Exemple #1
print('Assigned science: {}'.format(len(_assigned)))

##  Load one tile, currently. 
Tile       = 74057
sv_mtl     = Table(fits.open(scratch + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/mtls/svmtl_{:06d}.fits'.format(Tile))[1].data)

##  Limit to only BGS.
sv_mtl     = sv_mtl[sv_mtl['SV1_BGS_TARGET'].quantity.value > 0]
print('Total targets in Tile {}: {}.'.format(Tile, len(sv_mtl)))

_bitdefs   = load_mask_bits("sv1")
bgs_mask   = BitMask('sv1_bgs_mask', _bitdefs)

types      =  bgs_mask.names()
bits       = [bgs_mask.bitnum(x) for x in types]

##  Those that were assigned in this tile. 
assigned   = join(_assigned, sv_mtl, keys=['BRICKID', 'BRICK_OBJID'], join_type='inner')

##  SV Target class.
splits     = {}
title      = ''

  sample        = _type.split('_')
  sample        = ''.join(x for x in sample)

  splits[_type] = assigned[(assigned['SV1_BGS_TARGET'] & 2 ** bgs_mask.bitnum(_type)) != 0]
Exemple #2
##  Retain only the science targets; Dropping standards etc.
_assigned = _assigned[_assigned['FA_TYPE'].quantity == 1]

##  Load one tile, currently.
sv_mtl = Table(
    fits.open(scratch + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/mtls/svmtl_074057.fits')[1].data)

##  Limit to only BGS.
sv_mtl = sv_mtl[sv_mtl['SV1_BGS_TARGET'].quantity.value > 0]

_bitdefs = load_mask_bits("sv1")
bgs_mask = BitMask('sv1_bgs_mask', _bitdefs)

types = bgs_mask.names()
bits = [bgs_mask.bitnum(x) for x in types]

assigned = join(_assigned,
                keys=['BRICKID', 'BRICK_OBJID'],
assert len(_assigned) == len(assigned)

splits = {}
title = ''

for _type in [
    sample = _type.split('_')
Exemple #3
scratch = os.environ['CSCRATCH']

tiles = Table(
utiles = np.unique(tiles['TILEID'].quantity)

_bitdefs = load_mask_bits("sv1")

desi_mask = BitMask('sv1_desi_mask', _bitdefs)
bgs_mask = BitMask('sv1_bgs_mask', _bitdefs)

types = bgs_mask.names()
bits = [bgs_mask.bitnum(x) for x in types]

##  L428 of https://github.com/desihub/desimodel/blob/master/py/desimodel/focalplane/geometry.py
params = load_desiparams()
fiber_dia = params['fibers']['diameter_um']

#- Platescales in um/arcsec
ps = load_platescale()

##  Add in GAMA labels.
_fits = fits.open(
gama = Table(_fits[1].data)

for tile in utiles:
Exemple #4
utiles = np.unique(tiles['TILEID'].quantity)

result = Table(names=[
               dtype=('i8', 'i1', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'i4'))

_bitdefs = load_mask_bits("sv1")

desi_mask = BitMask('sv1_desi_mask', _bitdefs)
bgs_mask = BitMask('sv1_bgs_mask', _bitdefs)

types = bgs_mask.names()
bits = [bgs_mask.bitnum(x) for x in types]

##  L428 of https://github.com/desihub/desimodel/blob/master/py/desimodel/focalplane/geometry.py
params = load_desiparams()
fiber_dia = params['fibers']['diameter_um']

#- Platescales in um/arcsec
ps = load_platescale()

for tile in utiles:
    print('Solving for Tile {}.'.format(tile))

    ##  Scrape from the tile picker site.
    ##  cmd = 'wget http://www.astro.utah.edu/~u6022465/SV/tiles/SV_BGS/fits_files/tile-{:06}.fits -O /global/cscratch1/sd/mjwilson/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/fiberassign/tile-{:06}.fits'.format(tile, tile)
    ##  os.system(cmd)