from dffml import Features, Feature, SLRModel from dffml.noasync import train, accuracy, predict model = SLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), directory="tempdir", ) # Train the model train(model, "dataset.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) print("Accuracy:", accuracy(model, "dataset.csv")) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict(model, {"f1": 0.8, "ans": 0}): features["ans"] = prediction["ans"]["value"] print(features)
# block 4 x = self.pooling(self.relu(self.conv3(x))) # fully connected layer x = self.linear(x.view(-1, 16 * 9 * 9)) return x RockPaperScissorsModel = ConvNet() Loss = CrossEntropyLossFunction() # Define the dffml model config model = PyTorchNeuralNetwork( classifications=["rock", "paper", "scissors"], features=Features(Feature("image", int, 300 * 300)), predict=Feature("label", int, 1), location="rps_model", network=RockPaperScissorsModel, epochs=10, batch_size=32, imageSize=150, validation_split=0.2, loss=Loss, optimizer="Adam", enableGPU=True, patience=2, ) # Define source for training image dataset train_source = DirectorySource(
from dffml import CSVSource, Features, Feature from dffml.noasync import train, accuracy, predict from dffml_model_tensorflow_hub.text_classifier import TextClassificationModel model = TextClassificationModel( features=Features(Feature("sentence", str, 1)), predict=Feature("sentiment", int, 1), classifications=[0, 1, 2], clstype=int, ) # Train the model train(model, "train.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) print("Accuracy:", accuracy(model, CSVSource(filename="test.csv"))) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict( model, {"sentence": "This track is horrible"}, ): features["sentiment"] = prediction["sentiment"]["value"] print(features)
async def test_models(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: # Model the HTTP API will pre-load model = SLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), location=tempdir, ) # y = m * x + b for equation SLR is solving for m = 5 b = 3 # Train the model await train(model, *[{ "f1": x, "ans": m * x + b } for x in range(0, 10)]) await score( model, MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy(), Feature("ans", int, 1), *[{ "f1": x, "ans": m * x + b } for x in range(10, 20)], ) async with ServerRunner.patch(HTTPService.server) as tserver: cli = await tserver.start( HTTPService.server.cli( "-insecure", "-port", "0", "-models", "mymodel=slr", "-model-mymodel-location", tempdir, "-model-mymodel-features", "f1:float:1", "-model-mymodel-predict", "ans:int:1", )) async with cli, f"/model/mymodel/predict/0", json={ f"record_{x}": { "features": { "f1": x } } for x in range(20, 30) }, ) as response: response = await response.json() records = response["records"] self.assertEqual(len(records), 10) for record in records.values(): should_be = m * record["features"]["f1"] + b prediction = record["prediction"]["ans"]["value"] percent_error = abs(should_be - prediction) / should_be self.assertLess(percent_error, 0.2)
async def test_scorer(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: model = SLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), location=tempdir, ) # y = m * x + b for equation SLR is solving for m = 5 b = 3 # Train the model await train(model, *[{ "f1": x, "ans": m * x + b } for x in range(0, 10)]) source = JSONSource( filename=pathlib.Path(tempdir, "source.json"), allowempty=True, readwrite=True, ) # Record the source will have in it await save( source, *[ Record( str(i), data={"features": { "f1": x, "ans": (m * x) + b }}, ) for i, x in enumerate(range(10, 20)) ], ) async with ServerRunner.patch(HTTPService.server) as tserver: cli = await tserver.start( HTTPService.server.cli( "-insecure", "-port", "0", "-models", "mymodel=slr", "-model-mymodel-location", tempdir, "-model-mymodel-features", "f1:float:1", "-model-mymodel-predict", "ans:int:1", "-features", "ans:int:1", "-sources", "mysource=json", "-source-mysource-filename", str(source.config.filename), "-scorers", "myscorer=mse", )) async with, "/scorer/myscorer/mymodel/score", json=["mysource"]) as r: self.assertEqual(await r.json(), {"accuracy": 0.0})
from dffml import Features, Feature from dffml.noasync import train, accuracy, predict from dffml_model_scikit import LinearRegressionModel model = LinearRegressionModel( features=Features( Feature("Years", int, 1), Feature("Expertise", int, 1), Feature("Trust", float, 1), ), predict=Feature("Salary", int, 1), ) # Train the model train( model, { "Years": 0, "Expertise": 1, "Trust": 0.1, "Salary": 10 }, { "Years": 1, "Expertise": 3, "Trust": 0.2, "Salary": 20 }, { "Years": 2, "Expertise": 5,
from dffml import Features, Feature, SLRModel from dffml.noasync import score, train from dffml.accuracy import MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy model = SLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), location="tempdir", ) # Train the model train(model, "dataset.csv") # Choose the accuracy plugin mse_accuracy = MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy() # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) print( "Accuracy:", score(model, mse_accuracy, Feature("ans", int, 1), "dataset.csv"), )
from dffml import CSVSource, Feature from dffml.noasync import train, accuracy, predict from dffml_model_transformers.ner.ner_model import NERModel model = NERModel( sid=Feature("SentenceId", int, 1), words=Feature("Words", str, 1), predict=Feature("Tag", str, 1), model_name_or_path="distilbert-base-cased", epochs=1, no_cuda=True, ) # Train the model train(model, "train.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) print("Accuracy:", accuracy(model, CSVSource(filename="train.csv"))) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict( model, { "SentenceID": 1, "Words": "DFFML models can do NER" }, { "SentenceID": 2, "Words": "DFFML models can do regression" }, ):
from dffml import CSVSource, Features, Feature from dffml.noasync import train, accuracy, predict from dffml_model_tensorflow.dnnr import DNNRegressionModel model = DNNRegressionModel( features=Features(Feature("Feature1", float, 1), Feature("Feature2", float, 1)), predict=Feature("TARGET", float, 1), epochs=300, steps=2000, hidden=[8, 16, 8], ) # Train the model train(model, "train.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) print("Accuracy:", accuracy(model, CSVSource(filename="test.csv"))) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict(model, { "Feature1": 0.21, "Feature2": 0.18, "TARGET": 0.84 }): features["TARGET"] = prediction["TARGET"]["value"] print(features)
from dffml import CSVSource, Features, Feature from dffml.noasync import train, score, predict from dffml_model_daal4py.daal4pylr import DAAL4PyLRModel from dffml.accuracy import MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy model = DAAL4PyLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), location="tempdir", ) # Train the model train(model, "train.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) scorer = MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy() print( "Accuracy:", score(model, scorer, Feature("ans", int, 1), CSVSource(filename="test.csv")), ) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict(model, {"f1": 0.8, "ans": 0}): features["ans"] = prediction["ans"]["value"] print(features)
async def main(): model = LinearRegressionModel( features=Features( Feature("Years", int, 1), Feature("Expertise", int, 1), Feature("Trust", float, 1), ), predict=Feature("Salary", int, 1), directory="tempdir", ) # Train the model await train( model, { "Years": 0, "Expertise": 1, "Trust": 0.1, "Salary": 10 }, { "Years": 1, "Expertise": 3, "Trust": 0.2, "Salary": 20 }, { "Years": 2, "Expertise": 5, "Trust": 0.3, "Salary": 30 }, { "Years": 3, "Expertise": 7, "Trust": 0.4, "Salary": 40 }, ) # Assess accuracy print( "Accuracy:", await accuracy( model, { "Years": 4, "Expertise": 9, "Trust": 0.5, "Salary": 50 }, { "Years": 5, "Expertise": 11, "Trust": 0.6, "Salary": 60 }, ), ) # Make prediction async for i, features, prediction in predict( model, { "Years": 6, "Expertise": 13, "Trust": 0.7 }, { "Years": 7, "Expertise": 15, "Trust": 0.8 }, ): features["Salary"] = prediction["Salary"]["value"] print(features)
from dffml import Features, Feature, SLRModel from dffml.noasync import train, score, predict from dffml.accuracy import MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy model = SLRModel( features=Features(Feature("f1", float, 1)), predict=Feature("ans", int, 1), location="tempdir", ) # Train the model train(model, "dataset.csv") # Assess accuracy (alternate way of specifying data source) scorer = MeanSquaredErrorAccuracy() print("Accuracy:", score(model, scorer, Feature("ans", int, 1), "dataset.csv")) # Make prediction for i, features, prediction in predict(model, {"f1": 0.8, "ans": 0}): features["ans"] = prediction["ans"]["value"] print(features)