def replaceData(self): # # Scan the sheet names list and change values on each # sheet on the list # dlg = DialogGauge(None,"Report generation","writing report") nSheets = len(self.sheetnames.keys()) i = 0.0 for sheetname in self.sheetnames.keys(): # # get the list of names,changes for this sheet # each element of the list has the structure: # [name,[col,row]] for cells # [name,[left_col, upper_row, right_col,lower_row]] for ranges # changesList = self.sheetnames[sheetname] nChanges = len(changesList) if nChanges == 0: i += 1 for cl in changesList: thename = cl[0] if not Interfaces.GData.has_key(thename): # print "PanelReport: no data available for key %s"%thename continue # found a name on this sheet # print "PanelReport (replaceData): Key = ",thename data = Interfaces.GData[thename] thelist = cl[1] ncol = thelist[0] nrow = thelist[1] # print "panelReport: data block found. sheet:%s name:%s row %s col %s" %\ # (sheetname,thename,nrow,ncol) try: (datarows,datacols) = data.shape except: logDebug("PanelReport (replaceData): no data shape found for key %s"%thename) continue # print "panelReport: datacols %s datarows %s data %s" % (datacols,datarows,repr(data)) self._findCellRange(sheetname,nrow,datarows,ncol,datacols,data) i += 1.0/nChanges dlg.update(100.0 * i / nSheets) dlg.update(100.0 * i / nSheets) dlg.Destroy()
def parse(self): __sheetnames = [u'Q1 GeneralData', u'Q2 EnergyConsumption', u'Q3_ Processes', u'Q3A', u'Q4H_HeatGeneration', u'Q4C_ColdGeneration', u'Q5_Distribution', u'Q6_HeatRecovery', u'Q7_ Renewables', u'Q8 Buildings', u'Q9 Economics'] dlg = DialogGauge(None,"OpenOffice Calc Parsing","reading document") self.__md = self.__connectToDB() xmlString = self.readOOContent(self.__filepath) dlg.update(10) parsedDom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString) dlg.update(53) __handle, lists = self.__getLists(parsedDom, dlg, __sheetnames) DButil = Utils(self.__md, __sheetnames) __handle = DButil.writeToDB(lists) dlg.update(100) dlg.Destroy() return __handle
def createNamesTable(self): dlg = DialogGauge(None,"Report generation","screening master") self.names = {} self.sheetnames = {} namelements = self.document.getElementsByTagName("table:named-range") nElements = len(namelements) i = 0 for namelement in namelements: name = namelement.getAttribute('table:name') if not name.startswith(PREFIX): continue name = name[len(PREFIX):] range = namelement.getAttribute('table:cell-range-address') m = self.getNameComponents(range) if m is not None: (sheetname,itemlist) = m # print "createNamesTable %r %r - %r"%(name,sheetname,itemlist) self.names[name] = [sheetname,itemlist] sheetlist = [] if self.sheetnames.has_key(sheetname): sheetlist = self.sheetnames[sheetname] sheetlist.append([name,itemlist]) self.sheetnames[sheetname] = sheetlist #for s in self.names.keys(): # print 'self.names. key',s,'value',self.names[s] #for s in self.sheetnames.keys(): # print 'self.sheetnames. key',s,'value',self.sheetnames[s] dlg.update(100.0 * i / nElements) i += 1 dlg.Destroy()
def parseold(self): dlg = DialogGauge(None,"OpenOffice Calc Parsing","reading document") self.__md = self.__connectToDB() xmlString = self.readOOContent(self.__filepath) dlg.update(10) self.__parsedDom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString) dlg.update(53) __handle, lists = self.__getLists(dlg, self.sheetnames) if len(lists)==0: return __handle DButil = Utils(self.__md, self.sheetnames) __handle = DButil.writeToDB(lists) dlg.update(100) dlg.Destroy() return __handle
def parse(self): dlg = DialogGauge(None,"Excel Parsing","reading document") Q1 = Q2 = QProduct = QFuel = Q3 = QRenewables = QSurf = QProfiles = QIntervals = Q9Questionnaire = [] try: self.__xlApp, self.__xlWb = self.__openExcelDispatch(self.__filepath) __sheets = self.__xlWb.Sheets self.__sheetnames = [] for i in xrange(0,__sheets.count): if __sheets[i].Name[0] == 'Q': self.__sheetnames.append(__sheets[i].Name) self.__md = self.__connectToDB() except: self.__closeExcelDispatch(self.__xlWb, self.__xlApp) return Utils.parseError("Consistency") dlg.update(5) try: __handle, lists = self.__getExcelLists(self.__sheetnames, self.__xlWb,dlg) except: try: time.sleep(3) self.__xlApp, self.__xlWb = openExcelDispatch() __handle, lists = self.__getExcelLists(self.__sheetnames, self.__xlWb,dlg) except: try: time.sleep(3) self.__xlApp, self.__xlWb = openExcelDispatch() __handle, lists = self.__getExcelLists(self.__sheetnames, self.__xlWb, dlg) except: self.__closeExcelDispatch(self.__xlWb, self.__xlApp) return Utils.parseError("Consistency") DButil = Utils(self.__md, self.__sheetnames) dlg.update(75) __handle = DButil.writeToDB(lists) dlg.update(100) dlg.Destroy() self.__closeExcelDispatch(self.__xlWb, self.__xlApp) return __handle
def prepareDataForReport(): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # calls the functions necessary for writing the report # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dlg = DialogGauge(Status.main, "Report generation", "preparing data") # Title page (projectData, generalData) = Status.prj.getProjectData() reportTitle = unicode(projectData.Name, "utf-8") if projectData.City is not None: reportTitle += u", " + unicode(projectData.City, "utf-8") if projectData.Country is not None: reportTitle += u", " + unicode(projectData.Country, "utf-8")"TITLE", array([[reportTitle]])) print "Control (prepareDataForReport): Title = %s" % (reportTitle.encode("utf-8")) print "Type: ", type(reportTitle) print["TITLE"] Status.prj.setActiveAlternative(0) # select present state Status.mod.moduleEA.update() dlg.update(10) # Cap. 2.1 - 2.3 modEA1 = ModuleEA1(["EA1"]) modEA1.initModule() modEA2 = ModuleEA2(["EA2"]) modEA2.initPanel() modEA3 = ModuleEA3(["EA3_FET", "EA3_USH"]) modEA3.initModule() dlg.update(15) modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4a_Table", "EA4a_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4b_Table", "EA4b_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4c_Table", "EA4c_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA5 = ModuleEA5(["EA5_EI", "EA5_SEC"]) modEA5.initModule() dlg.update(20) # Cap. 2.4 Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM1"]) dlg.update(30) products = Status.mod.moduleBM.products if len(products) > 0: Status.mod.moduleBM.product = products[0] Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM2"]) dlg.update(40) processes = Status.mod.moduleBM.processes if len(processes) > 0: Status.mod.moduleBM.process = processes[0] Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM3"]) dlg.update(50) # Cap. 3 Status.mod.moduleA.updatePanel() for ANo in range(1, (Status.NoOfAlternatives + 1)): Status.prj.setActiveAlternative(ANo) Status.mod.moduleEA.update() # calculate for update of CS plots Status.mod.moduleHR.initPanel() Status.mod.moduleHC.updatePanel() dlg.update(50 + 20.0 * ANo / Status.NoOfAlternatives) dlg.update(70) # Cap. 4 modCS = ModuleCS(["CS1_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS2_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS3_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS4_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS5_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS6_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() modCS = ModuleCS(["CS7_Plot"]) modCS.updatePanel() dlg.update(80) # Cap. 5 and 6 if Status.FinalAlternative is not None: Status.prj.setActiveAlternative(Status.FinalAlternative) else: Status.prj.setActiveAlternative(0) Status.mod.moduleEA.update() # Chap. 5 try: Status.mod.moduleTCA.runTCAModule() except: logTrack("prepareDataForReport: error in TCA module") # Chap. 6.1 - 6.3 modEA1 = ModuleEA1(["EA1"]) modEA1.initModule() modEA2 = ModuleEA2(["EA2"]) modEA2.initPanel() modEA3 = ModuleEA3(["EA3_FET", "EA3_USH"]) modEA3.initModule() modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4a_Table", "EA4a_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4b_Table", "EA4b_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA4 = ModuleEA4(["EA4c_Table", "EA4c_Plot"]) modEA4.updatePanel() modEA5 = ModuleEA5(["EA5_EI", "EA5_SEC"]) modEA5.initModule() dlg.update(90) # Cap. 6.4 Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM1"]) dlg.update(93) products = Status.mod.moduleBM.products if len(products) > 0: Status.mod.moduleBM.product = products[0] Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM2"]) dlg.update(96) processes = Status.mod.moduleBM.processes if len(processes) > 0: Status.mod.moduleBM.process = processes[0] Status.mod.moduleBM.initPanel(["BM3"]) dlg.update(99) # Summary modCS = ModuleCS(["Summary"]) modCS.updatePanel() dlg.update(100) dlg.Destroy()