def imgs_detection(imgs, model, thre, step=1): """图片组识别 Args: imgs ([type]): 图片列表 thre ([int]):阈值 model ([type]): 模型 step (int, optional): 识别步长. Defaults to 1. Returns: [type]: [description] """ frames_index = [x for x in range(0, len(imgs), step)] hat_bboxs, person_bboxs = [], [] for img in imgs[frames_index]: result = inference_detector(model, img) hat_bbox, person_bbox = result[0], result[1] # 剔除分数过低的bbox hat_bbox, person_bbox = hat_bbox[hat_bbox[:, 4] > thre], person_bbox[ person_bbox[:, 4] > thre] # 将阈值数据抹除 hat_bbox = hat_bbox[:, 0:4] hat_bboxs.append(hat_bbox) person_bbox = person_bbox[:, 0:4] person_bboxs.append(person_bbox) hat_bboxs, person_bboxs = np.array(hat_bboxs), np.array(person_bboxs) return frames_index, hat_bboxs, person_bboxs
def process_video(model, input_path, output_path, require_fps, hat_color, person_color, fourcc='mp4v'): """处理视频并输出到指定目录 Arguments: model {torch.nn.Sequ} -- [使用的模型] input_path {[str]} -- [视频文件路径] require_fps {[int]} -- [输出的视频fps] fourcc {[str]} -- [opencv写文件编码格式] hat_color {[str]} -- [安全帽框颜色] person_color {[str]} -- [人头框颜色] process_step {[int]} -- [以step分钟的间隔处理整个视频,内存越大step可以越大] """ video = mmcv.VideoReader(input_path) # 初始化人头追踪器 psn_tracker = Tracker() resolution = (video.width, video.height) video_fps = video.fps #ds = DetectionSifter(int(video_fps),osp.basename(args.input_path).split('.')[0],1,3,resolution,get_collection()) if require_fps is None: require_fps = video_fps if require_fps > video_fps: require_fps = video_fps vwriter = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, VideoWriter_fourcc(*fourcc), require_fps, resolution) for frame in tqdm(video): # bbox:(hat_bbox,person_bbox) st = time.time() bboxs = inference_detector(model, frame) et = time.time()'探测耗时{0}'.format(et - st)) frame_result = get_result(frame, bboxs, class_names=model.CLASSES, auto_thickness=True, color_dist={ 'hat': 'green', 'person': 'red' }) # person_bboxs:(N,5) person_bboxs = bboxs[1] # 筛选阈值大于0.5进行追踪 person_bboxs = person_bboxs[person_bboxs[:, 4] > 0.5] person_bboxs = np.expand_dims(person_bboxs, 0) person_bboxs_tracks = track(person_bboxs, psn_tracker)[0] #ds.add_object(person_bboxs_tracks,frame) vwriter.write(frame_result) #ds.clear() print('process finshed')
def img_detection(img, model, thre): result = inference_detector(model, img) hat_bbox, person_bbox = result[0], result[1] # 剔除分数过低的bbox hat_bbox, person_bbox = hat_bbox[hat_bbox[:, 4] > thre], person_bbox[ person_bbox[:, 4] > thre] # 将阈值数据取出 hat_bbox_pro = hat_bbox[:, 4] hat_bbox = hat_bbox[:, 0:4] person_bbox_pro = person_bbox[:, 4] person_bbox = person_bbox[:, 0:4] return (hat_bbox, hat_bbox_pro), (person_bbox, person_bbox_pro)
def main(): args = parse_args() model = init_detector(args.config, args.checkpoint, device=torch.device('cuda', args.device)) camera = cv2.VideoCapture(args.camera_id) print('Press "Esc", "q" or "Q" to exit.') while True: ret_val, img = result = inference_detector(model, img) ch = cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == 27 or ch == ord('q') or ch == ord('Q'): break show_result(img, result, model.CLASSES, score_thr=args.score_thr, wait_time=1)
async def main(): """ Benchmark between async and synchronous inference interfaces. Sample runs for 20 demo images on K80 GPU, model - mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x: async sync 7981.79 ms 9660.82 ms 8074.52 ms 9660.94 ms 7976.44 ms 9406.83 ms Async variant takes about 0.83-0.85 of the time of the synchronous interface. """ project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) config_file = os.path.join(project_dir, 'configs/') checkpoint_file = os.path.join( project_dir, 'checkpoints/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_20181010-069fa190.pth') if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_file): url = ('' '/models/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_20181010-069fa190.pth') print('Downloading {} ...'.format(url)) local_filename, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(checkpoint_file), exist_ok=True) shutil.move(local_filename, checkpoint_file) print('Saved as {}'.format(checkpoint_file)) else: print('Using existing checkpoint {}'.format(checkpoint_file)) device = 'cuda:0' model = init_detector(config_file, checkpoint=checkpoint_file, device=device) # queue is used for concurrent inference of multiple images streamqueue = asyncio.Queue() # queue size defines concurrency level streamqueue_size = 4 for _ in range(streamqueue_size): streamqueue.put_nowait(torch.cuda.Stream(device=device)) # test a single image and show the results img = mmcv.imread(os.path.join(project_dir, 'demo/demo.jpg')) # warmup await async_inference_detector(model, img) async def detect(img): async with concurrent(streamqueue): return await async_inference_detector(model, img) num_of_images = 20 with profile_time('benchmark', 'async'): tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(detect(img)) for _ in range(num_of_images) ] async_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) with with profile_time('benchmark', 'sync'): sync_results = [ inference_detector(model, img) for _ in range(num_of_images) ] result_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'demo') show_result(img, async_results[0], model.CLASSES, score_thr=0.5, show=False, out_file=os.path.join(result_dir, 'result_async.jpg')) show_result(img, sync_results[0], model.CLASSES, score_thr=0.5, show=False, out_file=os.path.join(result_dir, 'result_sync.jpg'))