Exemple #1
class Test(object):

  def __init__(self):
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import MosflmOutlierRejector
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
    from os.path import join
    import libtbx.load_env
      dials_regression = libtbx.env.dist_path('dials_regression')
    except KeyError, e:
      print 'SKIP: dials_regression not configured'

    # The directory path
    path = join(

    # The input files
    self.reflection_filename = join(path, "mosflm_reflections.pickle")
    self.shoebox_filename = join(path, "shoeboxes.pickle")
    self.fraction = 1.0
    self.n_sigma = 4
    self.outlier_rejector = MosflmOutlierRejector(self.fraction, self.n_sigma)
    self.linear_modeller = Linear2dModeller()
    self.background_creator = Creator(
Exemple #2
    def test_linear2d_modeller(self):
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
        from dials.array_family import flex

        modeller = Linear2dModeller()

        # Generate shoeboxes
        ma = 100
        mb = 1
        mc = 2
        sboxes, masks = self.generate_background(self.size, 1000, ma, mb, mc, 0)

        pa = []
        pv = []
        for i in range(1000):
            model = modeller.create(sboxes[i], masks[i])
            assert len(model.params()) == 9 * 3
            assert len(model.variances()) == 9 * 3
            p = model.params()
            v = model.variances()
            for j in range(9):
                pa.append(tuple(p[3 * j : 3 * (j + 1)]))
                pv.append(tuple(v[3 * j : 3 * (j + 1)]))
        a, b, c = zip(*pa)
        va, vb, vc = zip(*pv)

        # Compute Z for each parameter
        za = (flex.double(a) - ma) / flex.sqrt(flex.double(va))
        zb = (flex.double(b) - mb) / flex.sqrt(flex.double(vb))
        zc = (flex.double(c) - mc) / flex.sqrt(flex.double(vc))

        # Check it looks standard normal
Exemple #3
 def select_modeller():
   if model == 'constant2d':
     return Constant2dModeller()
   elif model == 'constant3d':
     return Constant3dModeller()
   elif model == 'linear2d':
     return Linear2dModeller()
   elif model == 'linear3d':
     return Linear3dModeller()
   raise RuntimeError("Unexpected background model: %s" % model)
Exemple #4
 def select_modeller():
     if model == "constant2d":
         return Constant2dModeller()
     elif model == "constant3d":
         return Constant3dModeller()
     elif model == "linear2d":
         return Linear2dModeller()
     elif model == "linear3d":
         return Linear3dModeller()
     raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected background model: {model}")
Exemple #5
 def test_linear2d_modeller(self):
   from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
   modeller = Linear2dModeller()
   eps = 1e-7
   for i in range(10):
     p, data, mask = self.generate_linear_background_2d(self.size, 0, 100)
     model = modeller.create(data, mask)
     assert(len(model.params()) == 3 * 9)
     for j in range(9):
       for k in range(3):
         assert(abs(model.params()[k+j*3] - p[j][k]) < eps)
Exemple #6
    def run(self):
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import TruncatedOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NSigmaOutlierRejector
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import NormalOutlierRejector

        modeller = Linear2dModeller()

        outlier_rejector = [
            TruncatedOutlierRejector(0.01, 0.01),
            NSigmaOutlierRejector(3.0, 3.0),

        for rejector in outlier_rejector:
            self.tst(Creator(modeller, rejector))
Exemple #7
def test_run(dials_regression):
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import (

    # The directory path
    path = os.path.join(dials_regression, "integration_test_data",
                        "i04-weak-data", "jmp_mosflm_test")

    # The input files
    reflection_filename = os.path.join(path, "mosflm_reflections.pickle")
    shoebox_filename = os.path.join(path, "shoeboxes.pickle")
    fraction = 1.0
    n_sigma = 4
    outlier_rejector = MosflmOutlierRejector(fraction, n_sigma)
    linear_modeller = Linear2dModeller()

    from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Read the data
    rtable = flex.reflection_table.from_file(reflection_filename)
    with open(shoebox_filename, "rb") as fh:
        if six.PY3:
            shoeboxes, masks = pickle.load(fh, encoding="bytes")
            shoeboxes, masks = pickle.load(fh)
    assert len(rtable) == len(shoeboxes)
    assert len(rtable) == len(masks)

    # Compute the background for each reflection and check against the values
    # read from the mosflm.lp file. Currently this fails for 1 strange
    # reflection whose pixel values in the mosflm file do not match those
    # extracted from the images.
    errors = 0
    VAR1 = []
    VAR2 = []
    DIFF = []
    for i in range(len(rtable)):
        I = rtable[i]["intensity.sum.value"]
        Ivar = rtable[i]["intensity.sum.variance"]
        data = shoeboxes[i].as_double()
        mask = masks[i]
        assert len(data.all()) == 2
        assert len(mask.all()) == 2
        data.reshape(flex.grid(1, *data.all()))
        mask.reshape(flex.grid(1, *mask.all()))
        outlier_rejector(data, mask)
        mask2 = (mask.as_1d() & int(MaskCode.BackgroundUsed)) != 0
        model = linear_modeller.create(data, mask2)
        assert len(model.params()) == 3
        hy = data.all()[1] // 2
        hx = data.all()[2] // 2
        c1 = model.params()[0]
        a1 = model.params()[1]
        b1 = model.params()[2]
        c3 = c1 + a1 * (0.5 + hx) + b1 * (0.5 + hy)
        a2 = rtable[i]["background"][0]
        b2 = rtable[i]["background"][1]
        c2 = rtable[i]["background"][2]

            assert abs(a1 - b2) < 0.01
            assert abs(b1 + a2) < 0.01
            assert abs(c3 - c2) < 0.1
        except Exception:
            errors += 1

        background = data.as_double()
        # hy = background.all()[1] // 2
        # hx = background.all()[2] // 2
        for jj in range(background.all()[1]):
            for ii in range(background.all()[2]):
                # x = ii - hx
                # y = jj - hy
                x = ii + 0.5
                y = jj + 0.5
                background[0, jj, ii] = a1 * x + b1 * y + c1

        # Test the summation results. Edge reflections use profile fitted
        # intensity in MOSFLM. Therefore ignore these. There also appears to be a
        # some discrepancy with very low <= 0 reflections where an extra 0.5 is
        # added. Not sure why this is so ignore these reflections as well.
        from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import integrate_by_summation

        intensity = integrate_by_summation(data.as_double(), background, mask)
        I2 = intensity.intensity()
        Ivar2 = intensity.variance()
        I1 = I
        Ivar1 = Ivar
        if mask.count(0) == 0 and mask.count(2) == 0 and I1 > 0:
            DIFF.append(math.sqrt(Ivar1) - math.sqrt(Ivar2))
                assert abs(I1 - I2) < 1.0
                assert abs(math.sqrt(Ivar1) - math.sqrt(Ivar2)) < 1.0
            except Exception:
                errors += 1

    # Only 1 should fail
    assert errors == 1
Exemple #8
    def run(self, flags, sequence=None, shoeboxes=None, **kwargs):
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller

        modeller = Linear2dModeller()
        detector = sequence.get_detector()

        # sort shoeboxes by centroid z
        frame = shoeboxes.centroid_all().position_frame()
        perm = flex.sort_permutation(frame)
        shoeboxes = shoeboxes.select(perm)
        buffer_size = 1
        bg_plus_buffer = self.background_size + buffer_size

        t0 = time.time()
        for i, shoebox in enumerate(shoeboxes):
            if not flags[perm[i]]:
            panel = detector[shoebox.panel]
            max_x, max_y = panel.get_image_size()
            bbox = shoebox.bbox
            x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 = bbox
            # expand the bbox with a background region around the spotfinder shoebox
            # perhaps also should use a buffer zone between the shoebox and the
            # background region
            expanded_bbox = (
                max(0, x1 - bg_plus_buffer),
                min(max_x, x2 + bg_plus_buffer),
                max(0, y1 - bg_plus_buffer),
                min(max_y, y2 + bg_plus_buffer),
            shoebox.bbox = expanded_bbox
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info("Time expand_shoebox: %s" % (t1 - t0))

        rlist = flex.reflection_table()
        rlist["shoebox"] = shoeboxes
        rlist["panel"] = shoeboxes.panels()
        rlist["bbox"] = shoeboxes.bounding_boxes()


        shoeboxes = rlist["shoebox"]

        for i, shoebox in enumerate(shoeboxes):
            if not flags[perm[i]]:
            panel = detector[shoebox.panel]
            trusted_range = panel.get_trusted_range()
            ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2, ez1, ez2 = shoebox.bbox
            data = shoebox.data
            mask = flex.bool(data.accessor(), False)
            for i_y, y in enumerate(range(ey1, ey2)):
                for i_x, x in enumerate(range(ex1, ex2)):
                    value = data[0, i_y, i_x]
                    if (y >= (ey1 + buffer_size) and y < (ey2 - buffer_size)
                            and x >= (ex1 + buffer_size) and x <
                        (ex2 - buffer_size)):
                        mask[0, i_y, i_x] = False  # foreground
                    elif value > trusted_range[0] and value < trusted_range[1]:
                        mask[0, i_y, i_x] = True  # background

            model = modeller.create(data.as_double(), mask)
            d, a, b = model.params()[:3]

            if abs(a) > self.gradient_cutoff or abs(b) > self.gradient_cutoff:
                flags[perm[i]] = False

        return flags
Exemple #9
    def run(self, flags, sweep=None, shoeboxes=None, **kwargs):
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
        from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller
        bg_code = MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.BackgroundUsed
        fg_code = MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Foreground
        strong_code = MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Strong

        modeller = Linear2dModeller()
        expanded_shoeboxes = flex.shoebox()
        detector = sweep.get_detector()

        zoffset = 0
        if sweep.get_scan() is not None:
            zoffset = sweep.get_scan().get_array_range()[0]

        from libtbx.containers import OrderedDict

        class image_data_cache(object):
            def __init__(self, imageset, size=10):
                self.imageset = imageset
                self.size = size
                self._image_data = OrderedDict()

            def __getitem__(self, i):
                image_data = self._image_data.get(i)
                if image_data is None:
                    image_data = self.imageset.get_raw_data(i)
                    if len(self._image_data) >= self.size:
                        # remove the oldest entry in the cache
                        del self._image_data[self._image_data.keys()[0]]
                    self._image_data[i] = image_data
                return image_data

        cache = image_data_cache(sweep)
        #cache = sweep

        # sort shoeboxes by centroid z
        frame = shoeboxes.centroid_all().position_frame()
        perm = flex.sort_permutation(frame)
        shoeboxes = shoeboxes.select(perm)
        buffer_size = 1
        bg_plus_buffer = self.background_size + buffer_size

        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        for i, shoebox in enumerate(shoeboxes):
            if not flags[perm[i]]:
            panel = detector[shoebox.panel]
            trusted_range = panel.get_trusted_range()
            max_x, max_y = panel.get_image_size()
            bbox = shoebox.bbox
            x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 = bbox
            # expand the bbox with a background region around the spotfinder shoebox
            # perhaps also should use a buffer zone between the shoebox and the
            # background region
            expanded_bbox = (max(0, x1 - bg_plus_buffer),
                             min(max_x, x2 + bg_plus_buffer),
                             max(0, y1 - bg_plus_buffer),
                             min(max_y, y2 + bg_plus_buffer), z1, z2)
            shoebox.bbox = expanded_bbox
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info("Time expand_shoebox: %s" % (t1 - t0))

        rlist = flex.reflection_table()
        rlist['shoebox'] = shoeboxes
        rlist['panel'] = shoeboxes.panels()
        rlist['bbox'] = shoeboxes.bounding_boxes()

        t0 = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()

        shoeboxes = rlist['shoebox']

        t0 = time.time()
        for i, shoebox in enumerate(shoeboxes):
            if not flags[perm[i]]: continue
            panel = detector[shoebox.panel]
            trusted_range = panel.get_trusted_range()
            max_x, max_y = panel.get_image_size()
            ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2, ez1, ez2 = shoebox.bbox
            data = shoebox.data
            mask = flex.bool(data.accessor(), False)
            for i_y, y in enumerate(range(ey1, ey2)):
                for i_x, x in enumerate(range(ex1, ex2)):
                    value = data[0, i_y, i_x]
                    if (y >= (ey1 + buffer_size) and y < (ey2 - buffer_size)
                            and x >= (ex1 + buffer_size) and x <
                        (ex2 - buffer_size)):
                        mask[0, i_y, i_x] = False  # foreground
                    elif value > trusted_range[0] and value < trusted_range[1]:
                        mask[0, i_y, i_x] = True  # background

            model = modeller.create(data.as_double(), mask)
            d, a, b = model.params()[:3]
            c = -1

            if abs(a) > self.gradient_cutoff or abs(b) > self.gradient_cutoff:
                flags[perm[i]] = False

        t1 = time.time()

        return flags
def test_run(dials_regression):
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Creator
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import MosflmOutlierRejector
    from dials.algorithms.background.simple import Linear2dModeller

    # The directory path
    path = os.path.join(dials_regression, "integration_test_data",
                        "i04-weak-data", "jmp_mosflm_test")

    # The input files
    reflection_filename = os.path.join(path, "mosflm_reflections.pickle")
    shoebox_filename = os.path.join(path, "shoeboxes.pickle")
    fraction = 1.0
    n_sigma = 4
    outlier_rejector = MosflmOutlierRejector(fraction, n_sigma)
    linear_modeller = Linear2dModeller()
    background_creator = Creator(linear_modeller, outlier_rejector)

    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import sqrt
    from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
    # Read the data
    rtable = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle(reflection_filename)
    with open(shoebox_filename, "rb") as fh:
        shoeboxes, masks = pickle.load(fh)
    assert len(rtable) == len(shoeboxes)
    assert len(rtable) == len(masks)

    # Compute the background for each reflection and check against the values
    # read from the mosflm.lp file. Currently this fails for 1 strange
    # reflection whose pixel values in the mosflm file do not match those
    # extracted from the images.
    count = 0
    VAR1 = []
    VAR2 = []
    DIFF = []
    for i in range(len(rtable)):
        xdet, ydet = rtable[i]["xy"]
        nx = rtable[i]['nx']
        ny = rtable[i]['ny']
        nc = rtable[i]['nc']
        nrx = rtable[i]['nrx']
        nry = rtable[i]['nry']
        bbox = rtable[i]['bbox']
        I = rtable[i]['intensity.sum.value']
        Ivar = rtable[i]['intensity.sum.variance']
        lp = rtable[i]['lp']
        data = shoeboxes[i].as_double()
        mask = masks[i]
        fraction = 1.0
        nsigma = 4
            # model = PlaneModel(data, mask, fraction, nsigma)
            assert len(data.all()) == 2
            assert len(mask.all()) == 2
            data.reshape(flex.grid(1, *data.all()))
            mask.reshape(flex.grid(1, *mask.all()))
            outlier_rejector(data, mask)
            mask2 = (mask.as_1d() & int(MaskCode.BackgroundUsed)) != 0
            model = linear_modeller.create(data, mask2)
        except Exception:
            count += 1
        # n = model.noutlier()
        assert (len(model.params()) == 3)
        hy = data.all()[1] // 2
        hx = data.all()[2] // 2
        c1 = model.params()[0]
        a1 = model.params()[1]
        b1 = model.params()[2]
        c3 = c1 + a1 * (0.5 + hx) + b1 * (0.5 + hy)
        # a1 = model.a()
        # b1 = model.b()
        # c1 = model.c()
        a2 = rtable[i]['background'][0]
        b2 = rtable[i]['background'][1]
        c2 = rtable[i]['background'][2]

            assert (abs(a1 - b2) < 0.01)
            assert (abs(b1 + a2) < 0.01)
            assert (abs(c3 - c2) < 0.1)
        except Exception:
            count += 1
            #print "BG %d:(%.2f, %.2f, %.1f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.1f): %d" % \
            #(i, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, n)
            #print "X, Y: ", xdet, ydet
            #print "NX, NY: ", nx, ny
            #print "NRX, NRY, NC", nrx, nry, nc
            #print int(floor(xdet + 0.5)) - nx // 2, int(floor(ydet + 0.5)) - ny // 2
            #print "BBOX: ", bbox
            #print "N Outliers: ", model.noutlier()
            #print "N Background: ", model.nbackground()
            #print "Max DIff: ", model.maxdiff()
            #print data.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
            #print mask.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]

        background = data.as_double()
        # hy = background.all()[1] // 2
        # hx = background.all()[2] // 2
        for jj in range(background.all()[1]):
            for ii in range(background.all()[2]):
                # x = ii - hx
                # y = jj - hy
                x = ii + 0.5
                y = jj + 0.5
                background[0, jj, ii] = a1 * x + b1 * y + c1

        # Test the summation results. Edge reflections use profile fitted
        # intensity in MOSFLM. Therefore ignore these. There also appears to be a
        # some discrepancy with very low <= 0 reflections where an extra 0.5 is
        # added. Not sure why this is so ignore these reflections as well.
        from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import integrate_by_summation
        intensity = integrate_by_summation(data.as_double(), background, mask)
        I2 = intensity.intensity()
        Ivar2 = intensity.variance()
        I1 = I
        Ivar1 = Ivar
        if mask.count(0) == 0 and mask.count(2) == 0 and I1 > 0:
            DIFF.append(sqrt(Ivar1) - sqrt(Ivar2))
                assert (abs(I1 - I2) < 1.0)
                assert (abs(sqrt(Ivar1) - sqrt(Ivar2)) < 1.0)
            except Exception:
                count += 1
                #import numpy
                #numpy.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=200)
                #print "# %d" % i
                #print "I: %f, %f, %f" % (I2, I1, lp)
                #print "DEBUG: ", c1 * 25
                #print "PF: %f" % rtable[i]['intensity.prf.value']
                #print "BG (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.1f): %d" % \
                #(a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, n)
                #print "X, Y: ", xdet, ydet
                #print "NX, NY: ", nx, ny
                #print "NRX, NRY, NC", nrx, nry, nc
                #print int(floor(xdet + 0.5)) - nx // 2, int(floor(ydet + 0.5)) - ny // 2
                #print "BBOX: ", bbox
                #print "N Outliers: ", model.noutlier()
                #print "N Background: ", model.nbackground()
                #print "Max DIff: ", model.maxdiff()
                #temp = (mask == MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Foreground).as_1d().as_int()
                #temp = temp.as_double()
                #print data.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print (background * temp).as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print mask.as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]
                #print ((data.as_double() - background) * temp).as_numpy_array().transpose()[::-1,::-1]

    # Only 1 should fail
    assert (count == 1)