def test_run_and_get_output_timeout_exceeded(self):
    """Verifies the returned values of run_and_get_output() when timeout is set
    and the binary does not exit before it is hit.
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    fifo_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'fifo')

    class Data:
      fifo = None

    # Any write to the fifo will block until it is open for reading by cat,
    # hence write on a background thread.
    def _write_to_fifo():
      Data.fifo = open(fifo_path, 'w')
      print >> Data.fifo, 'abc'
    write_thread = threading.Thread(target=_write_to_fifo)

    # The call to cat should read what is written to the fifo ('abc') and then
    # stall forever, as we don't close the fifo after writing.
    shell = LinuxShell('cat')
    args = [fifo_path]
    _, output, did_time_out = shell.run_and_get_output(args, timeout=1)

    if Data.fifo:

    # Verify that the process did time out and that the output was correctly
    # produced before that.
    self.assertEquals(True, did_time_out)
    self.assertEquals('abc', output.strip())
  def test_run_and_get_output(self):
    """Verifies that run_and_get_output() correctly builds and passes the
    argument list to the binary.
    shell = LinuxShell('echo')
    shell_args = ['--some-argument 42', 'unicornA', 'unicornB']
    return_code, output, did_time_out = shell.run_and_get_output(shell_args)

    self.assertEquals(0, return_code)
    self.assertEquals(' '.join(shell_args), output.strip())
    self.assertEquals(False, did_time_out)
  def test_run_and_get_output_timeout_met(self):
    """Verifies the returned values of run_and_get_output() when timeout is set
    but the binary exits before it is hit.
    shell = LinuxShell('echo')
    shell_args = ['--some-argument 42', 'unicornA', 'unicornB']
    return_code, output, did_time_out = shell.run_and_get_output(shell_args,

    self.assertEquals(0, return_code)
    self.assertEquals(' '.join(shell_args), output.strip())
    self.assertEquals(False, did_time_out)