Exemple #1
    def handle_read_only(self):

        if config.HANDLED_READ_ONLY:

        # check that Display Message when Modifying Read-Only Parts is not set
        # (Customer Defaults > Assemblies > Miscellaneous > Display Message when Modifying Read-Only Parts)
        read_only_warn_mod = self.session.OptionsManager.GetIntValue(
            "Assemblies Warn Read-Only state: {}".format(read_only_warn_mod))

        if read_only_warn_mod == 1:
            msg = [
                "Display of modification warning for Read-Only parts is turned on.",
                "This means that for every Read-Only part being processed, ",
                "\tyou will get a warning that the part was modified during processing.",
                "To suppress this, you need to turn the following option off and restart NX for the change to take affect.",
                "File > Utilities > Customer Defaults > Assemblies > Miscellaneous > Display Message when Modifying Read-Only Parts",
                "Do you want to continue processing parts read-only parts?",
            res = dialog.question(
                msg, "Read-Only modifications will display warning")

            if res == 2:
                # user chose to abort. make sure nothing else processes

                res = dialog.question("Do you want these warnings turned off?",
                                      "Turn off warnings")

                # turn off warning for user
                if res == 1:
                    change_opt = self.session.OptionsManager.NewOptionsChangeList(
                    change_opt.SetValue("Assemblies_DisplayReadOnly", 0)

                        "Modification warnings turned off. Please restart NX.")

                # will tell part processing to abort
                return True

        # keep this dialog from showing again
        config.HANDLED_READ_ONLY = True
Exemple #2
 def activate(self):
     action = dialog.question(self.intro,
         ('I have an item to sell', 'I would like to make a purchase', 'Never mind'))
     if action == 0:
     elif action == 1:
         choice = dialog.question('Select the item your heart desires:', self.item_names)
         if choice >= len(self.item_names)-1:
             dialog.message("Come back when you are ready to order!")
         item = self.item_list[choice]
         hero = core.game.save_data.hero
         if item.value <= hero.get_gold():
             hero.add_gold( -item.get_value() )
             dialog.message('Come back when you have accumulated enough gold!')
Exemple #3
 def walk_in_front_of_dude(self):
     choice = dialog.question(
         "I am the wise dude.  What is it you would like to know?",
         [ "What am I supposed to do here?",
           "How does fighting work?",
           "Any hints on getting started?",
           "This seems too simple, is that it?" ])
     if choice == 0:
         dialog.message("You're job is to destroy the evil Minotaur.  " +
                        "He lives in a cave north of town.  You'll find " +
                        "him on the 20th level.  Yeah, its a big cave.  " +
                        "Should be pretty easy to find him though, the " +
                        "levels are mostly just stops between stairs.  " +
                        "No one knows why he'd want to keep digging like " +
                        "that, seems like it would be a pain to go up " +
                        "and down the stairs all the time to mess with us.")
     elif choice == 1:
         dialog.message("Its pretty simple really, you can hack, slash, " +
                        "or stab.  Each method has a different chance of " +
                        "hitting and does a different amount of damage.  " +
                        "Hack is the basic attack.  It is the easiest to " +
                        "hit with, but does the least damage.  Slash is " +
                        "a little harder to hit with, but does more " +
                        "damage.  Stab is the hardest to use, but does " +
                        "the most damage.  Now get out there and fight")
     elif choice == 2:
         dialog.message("Starting out is always the hardest part.  You " +
                        "have nothing but a little money.  At least its " +
                        "not zilch.  There are two basic strategies for " +
                        "you.  Either save the money for the hospital, " +
                        "or go get yourself armor or a weapon and get " +
                        "fighting.  If you buy armor, you have a better " +
                        "chance of not getting hit.  The weapon will " +
                        "allow you to hit more often and do more damage.  " +
                        "I'd go with the weapon, personally, since the " +
                        "early fights will be shorter and you won't have " +
                        "as many opportunities to get hurt.")
         dialog.message("At the very beginning, you'll want to stick to " +
                        "the area right outside of town.  Then come back " +
                        "to town after each fight.  Heal and save, that " +
                        "sort of thing.  After you have a couple of " +
                        "levels under your belt, and some decent " +
                        "equiptment, you can head to the cave.  Fight on " +
                        "each level until you are comfortable with the " +
                        "risk.  That doesn't mean hang around levels " +
                        "with no challenge!  You won't get anywhere here " +
                        "unless you take risks.  The deeper you go into " +
                        "the cave, the more money and experience you get.")
     elif choice == 3:
         dialog.message("Ummm... That really is about it.  Oh yeah, if " +
                        "you do manage to get rid of the evil Minotaur, " +
                        "we'll make you mayor and all the girls will " +
                        "want you.  As mayor, you'll also have a nice " +
                        "retirement plan and good benefits.  The pay " +
                        "isn't the greatest, but you'll get to live in " +
                        "the town hall and have servants and food " +
                        "provided for you.  All in all, not a bad gig.")
Exemple #4
def run_main_menu():
    options = ("Inventory", "Save Game", "Load Game","New Game")
    choice = options[dialog.question("Main Menu", options)]
    if choice == "Inventory":
    elif choice == "Save Game":
    elif choice == "Load Game":
    elif choice == "New Game":
Exemple #5
    def run(self):
        monster = self.monster
        hero = self.hero
        dialog.message('You have been attacked by a %s!' % monster.get_name())
        hero_initiative = hero.get_initiative()
        monster_initiative = monster.get_initiative()
        while True:
            if hero_initiative > monster_initiative:
                monster_initiative = monster_initiative + monster.get_initiative()
                action = dialog.question('What is your bidding?', \
                                ( 'Hack', 'Slash', 'Stab' ))
                if action == 0:
                    thaco = hero.get_thaco() - 2
                    mult = 1.0
                elif action == 1:
                    thaco = hero.get_thaco()
                    mult = 1.5
                elif action == 2:
                    thaco = hero.get_thaco() + 2
                    mult = 2.0
                if thaco - monster.ac <= dice.roll('1d20'):
                    damage = int(hero.weapon.get_damage() * mult * hero.strength / 10.0)
                    if monster.damage(damage):
                        gold = monster.get_gold()
                        mess = 'You hit the %s for %d points of damage, ' + \
                               'killing it!  You find %d gold.  For valor ' + \
                               'in combat, you receive %d experience points.'
                        mess = mess % (monster.get_name(), damage, gold, monster.get_exp_value())
                        return 'win'
                        dialog.message('You hit the %s for %d points of damage.' % \
                               (monster.get_name(), damage))

                    dialog.message('You missed!')
                hero_initiative = hero_initiative + hero.get_initiative()
                if monster.thaco - hero.get_ac() <= dice.roll('1d20'):
                    damage = monster.do_damage()
                    message = monster.damage_text(damage)
                    if hero.damage(damage):
                        dialog.message(message + '  You have died!')
                        return 'lose'
                    else: dialog.message(message)
                    dialog.message('The %s misses you!' % monster.get_name())
Exemple #6
 def do_sell(self):
     all_items = core.game.save_data.hero.get_inventory()[:]
     items = filter(lambda x: x.get_value()>0, all_items)
     item_names = map(self.sell_text, items)
     item_names.append('Never mind')
     choice = dialog.question('Select the item you are interested in selling:', item_names)
     if choice == len(items):
         item = items[choice]
         hero = core.game.save_data.hero
         hero.add_gold( int(item.get_value()*self.sell_factor) )
         dialog.message('A bargain at twice the price!')
Exemple #7
 def walk_in_front_of_dude(self):
     dialog.message("You stand before the wise dude!  Here is a lot " +
                    "of text that you will need to split across at " +
                    "least two lines, perhaps several more!  And as " +
                    "a special feature, if this first line is longer " +
                    "than the next dialog, then it will even be trimmed " +
     choice = dialog.question(
        "Since this is a very very wise man, he has much " +
        "to say to you.  This may even spill over into " +
        "another dialog!",
        [ "No, make it stop!",
          "Yes, Continue!",
          "I can't decide",
          "Who knows?" ])
     if choice == 0:
         dialog.message("No! Stopping is not an option!")
     elif choice == 1:
         dialog.message("Good, I appreciate your patience.")
     elif choice == 2:
         dialog.message("Well, hurry and make up your mind!")
     elif choice == 3:
         dialog.message("Ummm.. you're supposed to know that.")