Exemple #1
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        d = prefix[-1].dim

        # Create the block Dimensions (in total `self.levels` Dimensions)
        name = self.template % (d.name, self.nblocked[d], '%d')

        bd = IncrDimension(name % 0, d, d.symbolic_min, d.symbolic_max)
        size = bd.step
        block_dims = [bd]

        for i in range(1, self.levels):
            bd = IncrDimension(name % i, bd, bd, bd + bd.step - 1, size=size)

        bd = IncrDimension(d.name, bd, bd, bd + bd.step - 1, 1, size=size)

        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            if TILABLE in c.properties[d]:
                ispace = decompose(c.ispace, d, block_dims)

                # Use the innermost IncrDimension in place of `d`
                exprs = [uxreplace(e, {d: bd}) for e in c.exprs]

                # The new Cluster properties
                # TILABLE property is dropped after the blocking.
                # SKEWABLE is dropped as well, but only from the new
                # block dimensions.
                properties = dict(c.properties)
                properties.update({bd: c.properties[d] - {TILABLE} for bd in block_dims})
                properties.update({bd: c.properties[d] - {SKEWABLE}
                                  for bd in block_dims[:-1]})

                processed.append(c.rebuild(exprs=exprs, ispace=ispace,

        # Make sure to use unique IncrDimensions
        self.nblocked[d] += int(any(TILABLE in c.properties[d] for c in clusters))

        return processed
def optimize_unfolded_tree(unfolded, root):
    Transform folded trees to reduce the memory footprint.


        .. code-block::
            for i = 1 to N - 1  # Folded tree
              for j = 1 to N - 1
                tmp[i,j] = ...
            for i = 2 to N - 2  # Root
              for j = 2 to N - 2
                ... = ... tmp[i,j] ...

    The temporary ``tmp`` has shape ``(N-1, N-1)``. However, as soon as the
    iteration space is blocked, with blocks of shape ``(i_bs, j_bs)``, the
    ``tmp`` shape can be shrunk to ``(i_bs-1, j_bs-1)``. The resulting
    iteration tree becomes:

        .. code-block::
            for i = 1 to i_bs + 1  # Folded tree
              for j = 1 to j_bs + 1
                i' = i + i_block - 2
                j' = j + j_block - 2
                tmp[i,j] = ... # use i' and j'
            for i = i_block to i_block + i_bs  # Root
              for j = j_block to j_block + j_bs
                i' = i - x_block
                j' = j - j_block
                ... = ... tmp[i',j'] ...
    processed = []
    for i, tree in enumerate(unfolded):
        assert len(tree) == len(root)

        # We can optimize the folded trees only iff:
        # test0 := they compute temporary arrays, but not if they compute input data
        # test1 := the outer Iterations have actually been blocked
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(tree)
        writes = [j.write for j in exprs if j.is_tensor]
        test0 = not all(j.is_Array for j in writes)
        test1 = any(not isinstance(j.limits[0], BlockDimension) for j in root)
        if test0 or test1:
            root = compose_nodes(root)

        # Shrink the iteration space
        modified_tree = []
        modified_root = []
        modified_dims = {}
        mapper = {}
        for t, r in zip(tree, root):
            udim0 = IncrDimension(t.dim, t.symbolic_min, 1, "%ss%d" % (t.index, i))
            modified_tree.append(t._rebuild(limits=(0, t.limits[1] - t.limits[0], t.step),
                                            uindices=t.uindices + (udim0,)))

            mapper[t.dim] = udim0

            udim1 = IncrDimension(t.dim, 0, 1, "%ss%d" % (t.index, i))
            modified_root.append(r._rebuild(uindices=r.uindices + (udim1,)))

            d = r.limits[0]
            assert isinstance(d, BlockDimension)
            modified_dims[d.root] = d

        # Temporary arrays can now be moved onto the stack
        for w in writes:
            dims = tuple(modified_dims.get(d, d) for d in w.dimensions)
            shape = tuple(d.symbolic_size for d in dims)
            w.update(shape=shape, dimensions=dims, scope='stack')

        # Substitute iteration variables within the folded trees
        modified_tree = compose_nodes(modified_tree)
        replaced = xreplace_indices([j.expr for j in exprs], mapper,
                                    lambda i: i.function not in writes, True)
        subs = [j._rebuild(expr=k) for j, k in zip(exprs, replaced)]
        processed.append(Transformer(dict(zip(exprs, subs))).visit(modified_tree))

        # Introduce the new iteration variables within /root/
        modified_root = compose_nodes(modified_root)
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(modified_root)
        candidates = [as_symbol(j.output) for j in subs]
        replaced = xreplace_indices([j.expr for j in exprs], mapper, candidates)
        subs = [j._rebuild(expr=k) for j, k in zip(exprs, replaced)]
        root = Transformer(dict(zip(exprs, subs))).visit(modified_root)

    return processed + [root]
Exemple #3
def lower_aliases(cluster, aliases, in_writeto, maxpar):
    Create a Schedule from an AliasMapper.
    dmapper = {}
    processed = []
    for alias, v in aliases.items():
        imapper = {
            **{i.dim: i
               for i in v.intervals},
                i.dim.parent: i
                for i in v.intervals if i.dim.is_NonlinearDerived

        intervals = []
        writeto = []
        sub_iterators = {}
        indicess = [[] for _ in v.distances]
        for i in cluster.ispace.intervals:
                interval = imapper[i.dim]
            except KeyError:
                # E.g., `x0_blk0` or (`a[y_m+1]` => `y not in imapper`)

            assert i.stamp >= interval.stamp

            if not (writeto or interval != interval.zero()
                    or in_writeto(i.dim, cluster)):
                # The alias doesn't require a temporary Dimension along i.dim

            assert not i.dim.is_NonlinearDerived

            # `i.dim` is necessarily part of the write-to region, so
            # we have to adjust the Interval's stamp. For example, consider
            # `i=x[0,0]<1>` and `interval=x[-4,4]<0>`; here we need to
            # use `<1>` as stamp, which is what appears in `cluster`
            interval = interval.lift(i.stamp)

            # We further bump the interval stamp if we were requested to trade
            # fusion for more collapse-parallelism
            interval = interval.lift(interval.stamp + int(maxpar))


            if i.dim.is_Incr:
                # Suitable IncrDimensions must be used to avoid OOB accesses.
                # E.g., r[xs][ys][z] => both `xs` and `ys` must be initialized such
                # that all accesses are within bounds. This requires traversing the
                # hierarchy of IncrDimensions to set `xs` (`ys`) in a way that
                # consecutive blocks access consecutive regions in `r` (e.g.,
                # `xs=x0_blk1-x0_blk0` with `blocklevels=2`; `xs=0` with
                # `blocklevels=1`, that is it degenerates in this case)
                    d = dmapper[i.dim]
                except KeyError:
                    dd = i.dim.parent
                    assert dd.is_Incr
                    if dd.parent.is_Incr:
                        # An IncrDimension in between IncrDimensions
                        m = i.dim.symbolic_min - i.dim.parent.symbolic_min
                        m = 0
                    d = dmapper[i.dim] = IncrDimension("%ss" % i.dim.name,
                                                       i.dim, m,
                                                       dd.symbolic_size, 1,
                sub_iterators[i.dim] = d
                d = i.dim

            # Given the iteration `interval`, lower distances to indices
            for distance, indices in zip(v.distances, indicess):
                indices.append(d - interval.lower + distance[interval.dim])

        # The alias write-to space
        writeto = IterationSpace(IntervalGroup(writeto), sub_iterators)

        # The alias iteration space
        intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, cluster.ispace.relations)
        ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, cluster.sub_iterators,
        ispace = ispace.augment(sub_iterators)

            ScheduledAlias(alias, writeto, ispace, v.aliaseds, indicess))

    # The [ScheduledAliases] must be ordered so as to reuse as many of the
    # `cluster`'s IterationIntervals as possible in order to honor the
    # write-to region. Another fundamental reason for ordering is to ensure
    # deterministic code generation
    processed = sorted(processed, key=lambda i: cit(cluster.ispace, i.ispace))

    return Schedule(*processed, dmapper=dmapper)
Exemple #4
def optimize_unfolded_tree(unfolded, root):
    Transform folded trees to reduce the memory footprint.


        .. code-block::
            for i = 1 to N - 1  # Folded tree
              for j = 1 to N - 1
                tmp[i,j] = ...
            for i = 2 to N - 2  # Root
              for j = 2 to N - 2
                ... = ... tmp[i,j] ...

    The temporary ``tmp`` has shape ``(N-1, N-1)``. However, as soon as the
    iteration space is blocked, with blocks of shape ``(i_bs, j_bs)``, the
    ``tmp`` shape can be shrunk to ``(i_bs-1, j_bs-1)``. The resulting
    iteration tree becomes:

        .. code-block::
            for i = 1 to i_bs + 1  # Folded tree
              for j = 1 to j_bs + 1
                i' = i + i_block - 2
                j' = j + j_block - 2
                tmp[i,j] = ... # use i' and j'
            for i = i_block to i_block + i_bs  # Root
              for j = j_block to j_block + j_bs
                i' = i - x_block
                j' = j - j_block
                ... = ... tmp[i',j'] ...
    processed = []
    for i, tree in enumerate(unfolded):
        assert len(tree) == len(root)

        # We can optimize the folded trees only if they compute temporary
        # arrays, but not if they compute input data
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(tree[-1])
        writes = [j.write for j in exprs if j.is_tensor]
        if not all(j.is_Array for j in writes):
            root = compose_nodes(root)

        modified_tree = []
        modified_root = []
        mapper = {}

        # "Shrink" the iteration space
        for t1, t2 in zip(tree, root):
            t1_udim = IncrDimension(t1.dim, t1.limits[0], 1,
                                    "%ss%d" % (t1.index, i))
            limits = (0, t1.limits[1] - t1.limits[0], t1.symbolic_incr)
                t1._rebuild(limits=limits, uindices=t1.uindices + (t1_udim, )))

            t2_udim = IncrDimension(t1.dim, -t1.limits[0], 1,
                                    "%ss%d" % (t1.index, i))
                t2._rebuild(uindices=t2.uindices + (t2_udim, )))

            mapper[t1.dim] = t1_udim

        # Temporary arrays can now be moved onto the stack
        if all(not j.is_Remainder for j in modified_tree):
            dimensions = tuple(j.limits[0] for j in modified_root)
            for j in writes:
                if j.is_Array:
                    j_dimensions = dimensions + j.dimensions[len(modified_root
                    j_shape = tuple(k.symbolic_size for k in j_dimensions)

        # Substitute iteration variables within the folded trees
        modified_tree = compose_nodes(modified_tree)
        replaced = xreplace_indices([j.expr for j in exprs],
        subs = [j._rebuild(expr=k) for j, k in zip(exprs, replaced)]
            Transformer(dict(zip(exprs, subs))).visit(modified_tree))

        # Introduce the new iteration variables within /root/
        modified_root = compose_nodes(modified_root)
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(modified_root)
        candidates = [as_symbol(j.output) for j in subs]
        replaced = xreplace_indices([j.expr for j in exprs], mapper,
        subs = [j._rebuild(expr=k) for j, k in zip(exprs, replaced)]
        root = Transformer(dict(zip(exprs, subs))).visit(modified_root)

    return processed + [root]
Exemple #5
    def _create_efuncs(self, nodes, state):
        Extract Iteration sub-trees and turn them into Calls+Callables.

        Currently, only tagged, elementizable Iteration objects are targeted.
        noinline = self._compiler_decoration('noinline',

        efuncs = OrderedDict()
        mapper = {}
        for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(nodes, mode='superset'):
            # Search an elementizable sub-tree (if any)
            tagged = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.tag is not None,
            if not tagged:
            root = tagged[0]
            if not root.is_Elementizable:
            target = tree[tree.index(root):]

            # Build a new Iteration/Expression tree with free bounds
            free = []
            defined_args = {}  # Map of argument values defined by loop bounds
            for i in target:
                name, bounds = i.dim.name, i.symbolic_bounds
                # Iteration bounds
                _min = Scalar(name='%sf_m' % name,
                _max = Scalar(name='%sf_M' % name,
                defined_args[_min.name] = bounds[0]
                defined_args[_max.name] = bounds[1]

                # Iteration unbounded indices
                ufunc = [
                    Scalar(name='%s_ub%d' % (name, j), dtype=np.int32)
                    for j in range(len(i.uindices))
                    uf.name: j.symbolic_min
                    for uf, j in zip(ufunc, i.uindices)
                uindices = [
                    IncrDimension(j.parent, i.dim + as_symbol(k), 1, j.name)
                    for j, k in zip(i.uindices, ufunc)
                    i._rebuild(limits=(_min, _max, 1),

            # Construct elemental function body
            free = Transformer(dict((zip(target, free))),
            items = FindSymbols().visit(free)

            # Insert array casts
            casts = [ArrayCast(i) for i in items if i.is_Tensor]
            free = List(body=casts + [free])

            # Insert declarations
            external = [i for i in items if i.is_Array]
            free = iet_insert_C_decls(free, external)

            # Create the Callable
            name = "f_%d" % root.tag
            params = derive_parameters(free)
                              Callable(name, free, 'void', params, 'static'))

            # Create the Call
            args = [defined_args.get(i.name, i) for i in params]
            mapper[root] = List(header=noinline, body=Call(name, args))

        # Transform the main tree
        processed = Transformer(mapper).visit(nodes)

        return processed, {'efuncs': efuncs.values()}