Exemple #1
    def GetFileBlockList(self, vault, file_id, marker=None, limit=None):
        """Retrieve the list of blocks assigned to the file

        :param vault: vault to the file belongs to
        :param fileid: fileid of the file in the Vault to list the blocks for
        :param marker: blockid within the list to start at
        :param limit: the maximum number of entries to retrieve

        :stores: The resulting block list in the file data for the vault.
        :returns: True on success
        if file_id not in vault.files:
            raise KeyError(
                'file_id must specify a file in the provided Vault.')

        url = api_v1.get_fileblocks_path(vault.vault_id, file_id)

        if marker is not None or limit is not None:
            # add the separator between the URL and the parameters
            url = url + '?'

            # Apply the marker
            if marker is not None:
                url = '{0:}marker={1:}'.format(url, marker)
                # Apply a comma if the next item is not none
                if limit is not None:
                    url = url + ','

            # Apply the limit
            if limit is not None:
                url = '{0:}limit={1:}'.format(url, limit)

        self.ReInit(self.sslenabled, url)
        self.__log_request_data(fn='Get File Block List')
        res = requests.get(self.Uri, headers=self.Headers)
        self.__log_response_data(res, jsondata=True, fn='Get File Block List')

        if res.status_code == 200:
            block_ids = []
            for block_id, offset in res.json():
                vault.files[file_id].offsets[offset] = block_id

            next_marker = None
            if 'x-next-batch' in res.headers:
                parsed_url = urlparse(res.headers['x-next-batch'])

                qs = parse_qs(parsed_url[4])
                next_marker = qs['marker'][0]

            return (block_ids, next_marker)
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Failed to get Block list for File . '
                'Error ({0:}): {1:}'.format(res.status_code, res.text))
Exemple #2
    def AssignBlocksToFile(self, vault, file_id, block_ids=None):
        """Assigns the specified block to a file

        :param vault: vault to containing the file
        :param file_id: file_id of the file in the vault that the block
                        will be assigned to
        :param block_ids: optional parameter specify list of Block IDs that
                          have already been assigned to the File object
                          specified by file_id within the Vault in the form
                          [(blockid, offset)]
        :returns: a list of blocks id that have to be uploaded to complete
                  if all the required blocks have been uploaded the the
                  list will be empty.
        if file_id not in vault.files:
            raise KeyError('file_id must specify a file in the provided Vault')
        if block_ids is not None:
            if len(block_ids) == 0:
                raise ValueError('block_ids must be iterable')
            for block_id, offset in block_ids:
                if str(offset) not in vault.files[file_id].offsets:
                    raise KeyError(
                        'block offset {0} must be assigned in the File'.
                if vault.files[file_id].offsets[str(offset)] != block_id:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'specified offset {0} must match the block {1}'.
                        format(offset, block_id))
            if len(vault.files[file_id].offsets) == 0:
                raise ValueError('File must have offsets specified')

        url = api_v1.get_fileblocks_path(vault.vault_id, file_id)
        self.ReInit(self.sslenabled, url)
        self.__log_request_data(fn='Assign Blocks To File')

        File Block Assignment Takes a JSON body containing the following:
                    [block_id, offset],
        block_assignment_data = []

        if block_ids is not None:
            block_assignment_data = [(block_id, offset)
                                     for block_id, offset in block_ids]
            block_assignment_data = [(block_id, offset)
                                     for offset, block_id in

        self.log.debug('Assigning blocks to offset:')
        for block_id, offset in block_assignment_data:
            self.log.debug('Offset, Block -> {0:}, {1:}'.format(offset,

        res = requests.post(self.Uri,
        self.__log_response_data(res, jsondata=True,
                                 fn='Assign Blocks To File')
        if res.status_code == 200:
            block_list_to_upload = [block_id
                                    for block_id in res.json()]
            return block_list_to_upload
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Failed to Assign Blocks to the File. '
                'Error ({0:}): {1:}'.format(res.status_code, res.text))