Exemple #1
def get_samwise_node(type):
    if type == 'root':
        words = "This game is gonna be great one day, don't you think?"
        options = [DNO("Definitely! What's your favorite part?", 'second'), DNO("Can I talk to you about a dream I had last night?", 'ominous_dream', condition=['An Ominous Dream', 'Find Samwise']), DNO("Do you have anything for sale?", 'third'), DNO("Can't talk now, too much to do!", 'exit')]
    elif type == 'second':
        words = 'The fact that I exist!'
        options = [DNO("Huh, I guess I never thought about it like that. Let's talk about that earlier thing", 'root'),
                   DNO("Can't talk now, too much to do!", 'exit')]
    elif type == 'third':
        words = 'Kind of a weird question to ask a kid, but yeah actually I do!'
        options = [DNO('[Go to Shop]', 'shop')]
    elif type == 'exit':
        words = ''
        options = []
    elif type == 'shop':
        words = ''
        options = []
    elif type == 'ominous_dream':
        words = "That's pretty crazy, but I wouldn't worry about it."
        options = [DNO("I guess you're right... see ya!", 'ominous_exit')]
        signal = ('An Ominous Dream', 'COMPLETE')
    elif type == 'ominous_exit':
        words = "Let's talk again soon!"
        options = [DNO("[Leave]", 'exit')]
    elif type == 'basic_exit':
        words = "Later."
        options = [DNO("[Leave]", 'exit')]
        return DialogueNode(words, options, signal)
        return DialogueNode(words, options)
Exemple #2
def get_mage_node(type):
    if type == 'root':
        words = "Talk to me later, when my dialogue has been implemented!"
        options = [DNO("Ok, bye...", 'exit')]
    elif type == 'exit':
        words = ''
        options = []
        return DialogueNode(words, options, signal)
        return DialogueNode(words, options)