Exemple #1
def dimension_sort(expr, key=None):
    Topologically sort the :class:`Dimension`s in ``expr``, based on the order
    in which they are encountered when visiting ``expr``.

    :param expr: The :class:`sympy.Eq` from which the :class:`Dimension`s are
                 extracted. They can appear both as array indices or as free
    :param key: A callable used as key to enforce a final ordering.
    # Get the Indexed dimensions, in appearance order
    constraints = [
        tuple(i.indices) for i in retrieve_indexed(expr, mode='all')
    for i, constraint in enumerate(list(constraints)):
        normalized = []
        for j in constraint:
            found = [d for d in j.free_symbols if isinstance(d, Dimension)]
            normalized.extend([d for d in found if d not in normalized])
        constraints[i] = normalized
    ordering = partial_order(constraints)

    # Add any leftover free dimensions (not an Indexed' index)
    dimensions = [i for i in expr.free_symbols if isinstance(i, Dimension)]
    dimensions = filter_sorted(dimensions,
                               key=attrgetter('name'))  # for determinism
    ordering.extend([i for i in dimensions if i not in ordering])

    # Add parent dimensions
    derived = [i for i in ordering if i.is_Derived]
    for i in derived:
        ordering.insert(ordering.index(i), i.parent)

    return sorted(ordering, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)
Exemple #2
def xreplace_indices(exprs, mapper, key=None, only_rhs=False):
    Replace array indices in expressions.

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions to which the replacement is applied.
    mapper : dict
        The substitution rules.
    key : list of symbols or callable
        An escape hatch to rule out some objects from the replacement.
        If a list, apply the replacement to the symbols in ``key`` only. If a
        callable, apply the replacement to a symbol S if and only if ``key(S)``
        gives True.
    only_rhs : bool, optional
        If True, apply the replacement to Eq right-hand sides only.
    get = lambda i: i.rhs if only_rhs is True else i
    handle = flatten(retrieve_indexed(get(i)) for i in as_tuple(exprs))
    if isinstance(key, Iterable):
        handle = [i for i in handle if i.base.label in key]
    elif callable(key):
        handle = [i for i in handle if key(i)]
    mapper = dict(zip(handle, [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in handle]))
    replaced = [uxreplace(i, mapper) for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
    return replaced if isinstance(exprs, Iterable) else replaced[0]
Exemple #3
def dimension_sort(expr, key=None):
    Topologically sort the :class:`Dimension`s in ``expr``, based on the order
    in which they are encountered when visiting ``expr``.

    :param expr: The :class:`sympy.Eq` from which the :class:`Dimension`s are
                 extracted. They can appear both as array indices or as free
    :param key: A callable used as key to enforce a final ordering.
    # Get all Indexed dimensions, in the same order as the appear in /expr/
    constraints = []
    for i in retrieve_indexed(expr, mode='all'):
        constraint = []
        for ai, fi in zip(i.indices, i.base.function.indices):
            if ai.is_Number:
                constraint.extend([d for d in ai.free_symbols
                                   if isinstance(d, Dimension) and d not in constraint])
    ordering = partial_order(constraints)

    # Add any leftover free dimensions (not an Indexed' index)
    dimensions = [i for i in expr.free_symbols if isinstance(i, Dimension)]
    dimensions = filter_sorted(dimensions, key=attrgetter('name'))  # for determinism
    ordering.extend([i for i in dimensions if i not in ordering])

    # Add parent dimensions
    derived = [i for i in ordering if i.is_Derived]
    for i in derived:
        ordering.insert(ordering.index(i), i.parent)

    return sorted(ordering, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)
Exemple #4
def xreplace_indices(exprs, mapper, key=None, only_rhs=False):
    Replace array indices in expressions.

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions to which the replacement is applied.
    mapper : dict
        The substitution rules.
    key : list of symbols or callable
        An escape hatch to rule out some objects from the replacement.
        If a list, apply the replacement to the symbols in ``key`` only. If a
        callable, apply the replacement to a symbol S if and only if ``key(S)``
        gives True.
    only_rhs : bool, optional
        If True, apply the replacement to Eq right-hand sides only.
    get = lambda i: i.rhs if only_rhs is True else i
    handle = flatten(retrieve_indexed(get(i)) for i in as_tuple(exprs))
    if isinstance(key, Iterable):
        handle = [i for i in handle if i.base.label in key]
    elif callable(key):
        handle = [i for i in handle if key(i)]
    mapper = dict(zip(handle, [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in handle]))
    replaced = [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
    return replaced if isinstance(exprs, Iterable) else replaced[0]
Exemple #5
def estimate_memory(handle, mode='realistic'):
    Estimate the number of memory reads and writes.

    :param handle: a SymPy expression or an iterator of SymPy expressions.
    :param mode: Mode for computing the estimate:

    Estimate ``mode`` might be any of: ::

        * ideal: Also known as "compulsory traffic", which is the minimum
                 number of read/writes to be performed (ie, models an infinite cache).
        * ideal_with_stores: Like ideal, but a data item which is both read.
                             and written is counted twice (ie both load an
                             store are counted).
        * realistic: Assume that all datasets, even the time-independent ones,
                     need to be re-read at each time iteration.
    assert mode in ['ideal', 'ideal_with_stores', 'realistic']

    def access(symbol):
        assert isinstance(symbol, Indexed)
        # Irregular accesses (eg A[B[i]]) are counted as compulsory traffic
        if any(i.atoms(Indexed) for i in symbol.indices):
            return symbol
            return symbol.base

        # Is it a plain SymPy object ?
    except TypeError:
        handle = [handle]

    if mode in ['ideal', 'ideal_with_stores']:
        filter = lambda s: any(q_timedimension(i) for i in s.atoms())
        filter = lambda s: s
    reads = set(flatten([retrieve_indexed(e.rhs) for e in handle]))
    writes = set(flatten([retrieve_indexed(e.lhs) for e in handle]))
    reads = set([access(s) for s in reads if filter(s)])
    writes = set([access(s) for s in writes if filter(s)])
    if mode == 'ideal':
        return len(set(reads) | set(writes))
        return len(reads) + len(writes)
Exemple #6
def q_indirect(expr):
    Return True if ``indexed`` has indirect accesses, False otherwise.


    a[i] --> False
    a[b[i]] --> True
    from devito.symbolics.search import retrieve_indexed
    if not expr.is_Indexed:
        return False
    return any(retrieve_indexed(i) for i in expr.indices)
Exemple #7
def xreplace_indices(exprs, mapper, candidates=None, only_rhs=False):
    Create new expressions from ``exprs``, by replacing all index variables
    specified in mapper appearing as a tensor index. Only tensors whose symbolic
    name appears in ``candidates`` are considered if ``candidates`` is not None.
    get = lambda i: i.rhs if only_rhs is True else i
    handle = flatten(retrieve_indexed(get(i)) for i in as_tuple(exprs))
    if candidates is not None:
        handle = [i for i in handle if i.base.label in candidates]
    mapper = dict(zip(handle, [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in handle]))
    replaced = [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
    return replaced if isinstance(exprs, Iterable) else replaced[0]
Exemple #8
def q_indirect(expr):
    Return True if ``indexed`` has indirect accesses, False otherwise.


    a[i] --> False
    a[b[i]] --> True
    from devito.symbolics.search import retrieve_indexed
    if not expr.is_Indexed:
        return False
    return any(retrieve_indexed(i) for i in expr.indices)
Exemple #9
def xreplace_indices(exprs, mapper, key=None, only_rhs=False):
    Replace indices in SymPy equations.

    :param exprs: The target SymPy expression, or a collection of SymPy expressions.
    :param mapper: A dictionary containing the index substitution rules.
    :param key: (Optional) either an iterable or a function. In the former case,
                all objects whose name does not appear in ``key`` are ruled out.
                Likewise, if a function, all objects for which ``key(obj)`` gives
                False are ruled out.
    :param only_rhs: (Optional) apply the substitution rules to right-hand sides only.
    get = lambda i: i.rhs if only_rhs is True else i
    handle = flatten(retrieve_indexed(get(i)) for i in as_tuple(exprs))
    if isinstance(key, Iterable):
        handle = [i for i in handle if i.base.label in key]
    elif callable(key):
        handle = [i for i in handle if key(i)]
    mapper = dict(zip(handle, [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in handle]))
    replaced = [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
    return replaced if isinstance(exprs, Iterable) else replaced[0]