Exemple #1
 def cherryPickNURobot(self):
     """Cherrypicks the Negatives and Unknowns and creates robot files."""
     title = "Choose folder for output..."
     directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, title, self.var["path"])
     controls, ok = SetControls.run(4)
     if ok:
         samples = self.tabs.getNegativeUnknowns(controls)
         CherryTable.forRobot(samples, directory)
Exemple #2
 def cherryPickNUHand(self):
     """Cherrypicks the Negatives and Unknowns and creates hand files."""
     title = "Hand cherrypick N/U file..."
     fileName, f = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, title)
     fileName = fileName.split(".")[0] + ".xls"
     controls, ok = SetControls.run(4)
     if ok:
         samples = self.tabs.getNegativesUnknowns()
         CherryTable.forHand(samples, fileName)
Exemple #3
    def cherryPickNUCRobot(self):
        """Cherrypicks the Negatives, Unknowns, and contaminants, and creates
		robot loading files."""
        title = "Choose folder for output..."
        directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, title, self.var["path"])
        contaminants = self.tabs.getPotentialContaminants()
        contaminants, ok = ChooseContaminants.run(contaminants)
        if ok:
            controls, ok = SetControls.run(4)
            if ok:
                samples = self.tabs.getNegativeUnknownContaminants(controls, contaminants)
                CherryTable.forRobot(samples, directory)