Exemple #1
 def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype):
     dtype = F.dtype(eids)
     ctx = F.context(eids)
     # find 起始点
     src, _dst = g.find_edges(eids, etype=canonical_etype)
     etype = self.etype_dict[eids]
     src = F.repeat(src, self.k, 0)
     etype = F.repeat(etype, self.k, 0)
     dsts = None
     # dst 应该在set里选哈
     for i in _dst :
         没有过滤掉负采样中的正例,并且在负采样中没有去除正确的原dst 同时没有为这条边生成采样系数权值subsampling weight
         同时这里的采样只取true src与negative dst,暨tail batch, 应该根据mode来进行正负采样
         nid = i.numel()
         ntype = self.ntype_dict[nid]
         node_set = self.type_set[ntype]
         node_limit = len(node_set)
         # uniform sampling
         dst = F.randint((1, 2 * self.k), dtype, ctx, 0, node_limit)
         dst = node_set[dst]
         if dsts is None :
             dsts = dst
         else :
             dsts = torch.cat((dsts, dst), dim = 1)
     return (src, dsts.squeeze(dim = 0)), etype
Exemple #2
 def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype):
     _, _, vtype = canonical_etype
     shape = F.shape(eids)
     dtype = F.dtype(eids)
     ctx = F.context(eids)
     shape = (shape[0] * self.k,)
     src, _ = g.find_edges(eids, etype=canonical_etype)
     src = F.repeat(src, self.k, 0)
     dst = F.randint(shape, dtype, ctx, 0, g.number_of_nodes(vtype))
     return src, dst
Exemple #3
 def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype):
     _, _, vtype = canonical_etype
     shape = F.shape(eids)
     dtype = F.dtype(eids)
     ctx = F.context(eids)
     shape = (shape[0] * self.k, )
     src, _ = g.find_edges(eids, etype=canonical_etype)
     src = F.repeat(src, self.k, 0)
     dst = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes()),
     # dst = F.randint(shape, dtype, ctx, 0, g.number_of_nodes(vtype))
     dst = th.tensor(dst, dtype=dtype, device=ctx)
     return src, dst
Exemple #4
def extract_edge_with_id_edge(g):
    # input a homogeneous graph
    # return tensor with shape of [2,num_edges]
    edges = g.edges()
    edata = g.edata['_TYPE']
    num_edge_type = th.max(edata).item()
    ctx = F.context(edges[0])
    dtype = F.dtype(edges[0])
    A = []
    for i in range(num_edge_type + 1):
        index = th.nonzero(edata == i).squeeze()
        e_0 = edges[0][index]
        e_1 = edges[1][index]  # edges is  tuple
        e = th.stack((e_0, e_1), dim=0)
        # turn the edge type(tuple) to tensor
        values = th.ones(e.shape[1], device=ctx)
        A.append((e, values))
    x = th.arange(0, g.num_nodes(), dtype=dtype, device=ctx)
    id_edge = th.stack((x, x), dim=0)
    values = th.ones(id_edge.shape[1], device=ctx)
    A.append((id_edge, values))
    return A
Exemple #5
def extract_mtx_with_id_edge(g):
    # input a homogeneous graph
    # return tensor with shape of [2,num_edges]
    edges = g.edges()
    edata = g.edata['_TYPE']
    num_edge_type = th.max(edata).item()
    ctx = F.context(edges[0])
    dtype = F.dtype(edges[0])
    A = []
    num_nodes = g.num_nodes()
    for i in range(num_edge_type + 1):
        index = th.nonzero(edata == i).squeeze()
        e_0 = edges[0][index].to('cpu').numpy()
        e_1 = edges[1][index].to('cpu').numpy()
        values = np.ones(e_0.shape[0])
        m = coo_matrix((values, (e_0, e_1)), shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes))
        m = th.from_numpy(m.todense()).type(th.FloatTensor).unsqueeze(0)
        if 0 == i:
            A = m
            A = th.cat([A, m], dim=0)
    m = th.eye(num_nodes).unsqueeze(0)
    A = th.cat([A, m], dim=0)
    return A.to(ctx)
Exemple #6
    def predict_neg_score(self, pos_g, neg_g, to_device=None, gpu_id=-1, trace=False,
        """Calculate the negative score.

        pos_g : DGLGraph
            Graph holding positive edges.
        neg_g : DGLGraph
            Graph holding negative edges.
        to_device : func
            Function to move data into device.
        gpu_id : int
            Which gpu to move data to.
        trace : bool
            If True, trace the computation. This is required in training.
            If False, do not trace the computation.
            Default: False
        neg_deg_sample : bool
            If True, we use the head and tail nodes of the positive edges to
            construct negative edges.
            Default: False

            The negative score
        num_chunks = neg_g.num_chunks
        chunk_size = neg_g.chunk_size
        neg_sample_size = neg_g.neg_sample_size
        mask = F.ones((num_chunks, chunk_size * (neg_sample_size + chunk_size)),
                      dtype=F.float32, ctx=F.context(pos_g.ndata['emb']))
        if neg_g.neg_head:
            neg_head_ids = neg_g.ndata['id'][neg_g.head_nid]
            neg_head = self.entity_emb(neg_head_ids, gpu_id, trace)
            head_ids, tail_ids = pos_g.all_edges(order='eid')
            if to_device is not None and gpu_id >= 0:
                tail_ids = to_device(tail_ids, gpu_id)
            tail = pos_g.ndata['emb'][tail_ids]
            rel = pos_g.edata['emb']

            # When we train a batch, we could use the head nodes of the positive edges to
            # construct negative edges. We construct a negative edge between a positive head
            # node and every positive tail node.
            # When we construct negative edges like this, we know there is one positive
            # edge for a positive head node among the negative edges. We need to mask
            # them.
            if neg_deg_sample:
                head = pos_g.ndata['emb'][head_ids]
                head = head.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, -1)
                neg_head = neg_head.reshape(num_chunks, neg_sample_size, -1)
                neg_head = F.cat([head, neg_head], 1)
                neg_sample_size = chunk_size + neg_sample_size
                mask[:,0::(neg_sample_size + 1)] = 0
            neg_head = neg_head.reshape(num_chunks * neg_sample_size, -1)
            neg_head, tail = self.head_neg_prepare(pos_g.edata['id'], num_chunks, neg_head, tail, gpu_id, trace)
            neg_score = self.head_neg_score(neg_head, rel, tail,
                                            num_chunks, chunk_size, neg_sample_size)
            neg_tail_ids = neg_g.ndata['id'][neg_g.tail_nid]
            neg_tail = self.entity_emb(neg_tail_ids, gpu_id, trace)
            head_ids, tail_ids = pos_g.all_edges(order='eid')
            if to_device is not None and gpu_id >= 0:
                head_ids = to_device(head_ids, gpu_id)
            head = pos_g.ndata['emb'][head_ids]
            rel = pos_g.edata['emb']

            # This is negative edge construction similar to the above.
            if neg_deg_sample:
                tail = pos_g.ndata['emb'][tail_ids]
                tail = tail.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, -1)
                neg_tail = neg_tail.reshape(num_chunks, neg_sample_size, -1)
                neg_tail = F.cat([tail, neg_tail], 1)
                neg_sample_size = chunk_size + neg_sample_size
                mask[:,0::(neg_sample_size + 1)] = 0
            neg_tail = neg_tail.reshape(num_chunks * neg_sample_size, -1)
            head, neg_tail = self.tail_neg_prepare(pos_g.edata['id'], num_chunks, head, neg_tail, gpu_id, trace)
            neg_score = self.tail_neg_score(head, rel, neg_tail,
                                            num_chunks, chunk_size, neg_sample_size)

        if neg_deg_sample:
            neg_g.neg_sample_size = neg_sample_size
            mask = mask.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, neg_sample_size)
            return neg_score * mask
            return neg_score
Exemple #7
    def predict_neg_score(self,
        num_chunks = neg_g.num_chunks
        chunk_size = neg_g.chunk_size
        neg_sample_size = neg_g.neg_sample_size
        mask = F.ones(
            (num_chunks, chunk_size * (neg_sample_size + chunk_size)),
        if neg_g.neg_head:
            neg_head_ids = neg_g.ndata['id'][neg_g.head_nid]
            neg_head = self.entity_emb(neg_head_ids, gpu_id, trace)
            head_ids, tail_ids = pos_g.all_edges(order='eid')
            if to_device is not None and gpu_id >= 0:
                tail_ids = to_device(tail_ids, gpu_id)
            tail = pos_g.ndata['emb'][tail_ids]
            rel = pos_g.edata['emb']

            # When we train a batch, we could use the head nodes of the positive edges to
            # construct negative edges. We construct a negative edge between a positive head
            # node and every positive tail node.
            # When we construct negative edges like this, we know there is one positive
            # edge for a positive head node among the negative edges. We need to mask
            # them.
            if neg_deg_sample:
                head = pos_g.ndata['emb'][head_ids]
                head = head.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, -1)
                neg_head = neg_head.reshape(num_chunks, neg_sample_size, -1)
                neg_head = F.cat([head, neg_head], 1)
                neg_sample_size = chunk_size + neg_sample_size
                mask[:, 0::(neg_sample_size + 1)] = 0
            neg_head = neg_head.reshape(num_chunks * neg_sample_size, -1)
            neg_head, tail = self.head_neg_prepare(pos_g.edata['id'],
                                                   num_chunks, neg_head, tail,
                                                   gpu_id, trace)
            neg_score = self.head_neg_score(neg_head, rel, tail, num_chunks,
                                            chunk_size, neg_sample_size)
            neg_tail_ids = neg_g.ndata['id'][neg_g.tail_nid]
            neg_tail = self.entity_emb(neg_tail_ids, gpu_id, trace)
            head_ids, tail_ids = pos_g.all_edges(order='eid')
            if to_device is not None and gpu_id >= 0:
                head_ids = to_device(head_ids, gpu_id)
            head = pos_g.ndata['emb'][head_ids]
            rel = pos_g.edata['emb']

            # This is negative edge construction similar to the above.
            if neg_deg_sample:
                tail = pos_g.ndata['emb'][tail_ids]
                tail = tail.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, -1)
                neg_tail = neg_tail.reshape(num_chunks, neg_sample_size, -1)
                neg_tail = F.cat([tail, neg_tail], 1)
                neg_sample_size = chunk_size + neg_sample_size
                mask[:, 0::(neg_sample_size + 1)] = 0
            neg_tail = neg_tail.reshape(num_chunks * neg_sample_size, -1)
            head, neg_tail = self.tail_neg_prepare(pos_g.edata['id'],
                                                   num_chunks, head, neg_tail,
                                                   gpu_id, trace)
            neg_score = self.tail_neg_score(head, rel, neg_tail, num_chunks,
                                            chunk_size, neg_sample_size)

        if neg_deg_sample:
            neg_g.neg_sample_size = neg_sample_size
            mask = mask.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, neg_sample_size)
            return neg_score * mask
            return neg_score