def iet_lower_dimensions(iet):
    Replace all DerivedDimensions within the ``iet``'s expressions with
    lower-level symbolic objects (other Dimensions or Symbols).

        * Array indices involving SteppingDimensions are turned into ModuloDimensions.
          Example: ``u[t+1, x] = u[t, x] + 1 >>> u[t1, x] = u[t0, x] + 1``
        * Array indices involving ConditionalDimensions used are turned into
          integer-division expressions.
          Example: ``u[t_sub, x] = u[time, x] >>> u[time / 4, x] = u[time, x]``
    # Lower SteppingDimensions
    for i in FindNodes(Iteration).visit(iet):
        if not i.uindices:
            # Be quick: avoid uselessy reconstructing nodes
        # In an expression, there could be `u[t+1, ...]` and `v[t+1, ...]`, where
        # `u` and `v` are TimeFunction with circular time buffers (save=None) *but*
        # different modulo extent. The `t+1` indices above are therefore conceptually
        # different, so they will be replaced with the proper ModuloDimension through
        # two different calls to `xreplace`
        groups = as_mapper(i.uindices, lambda d: d.modulo)
        for k, v in groups.items():
            mapper = {d.origin: d for d in v}
            rule = lambda i: i.function.is_TimeFunction and i.function._time_size == k
            replacer = lambda i: xreplace_indices(i, mapper, rule)
            iet = XSubs(replacer=replacer).visit(iet)

    # Lower ConditionalDimensions
    cdims = [d for d in FindSymbols('free-symbols').visit(iet)
             if isinstance(d, ConditionalDimension)]
    mapper = {d: IntDiv(d.index, d.factor) for d in cdims}
    iet = XSubs(mapper).visit(iet)

    return iet
Exemple #2
def _lower_stepping_dims(iet):
    Lower SteppingDimensions: index functions involving SteppingDimensions are
    turned into ModuloDimensions.

    u[t+1, x] = u[t, x] + 1


    u[t1, x] = u[t0, x] + 1
    for i in FindNodes(Iteration).visit(iet):
        if not i.uindices:
            # Be quick: avoid uselessy reconstructing nodes
        # In an expression, there could be `u[t+1, ...]` and `v[t+1, ...]`, where
        # `u` and `v` are TimeFunction with circular time buffers (save=None) *but*
        # different modulo extent. The `t+1` indices above are therefore conceptually
        # different, so they will be replaced with the proper ModuloDimension through
        # two different calls to `xreplace`
        mindices = [d for d in i.uindices if d.is_Modulo]
        groups = as_mapper(mindices, lambda d: d.modulo)
        for k, v in groups.items():
            mapper = {d.origin: d for d in v}
            rule = lambda i: i.function.is_TimeFunction and i.function._time_size == k
            replacer = lambda i: xreplace_indices(i, mapper, rule)
            iet = XSubs(replacer=replacer).visit(iet)

    return iet
Exemple #3
def _lower_conditional_dims(iet):
    Lower ConditionalDimensions: index functions involving ConditionalDimensions
    are turned into integer-division expressions.

    u[t_sub, x] = u[time, x]


    u[time / 4, x] = u[time, x]
    cdims = [d for d in FindSymbols('free-symbols').visit(iet)
             if isinstance(d, ConditionalDimension)]
    mapper = {d: IntDiv(d.index, d.factor) for d in cdims}
    iet = XSubs(mapper).visit(iet)

    return iet