for camera in args.cameras:
            if camera.upper() in fx:
                log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(
                    camera, args.rawfile))
                oops = True
        if oops:
            log.fatal('Exiting due to repeat cameras already in output file')
            if comm is not None:

    #assign communicators, groups, etc, used for both mpi and multiprocessing
    ncamera = len(args.cameras)
    comm_group = comm
    comm_rank = None
    group = 0
    ngroup = 1
    group_rank = 0
    if comm is not None:
        if args.mpi_camera > 1:
            ngroup = int(comm.size / args.mpi_camera)
            group = int(comm.rank / args.mpi_camera)
            group_rank = comm.rank % args.mpi_camera
            comm_group = comm.Split(color=group, key=group_rank)
            comm_rank = comm.Split(color=group_rank, key=group)
            group = comm.rank
            ngroup = comm.size
            comm_group = MPI.COMM_SELF
            comm_rank = comm

    #check to make sure that the number of frames is evenly divisible by nubmer of nodes
    #if not, abort and provide a helpful error message
    #otherwise due to barrier logic the program will hang
    if comm is not None:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            if ncamera % ngroup != 0:
                msg = 'Number of frames (ncamera) must be evenly divisible by number of nodes (N)'
                raise ValueError(msg)

    # Remove outputs and or temp files
    rawtemp = "{}.tmp".format(args.rawfile)
    simpixtemp = "{}.tmp".format(args.simpixfile)

    if rank == 0:
        if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
            log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.rawfile))

        if args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.simpixfile):
            log.debug('removing {}'.format(args.simpixfile))

        # cleanup stale temp files
        if os.path.isfile(rawtemp):
        if os.path.isfile(simpixtemp):

    if comm is not None:

    #load psf for both mpi and multiprocessing
    psf = None
    if args.psf is not None:
        from specter.psf import load_psf
        psf = load_psf(args.psf)

    # create list of tuples
    camera_channel_args = []
    camera_channel_list = []
    if comm is not None:
        #need to parse these together so we preserve the order
        for item in args.cameras:
            #0th element is camera (b,r,z)
            #1st element is channel (0-9)
            camera_channel_args.append((item[0], item[1]))
            #divide cameras among nodes
            #first sort so zs get distributed first
            #reverse the order so z comes first
            #sort in reverse order so we get z first
            camera_channel_list = np.asarray(
    #also handle multiprocessing case
    if comm is None:
        camera_channel_list = []
        for item in args.cameras:
            camera_channel_list.append((item[0], item[1]))

    #if mpi and N>1, divide cameras between nodes
    if comm is not None:
        if ngroup > 1:
            node_cameras = None
            for i in range(ngroup):
                if i == group:
                    node_cameras = camera_channel_list[i::ngroup]
        if ngroup == 1:
            node_cameras = camera_channel_list
    #also handle multiprocessing case
    if comm is None:
        node_cameras = camera_channel_list

    group_spectro = np.array([int(c[1]) for c in node_cameras], dtype=np.int32)

    #preallocate things needed for multiprocessing (we handle mpi later)
    if comm is None:
        simspec = None
        cosmics = None
        image = {}
        rawpix = {}
        truepix = {}
        lastcamera = None

    # Read the fibermap
    #this is cheap, do here both mpi non mpi
    fibers = None
    if rank == 0:
        if args.fibermap is not None:
            fibermap = desispec.io.read_fibermap(args.fibermap)
            fibers = np.array(fibermap['FIBER'], dtype=np.int32)
            # Get the fiber list from the simspec file
            from astropy.io import fits
            from astropy.table import Table
            fx = fits.open(args.simspec, memmap=True)
            if 'FIBERMAP' in fx:
                fibermap = Table(fx['FIBERMAP'].data)
                fibers = np.array(fibermap['FIBER'], dtype=np.int32)
                # Get the number of fibers from one of the photon HDUs
                fibers = np.arange(fx['PHOT_B'].header['NAXIS2'],
        if args.nspec > 0:
            fibers = fibers[0:args.nspec]
    if comm is not None:
        fibers = comm.bcast(fibers, root=0)

    #do multiprocessing fibers now, handle mpi inside the loop
    if comm is None:
        fs = np.in1d(fibers // 500, group_spectro)
        group_fibers = fibers[fs]

    # Use original seed to generate different random seeds for each camera
    seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1, size=ncamera)
    seed_counter = 0  #need to initialize counter

    #this loop handles the mpi case
    if comm is not None:
        #now that each communicator (group) knows which cameras it
        #is supposed to process, we can get started
        previous_camera = 'a'  #need to initialize
        for i in range(len(node_cameras)):  #may be different in each group
            if i > 1:
                #keep track in case we can avoid re-broadcasting stuff
                previous_camera = node_cameras[i - 1]
            current_camera = node_cameras[i]
            camera = current_camera[0] + current_camera[1]
            channel = current_camera[0]

            #since we clear, we need to pre-allocate every time
            simspec = None
            image = {}
            rawpix = {}
            truepix = {}

            #since we handle only one spectra at a time, just load the one we need
            simspec = io.read_simspec_mpi(args.simspec,

            if group_rank == 0:
                log.debug('Processing camera {}'.format(camera))

            # Set the seed for this camera (regardless of which process is
            # performing the simulation).

            # Get the random cosmic expids.  The actual values will be
            # remapped internally with the modulus operator.
            cosexpid = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=1)[0]

            # Read inputs for this camera.  Unfortunately psf
            # objects are not serializable, so we read it on all
            # processes.

            if args.psf is None:
                psf = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)
                if args.ccd_npix_x is not None:
                    psf.npix_x = args.ccd_npix_x
                if args.ccd_npix_y is not None:
                    psf.npix_y = args.ccd_npix_y

            #if we have already loaded the right cosmics camera, don't bcast again
            cosmics = None
            if args.cosmics:
                if current_camera[0] != previous_camera[0]:
                    cosmics = None
                    if group_rank == 0:
                        if args.cosmics_file is None:
                            cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(
                                'cosmics templates {}'.format(cosmics_file))
                            cosmics_file = args.cosmics_file

                        shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
                        cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file,

                    cosmics = comm_group.bcast(cosmics, root=0)

            if group_rank == 0:
                group_size = comm_group.size
                log.info("Group {} ({} processes) simulating camera "
                         "{}".format(group, group_size, camera))

            #calc group_fibers inside the loop
            fs = np.in1d(fibers // 500, group_spectro[i])
            group_fibers = fibers[fs]

            image[camera], rawpix[camera], truepix[camera] = \
                simulate(camera, simspec, psf, fibers=group_fibers,
                    ncpu=args.ncpu, nspec=args.nspec, cosmics=cosmics,
                    wavemin=args.wavemin, wavemax=args.wavemax, preproc=False,

            #to avoid overflowing the memory let's write after each instance of simulate
            #the data are already at rank 0 in each communicator
            #then have each communicator open and write to the file one at a time
            #this is the part that will fail if the number of nodes divided by number of frames
            #is not evenly divisible (hence the check above)
            for i in range(ngroup):  #number of total communicators
                if group == i:  #only one group at a time should open/write/close
                    if group_rank == 0:  #write only from rank 0 where the data are
                        #write the raw file using desispec write_raw in raw.py
                        log.info('Wrote {} image to {} at time {}'.format(
                            camera, args.rawfile, time.asctime()))
                        #write the simpix file using desisim write_simpix in io.py
                        log.info('Wrote {} image to {} at time {}'.format(
                            camera, args.simpixfile, time.asctime()))
                        #delete for each group after we have written the output files
                    del rawpix, image, truepix, simspec
                #to avoid bugs this barrier statement must align with if group==i!!
                comm.Barrier()  #all ranks should be done writing

            if args.psf is None:
                del psf

            #iterate random number counter
            seed_counter = seed_counter + 1

    #initalize random number seeds
    seed_counter = 0  #need to initialize counter
    if comm is None:
        simspec = io.read_simspec(args.simspec)
        previous_camera = 'a'
        for i in range(len(node_cameras)):

            current_camera = node_cameras[i]
            camera = current_camera[0] + current_camera[1]
            channel = current_camera[0]

            if group_rank == 0:
                log.debug('Processing camera {}'.format(camera))

            # Set the seed for this camera (regardless of which process is
            # performing the simulation).

            # Get the random cosmic expids.  The actual values will be
            # remapped internally with the modulus operator.
            cosexpid = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=1)[0]

            # Read inputs for this camera.  Unfortunately psf
            # objects are not serializable, so we read it on all
            # processes.
            if args.psf is None:
                #add this so that it won't fail if we enter two repeated channels
                if camera != previous_camera:
                    psf = desimodel.io.load_psf(channel)
                    if args.ccd_npix_x is not None:
                        psf.npix_x = args.ccd_npix_x
                    if args.ccd_npix_y is not None:
                        psf.npix_y = args.ccd_npix_y
                previous_camera = camera

            if args.cosmics:
                if group_rank == 0:
                    if args.cosmics_file is None:
                        cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(
                        log.info('cosmics templates {}'.format(cosmics_file))
                        cosmics_file = args.cosmics_file

                    shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x)
                    cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file,

            #- Do the actual simulation
            # Each process in the group is responsible for a subset of the
            # fibers.

            if group_rank == 0:
                group_size = 1
                log.info("Group {} ({} processes) simulating camera "
                         "{}".format(group, group_size, camera))

            image[camera], rawpix[camera], truepix[camera] = \
                simulate(camera, simspec, psf, fibers=group_fibers,
                    ncpu=args.ncpu, nspec=args.nspec, cosmics=cosmics,
                    wavemin=args.wavemin, wavemax=args.wavemax, preproc=False,

            #like we did in mpi, move the write in here so we don't have to
            #keep accumulating all the data
            if group_rank == 0:
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera, args.rawfile))
                log.info('Wrote {} image to {}'.format(camera,

            if args.psf is None:
                del psf

            #iterate random number counter
            seed_counter = seed_counter + 1

    #done with both mpi and multiprocessing

    # Move temp files into place
    if rank == 0:
        # Copy the original files into place if we are appending
        if not args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.rawfile):
            shutil.copy2(args.rawfile, rawtemp)
        if not args.overwrite and os.path.exists(args.simpixfile):
            shutil.copy2(args.simpixfile, simpixtemp)

    if rank == 0:
        os.rename(simpixtemp, args.simpixfile)
        os.rename(rawtemp, args.rawfile)
    if comm is not None:

    # Apply preprocessing
    if args.preproc:
        if rank == 0:
            log.info('Preprocessing raw -> pix files')
        from desispec.scripts import preproc
        if len(node_cameras) > 0:
            if group_rank == 0:
                for i in range(len(node_cameras)):
                    current_camera = node_cameras[i]
                    camera = current_camera[0] + current_camera[1]
                    #file should be preproc instead of pix
                    pixfile = desispec.io.findfile('preproc',
                    if args.preproc_dir:
                        pixfile = os.path.join(args.preproc_dir,

                    pixdir = os.path.dirname(pixfile)
                    if not os.path.isdir(pixdir):
                    preproc_opts = [
                        '--infile', args.rawfile, '--outfile', pixfile,
                        '--cameras', camera

    # Python is terrible with garbage collection, but at least
    # encourage it...
    if comm is None:
        del image
        del rawpix
        del truepix
    #have already deleted these for the mpi case

    if rank == 0:
        log.info('Finished pixsim {} expid {} at {}'.format(
            args.night, args.expid, asctime()))