Exemple #1
def test_tti_clusters_to_graph():
    solver = tti_operator()

    expressions = solver.op_fwd('centered').args['expressions']
    subs = solver.op_fwd('centered').args['subs']
    expressions = [LoweredEq(e, subs=subs) for e in expressions]
    clusters = clusterize(expressions)
    assert len(clusters) == 3

    main_cluster = clusters[0]
    n_output_tensors = len(main_cluster.trace)

    clusters = rewrite([main_cluster], mode='basic')
    assert len(clusters) == 1
    main_cluster = clusters[0]

    graph = main_cluster.trace
    assert len([v for v in graph.values() if v.is_tensor]) == n_output_tensors  # u and v
    assert all(v.reads or v.readby for v in graph.values())
Exemple #2
def test_tti_clusters_to_graph():
    solver = tti_operator()

    expressions = solver.op_fwd('centered').args['expressions']
    subs = solver.op_fwd('centered').args['subs']
    expressions = [indexify(s) for s in expressions]
    expressions = [s.xreplace(subs) for s in expressions]
    stencils = solver.op_fwd('centered')._retrieve_stencils(expressions)
    clusters = clusterize(expressions, stencils)
    assert len(clusters) == 3

    main_cluster = clusters[0]
    n_output_tensors = len(main_cluster.trace)

    clusters = rewrite([main_cluster], mode='basic')
    assert len(clusters) == 1
    main_cluster = clusters[0]

    graph = main_cluster.trace
    assert len([v for v in graph.values() if v.is_tensor
                ]) == n_output_tensors  # u and v
    assert all(v.reads or v.readby for v in graph.values())
Exemple #3
def test_tti_clusters_to_graph():
    solver = tti_operator()

    nodes = FindNodes(Expression).visit(
        solver.op_fwd('centered').elemental_functions +
        (solver.op_fwd('centered'), ))
    expressions = [n.expr for n in nodes]
    stencils = solver.op_fwd('centered')._retrieve_stencils(expressions)
    clusters = clusterize(expressions, stencils)
    assert len(clusters) == 3

    main_cluster = clusters[0]
    n_output_tensors = len(main_cluster.trace)

    clusters = rewrite([main_cluster], mode='basic')
    assert len(clusters) == 1
    main_cluster = clusters[0]

    graph = main_cluster.trace
    assert len([v for v in graph.values() if v.is_tensor
                ]) == n_output_tensors  # u and v
    assert all(v.reads or v.readby for v in graph.values())
Exemple #4
    def _eliminate_inter_stencil_redundancies(self, cluster, template,
        Search for redundancies across the expressions and expose them
        to the later stages of the optimisation pipeline by introducing
        new temporaries of suitable rank.

        Two type of redundancies are sought:

            * Time-invariants, and
            * Across different space points

        Let ``t`` be the time dimension, ``x, y, z`` the space dimensions. Then:

        1) temp = (a[x,y,z]+b[x,y,z])*c[t,x,y,z]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z] + b[x,y,z]
           temp = ti[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

        2) temp1 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp1 = 2.0*ti[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*ti[x,y,z+1]
        if cluster.is_sparse:
            return cluster

        # For more information about "aliases", refer to collect.__doc__
        mapper, aliases = collect(cluster.exprs)

        # Redundancies will be stored in space-varying temporaries
        g = cluster.trace
        indices = g.space_indices
        time_invariants = {v.rhs: g.time_invariant(v) for v in g.values()}

        # Template for captured redundancies
        shape = tuple(i.symbolic_extent for i in indices)
        make = lambda i: Array(
            name=template(i), shape=shape, dimensions=indices).indexed

        # Find the candidate expressions
        processed = []
        candidates = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in g.items():
            # Cost check (to keep the memory footprint under control)
            naliases = len(mapper.get(v.rhs, []))
            cost = estimate_cost(v, True) * naliases
            if cost >= self.thresholds['min-cost-alias'] and\
                    (naliases > 1 or time_invariants[v.rhs]):
                candidates[v.rhs] = k
                processed.append(Eq(k, v.rhs))

        # Create temporaries capturing redundant computation
        expressions = []
        stencils = []
        rules = OrderedDict()
        for c, (origin, alias) in enumerate(aliases.items()):
            if all(i not in candidates for i in alias.aliased):
            # Build alias expression
            function = make(c)
            expressions.append(Eq(Indexed(function, *indices), origin))
            # Build substitution rules
            for aliased, distance in alias.with_distance:
                coordinates = [
                    sum([i, j]) for i, j in distance.items() if i in indices
                temporary = Indexed(function, *tuple(coordinates))
                rules[candidates[aliased]] = temporary
                rules[aliased] = temporary
            # Build cluster stencil
            stencil = alias.anti_stencil.anti(cluster.stencil)
            if all(time_invariants[i] for i in alias.aliased):
                # Optimization: drop time dimension if time-invariant and the
                # alias involves a complex calculation
                stencil = stencil.section(g.time_indices)

        # Create the alias clusters
        alias_clusters = clusterize(expressions, stencils)
        alias_clusters = sorted(alias_clusters, key=lambda i: i.is_dense)

        # Switch temporaries in the expression trees
        processed = [e.xreplace(rules) for e in processed]

        return alias_clusters + [cluster.rebuild(processed)]