Exemple #1
def _optimize_schedule_padding(cluster, schedule, platform):
    Round up the innermost IterationInterval of the tensor temporaries IterationSpace
    to a multiple of the SIMD vector length. This is not always possible though (it
    depends on how much halo is safely accessible in all read Functions).
    processed = []
    for i in schedule:
            it = i.ispace.itintervals[-1]
            if ROUNDABLE in cluster.properties[it.dim]:
                vl = platform.simd_items_per_reg(cluster.dtype)
                ispace = i.ispace.add(
                    Interval(it.dim, 0, it.interval.size % vl))
                ispace = i.ispace
                ScheduledAlias(i.alias, i.writeto, ispace, i.aliaseds,
        except (TypeError, KeyError):

    return Schedule(*processed,
Exemple #2
def make_rotations_table(d, v):
    All possible rotations of `range(v+1)`.
    m = np.array([[j-i if j > i else 0 for j in range(v+1)] for i in range(v+1)])
    m = (m - m.T)[::-1, :]

    # Shift the table so that the middle rotation is at the top
    m = np.roll(m, int(-np.floor(v/2)), axis=0)

    # Turn into a more compact representation as a list of Intervals
    m = [Interval(d, min(i), max(i)) for i in m]

    return m
Exemple #3
    def _pivot_min_intervals(self):
        The minimum Interval along each Dimension such that by evaluating the
        pivot, all Candidates are evaluated too.
        c = self.pivot

        ret = defaultdict(lambda: [np.inf, -np.inf])
        for i in self:
            distance = [o.distance(v) for o, v in zip(i.offsets, c.offsets)]
            distance = [(d, set(v)) for d, v in LabeledVector.transpose(*distance)]

            for d, v in distance:
                value = v.pop()
                ret[d][0] = min(ret[d][0], value)
                ret[d][1] = max(ret[d][1], value)

        ret = {d: Interval(d, m, M) for d, (m, M) in ret.items()}

        return ret
Exemple #4
    def writeto(self):
        The `writeto` IterationSpace, that is the iteration space that must be
        iterated over in order to initialize the buffer.
        intervals = []
        sub_iterators = {}
        directions = {}
        for d in self.buffer.dimensions:
                interval, si, direction = self.itintervals_mapper[d]
            except KeyError:
                # E.g., the contraction Dimension `db0`
                assert d in self.contraction_mapper.values()
                interval, si, direction = Interval(d, 0, 0), (), Forward
            sub_iterators[d] = si
            directions[d] = direction

        relations = (self.buffer.dimensions,)
        intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

        return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)
Exemple #5
    def _eliminate_inter_stencil_redundancies(self, cluster, template,
        Search aliasing expressions and capture them into vector temporaries.

        1) temp = (a[x,y,z]+b[x,y,z])*c[t,x,y,z]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z] + b[x,y,z]
           temp = ti[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

        2) temp1 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp1 = 2.0*ti[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*ti[x,y,z+1]
        # For more information about "aliases", refer to collect.__doc__
        aliases = collect(cluster.exprs)

        # Redundancies will be stored in space-varying temporaries
        graph = FlowGraph(cluster.exprs)
        time_invariants = {
            v.rhs: graph.time_invariant(v)
            for v in graph.values()

        # Find the candidate expressions
        processed = []
        candidates = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in graph.items():
            # Cost check (to keep the memory footprint under control)
            naliases = len(aliases.get(v.rhs))
            cost = estimate_cost(v, True) * naliases
            test0 = lambda: cost >= self.MIN_COST_ALIAS and naliases > 1
            test1 = lambda: cost >= self.MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV and time_invariants[
            if test0() or test1():
                candidates[v.rhs] = k

        # Create alias Clusters and all necessary substitution rules
        # for the new temporaries
        alias_clusters = []
        subs = {}
        for origin, alias in aliases.items():
            if all(i not in candidates for i in alias.aliased):

            # The write-to Intervals
            writeto = [
                Interval(i.dim, *alias.relaxed_diameter.get(i.dim, (0, 0)))
                for i in cluster.ispace.intervals if not i.dim.is_Time
            writeto = IntervalGroup(writeto)

            # Optimization: no need to retain a SpaceDimension if it does not
            # induce a flow/anti dependence (below, `i.offsets` captures this, by
            # telling how much halo will be needed to honour such dependences)
            dep_inducing = [i for i in writeto if any(i.offsets)]
                index = writeto.index(dep_inducing[0])
                writeto = IntervalGroup(writeto[index:])
            except IndexError:
                warning("Couldn't optimize some of the detected redundancies")

            # Create a temporary to store `alias`
            dimensions = [d.root for d in writeto.dimensions]
            halo = [(abs(i.lower), abs(i.upper)) for i in writeto]
            array = Array(name=template(),

            # Build up the expression evaluating `alias`
            access = tuple(i.dim - i.lower for i in writeto)
            expression = Eq(array[access], origin)

            # Create the substitution rules so that we can use the newly created
            # temporary in place of the aliasing expressions
            for aliased, distance in alias.with_distance:
                assert all(i.dim in distance.labels for i in writeto)
                access = [i.dim - i.lower + distance[i.dim] for i in writeto]
                if aliased in candidates:
                    # It would *not* be in `candidates` if part of a composite alias
                    subs[candidates[aliased]] = array[access]
                subs[aliased] = array[access]

            # Construct the `alias` IterationSpace
            intervals, sub_iterators, directions = cluster.ispace.args
            ispace = IterationSpace(intervals.add(writeto), sub_iterators,

            # Construct the `alias` DataSpace
            mapper = detect_accesses(expression)
            parts = {
                k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)).add(ispace.intervals)
                for k, v in mapper.items() if k
            dspace = DataSpace(cluster.dspace.intervals, parts)

            # Create a new Cluster for `alias`
            alias_clusters.append(Cluster([expression], ispace, dspace))

        # Switch temporaries in the expression trees
        processed = [e.xreplace(subs) for e in processed]

        return alias_clusters + [cluster.rebuild(processed)]
Exemple #6
def process(cluster, chosen, aliases, sregistry, platform):
    clusters = []
    subs = {}
    for alias, writeto, aliaseds, distances in aliases.iter(cluster.ispace):
        if all(i not in chosen for i in aliaseds):

        # The Dimensions defining the shape of Array
        # Note: with SubDimensions, we may have the following situation:
        # for zi = z_m + zi_ltkn; zi <= z_M - zi_rtkn; ...
        #   r[zi] = ...
        # Instead of `r[zi - z_m - zi_ltkn]` we have just `r[zi]`, so we'll need
        # as much room as in `zi`'s parent to avoid going OOB
        # Aside from ugly generated code, the reason we do not rather shift the
        # indices is that it prevents future passes to transform the loop bounds
        # (e.g., MPI's comp/comm overlap does that)
        dimensions = [d.parent if d.is_Sub else d for d in writeto.dimensions]

        # The halo of the Array
        halo = [(abs(i.lower), abs(i.upper)) for i in writeto]

        # The data sharing mode of the Array
        sharing = 'local' if any(d.is_Incr for d in writeto.dimensions) else 'shared'

        # Finally create the temporary Array that will store `alias`
        array = Array(name=sregistry.make_name(), dimensions=dimensions, halo=halo,
                      dtype=cluster.dtype, sharing=sharing)

        # The access Dimensions may differ from `writeto.dimensions`. This may
        # happen e.g. if ShiftedDimensions are introduced (`a[x,y]` -> `a[xs,y]`)
        adims = [aliases.index_mapper.get(d, d) for d in writeto.dimensions]

        # The expression computing `alias`
        adims = [aliases.index_mapper.get(d, d) for d in writeto.dimensions]  # x -> xs
        indices = [d - (0 if writeto[d].is_Null else writeto[d].lower) for d in adims]
        expression = Eq(array[indices], uxreplace(alias, subs))

        # Create the substitution rules so that we can use the newly created
        # temporary in place of the aliasing expressions
        for aliased, distance in zip(aliaseds, distances):
            assert all(i.dim in distance.labels for i in writeto)

            indices = [d - i.lower + distance[i.dim] for d, i in zip(adims, writeto)]
            subs[aliased] = array[indices]

            if aliased in chosen:
                subs[chosen[aliased]] = array[indices]
                # Perhaps part of a composite alias ?

        # Construct the `alias` IterationSpace
        ispace = cluster.ispace.add(writeto).augment(aliases.index_mapper)

        # Optimization: if possible, the innermost IterationInterval is
        # rounded up to a multiple of the vector length
            it = ispace.itintervals[-1]
            if ROUNDABLE in cluster.properties[it.dim]:
                vl = platform.simd_items_per_reg(cluster.dtype)
                ispace = ispace.add(Interval(it.dim, 0, it.interval.size % vl))
        except (TypeError, KeyError):

        # Construct the `alias` DataSpace
        accesses = detect_accesses(expression)
        parts = {k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)).add(ispace.intervals).relaxed
                 for k, v in accesses.items() if k}
        dspace = DataSpace(cluster.dspace.intervals, parts)

        # Finally, build a new Cluster for `alias`
        built = cluster.rebuild(exprs=expression, ispace=ispace, dspace=dspace)
        clusters.insert(0, built)

    return clusters, subs
Exemple #7
def _optimize_schedule_rotations(schedule, sregistry):
    Transform the schedule such that the tensor temporaries "rotate" along
    the outermost Dimension. This trades a parallel Dimension for a smaller
    working set size.
    # The rotations Dimension is the outermost
    ridx = 0

    rmapper = defaultdict(list)
    processed = []
    for k, group in groupby(schedule, key=lambda i: i.writeto):
        g = list(group)

        candidate = k[ridx]
        d = candidate.dim
            ds = schedule.dmapper[d]
        except KeyError:
            # Can't do anything if `d` isn't an IncrDimension over a block

        n = candidate.min_size
        assert n > 0

        iis = candidate.lower
        iib = candidate.upper

        ii = ModuloDimension('%sii' % d, ds, iis, incr=iib)
        cd = CustomDimension(name='%s%s' % (d, d),
        dsi = ModuloDimension('%si' % ds, cd, cd + ds - iis, n)

        mapper = OrderedDict()
        for i in g:
            # Update `indicess` to use `xs0`, `xs1`, ...
            mds = []
            for indices in i.indicess:
                v = indices[ridx]
                    md = mapper[v]
                except KeyError:
                    name = sregistry.make_name(prefix='%sr' % d.name)
                    md = mapper.setdefault(v, ModuloDimension(name, ds, v, n))
            indicess = [
                indices[:ridx] + [md] + indices[ridx + 1:]
                for md, indices in zip(mds, i.indicess)

            # Update `writeto` by switching `d` to `dsi`
            intervals = k.intervals.switch(d, dsi).zero(dsi)
            sub_iterators = dict(k.sub_iterators)
            sub_iterators[d] = dsi
            writeto = IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators)

            # Transform `alias` by adding `i`
            alias = i.alias.xreplace({d: d + cd})

            # Extend `ispace` to iterate over rotations
            d1 = writeto[ridx +
                         1].dim  # Note: we're by construction in-bounds here
            intervals = IntervalGroup(Interval(cd, 0, 0),
                                      relations={(d, cd, d1)})
            rispace = IterationSpace(intervals, {cd: dsi}, {cd: Forward})
            aispace = i.ispace.zero(d)
            aispace = aispace.augment({d: mds + [ii]})
            ispace = IterationSpace.union(rispace, aispace)

                ScheduledAlias(alias, writeto, ispace, i.aliaseds, indicess))

        # Update the rotations mapper

    return Schedule(*processed, dmapper=schedule.dmapper, rmapper=rmapper)
Exemple #8
    def _eliminate_inter_stencil_redundancies(self, cluster, template,
        Search for redundancies across the expressions and expose them
        to the later stages of the optimisation pipeline by introducing
        new temporaries of suitable rank.

        Two type of redundancies are sought:

            * Time-invariants, and
            * Across different space points

        Let ``t`` be the time dimension, ``x, y, z`` the space dimensions. Then:

        1) temp = (a[x,y,z]+b[x,y,z])*c[t,x,y,z]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z] + b[x,y,z]
           temp = ti[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

        2) temp1 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]
           ti[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
           temp1 = 2.0*ti[x,y,z]
           temp2 = 3.0*ti[x,y,z+1]
        if cluster.is_sparse:
            return cluster

        # For more information about "aliases", refer to collect.__doc__
        mapper, aliases = collect(cluster.exprs)

        # Redundancies will be stored in space-varying temporaries
        g = cluster.trace
        indices = g.space_indices
        time_invariants = {v.rhs: g.time_invariant(v) for v in g.values()}

        # Find the candidate expressions
        processed = []
        candidates = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in g.items():
            # Cost check (to keep the memory footprint under control)
            naliases = len(mapper.get(v.rhs, []))
            cost = estimate_cost(v, True) * naliases
            if cost >= self.thresholds['min-cost-alias'] and\
                    (naliases > 1 or time_invariants[v.rhs]):
                candidates[v.rhs] = k

        # Create alias Clusters and all necessary substitution rules
        # for the new temporaries
        alias_clusters = ClusterGroup()
        rules = OrderedDict()
        for origin, alias in aliases.items():
            if all(i not in candidates for i in alias.aliased):
            # Construct an iteration space suitable for /alias/
            intervals, sub_iterators, directions = cluster.ispace.args
            intervals = [
                Interval(i.dim, *alias.relaxed_diameter.get(i.dim, i.limits))
                for i in cluster.ispace.intervals
            ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)

            # Optimization: perhaps we can lift the cluster outside the time dimension
            if all(time_invariants[i] for i in alias.aliased):
                ispace = ispace.project(lambda i: not i.is_Time)

            # Build a symbolic function for /alias/
            intervals = ispace.intervals
            halo = [(abs(intervals[i].lower), abs(intervals[i].upper))
                    for i in indices]
            function = Array(name=template(), dimensions=indices, halo=halo)
            access = tuple(i - intervals[i].lower for i in indices)
            expression = Eq(Indexed(function.indexed, *access), origin)

            # Construct a data space suitable for /alias/
            mapper = detect_accesses(expression)
            parts = {
                k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)).add(intervals)
                for k, v in mapper.items() if k
            dspace = DataSpace([i.zero() for i in intervals], parts)

            # Create a new Cluster for /alias/
            alias_clusters.append(Cluster([expression], ispace, dspace))

            # Add substitution rules
            for aliased, distance in alias.with_distance:
                access = [
                    i - intervals[i].lower + j for i, j in distance
                    if i in indices
                temporary = Indexed(function.indexed, *tuple(access))
                rules[candidates[aliased]] = temporary
                rules[aliased] = temporary

        # Group clusters together if possible
        alias_clusters = groupby(alias_clusters).finalize()
        alias_clusters.sort(key=lambda i: i.is_dense)

        # Switch temporaries in the expression trees
        processed = [e.xreplace(rules) for e in processed]

        return alias_clusters + [cluster.rebuild(processed)]
Exemple #9
def process(candidates, aliases, cluster, template):
    Create Clusters from aliasing expressions.
    clusters = []
    subs = {}
    for origin, alias in aliases.items():
        if all(i not in candidates for i in alias.aliased):

        # The write-to Intervals
        writeto = [
            Interval(i.dim, *alias.relaxed_diameter.get(i.dim, (0, 0)))
            for i in cluster.ispace.intervals if not i.dim.is_Time
        writeto = IntervalGroup(writeto)

        # Optimization: no need to retain a SpaceDimension if it does not
        # induce a flow/anti dependence (below, `i.offsets` captures this, by
        # telling how much halo will be required to honour such dependences)
        dep_inducing = [i for i in writeto if any(i.offsets)]
            index = writeto.index(dep_inducing[0])
            writeto = IntervalGroup(writeto[index:])
        except IndexError:
            perf_adv("Could not optimize some of the detected redundancies")

        # Create a temporary to store `alias`
        dimensions = [d.root for d in writeto.dimensions]
        halo = [(abs(i.lower), abs(i.upper)) for i in writeto]
        array = Array(name=template(),

        # Build up the expression evaluating `alias`
        access = tuple(i.dim - i.lower for i in writeto)
        expression = Eq(array[access], origin.xreplace(subs))

        # Create the substitution rules so that we can use the newly created
        # temporary in place of the aliasing expressions
        for aliased, distance in alias.with_distance:
            assert all(i.dim in distance.labels for i in writeto)
            access = [i.dim - i.lower + distance[i.dim] for i in writeto]
            if aliased in candidates:
                # It would *not* be in `candidates` if part of a composite alias
                subs[candidates[aliased]] = array[access]
            subs[aliased] = array[access]

        # Construct the `alias` IterationSpace
        intervals, sub_iterators, directions = cluster.ispace.args
        ispace = IterationSpace(intervals.add(writeto), sub_iterators,

        # Optimize the `alias` IterationSpace: if possible, the innermost
        # IterationInterval is rounded up to a multiple of the vector length
            it = ispace.itintervals[-1]
            if ROUNDABLE in cluster.properties[it.dim]:
                from devito.parameters import configuration
                vl = configuration['platform'].simd_items_per_reg(
                ispace = ispace.add(Interval(it.dim, 0, it.interval.size % vl))
        except (TypeError, KeyError):

        # Construct the `alias` DataSpace
        mapper = detect_accesses(expression)
        parts = {
            k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)).add(ispace.intervals)
            for k, v in mapper.items() if k
        dspace = DataSpace(cluster.dspace.intervals, parts)

        # Create a new Cluster for `alias`
            cluster.rebuild(exprs=[expression], ispace=ispace, dspace=dspace))

    return clusters, subs