def check_for_card(self):
		found = False
		base_corr = 0

		# if the user didn't set the background, get the first frame and consider it the background
		if self.background is None:
			print "Updating background on the account of it being NOne"
		history_diff = self.calc_biggest_diff()

		# Detect movement
		if history_diff > 10:
			self.has_moved = True

		# No movement now, but there was before
		elif self.has_moved == True:
			base_corr = self.calc_background_similarity()
			# Looking at the background, false alarm
			# set the frame as the new background, this helps with lightning change
			if base_corr >= 0.75:
				self.has_moved = False
				# background and current frame are < 25% similar
				corners = detect_card(self.last_frame_gray, self.background_gray)
				if corners is not None:
					self.snapshot = get_card(self.last_frame_gray, corners)
					self.snapshot = flip_image(self.snapshot)
					found = True
					self.has_moved = False
					self.has_moved = False
		self.display_live("%.4f [0-10 stable, >10 unstable] | %.4f [>0.75 is background, <0.75 contains foreground]" % (history_diff, base_corr))

		if found is True:
			return clone_image(self.snapshot)
		return None
Exemple #2
def watch_for_card(camera):
    has_moved = False
    been_to_base = False

    global captures
    global font
    captures = []

    font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0)
    img = cv.QueryFrame(camera)
    size = cv.GetSize(img)
    n_pixels = size[0] * size[1]

    grey = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1)
    recent_frames = [cv.CloneImage(grey)]
    base = cv.CloneImage(grey)
    cv.CvtColor(img, base, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)
    # cv.ShowImage('card', base)
    tmp = cv.CloneImage(grey)

    while True:
        img = cv.QueryFrame(camera)
        cv.CvtColor(img, grey, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)

        biggest_diff = max(sum_squared(grey, frame) / n_pixels for frame in recent_frames)

        # display the cam view
        cv.PutText(img, "%s" % biggest_diff, (1, 24), font, (255, 255, 255))
        cv.ShowImage('win', img)
        if len(recent_frames) > 3:
            del recent_frames[0]

        # check for keystroke
        c = cv.WaitKey(10)
        # if there was a keystroke, reset the last capture
        if c == 27:
            return captures
        elif c == 32:
            has_moved = True
            been_to_base = True
        elif c == 114:
            base = cv.CloneImage(grey)

        # if we're stable-ish
        if biggest_diff < 10:
            # if we're similar to base, update base
            # else, check for card
            # base_diff = max(sum_squared(base, frame) / n_pixels for frame in recent_frames)
            base_corr = 0
                base_corr = min(ccoeff_normed(base, frame) for frame in recent_frames)
                print ("Unable to calculate the base_corr")
            # cv.ShowImage('debug', base)

            """for i, frame in enumerate(recent_frames):
                tmp = cv.CloneImage(base)
                cv.Sub(base, frame, tmp)
                cv.Pow(tmp, tmp, 2.0)
                cv.PutText(tmp, "%s" % (i+1), (1,24), font, (255, 255, 255))
                #my_diff = sum_squared(base, frame) / n_pixels
                my_diff = ccoeff_normed(base, frame) #score(base, frame, cv.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
                cv.PutText(tmp, "%s" % my_diff, (40, 24), font, (255, 255, 255))
                cv.ShowImage('dbg%s' % (i+1), tmp)"""
            # print "stable. corr = %s. moved = %s. been_to_base = %s" % (base_corr, has_moved, been_to_base)
            if base_corr > 0.75 and not been_to_base:
                base = cv.CloneImage(grey)
                #	cv.ShowImage('debug', base)
                has_moved = False
                been_to_base = True
                print "STATE: been to base. waiting for move"
            elif has_moved and been_to_base:
                corners = detect_card(grey, base)
                if corners is not None:
                    card = get_card(grey, corners)
                    cv.Flip(card, card, -1)
                    # cv.ShowImage('card', card)
                    has_moved = False
                    been_to_base = False
                    print "STATE: detected. waiting for go to base"
            if not has_moved:
                print "STATE: has moved. waiting for stable"
            has_moved = True
Exemple #3
def watch_for_card(camera):
    has_moved = False
    been_to_base = False

    global captures
    global font
    captures = []

    font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0)
    img = cv.QueryFrame(camera)
    size = cv.GetSize(img)
    n_pixels = size[0] * size[1]

    grey = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1)
    recent_frames = [cv.CloneImage(grey)]
    base = cv.CloneImage(grey)
    cv.CvtColor(img, base, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)
    #cv.ShowImage('card', base)
    tmp = cv.CloneImage(grey)

    while True:
        img = cv.QueryFrame(camera)
        cv.CvtColor(img, grey, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)

        biggest_diff = max(
            sum_squared(grey, frame) / n_pixels for frame in recent_frames)

        #display the cam view
        cv.PutText(img, "%s" % biggest_diff, (1, 24), font, (255, 255, 255))
        cv.ShowImage('win', img)
        if len(recent_frames) > 3:
            del recent_frames[0]

        #check for keystroke
        c = cv.WaitKey(10)
        #if there was a keystroke, reset the last capture
        if c == 27:
            return captures
        elif c == 32:
            has_moved = True
            been_to_base = True
        elif c == 114:
            base = cv.CloneImage(grey)

        #if we're stable-ish
        if biggest_diff < 10:
            #if we're similar to base, update base
            #else, check for card
            #base_diff = max(sum_squared(base, frame) / n_pixels for frame in recent_frames)
            base_corr = min(
                ccoeff_normed(base, frame) for frame in recent_frames)
            #cv.ShowImage('debug', base)
            """for i, frame in enumerate(recent_frames):
				tmp = cv.CloneImage(base)
				cv.Sub(base, frame, tmp)
				cv.Pow(tmp, tmp, 2.0)
				cv.PutText(tmp, "%s" % (i+1), (1,24), font, (255, 255, 255))
				#my_diff = sum_squared(base, frame) / n_pixels
				my_diff = ccoeff_normed(base, frame) #score(base, frame, cv.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
				cv.PutText(tmp, "%s" % my_diff, (40, 24), font, (255, 255, 255))
				cv.ShowImage('dbg%s' % (i+1), tmp)"""
            #print "stable. corr = %s. moved = %s. been_to_base = %s" % (base_corr, has_moved, been_to_base)
            if base_corr > 0.75 and not been_to_base:
                base = cv.CloneImage(grey)
                #	cv.ShowImage('debug', base)
                has_moved = False
                been_to_base = True
                print "STATE: been to base. waiting for move"
            elif has_moved and been_to_base:
                corners = detect_card(grey, base)
                if corners is not None:
                    card = get_card(grey, corners)
                    cv.Flip(card, card, -1)
                    #cv.ShowImage('card', card)
                    has_moved = False
                    been_to_base = False
                    print "STATE: detected. waiting for go to base"
            if not has_moved:
                print "STATE: has moved. waiting for stable"
            has_moved = True
Exemple #4
import numpy as np
from detect_card import detect_card

def multiple_crop(photopath):
    # Now let's use the detector as you would in a normal application.  First we
    # will load it from disk.
    detector = dlib.simple_object_detector("detector.svm")
    img = io.imread(photopath)
    dets = detector(img)
    detected_rectangles= []
    for k, d in enumerate(dets):
#        print(detected_rectangles)
    cropped_vector=crop_cards(img, detected_rectangles)
#    print(cropped_vector)
    return cropped_vector

def crop_cards(img, rectanglelist):
    for i in rectanglelist:
        single_crop=img[i[0]:i[2], i[1]:i[3]]
    return cropped_img

base= cv2.imread("base.jpg",0)