Exemple #1
 def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
     """Do neighbor sample
     seeds :
         Seed nodes
         Seed nodes, also known as target nodes
         Sampled subgraphs
     blocks = []
     etypes = []
     norms = []
     ntypes = []
     seeds = th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
     cur = seeds
     for fanout in self.fanouts:
         frontier = self.sample_neighbors(self.g, cur, fanout, replace=True)
         etypes = self.g.edata[dgl.ETYPE][frontier.edata[dgl.EID]]
         norm = self.g.edata['norm'][frontier.edata[dgl.EID]]
         block = dgl.to_block(frontier, cur)
         block.srcdata[dgl.NTYPE] = self.g.ndata[dgl.NTYPE][block.srcdata[
         block.edata['etype'] = etypes
         block.edata['norm'] = norm
         cur = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
         blocks.insert(0, block)
     return seeds, blocks
def start_bipartite_etype_sample_client(rank,
    gpb = None
    if disable_shared_mem:
        _, _, _, gpb, _, _, _ = load_partition(tmpdir / 'test_sampling.json',
    dist_graph = DistGraph("test_sampling", gpb=gpb)
    assert 'feat' in dist_graph.nodes['user'].data
    assert 'feat' in dist_graph.nodes['game'].data

    if dist_graph.local_partition is not None:
        # Check whether etypes are sorted in dist_graph
        local_g = dist_graph.local_partition
        local_nids = np.arange(local_g.num_nodes())
        for lnid in local_nids:
            leids = local_g.in_edges(lnid, form='eid')
            letids = F.asnumpy(local_g.edata[dgl.ETYPE][leids])
            _, idices = np.unique(letids, return_index=True)
            assert np.all(idices[:-1] <= idices[1:])

    if gpb is None:
        gpb = dist_graph.get_partition_book()
    sampled_graph = sample_etype_neighbors(dist_graph, nodes, dgl.ETYPE,
    block = dgl.to_block(sampled_graph, nodes)
    if sampled_graph.num_edges() > 0:
        block.edata[dgl.EID] = sampled_graph.edata[dgl.EID]
    return block, gpb
    def inference(self, g, x, batch_size, device):
        Inference with the GraphSAGE model on full neighbors (i.e. without neighbor sampling).
        g : the entire graph.
        x : the input of entire node set.
        The inference code is written in a fashion that it could handle any number of nodes and
        # During inference with sampling, multi-layer blocks are very inefficient because
        # lots of computations in the first few layers are repeated.
        # Therefore, we compute the representation of all nodes layer by layer.  The nodes
        # on each layer are of course splitted in batches.
        # TODO: can we standardize this?
        nodes = th.arange(g.number_of_nodes())
        for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            y = th.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), self.n_hidden if l != len(self.layers) - 1 else self.n_classes)

            for start in tqdm.trange(0, len(nodes), batch_size):
                end = start + batch_size
                batch_nodes = nodes[start:end]
                block = dgl.to_block(dgl.in_subgraph(g, batch_nodes), batch_nodes)
                input_nodes = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

                h = x[input_nodes].to(device)
                h_dst = h[:block.number_of_dst_nodes()]
                h = layer(block, (h, h_dst))
                if l != len(self.layers) - 1:
                    h = self.activation(h)
                    h = self.dropout(h)

                y[start:end] = h.cpu()

            x = y
        return y
Exemple #4
def compact_and_copy(frontier, seeds):
    block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
    for col, data in frontier.edata.items():
        if col == dgl.EID:
        block.edata[col] = data[block.edata[dgl.EID]]
    return block
Exemple #5
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        # 在若干个二部图串联在一起的前提下(即blocks),思路是从左向右采样
        # 最终得到若干个blocks,包含了batch_size个nodes(即seeds)若干个hops聚合操作所需要的全部nodes
        seeds = th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
        blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            if fanout is None:
                frontier = dgl.transform.in_subgraph(self.g, seeds)
                # sample_neighbors 可以对每一个种子的节点进行邻居采样并返回相应的子图,即frontier
                # replace=True 表示用采样后的邻居节点代替所有邻居节点 (具体的还是要查一下)
                frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g,
            # # to_black操作是把将采样的子图转换为适合计算的二部图
            # 这里特殊的地方在于block.srcdata中的id是包含了dstnodeid的
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            # 获取新图的源节点作为种子节点,为下一层作准备
            # 即将本层的scrnode作为下一层的seeds来采样邻居节点
            # 之所以是从 src 中获取种子节点,是因为采样操作相对于聚合操作来说是一个逆向操作
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
            # 把这一层放在最前面
            # 假设有两层(K=2),那么最后的blocks=[block1, block0], 序号表示loop
            blocks.insert(0, block)

        return blocks
Exemple #6
 def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
     # Based on the idea of bipartite graph, sampling will be performed
     # from the LHS to RHS, i.e. Seeds to their neighbors
     # Notice: Outmost neighbors, i.e. blocks[0].srcdata[dgl.NID], includes 
     # all of the nodes that will be needed for k-hops aggregation of the 
     # bathc_size seeds
     seeds = torch.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
     blocks = []
     for fanout in self.fanouts: 
         if fanout is None:
             # This will be used during the inference
             # return the subgraph contains ALL 1-hop neighbors
             frontier = dgl.transform.in_subgraph(self.g, seeds)
             # sample_neighbors() samples 'fanout' neighbors of 'seeds' on 'g'
             # TODO: the meaning of replace=True needs to check
             frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout, replace=True) 
         # to_block() converts 'frontier' to a bipartite graph with dst as 'seeds'
         # 'include_dst_in_src=True' means to include DST nodes in SRC nodes
         # Since DST nodes are included in SRC nodes, we could fetch
         # the DST node features from the SRC nodes features (this is why I wrote
         # such a notice at the begining of this method).
         block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds, include_dst_in_src=True)
         # assign the SRC of the current block as the DST of next block
         seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
         # store blocks with the stack structure
         # if there are two layers (K=2), then blocks = [block 1, block 0]
         # the block_id represents loops
         blocks.insert(0, block)
     return blocks
Exemple #7
def test_gin_conv():
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(20, 0.3))
    ctx = F.ctx()

    gin_conv = nn.GINConv(lambda x: x, 'mean', 0.1)

    # test #1: basic
    feat = F.randn((g.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    h = gin_conv(g, feat)
    assert h.shape == (20, 5)

    # test #2: bipartite
    g = dgl.bipartite(sp.sparse.random(100, 200, density=0.1))
    feat = (F.randn((100, 5)), F.randn((200, 5)))
    h = gin_conv(g, feat)
    return h.shape == (20, 5)

    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.001))
    seed_nodes = np.unique(g.edges()[1].asnumpy())
    block = dgl.to_block(g, seed_nodes)
    feat = F.randn((block.number_of_src_nodes(), 5))
    h = gin_conv(block, feat)
    assert h.shape == (block.number_of_dst_nodes(), 12)
Exemple #8
def test_gat_conv():
    ctx = F.ctx()

    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.erdos_renyi_graph(20, 0.3))
    gat = nn.GATConv(10, 20, 5) # n_heads = 5

    # test#1: basic
    feat = F.randn((20, 10))
    h = gat(g, feat)
    assert h.shape == (20, 5, 20)

    # test#2: bipartite
    g = dgl.bipartite(sp.sparse.random(100, 200, density=0.1))
    gat = nn.GATConv((5, 10), 2, 4)
    feat = (F.randn((100, 5)), F.randn((200, 10)))
    h = gat(g, feat)
    assert h.shape == (200, 4, 2)

    # test#3: block
    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.001))
    seed_nodes = np.unique(g.edges()[1].asnumpy())
    block = dgl.to_block(g, seed_nodes)
    gat = nn.GATConv(5, 2, 4)
    feat = F.randn((block.number_of_src_nodes(), 5))
    h = gat(block, feat)
    assert h.shape == (block.number_of_dst_nodes(), 4, 2)
Exemple #9
def test_pickling_heterograph():
    # copied from test_heterograph.create_test_heterograph()
    plays_spmat = ssp.coo_matrix(([1, 1, 1, 1], ([0, 1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1])))
    wishes_nx = nx.DiGraph()
    wishes_nx.add_nodes_from(['u0', 'u1', 'u2'], bipartite=0)
    wishes_nx.add_nodes_from(['g0', 'g1'], bipartite=1)
    wishes_nx.add_edge('u0', 'g1', id=0)
    wishes_nx.add_edge('u2', 'g0', id=1)

    follows_g = dgl.graph([(0, 1), (1, 2)], 'user', 'follows')
    plays_g = dgl.bipartite(plays_spmat, 'user', 'plays', 'game')
    wishes_g = dgl.bipartite(wishes_nx, 'user', 'wishes', 'game')
    develops_g = dgl.bipartite([(0, 0), (1, 1)], 'developer', 'develops',
    g = dgl.hetero_from_relations([follows_g, plays_g, wishes_g, develops_g])

    g.nodes['user'].data['u_h'] = F.randn((3, 4))
    g.nodes['game'].data['g_h'] = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.edges['plays'].data['p_h'] = F.randn((4, 6))

    new_g = _reconstruct_pickle(g)
    _assert_is_identical_hetero(g, new_g)

    block = dgl.to_block(g, {'user': [1, 2], 'game': [0, 1], 'developer': []})
    new_block = _reconstruct_pickle(block)
    _assert_is_identical_hetero(block, new_block)
    assert block.is_block
    assert new_block.is_block
def block_graph1():
    g = dgl.heterograph({
            ('user', 'plays', 'game') : ([0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 0]),
            ('user', 'likes', 'game') : ([1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 2]),
            ('store', 'sells', 'game') : ([0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2]),
        }, device=F.cpu())
    return dgl.to_block(g)
Exemple #11
def compact_and_copy(frontier, seeds):
    # DGL provides dgl.to_block() to convert any frontier to a block
    block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
    for col, data in frontier.edata.items():
        if col == dgl.EID:
        block.edata[col] = data[block.edata[dgl.EID]]
    return block
Exemple #12
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        seeds = th.LongTensor(seeds)
        blocks = []
        hist_blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout)
            hist_frontier = dgl.in_subgraph(self.g, seeds)
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            hist_block = dgl.to_block(hist_frontier, seeds)
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)
            hist_blocks.insert(0, hist_block)
        return blocks, hist_blocks
Exemple #13
def compact_and_copy(frontier, seeds):
    """Turn graph into block and copy edge data."""
    block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
    for col, data in frontier.edata.items():
        if col == dgl.EID:
        block.edata[col] = data[block.edata[dgl.EID]]
    return block
    def sample_blocks(self, seed_edges):
        n_edges = len(seed_edges)
        seed_edges = th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seed_edges))
        heads, tails = self.g.find_edges(seed_edges)
        if self.neg_share and n_edges % self.num_negs == 0:
            neg_tails = self.neg_sampler(n_edges)
            neg_tails = (neg_tails.view(-1, 1, self.num_negs).expand(
                n_edges // self.num_negs, self.num_negs,
            neg_heads = (heads.view(-1, 1).expand(n_edges,
            neg_tails = self.neg_sampler(self.num_negs * n_edges)
            neg_heads = (heads.view(-1, 1).expand(n_edges,

        # Maintain the correspondence between heads, tails and negative tails as two
        # graphs.
        # pos_graph contains the correspondence between each head and its positive tail.
        # neg_graph contains the correspondence between each head and its negative tails.
        # Both pos_graph and neg_graph are first constructed with the same node space as
        # the original graph.  Then they are compacted together with dgl.compact_graphs.
        pos_graph = dgl.graph((heads, tails),
        neg_graph = dgl.graph((neg_heads, neg_tails),
        pos_graph, neg_graph = dgl.compact_graphs([pos_graph, neg_graph])

        # Obtain the node IDs being used in either pos_graph or neg_graph.  Since they
        # are compacted together, pos_graph and neg_graph share the same compacted node
        # space.
        seeds = pos_graph.ndata[dgl.NID]
        blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g,
            # Remove all edges between heads and tails, as well as heads and neg_tails.
            _, _, edge_ids = frontier.edge_ids(
                th.cat([heads, tails, neg_heads, neg_tails]),
                th.cat([tails, heads, neg_tails, neg_heads]),
            frontier = dgl.remove_edges(frontier, edge_ids)
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)

            # Pre-generate CSR format that it can be used in training directly
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)

        # Pre-generate CSR format that it can be used in training directly
        return pos_graph, neg_graph, blocks
 def obtain_Bs(self, ids):
     ids = torch.LongTensor(np.asarray(ids))
     B = []
     for s in self.fanout:
         nf = sample_neighbors(self.g, nodes=ids, fanout=s, replace=True)      # 返回采样后的图,节点不变,边仅保留采样到的
         b = dgl.to_block(nf, ids)        # 转为二部图,可以方便读取src和dst节点,将后一层节点作为dst
         ids = b.srcdata[dgl.NID]        # 二部图源节点作为前一层的ids
         B.insert(0, b)                  # 插入到列表最前
     return B
    def construct_blocks(self, seeds, user_item_pairs_to_remove):
        blocks = []
        users, items = user_item_pairs_to_remove
        # 采样就是根据卷积层数选取对应数量的邻居结点
        # 涉及到双向图的处理
        for i in range(self.num_layers):
            sampled_graph = dgl.in_subgraph(self.graph, seeds)
            sampled_eids = sampled_graph.edges[('user', 'watched',
            sampled_eids_rev = sampled_graph.edges[('item', 'watchedby',

            # 训练时要去掉用户和项目间的关联
            _, _, edges_to_remove = sampled_graph.edge_ids(users,
            _, _, edges_to_remove_rev = sampled_graph.edge_ids(
                etype=('item', 'watchedby', 'user'),

            # sampled_with_edges_removed = dgl.remove_edges(
            #     sampled_graph,
            #     {('user', 'watched', 'item'): edges_to_remove, ('item', 'watchedby', 'user'): edges_to_remove_rev}
            # )

            sampled_with_edges_removed = dgl.remove_edges(
                sampled_graph, edges_to_remove, ('user', 'watched', 'item'))
            sampled_with_edges_removed = dgl.remove_edges(
                sampled_with_edges_removed, edges_to_remove_rev,
                ('item', 'watchedby', 'user'))

            sampled_eids = sampled_eids[sampled_with_edges_removed.edges[(
                'user', 'watched', 'item')].data[dgl.EID]]
            sampled_eids_rev = sampled_eids_rev[
                sampled_with_edges_removed.edges[('item', 'watchedby',

            # 创建子图块
            block = dgl.to_block(sampled_with_edges_removed, seeds)
            blocks.insert(0, block)
            seeds = {
                'user': block.srcnodes['user'].data[dgl.NID],
                'item': block.srcnodes['item'].data[dgl.NID]

            # 把评分复制过去
            block.edges[('user', 'watched', 'item')].data['rating'] = \
                self.graph.edges[('user', 'watched', 'item')].data['rating'][sampled_eids]
            block.edges[('item', 'watchedby', 'user')].data['rating'] = \
                self.graph.edges[('item', 'watchedby', 'user')].data['rating'][sampled_eids_rev]

        return blocks
Exemple #17
 def sample(self, pairs):
     heads, tails, types = zip(*pairs)
     seeds, head_invmap = torch.unique(torch.LongTensor(heads), return_inverse=True)
     blocks = []
     for fanout in reversed(self.num_fanouts):
         sampled_graph = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout)
         sampled_block = dgl.to_block(sampled_graph, seeds)
         seeds = sampled_block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
         blocks.insert(0, sampled_block)
     return blocks, torch.LongTensor(head_invmap), torch.LongTensor(tails), torch.LongTensor(types)
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        block_list = []
        for sampler in self.sampler_list:
            frontier = sampler(seeds)
            # add self loop
            frontier = dgl.remove_self_loop(frontier)
            frontier.add_edges(torch.tensor(seeds), torch.tensor(seeds))
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)

        return seeds, block_list
Exemple #19
    def sample_blocks(self, g, seed_nodes, exclude_eids=None):
        output_nodes = seed_nodes
        blocks = []
        for block_id in reversed(range(self.num_layers)):
            frontier = self.sample_frontier(block_id, g, seed_nodes)
            eid = frontier.edata[dgl.EID]
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seed_nodes)
            block.edata[dgl.EID] = eid
            seed_nodes = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
            blocks.insert(0, block)

        return seed_nodes, output_nodes, blocks
Exemple #20
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds, fan_outs):

        seeds = torch.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
        blocks = []
        for fan_out in fan_outs:
            frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g,
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
            blocks.insert(0, block)
        return [block.to(self.device) for block in blocks]
Exemple #21
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        seeds = th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
        blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            frontier = self.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout, replace=True)
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)
        return blocks
Exemple #22
def test_sage_conv(aggre_type):
    ctx = F.ctx()
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.1), readonly=True)
    sage = nn.SAGEConv(5, 10, aggre_type)
    feat = F.randn((100, 5))
    sage = sage.to(ctx)
    h = sage(g, feat)
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.1))
    sage = nn.SAGEConv(5, 10, aggre_type)
    feat = F.randn((100, 5))
    sage = sage.to(ctx)
    h = sage(g, feat)
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    g = dgl.bipartite(sp.sparse.random(100, 200, density=0.1))
    dst_dim = 5 if aggre_type != 'gcn' else 10
    sage = nn.SAGEConv((10, dst_dim), 2, aggre_type)
    feat = (F.randn((100, 10)), F.randn((200, dst_dim)))
    sage = sage.to(ctx)
    h = sage(g, feat)
    assert h.shape[-1] == 2
    assert h.shape[0] == 200

    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.001))
    seed_nodes = th.unique(g.edges()[1])
    block = dgl.to_block(g, seed_nodes)
    sage = nn.SAGEConv(5, 10, aggre_type)
    feat = F.randn((block.number_of_src_nodes(), 5))
    sage = sage.to(ctx)
    h = sage(block, feat)
    assert h.shape[0] == block.number_of_dst_nodes()
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    # Test the case for graphs without edges
    g = dgl.bipartite([], num_nodes=(5, 3))
    sage = nn.SAGEConv((3, 3), 2, 'gcn')
    feat = (F.randn((5, 3)), F.randn((3, 3)))
    sage = sage.to(ctx)
    h = sage(g, feat)
    assert h.shape[-1] == 2
    assert h.shape[0] == 3
    for aggre_type in ['mean', 'pool', 'lstm']:
        sage = nn.SAGEConv((3, 1), 2, aggre_type)
        feat = (F.randn((5, 3)), F.randn((3, 1)))
        sage = sage.to(ctx)
        h = sage(g, feat)
        assert h.shape[-1] == 2
        assert h.shape[0] == 3
Exemple #23
 def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
     blocks = []
     seeds = {self.category: th.tensor(seeds).long()}
     cur = seeds
     for fanout in self.fanouts:
         if fanout is None:
             frontier = dgl.in_subgraph(self.g, cur)
             frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, cur, fanout)
         block = dgl.to_block(frontier, cur)
         cur = {}
         for ntype in block.srctypes:
             cur[ntype] = block.srcnodes[ntype].data[dgl.NID]
         blocks.insert(0, block)
     return seeds, blocks
Exemple #24
 def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
     blocks = []
     etypes = []
     norms = []
     ntypes = []
     seeds = th.tensor(seeds).long()
     cur = self.target_idx[seeds]
     for fanout in self.fanouts:
         if fanout is None or fanout == -1:
             frontier = dgl.in_subgraph(self.g, cur)
             frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, cur, fanout)
         block = dgl.to_block(frontier, cur)
         cur = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]
         blocks.insert(0, block)
     return seeds, blocks
def start_bipartite_sample_client(rank, tmpdir, disable_shared_mem, nodes):
    gpb = None
    if disable_shared_mem:
        _, _, _, gpb, _, _, _ = load_partition(tmpdir / 'test_sampling.json',
    dist_graph = DistGraph("test_sampling", gpb=gpb)
    assert 'feat' in dist_graph.nodes['user'].data
    assert 'feat' in dist_graph.nodes['game'].data
    if gpb is None:
        gpb = dist_graph.get_partition_book()
    sampled_graph = sample_neighbors(dist_graph, nodes, 3)
    block = dgl.to_block(sampled_graph, nodes)
    if sampled_graph.num_edges() > 0:
        block.edata[dgl.EID] = sampled_graph.edata[dgl.EID]
    return block, gpb
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        blocks, edges = [], []
        seeds = torch.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g,
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            edge = frontier.edata[dgl.EID]
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)
            edges.insert(0, edge)
        return blocks, edges
Exemple #27
    def sample_block(self, seeds):
        blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            if fanout is None:
                frontier = dgl.in_subgraph(self.g, seeds)
                frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g,
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)
        return blocks, blocks[0].srcdata[dgl.NID]
Exemple #28
def test_nn_conv():
    ctx = F.ctx()
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.1), readonly=True)
    edge_func = th.nn.Linear(4, 5 * 10)
    nnconv = nn.NNConv(5, 10, edge_func, 'mean')
    feat = F.randn((100, 5))
    efeat = F.randn((g.number_of_edges(), 4))
    nnconv = nnconv.to(ctx)
    h = nnconv(g, feat, efeat)
    # currently we only do shape check
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.1))
    edge_func = th.nn.Linear(4, 5 * 10)
    nnconv = nn.NNConv(5, 10, edge_func, 'mean')
    feat = F.randn((100, 5))
    efeat = F.randn((g.number_of_edges(), 4))
    nnconv = nnconv.to(ctx)
    h = nnconv(g, feat, efeat)
    # currently we only do shape check
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    g = dgl.bipartite(sp.sparse.random(50, 100, density=0.1))
    edge_func = th.nn.Linear(4, 5 * 10)
    nnconv = nn.NNConv((5, 2), 10, edge_func, 'mean')
    feat = F.randn((50, 5))
    feat_dst = F.randn((100, 2))
    efeat = F.randn((g.number_of_edges(), 4))
    nnconv = nnconv.to(ctx)
    h = nnconv(g, (feat, feat_dst), efeat)
    # currently we only do shape check
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10

    g = dgl.graph(sp.sparse.random(100, 100, density=0.001))
    seed_nodes = th.unique(g.edges()[1])
    block = dgl.to_block(g, seed_nodes)
    edge_func = th.nn.Linear(4, 5 * 10)
    nnconv = nn.NNConv(5, 10, edge_func, 'mean')
    feat = F.randn((block.number_of_src_nodes(), 5))
    efeat = F.randn((block.number_of_edges(), 4))
    nnconv = nnconv.to(ctx)
    h = nnconv(block, feat, efeat)
    assert h.shape[0] == block.number_of_dst_nodes()
    assert h.shape[-1] == 10
    def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
        seeds = th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
        blocks = []
        for fanout in self.fanouts:
            # For each seed node, sample ``fanout`` neighbors.
            frontier = self.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout, replace=True)
            # Then we compact the frontier into a bipartite graph for message passing.
            block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
            # Obtain the seed nodes for next layer.
            seeds = block.srcdata[dgl.NID]

            blocks.insert(0, block)

        input_nodes = blocks[0].srcdata[dgl.NID]
        seeds = blocks[-1].dstdata[dgl.NID]
        batch_inputs, batch_labels = load_subtensor(self.g, seeds, input_nodes, "cpu")
        blocks[0].srcdata['features'] = batch_inputs
        blocks[-1].dstdata['labels'] = batch_labels
        return blocks
 def sample_blocks(self, seeds):
     seeds = {
         "user": th.LongTensor(np.asarray(seeds))
     blocks = []
     for fanout in self.fanouts:
         frontier = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(self.g, seeds, fanout, replace=self.replace)
         block = dgl.to_block(frontier, seeds)
         # seed是被传播的节点,所以src是输入节点
         seeds = {
             "user": block["click"].srcdata[dgl.NID],
             "ad": block["click_by"].srcdata[dgl.NID]
         blocks.insert(0, block)
     # 只在第一层插入属性
     block_add_feat(blocks[0], self.g)
     # 获取最后一层dst的label
     batch_labels = get_labels(blocks[-1], self.g)
     return blocks, batch_labels