Exemple #1
        def _(iet):
            # TODO: we need to pick the rank from `comm_shm`, not `comm`,
            # so that we have nranks == ngpus (as long as the user has launched
            # the right number of MPI processes per node given the available
            # number of GPUs per node)

            objcomm = None
            for i in iet.parameters:
                if isinstance(i, MPICommObject):
                    objcomm = i

            devicetype = as_list(self.lang[self.platform])

                lang_init = [self.lang['init'](devicetype)]
            except TypeError:
                # Not all target languages need to be explicitly initialized
                lang_init = []

            deviceid = DeviceID()
            if objcomm is not None:
                rank = Symbol(name='rank')
                rank_decl = LocalExpression(DummyEq(rank, 0))
                rank_init = Call('MPI_Comm_rank', [objcomm, Byref(rank)])

                ngpus = Symbol(name='ngpus')
                call = self.lang['num-devices'](devicetype)
                ngpus_init = LocalExpression(DummyEq(ngpus, call))

                osdd_then = self.lang['set-device']([deviceid] + devicetype)
                osdd_else = self.lang['set-device']([rank % ngpus] +

                body = lang_init + [
                        CondNe(deviceid, -1),
                            body=[rank_decl, rank_init, ngpus_init, osdd_else

                header = c.Comment('Begin of %s+MPI setup' % self.lang['name'])
                footer = c.Comment('End of %s+MPI setup' % self.lang['name'])
                body = lang_init + [
                        CondNe(deviceid, -1),
                        self.lang['set-device']([deviceid] + devicetype))

                header = c.Comment('Begin of %s setup' % self.lang['name'])
                footer = c.Comment('End of %s setup' % self.lang['name'])

            init = List(header=header, body=body, footer=(footer, c.Line()))
            iet = iet._rebuild(body=(init, ) + iet.body)

            return iet, {'args': deviceid}
Exemple #2
def test_deviceid():
    grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))

    did = DeviceID(grid.distributor._obj_comm)

    pkl_did = pickle.dumps(did)
    new_did = pickle.loads(pkl_did)

    assert did.name == new_did.name
    assert did.dtype == new_did.dtype
    assert did.data == new_did.data
Exemple #3
def test_deviceid():
    did = DeviceID()

    pkl_did = pickle.dumps(did)
    new_did = pickle.loads(pkl_did)
    # TODO: this will be extend when we'll support DeviceID
    # for multi-node multi-gpu execution, when DeviceID will have
    # to pick its default value from an MPI communicator attached
    # to the runtime arguments

    assert did.name == new_did.name
    assert did.dtype == new_did.dtype
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self):
        # {name -> generator()} -- to create unique names for symbols, functions, ...
        self.counters = {}

        # Special symbols
        self.nthreads = NThreads()
        self.nthreads_nested = NThreadsNested()
        self.nthreads_nonaffine = NThreadsNonaffine()
        self.threadid = ThreadID(self.nthreads)
        self.deviceid = DeviceID()

        # Several groups of pthreads each of size `npthread` may be created
        # during compilation
        self.npthreads = []
Exemple #5
    def test_special_symbols(self):
        This test checks the singletonization, through the caching infrastructure,
        of the special symbols that an Operator may generate (e.g., `nthreads`).
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        sf = SparseTimeFunction(name='sf', grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=10)

        eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1.)] + sf.inject(field=f.forward, expr=sf)

        opt = ('advanced', {'par-nested': 0, 'openmp': True})
        op0 = Operator(eqns, opt=opt)
        op1 = Operator(eqns, opt=opt)

        nthreads0, nthreads_nested0, nthreads_nonaffine0 =\
            [i for i in op0.input if isinstance(i, NThreadsBase)]
        nthreads1, nthreads_nested1, nthreads_nonaffine1 =\
            [i for i in op1.input if isinstance(i, NThreadsBase)]

        assert nthreads0 is nthreads1
        assert nthreads_nested0 is nthreads_nested1
        assert nthreads_nonaffine0 is nthreads_nonaffine1

        tid0 = ThreadID(op0.nthreads)
        tid1 = ThreadID(op0.nthreads)
        assert tid0 is tid1

        did0 = DeviceID()
        did1 = DeviceID()
        assert did0 is did1

        npt0 = NPThreads(name='npt', size=3)
        npt1 = NPThreads(name='npt', size=3)
        npt2 = NPThreads(name='npt', size=4)
        assert npt0 is npt1
        assert npt0 is not npt2
Exemple #6
    def _(iet):
        # TODO: we need to pick the rank from `comm_shm`, not `comm`,
        # so that we have nranks == ngpus (as long as the user has launched
        # the right number of MPI processes per node given the available
        # number of GPUs per node)

        objcomm = None
        for i in iet.parameters:
            if isinstance(i, MPICommObject):
                objcomm = i

        deviceid = DeviceID()
        device_nvidia = Macro('acc_device_nvidia')
        if objcomm is not None:
            rank = Symbol(name='rank')
            rank_decl = LocalExpression(DummyEq(rank, 0))
            rank_init = Call('MPI_Comm_rank', [objcomm, Byref(rank)])

            ngpus = Symbol(name='ngpus')
            call = DefFunction('acc_get_num_devices', device_nvidia)
            ngpus_init = LocalExpression(DummyEq(ngpus, call))

            asdn_then = Call('acc_set_device_num', [deviceid, device_nvidia])
            asdn_else = Call('acc_set_device_num',
                             [rank % ngpus, device_nvidia])

            body = [
                Call('acc_init', [device_nvidia]),
                    CondNe(deviceid, -1), asdn_then,
                    List(body=[rank_decl, rank_init, ngpus_init, asdn_else]))
            body = [
                Call('acc_init', [device_nvidia]),
                    CondNe(deviceid, -1),
                    Call('acc_set_device_num', [deviceid, device_nvidia]))

        init = List(header=c.Comment('Begin of OpenACC+MPI setup'),
                    footer=(c.Comment('End of OpenACC+MPI setup'), c.Line()))
        iet = iet._rebuild(body=(init, ) + iet.body)

        return iet, {'args': deviceid}