Exemple #1
    def forward(self, features, num_voxels, coors):
        # features: [concated_num_points, num_voxel_size, 3(4)]
        # num_voxels: [concated_num_points]
        # t = time.time()
        # torch.cuda.synchronize()

        points_mean = features[:, :, :3].sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.type_as(
        ).view(-1, 1, 1)
        features_relative = features[:, :, :3] - points_mean
        if self._with_distance:
            points_dist = torch.norm(features[:, :, :3], 2, 2, keepdim=True)
            features = torch.cat([features, features_relative, points_dist], dim=-1)
            features = torch.cat([features, features_relative], dim=-1)
        voxel_count = features.shape[1]
        mask = get_paddings_indicator(num_voxels, voxel_count, axis=0)
        mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, -1).type_as(features)
        # mask = features.max(dim=2, keepdim=True)[0] != 0

        # torch.cuda.synchronize()
        # print("vfe prep forward time", time.time() - t)
        x = self.vfe1(features)
        x *= mask
        x = self.vfe2(x)
        x *= mask
        x = self.linear(x)
        x = self.norm(x.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()).permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
        x = F.relu(x)
        x *= mask
        # x: [concated_num_points, num_voxel_size, 128]
        voxelwise = torch.max(x, dim=1)[0]
        return voxelwise
Exemple #2
 def forward(self, features, num_voxels, coors=None):
     # features: [concated_num_points, num_voxel_size, 3(4)]
     # num_voxels: [concated_num_points]
     points_mean = features[:, :, :3].sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.type_as(
     ).view(-1, 1, 1)
     features_relative = features[:, :, :3] - points_mean
     if self._with_distance:
         points_dist = torch.norm(features[:, :, :3], 2, 2, keepdim=True)
         features = torch.cat([features, features_relative, points_dist], dim=-1)
         features = torch.cat([features, features_relative], dim=-1)
     voxel_count = features.shape[1]
     mask = get_paddings_indicator(num_voxels, voxel_count, axis=0)
     mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, -1).type_as(features)
     for vfe in self.vfe_layers:
         features = vfe(features)
         features *= mask
     features = self.linear(features)
     features = (
         self.norm(features.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous())
         .permute(0, 2, 1)
     features = F.relu(features)
     features *= mask
     # x: [concated_num_points, num_voxel_size, 128]
     voxelwise = torch.max(features, dim=1)[0]
     return voxelwise
Exemple #3
    def get_pillar_feat(self,
        device = features.device
        dtype = features.dtype

        # Find distance of x, y, and z from cluster center
        points_mean = features[:, :, :3].sum(
            dim=1, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.type_as(features).view(-1, 1, 1)
        f_cluster = features[:, :, :3] - points_mean

        if self.normalize_center_features:
            f_cluster[:, :, 0] = 2 * f_cluster[:, :, 0] / self.vx
            f_cluster[:, :, 1] = 2 * f_cluster[:, :, 1] / self.vy
        # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center
        # f_center = features[:, :, :2]
        f_center = torch.zeros_like(features[:, :, :2])
        f_center[:, :, 0] = features[:, :, 0] - (
            coors[:, 3].to(dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.vx + self.x_offset)
        f_center[:, :, 1] = features[:, :, 1] - (
            coors[:, 2].to(dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.vy + self.y_offset)

        if self.normalize_center_features:
            f_center[:, :, 0] = 2 * f_center[:, :, 0] / self.vx
            f_center[:, :, 1] = 2 * f_center[:, :, 1] / self.vy

        # remove unnormalized dimensions

        features_additional = []
        if self._with_elevation:
            r = torch.norm(features[:, :, :2], 2, 2, keepdim=True)
            phi = torch.atan2(r, features[:, :, 2].view_as(r))

        if with_unnormalized_xyz:
            features = features[:, :, 3:]
        # Combine together feature decorations
        features_ls = [features, f_cluster, f_center]

        if self._with_distance:
            points_dist = torch.norm(features[:, :, :3], 2, 2, keepdim=True)
        features = torch.cat(features_ls + features_additional, dim=-1)

        # The feature decorations were calculated without regard to whether pillar was empty. Need to ensure that
        # empty pillars remain set to zeros.
        voxel_count = features.shape[1]
        mask = get_paddings_indicator(num_voxels, voxel_count, axis=0)
        mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, -1).type_as(features)
        features *= mask

        return features
    def forward(self, features, num_voxels, coors):
        if not self.export_onnx:

            device = features.device

            dtype = features.dtype

            # Find distance of x, y, and z from cluster center
            # features = features[:, :, :self.num_input]
            points_mean = features[:, :, :3].sum(
                dim=1, keepdim=True) / num_voxels.type_as(features).view(
                    -1, 1, 1)
            f_cluster = features[:, :, :3] - points_mean

            # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center
            # f_center = features[:, :, :2]
            f_center = torch.zeros_like(features[:, :, :2])
            f_center[:, :, 0] = features[:, :, 0] - (
                coors[:, 3].to(dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.vx + self.x_offset)
            f_center[:, :, 1] = features[:, :, 1] - (
                coors[:, 2].to(dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.vy + self.y_offset)

            # Combine together feature decorations
            features_ls = [features, f_cluster, f_center]
            if self._with_distance:
                points_dist = torch.norm(features[:, :, :3],
            features = torch.cat(features_ls, dim=-1)

            # The feature decorations were calculated without regard to whether pillar was empty. Need to ensure that
            # empty pillars remain set to zeros.
            voxel_count = features.shape[1]
            mask = get_paddings_indicator(num_voxels, voxel_count, axis=0)
            mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, -1).type_as(features)
            features *= mask
        self.features = features
        # Forward pass through PFNLayers
        for pfn in self.pfn_layers:
            features = pfn(features)

        return features.squeeze()