Exemple #1
    def addGraphSpec(self, sessionId, graphSpec):

        # The first step is to break down the graph into smaller graphs that
        # belong to the same host, so we can submit that graph into the individual
        # DMs. For this we need to make sure that our graph has a the correct
        # attribute set
        logger.info('Separating graph')
        perPartition = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for dropSpec in graphSpec:
            if self._partitionAttr not in dropSpec:
                msg = "Drop %s doesn't specify a %s attribute" % (
                    dropSpec['oid'], self._partitionAttr)
                raise InvalidGraphException(msg)

            partition = dropSpec[self._partitionAttr]
            if partition not in self._dmHosts:
                msg = "Drop %s's %s %s does not belong to this DM" % (
                    dropSpec['oid'], self._partitionAttr, partition)
                raise InvalidGraphException(msg)


            # Add the drop specs to our graph
            self._graph[uid_for_drop(dropSpec)] = dropSpec

        # At each partition the relationships between DROPs should be local at the
        # moment of submitting the graph; thus we record the inter-partition
        # relationships separately and remove them from the original graph spec
        inter_partition_rels = []
        for dropSpecs in perPartition.values():
            inter_partition_rels += graph_loader.removeUnmetRelationships(
        sanitize_relations(inter_partition_rels, self._graph)
        logger.info('Removed (and sanitized) %d inter-dm relationships',

        # Store the inter-partition relationships; later on they have to be
        # communicated to the NMs so they can establish them as needed.
        drop_rels = collections.defaultdict(
            functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, list))
        for rel in inter_partition_rels:
            rhn = self._graph[rel.rhs]['node']
            lhn = self._graph[rel.lhs]['node']

        self._drop_rels[sessionId] = drop_rels
        logger.debug("Calculated NM-level drop relationships: %r", drop_rels)

        # Create the individual graphs on each DM now that they are correctly
        # separated.
        logger.info('Adding individual graphSpec of session %s to each DM',
                       "appending graphSpec to individual DMs",
            'Successfully added individual graphSpec of session %s to each DM',
    def test_removeUnmetRelationships(self):

        # Unmet relationsips are
        # DROPRel(D, CONSUMER, A)
        # DROPRel(Z, PRODUCER, A)
        # DROPRel(X, PRODUCER, A)
        graphDesc = [{'oid':'A', 'consumers':['B', 'D'], 'producers':['Z','X']},
                     {'oid':'B', 'outputs':['C']},
                     {'oid':'C', 'streamingConsumers':['D']}]

        unmetRelationships = graph_loader.removeUnmetRelationships(graphDesc)
        self.assertEquals(4, len(unmetRelationships))
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.CONSUMER, 'A'), unmetRelationships)
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.STREAMING_CONSUMER, 'C'), unmetRelationships)
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('Z', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'), unmetRelationships)
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('X', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'), unmetRelationships)

        # The original dropSpecs have changed as well
        a = graphDesc[0]
        c = graphDesc[2]

        self.assertEquals(1, len(a['consumers']))
        self.assertEquals('B', a['consumers'][0])
        self.assertFalse('producers' in a)
        self.assertFalse('streamingConsumers' in c)
Exemple #3
    def test_removeUnmetRelationships(self):

        # Unmet relationsips are
        # DROPRel(D, CONSUMER, A)
        # DROPRel(Z, PRODUCER, A)
        # DROPRel(X, PRODUCER, A)
        graphDesc = [{
            'oid': 'A',
            'consumers': ['B', 'D'],
            'producers': ['Z', 'X']
        }, {
            'oid': 'B',
            'outputs': ['C']
        }, {
            'oid': 'C',
            'streamingConsumers': ['D']

        unmetRelationships = graph_loader.removeUnmetRelationships(graphDesc)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(unmetRelationships))
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.CONSUMER, 'A'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.STREAMING_CONSUMER, 'C'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('Z', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('X', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'),

        # The original dropSpecs have changed as well
        a = graphDesc[0]
        c = graphDesc[2]

        self.assertEqual(1, len(a['consumers']))
        self.assertEqual('B', a['consumers'][0])
        self.assertFalse('producers' in a)
        self.assertFalse('streamingConsumers' in c)
    def addGraphSpec(self, sessionId, graphSpec):
        logger.debug('addGraphSpec - sessionId: {0}'.format(sessionId))  # TODO: KV remove
        # The first step is to break down the graph into smaller graphs that
        # belong to the same host, so we can submit that graph into the individual
        # DMs. For this we need to make sure that our graph has a the correct
        # attribute set
        perPartition = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for dropSpec in graphSpec:
            if self._partitionAttr not in dropSpec:
                raise Exception("DROP %s doesn't specify a %s attribute" % (dropSpec['oid'], self._partitionAttr))

            partition = dropSpec[self._partitionAttr]
            if partition not in self._dmHosts:
                raise Exception("DROP %s's %s %s does not belong to this DM" % (dropSpec['oid'], self._partitionAttr, partition))


        # At each partition the relationships between DROPs should be local at the
        # moment of submitting the graph; thus we record the inter-DM
        # relationships separately and remove them from the original graph spec
        logger.debug('addGraphSpec - sessionId: {0}'.format(sessionId))  # TODO: KV remove
        interDMRelations = []
        for dropSpecs in perPartition.viewvalues():

        # Create the individual graphs on each DM now that they are correctly
        # separated.
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
            logger.info('Adding individual graphSpec of session %s to each DM' % (sessionId))

        thrExs = {}
        self._tp.map(functools.partial(self._addGraphSpec, sessionId, thrExs), [(host, perPartition[host]) for host in self._dmHosts])

        if thrExs:
            raise Exception("One or more errors occurred while adding the graphSpec to the individual DMs", thrExs)
