def parse_log(expressions, state):
    """Parse a log."""
    device = state['input_device']

    if state['write_original']:
        originalOutput = OutputFileDevice(state, state['write_original'], True)

    # While there is a new line, parse it.
    line = True  # For the first condition.
    while line:
        # If the line contains non-UTF8 chars it could raise an exception.
        state['input_line'] += 1
        line = device.read_line().rstrip("\r\n")

        # If EOF or the line is empty, continue.
        if not line or line == "":

        # Write original log if needed
        if state['write_original']:

        # We can get exceptions if the file contains output from two
        # different applications since the logs are messed up.
            match_line(line, expressions, state)
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=W0703
            exc_traceback = exc_info()[2]
            stacktraces = extract_tb(exc_traceback)
            log_error("[ScriptError] %s %s" % (str(stacktraces[-1]), ex),
def on_different_type_names(match, state):
    """It happens when there isn't TypeObject and type names are different."""
    topic = get_topic_name(match[0], state)
    type1 = get_type_name(match[1], state)
    type2 = get_type_name(match[2], state)
        "[LP-18] Cannot match remote entity in topic '%s': " % (topic) +
        "Different type names found ('%s', '%s')" % (type1, type2), state)
def on_shmem_queue_full(match, state):
    """It happens when the ShareMemory queue is full and data is dropped."""
    port = get_port_number(match[0], state)
    port_name = get_port_name(int(match[0], 16))
    count_max = match[1]
    max_size = match[2]
        "ShareMemory limits for queue %s (%s) are: max_num=%s, max_size=%s" %
        (port, port_name, count_max, max_size), state)
        "[LP-19] Sample dropped because ShareMemory queue %s is full." % port,
def on_deserialize_failure(match, state):
    """It happens when the reader is not able to deserialize a sample."""
    kind = "keyed" if match[0] == "CstReaderCollator" else "unkeyed"
    log_error("[LP-17] Cannot deserialize %s sample" % kind, state)
Exemple #5
def on_typecode_inconsistency(match, state):
    """It happens when RS detects two different types with same name."""
    log_error("RS found two different types with the same name: %s" % match[0],
def on_write_max_blocking_time_expired(match, state):
    """It happens when the blocking time expired."""
    log_error("[LP-13] Write maximum blocking time expired", state)
def on_batch_serialize_failure(match, state):
    """It happens when the batch serialization fails."""
    log_error("Cannot serialize batch sample", state)
def on_send_from_deleted_writer(match, state):
    """It happens when the writer is deleted."""
    log_error("[LP-14] Cannot write because DataWriter has been deleted",
def on_fail_serialize(match, state):
    """It happens when the serialization fails."""
    log_error("[LP-8] Cannot serialize sample", state)
Exemple #10
def on_typecode_not_found(match, state):
    """It happens when RS doesn't have the type code for a topic."""
    log_error("Typecode for %s is unavailable. Route will not work" % match[0],
def on_instance_not_found(match, state):
    """It happens when the instance is not found."""
    log_error("[LP-3] Cannot write unregistered instance.", state)
Exemple #12
def on_route_creation_failure(match, state):
    """It happens when the route cannot be created."""
    log_error("Cannot create RS route.", state)
def on_duplicate_topic_name_error(match, state):
    """It happens when there is a topic name duplication."""
    topic = get_topic_name(match[0], state)
    log_error("[LP-2] Topic name already in use by another topic: %s" % topic,
Exemple #14
def on_large_configuration_value(match, state):
    """It happens when the configuration value is too long, can't be parsed."""
        "[LP-16] Cannot initialize Monitoring: " +
        "string too long in RS configuration", state)
def on_get_unkeyed_key(match, state):
    """It happens when getting key from unkeyed sample."""
    log_error("[LP-5] Try to get key from unkeyed type.", state)
def on_delete_topic_before_cft(match, state):
    """It happens when deleting a topic before its CFT."""
    num_cft = match[0]
        "[LP-7] Cannot delete topic before its %s ContentFilteredTopics" %
        num_cft, state)
def on_inconsistent_transport_discovery_configuration(match, state):
    """It happens for inconsistencies in the discovery configuration."""
    log_error("Inconsistent transport/discovery configuration", state)
def on_fail_delete_flowcontrollers(match, state):
    """It happens when delete FC fails."""
    num_flowcontrol = match[0]
        "[LP-15] Cannot delete %s FlowControllers" % (num_flowcontrol) +
        " from delete_contained_entities", state)