Exemple #1
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
            field_stride = 2.**lvl
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE * 2.**(lvl - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
                field_stride, anchor_sizes, anchor_aspect_ratios
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
            cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES, cfg.RPN.ASPECT_RATIOS
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors

    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        gt_inds = np.where(
            (entry['gt_classes'] > 0) & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0)
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(
                im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors, gt_rois
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(
                im_height, im_width, [foa], all_anchors, gt_rois
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'
    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #2
def add_retinanet_blobs(blobs, im_tr_matrix, roidb, image_width, image_height,
    """Add RetinaNet blobs."""
    # RetinaNet is applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
    k_max, k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL, cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
    scales_per_octave = cfg.RETINANET.SCALES_PER_OCTAVE
    num_aspect_ratios = len(cfg.RETINANET.ASPECT_RATIOS)
    aspect_ratios = cfg.RETINANET.ASPECT_RATIOS
    anchor_scale = cfg.RETINANET.ANCHOR_SCALE

    # get anchors from all levels for all scales/aspect ratios
    foas = []
    for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
        stride = 2.**lvl
        for octave in range(scales_per_octave):
            octave_scale = 2**(octave / float(scales_per_octave))
            for idx in range(num_aspect_ratios):
                anchor_sizes = (stride * octave_scale * anchor_scale, )
                anchor_aspect_ratios = (aspect_ratios[idx], )
                foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(stride, anchor_sizes,
                                                      octave, idx)
    all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])

    blobs['retnet_fg_num'], blobs['retnet_bg_num'] = 0.0, 0.0
    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        transformation_matrix = im_tr_matrix[im_i]
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        # image_height = im_shapes[im_i][0]
        # image_width = im_shapes[im_i][1]
        gt_inds = np.where((entry['gt_classes'] > 0)
                           & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
        assert len(gt_inds) > 0, \
            'Empty ground truth empty for image is not allowed. Please check.'

        # gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        gt_classes = entry['gt_classes'][gt_inds]
        gt_rois = []
        for gt_roi in roidb[im_i]['boxes']:
            w, h = gt_roi[2] - gt_roi[0], gt_roi[3] - gt_roi[1]
            nw, nh = int(w * scale), int(h * scale)
            center_x, center_y = gt_roi[0] + w / 2, gt_roi[1] + h / 2
            new_center = np.dot(transformation_matrix,
                                [[center_x], [center_y], [1.0]]).astype('int')
            new_center_x = int(new_center[0][0])
            new_center_y = int(new_center[1][0])
            nbx = int(new_center_x - nw / 2)
            nby = int(new_center_y - nh / 2)
            nbx2 = int(nbx + nw)
            nby2 = int(nby + nh)
            gt_rois.append([nbx, nby, nbx2, nby2])

        im_info = np.array([[image_height, image_width, scale]],
        matrix = np.array(transformation_matrix, dtype=np.float32)
        gt_rois = np.asarray(gt_rois, dtype=np.float32)

        # im_info = np.array([[image_height, image_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)
        # blobs['im_info'].append(im_info)

        retinanet_blobs, fg_num, bg_num = _get_retinanet_blobs(
            foas, all_anchors, gt_rois, gt_classes, image_width, image_height)
        for i, foa in enumerate(foas):
            for k, v in retinanet_blobs[i].items():
                # the way it stacks is:
                # [[anchors for image1] + [anchors for images 2]]
                level = int(np.log2(foa.stride))
                key = '{}_fpn{}'.format(k, level)
                if k == 'retnet_roi_fg_bbox_locs':
                    v[:, 0] = im_i
                    # loc_stride: 80 * 4 if cls_specific else 4
                    loc_stride = 4  # 4 coordinate corresponding to bbox prediction
                    if cfg.RETINANET.CLASS_SPECIFIC_BBOX:
                        loc_stride *= (cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES - 1)
                    anchor_ind = foa.octave * num_aspect_ratios + foa.aspect
                    # v[:, 1] is the class label [range 0-80] if we do
                    # class-specfic bbox otherwise it is 0. In case of class
                    # specific, based on the label, the location of current
                    # anchor is class_label * 4 and then we take into account
                    # the anchor_ind if the anchors
                    v[:, 1] *= 4
                    v[:, 1] += loc_stride * anchor_ind
        blobs['retnet_fg_num'] += fg_num
        blobs['retnet_bg_num'] += bg_num

    blobs['retnet_fg_num'] = blobs['retnet_fg_num'].astype(np.float32)
    blobs['retnet_bg_num'] = blobs['retnet_bg_num'].astype(np.float32)

    N = len(roidb)
    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            # compute number of anchors
            A = int(len(v) / N)
            # for the cls branch labels [per fpn level],
            # we have blobs['retnet_cls_labels_fpn{}'] as a list until this step
            # and length of this list is N x A where
            # N = num_images, A = num_anchors for example, N = 2, A = 9
            # Each element of the list has the shape 1 x 1 x H x W where H, W are
            # spatial dimension of curret fpn lvl. Let a{i} denote the element
            # corresponding to anchor i [9 anchors total] in the list.
            # The elements in the list are in order [[a0, ..., a9], [a0, ..., a9]]
            # however the network will make predictions like 2 x (9 * 80) x H x W
            # so we first concatenate the elements of each image to a numpy array
            # and then concatenate the two images to get the 2 x 9 x H x W

            if k.find('retnet_cls_labels') >= 0:
                tmp = []
                # concat anchors within an image
                for i in range(0, len(v), A):
                    tmp.append(np.concatenate(v[i:i + A], axis=1))
                # concat images
                blobs[k] = np.concatenate(tmp, axis=0)
                # for the bbox branch elements [per FPN level],
                #  we have the targets and the fg boxes locations
                # in the shape: M x 4 where M is the number of fg locations in a
                # given image at the current FPN level. For the given level,
                # the bbox predictions will be. The elements in the list are in
                # order [[a0, ..., a9], [a0, ..., a9]]
                # Concatenate them to form M x 4
                blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v, axis=0)
    return True
Exemple #3
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
            field_stride = 2.**lvl
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE *
                            2.**(lvl - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(field_stride, anchor_sizes,
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES,
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors

    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        gt_inds = np.where((entry['gt_classes'] > 0)
                           & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors,
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            if cfg.TRAIN.DOMAIN_ADAPTATION:
                rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, [foa],
                                           all_anchors, gt_rois,
                rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, [foa],
                                           all_anchors, gt_rois)
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

            # print(roidb[0].keys())
            # print(len(roidb[0]['boxes']))
            da_label = np.zeros((1, 2, 36, 67), dtype=np.int32)
            if entry['is_source']:
                blobs['is_source'].append(np.full((1, ), True, dtype=np.bool_))
                blobs['da_label'].append(np.zeros((1, 36, 67), dtype=np.int32))
                blobs['is_source'].append(np.full((1, ), False,
                blobs['da_label'].append(np.ones((1, 36, 67), dtype=np.int32))
            blobs['is_source'].append(np.full((1, ), True, dtype=np.bool_))

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'

        valid_keys += ['is_source', 'da_label']
        valid_keys += ['is_source']
    # blobs['da_label']=np.zeros((1,2,36,67), dtype=np.int32)
    # if roidb[0]['is_source']:
    #     blobs['is_source']=np.full((1,),True,dtype=np.bool_)
    #     blobs['da_label'][:,0,:,:] = 1
    #     blobs['dc_label']=np.zeros((256,), dtype=np.int32)
    # else:
    #     blobs['is_source']=np.full((1,),False,dtype=np.bool_)
    #     blobs['da_label'][:,1,:,:] = 1
    #     blobs['dc_label']=np.ones((256,), dtype=np.int32)

    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #4
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
            field_stride = 2.**lvl
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE *
                            2.**(lvl - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(field_stride, anchor_sizes,
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES,
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors
    if 0:
        for jj, sub_roidb in enumerate(roidb):
            for zz, sub_classes in enumerate(sub_roidb['gt_classes']):
                if sub_classes == 4:
                    if len(sub_roidb['gt_classes']) > 1:
                    roidb[jj]['gt_classes'][zz] = 0
                    roidb[jj]['max_classes'][zz] = 0
                    roidb[jj]['boxes'][zz] = np.array([[0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0]],
    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
            scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        if 0:
            for ii, sub_gt_classes in enumerate(entry['gt_classes']):
                if sub_gt_classes == 0:
        gt_inds = np.where((entry['gt_classes'] > 0)
                           & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors,
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, [foa], all_anchors,
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'
    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #5
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    添加训练faster rcnn需要的blobs
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
            # lvl = 2 => 4.0
            field_stride = 2.**lvl
            # 32.0
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE *
                            2.**(lvl - k_min), )

            # [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS

            # 对于一个特征图,获得特征图上每一个cell所对应的anchor,
            # 该anchor对应于网络输入的大小
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(field_stride, anchor_sizes,
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES,
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors

    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        # * scale获得相对于网络输入的信息
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        gt_inds = np.where((entry['gt_classes'] > 0)
                           & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]

        # gt box
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale

        # TODO(rbg): gt_boxes is poorly named;
        # should be something like 'gt_rois_info'
        gt_boxes = blob_utils.zeros((len(gt_inds), 6))
        # 属于哪个图片
        gt_boxes[:, 0] = im_i  # batch inds
        # box
        gt_boxes[:, 1:5] = gt_rois
        # 类别信息
        gt_boxes[:, 5] = entry['gt_classes'][gt_inds]

        # 写入blob
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        # 添加RPN的目标值
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors,
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, [foa], all_anchors,
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'
    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #6
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        # fetch the spatial scales for every FPN level except fpn6
        #fpn_spatial_scales = globals().get('fpn_level_info_' + cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE_NAME + '_conv5')().spatial_scales
        fpn_spatial_scales = getattr(FPN, 'fpn_level_info_' + cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE_NAME + '_conv5')().spatial_scales
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max):
            field_stride = 1. / fpn_spatial_scales[k_max-lvl-1]
            #field_stride = 2.**(lvl - int(math.log(cfg.FPN.FINEST_LEVEL_SCALE,2))-2)
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE * 2.**(lvl - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
                field_stride, anchor_sizes, anchor_aspect_ratios
        # for p6, the scale should be the corest level divided by 2
        if k_max == 6:
            field_stride = 2 * (1. / fpn_spatial_scales[0])
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE * 2.**(k_max - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
                field_stride, anchor_sizes, anchor_aspect_ratios
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
            cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES, cfg.RPN.ASPECT_RATIOS
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors

    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        gt_inds = np.where(
            (entry['gt_classes'] > 0) & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0)
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        # TODO(rbg): gt_boxes is poorly named;
        # should be something like 'gt_rois_info'
        gt_boxes = blob_utils.zeros((len(gt_inds), 6))
        gt_boxes[:, 0] = im_i  # batch inds
        gt_boxes[:, 1:5] = gt_rois
        gt_boxes[:, 5] = entry['gt_classes'][gt_inds]
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(
                im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors, gt_rois
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(
                im_height, im_width, [foa], all_anchors, gt_rois
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'
    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #7
def add_rpn_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed training RPN-only and end-to-end Faster R-CNN models."""
    if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:  # 如果设置了RPN
        # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
        k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL
        k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
        foas = []
        for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
            field_stride = 2.**lvl
            anchor_sizes = (cfg.FPN.RPN_ANCHOR_START_SIZE *
                            2.**(lvl - k_min), )
            anchor_aspect_ratios = cfg.FPN.RPN_ASPECT_RATIOS
            foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(field_stride, anchor_sizes,
        all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])
        # print("--------------------------", all_anchors,len(all_anchors))    区域内每一个点的9个框
        # print("----------------------------------FOAS:{},num:{}".format(foas,len(foas)))
        foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(cfg.RPN.STRIDE, cfg.RPN.SIZES,
        all_anchors = foa.field_of_anchors

    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        #print("rpn.py   91   entry['gt_classes']",entry['gt_classes'])
        gt_inds = np.where((entry['gt_classes'] >= 0)
                           & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
        # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #print("rpn.py   96   gt_inds!!!!!!!!:----------------------",gt_inds)
        # if gt_inds == [0] :
        #     print(entry['boxes'])
        #     # gt_rois = entry['boxes'][0, :] * scale
        #     [x_*scale for x_ in entry['boxes'][0]]
        # else:
        #     gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale

        # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # print("gt_inds!!!!!!!!:----------------------",gt_inds)
        # if gt_inds == [0] :
        #     print(entry['boxes'])
        #     # gt_rois = entry['boxes'][0, :] * scale
        #     [x_*scale for x_ in entry['boxes'][0]]
        # else:
        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale

        # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        # Add RPN targets
        if cfg.FPN.FPN_ON and cfg.FPN.MULTILEVEL_RPN:
            # RPN applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, foas, all_anchors,
            for i, lvl in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max + 1)):
                for k, v in rpn_blobs[i].items():
                    blobs[k + '_fpn' + str(lvl)].append(v)
            # Classical RPN, applied to a single feature level
            rpn_blobs = _get_rpn_blobs(im_height, im_width, [foa], all_anchors,
            for k, v in rpn_blobs.items():

    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)

    valid_keys = [
        'has_visible_keypoints', 'boxes', 'segms', 'seg_areas', 'gt_classes',
        'gt_overlaps', 'is_crowd', 'box_to_gt_ind_map', 'gt_keypoints'
    minimal_roidb = [{} for _ in range(len(roidb))]
    for i, e in enumerate(roidb):
        for k in valid_keys:
            if k in e:
                minimal_roidb[i][k] = e[k]
    blobs['roidb'] = blob_utils.serialize(minimal_roidb)

    # Always return valid=True, since RPN minibatches are valid by design
    return True
Exemple #8
def add_retinanet_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb, image_width, image_height):
    """Add RetinaNet blobs."""
    # RetinaNet is applied to many feature levels, as in the FPN paper
    k_max, k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL, cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL
    scales_per_octave = cfg.RETINANET.SCALES_PER_OCTAVE
    num_aspect_ratios = len(cfg.RETINANET.ASPECT_RATIOS)
    aspect_ratios = cfg.RETINANET.ASPECT_RATIOS
    anchor_scale = cfg.RETINANET.ANCHOR_SCALE

    # get anchors from all levels for all scales/aspect ratios
    foas = []
    for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
        stride = 2. ** lvl
        for octave in range(scales_per_octave):
            octave_scale = 2 ** (octave / float(scales_per_octave))
            for idx in range(num_aspect_ratios):
                anchor_sizes = (stride * octave_scale * anchor_scale, )
                anchor_aspect_ratios = (aspect_ratios[idx], )
                foa = data_utils.get_field_of_anchors(
                    stride, anchor_sizes, anchor_aspect_ratios, octave, idx)
    all_anchors = np.concatenate([f.field_of_anchors for f in foas])

    blobs['retnet_fg_num'], blobs['retnet_bg_num'] = 0.0, 0.0
    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        scale = im_scales[im_i]
        im_height = np.round(entry['height'] * scale)
        im_width = np.round(entry['width'] * scale)
        gt_inds = np.where(
            (entry['gt_classes'] > 0) & (entry['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
        assert len(gt_inds) > 0, \
            'Empty ground truth empty for image is not allowed. Please check.'

        gt_rois = entry['boxes'][gt_inds, :] * scale
        gt_classes = entry['gt_classes'][gt_inds]

        im_info = np.array([[im_height, im_width, scale]], dtype=np.float32)

        retinanet_blobs, fg_num, bg_num = _get_retinanet_blobs(
            foas, all_anchors, gt_rois, gt_classes, image_width, image_height)
        for i, foa in enumerate(foas):
            for k, v in retinanet_blobs[i].items():
                # the way it stacks is:
                # [[anchors for image1] + [anchors for images 2]]
                level = int(np.log2(foa.stride))
                key = '{}_fpn{}'.format(k, level)
                if k == 'retnet_roi_fg_bbox_locs':
                    v[:, 0] = im_i
                    # loc_stride: 80 * 4 if cls_specific else 4
                    loc_stride = 4  # 4 coordinate corresponding to bbox prediction
                    if cfg.RETINANET.CLASS_SPECIFIC_BBOX:
                        loc_stride *= (cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES - 1)
                    anchor_ind = foa.octave * num_aspect_ratios + foa.aspect
                    # v[:, 1] is the class label [range 0-80] if we do
                    # class-specfic bbox otherwise it is 0. In case of class
                    # specific, based on the label, the location of current
                    # anchor is class_label * 4 and then we take into account
                    # the anchor_ind if the anchors
                    v[:, 1] *= 4
                    v[:, 1] += loc_stride * anchor_ind
        blobs['retnet_fg_num'] += fg_num
        blobs['retnet_bg_num'] += bg_num

    blobs['retnet_fg_num'] = blobs['retnet_fg_num'].astype(np.float32)
    blobs['retnet_bg_num'] = blobs['retnet_bg_num'].astype(np.float32)

    N = len(roidb)
    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            # compute number of anchors
            A = int(len(v) / N)
            # for the cls branch labels [per fpn level],
            # we have blobs['retnet_cls_labels_fpn{}'] as a list until this step
            # and length of this list is N x A where
            # N = num_images, A = num_anchors for example, N = 2, A = 9
            # Each element of the list has the shape 1 x 1 x H x W where H, W are
            # spatial dimension of curret fpn lvl. Let a{i} denote the element
            # corresponding to anchor i [9 anchors total] in the list.
            # The elements in the list are in order [[a0, ..., a9], [a0, ..., a9]]
            # however the network will make predictions like 2 x (9 * 80) x H x W
            # so we first concatenate the elements of each image to a numpy array
            # and then concatenate the two images to get the 2 x 9 x H x W

            if k.find('retnet_cls_labels') >= 0:
                tmp = []
                # concat anchors within an image
                for i in range(0, len(v), A):
                    tmp.append(np.concatenate(v[i: i + A], axis=1))
                # concat images
                blobs[k] = np.concatenate(tmp, axis=0)
                # for the bbox branch elements [per FPN level],
                #  we have the targets and the fg boxes locations
                # in the shape: M x 4 where M is the number of fg locations in a
                # given image at the current FPN level. For the given level,
                # the bbox predictions will be. The elements in the list are in
                # order [[a0, ..., a9], [a0, ..., a9]]
                # Concatenate them to form M x 4
                blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v, axis=0)
    return True