def tst_origin_offset_miller_indices(): mi = flex.miller_index([(h, k, l) for h in range(5) \ for k in range(5) for l in range(5)]) omi = origin.offset_miller_indices(mi, (0, 1, -1)) ref = flex.miller_index([(h, k, l) for h in range(5) \ for k in range(1, 6) for l in range(-1, 4)]) assert ref == omi print 'OK'
def generate_reflections(self): """Use reeke_model to generate indices of reflections near to the Ewald sphere that might be observed on a still image. Build a reflection_table of these.""" from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group_info space_group_type = space_group_info("P 1").group().type() # create a ReekeIndexGenerator UB = self.crystal.get_U() * self.crystal.get_B() axis = self.goniometer.get_rotation_axis() s0 = self.beam.get_s0() dmin = 1.5 # use the same UB at the beginning and end - the margin parameter ensures # we still have indices close to the Ewald sphere generated from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ReekeIndexGenerator r = ReekeIndexGenerator(UB, UB, space_group_type, axis, s0, dmin=1.5, margin=1) # generate indices hkl = r.to_array() nref = len(hkl) # create a reflection table from dials.array_family import flex table = flex.reflection_table() table['flags'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0) table['id'] =, 0) table['panel'] = flex.size_t(nref, 0) table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(hkl) table['entering'] = flex.bool(nref, True) table['s1'] = flex.vec3_double(nref) table[''] = flex.vec3_double(nref) table['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double(nref) return table
def prepare_reflection_list(self,detector): spots = self.triclinic.get_observations_with_outlier_removal() ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations = [ { "id":0, "panel":0, "miller_index":item["pred"], "xyzobs.px.value":(spots[item["spot"]].ctr_mass_x(),spots[item["spot"]].ctr_mass_y(),0.0), "xyzobs.px.variance":(0.25,0.25,0.25), "spotfinder_lookup":item["spot"] } for item in self.triclinic_pairs ] self.length = len(ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations) R= flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(self.length) R['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index([item["miller_index"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations]) R['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double([item["xyzobs.px.value"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations]) R['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double([item["xyzobs.px.variance"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations]) R['spotfinder_lookup'] =[item["spotfinder_lookup"] for item in ordinary_python_list_of_indexed_observations]) R[''] = flex.vec3_double(self.length) R[''] = flex.vec3_double(self.length) pxlsz = detector[0].get_pixel_size() for idx in xrange(self.length): R[''][idx] = (R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][0]*pxlsz[0], R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][1]*pxlsz[1], R['xyzobs.px.value'][idx][2]) R[''][idx] = (R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][0]*pxlsz[0], R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][1]*pxlsz[1], R['xyzobs.px.variance'][idx][2]) return R
def get_pix_coords(wavelength, A, mill_arr, detector, delta_i=0.02): """ Code copied from courtesy of Aaron and Tara """ s0=col((0,0,-1/wavelength)) q=flex.vec3_double([A*col(idx) for idx in mill_arr.indices().as_vec3_double()]) s0_hat=flex.vec3_double([s0.normalize()]*len(q)) q_hat=q.each_normalize() #q_hat.cross(flex.vec3_double([s0_hat]*len(q_hat))) e1_hat = q_hat.cross(s0_hat) c0_hat = s0_hat.cross(e1_hat) q_len_sq = flex.double([col(v).length_sq() for v in q]) a_side=q_len_sq*wavelength/2 b_side=flex.sqrt(q_len_sq)-a_side**2 #flex.vec3_double([sqrt(q.length_sq()-a_side**2 for idx in mill_arr)]) r_vec=flex.vec3_double(-a_side*s0_hat+b_side*c0_hat) s1=r_vec+s0 EQ=q+s0 len_EQ=flex.double([col(v).length() for v in EQ]) ratio=len_EQ*wavelength indices = flex.miller_index() coords =flex.vec2_double() for i in range(len(s1)): if ratio[i] > 1 - delta_i and ratio[i] < 1 + delta_i: indices.append(mill_arr.indices()[i]) pix = detector[0].get_ray_intersection_px(s1[i]) if detector[0].is_coord_valid(pix): coords.append(pix) return coords, indices
def __call__(self, params, options): ''' Import the integrate.hkl file. ''' from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl from dials.array_family import flex from dials.util.command_line import Command from cctbx import sgtbx # Get the unit cell to calculate the resolution uc = self._experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell() # Read the INTEGRATE.HKL file Command.start('Reading INTEGRATE.HKL') handle = integrate_hkl.reader() handle.read_file(self._integrate_hkl) hkl = flex.miller_index(handle.hkl) xyzcal = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzcal) xyzobs = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzobs) iobs = flex.double(handle.iobs) sigma = flex.double(handle.sigma) rlp = flex.double(handle.rlp) peak = flex.double(handle.peak) * 0.01 Command.end('Read %d reflections from INTEGRATE.HKL file.' % len(hkl)) # Derive the reindex matrix rdx = self.derive_reindex_matrix(handle) print 'Reindex matrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d' % (rdx.elems) # Reindex the reflections Command.start('Reindexing reflections') cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(sgtbx.rt_mx(sgtbx.rot_mx(rdx.elems))) hkl = cb_op.apply(hkl) Command.end('Reindexed %d reflections' % len(hkl)) # Create the reflection list Command.start('Creating reflection table') table = flex.reflection_table() table['id'] =, 0) table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(hkl), 0) table['miller_index'] = hkl table['xyzcal.px'] = xyzcal table['xyzobs.px.value'] = xyzobs table['intensity.cor.value'] = iobs table['intensity.cor.variance'] = sigma**2 table['intensity.prf.value'] = iobs * peak / rlp table['intensity.prf.variance'] = (sigma * peak / rlp)**2 table['lp'] = 1.0 / rlp table['d'] = flex.double(uc.d(h) for h in hkl) Command.end('Created table with {0} reflections'.format(len(table))) # Output the table to pickle file if params.output.filename is None: params.output.filename = 'integrate_hkl.pickle' Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename) table.as_pickle(params.output.filename) Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
def run(args): import libtbx.load_env usage = "%s experiments.json [options]" %libtbx.env.dispatcher_name parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, phil=phil_scope, read_experiments=True, check_format=False, epilog=help_message) params, options = parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=True) experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments) if len(experiments) == 0: parser.print_help() return elif len(experiments) > 1: raise Sorry("More than one experiment present") assert len(params.miller_index), "Must specify at least one miller_index to predict." experiment = experiments[0] reflections = flex.reflection_table() miller_indices = flex.miller_index() entering_flags = flex.bool() for mi in params.miller_index: miller_indices.append(mi) miller_indices.append(mi) entering_flags.append(True) entering_flags.append(False) reflections['miller_index'] = miller_indices reflections['entering'] = entering_flags reflections['id'] = flex.size_t(len(reflections), 0) if params.expand_to_p1: from cctbx.miller import expand_to_p1_iselection proxy = expand_to_p1_iselection( experiment.crystal.get_space_group(), anomalous_flag=True, indices=miller_indices, build_iselection=True) reflections = reflections['miller_index'] = proxy.indices from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction.managed_predictors import ExperimentsPredictor predictor = ExperimentsPredictor([experiment]) predicted = predictor.predict(reflections) zmin, zmax = experiment.scan.get_array_range() z = predicted['xyzcal.px'].parts()[2] predicted = >= zmin) & (z <= zmax)) show_predictions(predicted)
def __call__(self, params, options): ''' Import the spot.xds file. ''' from iotbx.xds import spot_xds from dials.util.command_line import Command from dials.array_family import flex # Read the SPOT.XDS file Command.start('Reading SPOT.XDS') handle = spot_xds.reader() handle.read_file(self._spot_xds) centroid = handle.centroid intensity = handle.intensity try: miller_index = handle.miller_index except AttributeError: miller_index = None Command.end('Read {0} spots from SPOT.XDS file.'.format(len(centroid))) # Create the reflection list Command.start('Creating reflection list') table = flex.reflection_table() table['id'] =, 0) table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(centroid), 0) if miller_index: table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(miller_index) table['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double(centroid) table['intensity.sum.value'] = flex.double(intensity) Command.end('Created reflection list') # Remove invalid reflections Command.start('Removing invalid reflections') if miller_index and params.remove_invalid: flags = flex.bool([h != (0, 0, 0) for h in table['miller_index']]) table = Command.end('Removed invalid reflections, %d remaining' % len(table)) # Fill empty standard columns if params.add_standard_columns: Command.start('Adding standard columns') rt = flex.reflection_table.empty_standard(len(table)) rt.update(table) table = rt # set variances to unity table[''] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1)) table['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1)) Command.end('Standard columns added') # Output the table to pickle file if params.output.filename is None: params.output.filename = 'spot_xds.pickle' Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename) table.as_pickle(params.output.filename) Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
def run(self): from os.path import join, exists from libtbx import easy_run from dials.array_family import flex assert(exists(join(self.path, "integrated.pickle"))) input_filename = join(self.path, "integrated.pickle") easy_run.fully_buffered([ 'dev.dials.sort_reflections', input_filename, 'key=intensity.sum.value', 'output=sorted1.pickle', ]).raise_if_errors() assert(exists("sorted1.pickle")) sorted1 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("sorted1.pickle") self.assert_sorted(sorted1['intensity.sum.value']) easy_run.fully_buffered([ 'dev.dials.sort_reflections', input_filename, 'output=sorted2.pickle', 'key=intensity.sum.value', 'reverse=True' ]).raise_if_errors() assert(exists("sorted2.pickle")) sorted1 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("sorted2.pickle") self.assert_sorted(sorted1['intensity.sum.value'], reverse=True) # test default sort on miller_index easy_run.fully_buffered([ 'dev.dials.sort_reflections', input_filename, 'output=sorted3.pickle' ]).raise_if_errors() assert(exists("sorted3.pickle")) sorted1 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("sorted3.pickle") mi1 = sorted1['miller_index'] orig = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle(input_filename) mi2 = flex.miller_index(sorted(orig['miller_index'])) assert mi1.all_eq(mi2) print 'OK'
def __init__(self): from dials.array_family import flex self.reflections = flex.reflection_table() self.reflections['panel'] = flex.size_t() self.reflections['bbox'] = flex.int6() self.reflections['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index() self.reflections['s1'] = flex.vec3_double() self.reflections['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double() self.reflections[''] = flex.vec3_double() self.reflections['entering'] = flex.bool() self.reflections['id'] = self.reflections["flags"] = flex.size_t() self.npanels = 2 self.width = 1000 self.height = 1000 self.nrefl = 10000 self.array_range = (0, 130) self.block_size = 20 from random import randint, seed, choice seed(0) self.processed = [[] for i in range(12)] for i in range(self.nrefl): x0 = randint(0, self.width-10) y0 = randint(0, self.height-10) zs = randint(2, 9) x1 = x0 + randint(2, 10) y1 = y0 + randint(2, 10) for k, j in enumerate([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120]): m = k + i * 12 pos = choice(["left", "right", "centre"]) if pos == 'left': z0 = j - zs z1 = j elif pos == 'right': z0 = j z1 = j + zs else: z0 = j - zs // 2 z1 = j + zs // 2 bbox = (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) self.reflections.append({ "panel" : randint(0,1), "bbox" : bbox, "flags" : flex.reflection_table.flags.reference_spot }) self.processed[k].append(m)
def _test_Imid_combinations(self): rows = [] results = {} for Imid in self.Imids: combined_intensities = flex.double([]) combined_sigmas = flex.double([]) combined_scales = flex.double([]) combined_indices = flex.miller_index([]) for dataset in self.datasets: Int, Var = _get_Is_from_Imidval(dataset, Imid) Int *= dataset["prescaling_correction"] sigma = flex.sqrt(Var) * dataset["prescaling_correction"] combined_intensities.extend(Int) combined_sigmas.extend(sigma) combined_scales.extend(dataset["inverse_scale_factor"]) combined_indices.extend(dataset["miller_index"]) # apply scale factor before determining merging stats miller_set = miller.set( crystal_symmetry=self.active_scalers[0].experiment.crystal. get_crystal_symmetry(), indices=combined_indices, anomalous_flag=False, ) i_obs = miller.array(miller_set, data=combined_intensities / combined_scales) i_obs.set_observation_type_xray_intensity() i_obs.set_sigmas(combined_sigmas / combined_scales) try: rmeas, cchalf = fast_merging_stats(array=i_obs) logger.debug("Imid: %s, Rmeas %s, cchalf %s", Imid, rmeas, cchalf) except RuntimeError: raise DialsMergingStatisticsError( "Unable to merge for intensity combination") # record the results results[Imid] = rmeas res_str = {0: "prf only", 1: "sum only"} if Imid not in res_str: res_str[Imid] = "Imid = " + str(round(Imid, 2)) rows.append( [res_str[Imid], str(round(cchalf, 5)), str(round(rmeas, 5))]) return rows, results
def generate_outlier_table(): """Generate a reflection table for outlier testing.""" rt = flex.reflection_table() rt["intensity"] = flex.double( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 400.0, 500.0, 10.0, 10.0] ) rt["variance"] = flex.double(12, 1.0) rt["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(12, 1.0) rt["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index( [ (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 23), (0, 0, 3), ] ) rt.set_flags( flex.bool( [ True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, ] ), rt.flags.excluded_for_scaling, ) rt.set_flags(flex.bool(12, False), rt.flags.user_excluded_in_scaling) return rt
def many_to_asu_and_whether_positive(h, return_aso_only=True): """h is a tuple of 3-tuples""" sg = sgtbx.space_group(" P 4nw 2abw") # SG 96! sym = crystal.symmetry(unit_cell=(79, 79, 38, 90, 90, 90), space_group=sg) idx = flex.miller_index(h) mill_set_ano = miller.set(crystal_symmetry=sym, indices=idx, anomalous_flag=True) mill_set = miller.set(crystal_symmetry=sym, indices=idx, anomalous_flag=False) mill_asu_ano = mill_set_ano.map_to_asu() mill_asu = mill_set.map_to_asu() is_positive = mill_asu_ano.indices() == mill_asu.indices() if return_aso_only: return mill_asu_ano, is_positive else: return mill_asu_ano, mill_asu, is_positive
def test_sort(): from dials.array_family import flex table = flex.reflection_table() table['a'] =[2, 4, 3, 1, 5]) table['b'] = flex.vec2_double([(3, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3), (4, 5), (4, 3)]) table['c'] = flex.miller_index([(3,2,1), (3,1,1), (2,4,2), (2,1,1), (1,1,1)]) table.sort("a") assert list(table['a']) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] table.sort("b") assert list(table['b']) == [(1,3), (3,1), (3,2), (4,3), (4,5)] table.sort("c") assert list(table['c']) == [(1,1,1),(2,1,1),(2,4,2),(3,1,1),(3,2,1)] table.sort("c", order=(1,2,0)) assert list(table['c']) == [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (2, 4, 2)]
def generated_refl_to_scale(): """Generate a reflection table for targeted scaling.""" reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double([2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0]) reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double([2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0]) reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double([2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0]) reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double([2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0]) reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index( [(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0)] ) # don't change reflections["d"] = flex.double([1.0, 2.0, 1.0, (4.0 / 3.0) ** 0.5]) reflections["partiality"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) reflections.set_flags( flex.bool([True, True, True, True]), reflections.flags.integrated ) reflections["id"] =, 1) reflections.experiment_identifiers()[1] = str(1) return reflections
def prf_sum_refl_to_filter(): """Generate a separate reflection table for filtering""" reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["partiality"] = flex.double(5, 1.0) reflections["id"] =, 0) reflections.experiment_identifiers()[0] = "0" reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(5, 1.0) reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double([11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]) reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double(5, 1.0) reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(0, 0, 1)] * 5) reflections.set_flags( flex.bool([False, False, True, True, True]), reflections.flags.integrated_sum, ) reflections.set_flags( flex.bool([True, False, False, True, True]), reflections.flags.integrated_prf, ) return reflections
def import_spot_xds(spot_xds): sx = SpotXds(spot_xds) spots = filter(lambda x: x[-1][0] is not None and not (x[-1][0]==x[-1][1]==x[-1][2]==0), sx.items) # reference: dials/command_line/ table = flex.reflection_table() table["id"] =, 0) table["panel"] = flex.size_t(len(spots), 0) # only assuming single panel table["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(map(lambda x: x[-1], spots)) table["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(map(lambda x: x[0], spots)) table["flags"] = flex.size_t(len(table), table.flags.indexed | table.flags.strong) # dummy table["xyzobs.px.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (1,1,1)) # TODO appropriate variance value table["s1"] = flex.vec3_double(len(table), (0,0,0)) # will be updated by set_obs_s1() return table
def generate_reflections(self): """Use reeke_model to generate indices of reflections near to the Ewald sphere that might be observed on a still image. Build a reflection_table of these.""" from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group_info space_group_type = space_group_info("P 1").group().type() # create a ReekeIndexGenerator UB = self.crystal.get_A() axis = self.goniometer.get_rotation_axis() s0 = self.beam.get_s0() dmin = 1.5 # use the same UB at the beginning and end - the margin parameter ensures # we still have indices close to the Ewald sphere generated from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ReekeIndexGenerator r = ReekeIndexGenerator(UB, UB, space_group_type, axis, s0, dmin=1.5, margin=1) # generate indices hkl = r.to_array() nref = len(hkl) # create a reflection table from dials.array_family import flex table = flex.reflection_table() table["flags"] = flex.size_t(nref, 0) table["id"] =, 0) table["panel"] = flex.size_t(nref, 0) table["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(hkl) table["entering"] = flex.bool(nref, True) table["s1"] = flex.vec3_double(nref) table[""] = flex.vec3_double(nref) table["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double(nref) return table
def __init__(self): from os.path import join from dials.array_family import flex import libtbx.load_env from dials.array_family import flex try: dials_regression = libtbx.env.dist_path('dials_regression') except KeyError: print 'FAIL: dials_regression not configured' exit(0) self.path = join(dials_regression, "centroid_test_data") table = flex.reflection_table() table['hkl'] = flex.miller_index(360) table['id'] = table['intensity.sum.value'] = flex.double(360) table.as_pickle("temp1.pickle") table.as_pickle("temp2.pickle")
def small_reflection_table(): """Generate reflection table to test the basis and target function.""" # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to # have to write the tests for lots of reflections. reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["intensity"] = flex.double([75.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 65.0]) reflections["variance"] = flex.double([50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 65.0]) reflections["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(5, 1.0) reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2) ]) # don't change reflections["d"] = flex.double([2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 0.8, 1.5]) # don't change reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([ (0.0, 0.0, i) for i in [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 2.0, 8.0] ]) reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([(0.0, 0.1, 1.0)] * 2 + [(0.0, 0.1, 20.0)] * 3) return reflections
def test_default_sort_on_miller_index(dials_regression, tmpdir): tmpdir.chdir() result = procrunner.run_process([ 'dev.dials.sort_reflections', os.path.join(dials_regression, "centroid_test_data", "integrated.pickle"), 'output=sorted3.pickle' ]) assert result['exitcode'] == 0 assert result['stderr'] == '' assert os.path.exists("sorted3.pickle") from dials.array_family import flex data = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("sorted3.pickle") mi1 = data['miller_index'] orig = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle( os.path.join(dials_regression, "centroid_test_data", "integrated.pickle")) mi2 = flex.miller_index(sorted(orig['miller_index'])) assert mi1.all_eq(mi2)
def test_sort(): table = flex.reflection_table() table["a"] =[2, 4, 3, 1, 5]) table["b"] = flex.vec2_double([(3, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3), (4, 5), (4, 3)]) table["c"] = flex.miller_index([(3, 2, 1), (3, 1, 1), (2, 4, 2), (2, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)]) table.sort("a") assert list(table["a"]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] table.sort("b") assert list(table["b"]) == [(1, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5)] table.sort("c") assert list(table["c"]) == [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (2, 4, 2), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1)] table.sort("c", order=(1, 2, 0)) assert list(table["c"]) == [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (2, 4, 2)]
def __init__(self, n_groups: int, n_refl: int, n_datasets: int = 1): """Create empty datastructures to which data can later be added.""" self.Ih_table = pd.DataFrame() self.block_selections = [None] * n_datasets self.h_index_matrix = sparse.matrix(n_refl, n_groups) self._setup_info = { "next_row": 0, "next_dataset": 0, "setup_complete": False } self.dataset_info = {} self.n_datasets = n_datasets self.h_expand_matrix = None self.derivatives = None self.binner = None self._csc_rows = np.array([], dtype=np.uint64).reshape((0, )) self._csc_cols = np.array([], dtype=np.uint64).reshape((0, )) self._csc_h_index_matrix = None self._csc_h_expand_matrix = None self._hkl = flex.miller_index([])
def test_default_sort_on_miller_index(dials_data, tmpdir): result = [ "dials.sort_reflections", dials_data("centroid_test_data").join("integrated.pickle").strpath, "output=sorted3.refl", ], working_directory=tmpdir.strpath, ) assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr assert tmpdir.join("sorted3.refl").check(file=1) from dials.array_family import flex data = flex.reflection_table.from_file(tmpdir.join("sorted3.refl").strpath) mi1 = data["miller_index"] orig = flex.reflection_table.from_file( dials_data("centroid_test_data").join("integrated.pickle").strpath) mi2 = flex.miller_index(sorted(orig["miller_index"])) assert mi1.all_eq(mi2)
def __init__(self, experiments): """ Do the labelling """ from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import PixelToMillerIndex from collections import defaultdict from math import floor, sqrt from dials.array_family import flex # Get the experiment experiment = experiments[0] # Get the image size xsize, ysize = experiment.detector[0].get_image_size() # A class to map pixels to miller indices transform = PixelToMillerIndex( experiment.beam, experiment.detector, experiment.crystal ) # For each pixel, assign to a miller index and also compute the distance reflections = defaultdict(list) for j in range(ysize): for i in range(xsize): h = transform.h(0, i, j) h0 = tuple(map(lambda x: int(floor(x + 0.5)), h)) d = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x, y: (x - y) ** 2, h, h0))) reflections[h0].append((i, j, d)) # Initialise arrays self._indices = flex.miller_index() self._distance = flex.double(flex.grid(ysize, xsize)) self._label =, xsize)) self._pixels = defaultdict(list) for index, (h, pixels) in enumerate(reflections.iteritems()): self._indices.append(h) for i, j, d in pixels: self._distance[j, i] = d self._label[j, i] = index self._pixels[h].append((i, j))
def test_outlier_rejection_with_small_outliers(): rt = flex.reflection_table() rt["intensity"] = flex.double( [3560.84231, 3433.66407, 3830.64235, 0.20552, 3786.59537] + [4009.98652, 0.00000, 3578.91470, 3549.19151, 3379.58616] + [3686.38610, 3913.42869, 0.00000, 3608.84869, 3681.11110]) rt["variance"] = flex.double( [10163.98104, 9577.90389, 9702.84868, 3.77427, 8244.70685] + [9142.38221, 1.51118, 9634.53782, 9870.73103, 9078.23488] + [8977.26984, 8712.91360, 1.78802, 7473.26521, 10075.49862]) rt["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(rt.size(), 1.0) rt["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(0, 0, 1)] * rt.size()) expected_outliers = [3, 6, 12] OutlierRej = NormDevOutlierRejection(IhTable([rt], space_group("P 1")), zmax=6.0) outliers = OutlierRej.final_outlier_arrays assert len(outliers) == 1 assert set(outliers[0]) == set(expected_outliers)
def tst_sort(self): from dials.array_family import flex table = flex.reflection_table() table['a'] =[2, 4, 3, 1, 5]) table['b'] = flex.vec2_double([(3, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3), (4, 5), (4, 3)]) table['c'] = flex.miller_index([(3,2,1), (3,1,1), (2,4,2), (2,1,1), (1,1,1)]) table.sort("a") assert list(table['a']) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] table.sort("b") assert list(table['b']) == [(1,3), (3,1), (3,2), (4,3), (4,5)] table.sort("c") assert list(table['c']) == [(1,1,1),(2,1,1),(2,4,2),(3,1,1),(3,2,1)] table.sort("c", order=(1,2,0)) assert list(table['c']) == [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (2, 4, 2)] print "OK"
def test_select_highly_connected_reflections_in_bin(): """Test the single-bin selection algorithm.""" r1 = flex.reflection_table() n_list = [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2] miller_indices = [[(0, 0, i + 1)] * n for i, n in enumerate(n_list)] r1["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index( list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(miller_indices))) r1["class_index"] =[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1]) r1["intensity"] = flex.double(sum(n_list), 1) r1["variance"] = flex.double(sum(n_list), 1) r1["inverse_scale_factor"] = flex.double(sum(n_list), 1) sg = sgtbx.space_group("P1") Ih_table_block = IhTable([r1], sg).Ih_table_blocks[0] Ih_table_block.Ih_table["class_index"] = r1["class_index"].select( Ih_table_block.Ih_table["loc_indices"]) indices, total_in_classes = select_highly_connected_reflections_in_bin( Ih_table_block, min_per_class=2, min_total=6, max_total=100) assert list(total_in_classes) == [2, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] assert list(indices) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11]
def generated_refl(): """Generate a reflection table.""" # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to # have to write the tests for lots of reflections. reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double([1.0, 10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0]) reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double([1.0, 10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0]) reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double([10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 10.0, 10.0]) reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double( [10.0, 100.0, 100.0, 10.0, 10.0] ) reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index( [(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2)] ) # don't change reflections["d"] = flex.double([0.8, 2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 1.2]) # don't change reflections["lp"] = flex.double(5, 1.0) reflections["partiality"] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8]) reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double( [ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 5.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0), (0.0, 0.0, 7.5), ] ) reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double( [ (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), ] ) reflections.set_flags(flex.bool(5, True), reflections.flags.integrated) reflections["id"] =, 0) reflections["partial_id"] =, 5)) reflections.experiment_identifiers()[0] = str(0) return reflections
def test_as_miller_array(): table = flex.reflection_table() table["intensity.1.value"] = flex.double([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) table["intensity.1.variance"] = flex.double([0.25, 1.0, 4.0]) table["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0)]) crystal = Crystal( real_space_a=(10, 0, 0), real_space_b=(0, 11, 0), real_space_c=(0, 0, 12), space_group=sgtbx.space_group_info("P 222").group(), ) experiment = Experiment(crystal=crystal) iobs = table.as_miller_array(experiment, intensity="1") assert list( == list(table["intensity.1.value"]) assert list(iobs.sigmas()) == list(flex.sqrt(table["intensity.1.variance"])) with pytest.raises(KeyError): _ = table.as_miller_array(experiment, intensity="2") table["intensity.2.value"] = flex.double([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) with pytest.raises(KeyError): _ = table.as_miller_array(experiment, intensity="2")
def index(self, reflections): # FIXME allow for the fact that there could be > 1 lattice on here to # e.g. assign index over small spherical radius miller_index = flex.miller_index() UB = matrix.sqr(self.crystal.get_A()) UBi = UB.inverse() self.qobs = [] for refl in reflections: x, y, z = refl["xyzobs.px.value"] p = matrix.col(self.panel.get_pixel_lab_coord((x, y))) q = p.normalize() / self.wavelength - self.s0 self.qobs.append(q) hkl = UBi * q ihkl = [int(round(h)) for h in hkl] miller_index.append(ihkl) reflections["miller_index"] = miller_index = reflections return reflections
def test_match_by_hkle(): nn = 10 h =[n % nn for n in range(nn)]) k =[(n + 2) % nn for n in range(nn)]) l =[(n + 4) % nn for n in range(nn)]) e =[n % 2 for n in range(nn)]) hkl = flex.miller_index(h, k, l) t0 = flex.reflection_table() t0["miller_index"] = hkl t0["entering"] = e i = list(range(nn)) random.shuffle(i) t1 = # because t0.match_by_hkle(t1) will give the _inverse_ to i n0, n1 = t1.match_by_hkle(t0) assert list(n0) == list(range(nn)) assert list(n1) == i
def generated_refl(): """Generate reflection table to test the basis and target function.""" # these miller_idx/d_values don't make physical sense, but I didn't want to # have to write the tests for lots of reflections. reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double( [75.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 65.0]) reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double( [50.0, 10.0, 100.0, 50.0, 65.0]) reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index([(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2) ]) # don't change reflections["d"] = flex.double([2.0, 0.8, 2.0, 0.8, 1.5]) # don't change # reflections['lp'] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # reflections['dqe'] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # reflections['partiality'] = flex.double([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) reflections["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double([ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 5.0), (0.0, 0.0, 10.0), (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), (0.0, 0.0, 8.0), ]) reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double([ (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 1.0), (0.0, 0.1, 20.0), (0.0, 0.1, 20.0), (0.0, 0.1, 20.0), ]) reflections.set_flags(flex.bool([True, True, True, True, True]), reflections.flags.integrated) reflections["id"] =, 0) reflections.experiment_identifiers()[0] = str(0) return [reflections]
def refls_to_hkl(refls, detector, beam, crystal, update_table=False, returnQ=False): """ convert pixel panel reflections to miller index data :param refls: reflecton table for a panel or a tuple of (x,y) :param detector: dxtbx detector model :param beam: dxtbx beam model :param crystal: dxtbx crystal model :param update_table: whether to update the refltable :param returnQ: whether to return intermediately computed q vectors :return: if as_numpy two Nx3 numpy arrays are returned (one for fractional and one for whole HKL) else dictionary of hkl_i (nearest) and hkl (fractional) """ if 'rlp' not in list(refls.keys()): q_vecs = refls_to_q(refls, detector, beam, update_table=update_table) else: q_vecs = np.vstack([r['rlp'] for r in refls]) Ai = sqr(crystal.get_A()).inverse() Ai = Ai.as_numpy_array() HKL =, q_vecs.T) HKLi = map(lambda h: np.ceil(h - 0.5).astype(int), HKL) if update_table: refls['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(len(refls), (0, 0, 0)) mil_idx = flex.vec3_int(tuple(map(tuple, np.vstack(HKLi).T))) for i in range(len(refls)): refls['miller_index'][i] = mil_idx[i] if returnQ: return np.vstack(HKL).T, np.vstack(HKLi).T, q_vecs else: return np.vstack(HKL).T, np.vstack(HKLi).T
def test_reflection_manager(): from dials.array_family import flex reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["panel"] = flex.size_t() reflections["bbox"] = flex.int6() reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index() reflections["s1"] = flex.vec3_double() reflections["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double() reflections[""] = flex.vec3_double() reflections["entering"] = flex.bool() reflections["id"] = reflections["flags"] = flex.size_t() width = 1000 height = 1000 nrefl = 10000 array_range = (0, 130) block_size = 20 block_overlap = 10 random.seed(0) processed = [[] for i in range(12)] for i in range(nrefl): x0 = random.randint(0, width - 10) y0 = random.randint(0, height - 10) zs = random.randint(2, 9) x1 = x0 + random.randint(2, 10) y1 = y0 + random.randint(2, 10) for k, j in enumerate( [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120]): m = k + i * 12 pos = random.choice(["left", "right", "centre"]) if pos == "left": z0 = j - zs z1 = j elif pos == "right": z0 = j z1 = j + zs else: z0 = j - zs // 2 z1 = j + zs // 2 bbox = (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) reflections.append({ "panel": random.randint(0, 1), "bbox": bbox, "flags": flex.reflection_table.flags.reference_spot, }) processed[k].append(m) # Add reflection to ignore # zc = random.choice([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120]) # z0 = zc - 11 # z1 = zc + 11 # bbox = (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) # reflections.append({ # "panel" : randint(0,1), # "bbox" : bbox, # "flags" : flex.reflection_table.flags.reference_spot # }) from dials.algorithms.integration.integrator import JobList, ReflectionManager jobs = JobList() jobs.add((0, 1), array_range, block_size, block_overlap) # Create the executor executor = ReflectionManager(jobs, reflections) # Ensure the tasks make sense jobs = [executor.job(i) for i in range(len(executor))] assert len(executor) == 12 assert not executor.finished() assert len(jobs) == 12 assert jobs[0].frames() == (0, 20) assert jobs[1].frames() == (10, 30) assert jobs[2].frames() == (20, 40) assert jobs[3].frames() == (30, 50) assert jobs[4].frames() == (40, 60) assert jobs[5].frames() == (50, 70) assert jobs[6].frames() == (60, 80) assert jobs[7].frames() == (70, 90) assert jobs[8].frames() == (80, 100) assert jobs[9].frames() == (90, 110) assert jobs[10].frames() == (100, 120) assert jobs[11].frames() == (110, 130) # Get the task specs data0 = executor.split(0) data1 = executor.split(1) data2 = executor.split(2) data3 = executor.split(3) data4 = executor.split(4) data5 = executor.split(5) data6 = executor.split(6) data7 = executor.split(7) data8 = executor.split(8) data9 = executor.split(9) data10 = executor.split(10) data11 = executor.split(11) assert len(data0) == len(processed[0]) assert len(data1) == len(processed[1]) assert len(data2) == len(processed[2]) assert len(data3) == len(processed[3]) assert len(data4) == len(processed[4]) assert len(data5) == len(processed[5]) assert len(data6) == len(processed[6]) assert len(data7) == len(processed[7]) assert len(data8) == len(processed[8]) assert len(data9) == len(processed[9]) assert len(data10) == len(processed[10]) assert len(data11) == len(processed[11]) # Add some results data0["data"] = flex.double(len(data0), 1) data1["data"] = flex.double(len(data1), 2) data2["data"] = flex.double(len(data2), 3) data3["data"] = flex.double(len(data3), 4) data4["data"] = flex.double(len(data4), 5) data5["data"] = flex.double(len(data5), 6) data6["data"] = flex.double(len(data6), 7) data7["data"] = flex.double(len(data7), 8) data8["data"] = flex.double(len(data8), 9) data9["data"] = flex.double(len(data9), 10) data10["data"] = flex.double(len(data10), 11) data11["data"] = flex.double(len(data11), 12) # Accumulate the data again assert not executor.finished() executor.accumulate(0, data0) executor.accumulate(1, data1) executor.accumulate(2, data2) executor.accumulate(3, data3) executor.accumulate(4, data4) executor.accumulate(5, data5) executor.accumulate(6, data6) executor.accumulate(7, data7) executor.accumulate(8, data8) executor.accumulate(9, data9) executor.accumulate(10, data10) executor.accumulate(11, data11) assert executor.finished() # Get results and check they're as expected data = result = data["data"] for i in range(len(processed)): for j in range(len(processed[i])): assert result[processed[i][j]] == i + 1
def test_to_from_msgpack(tmpdir): from import Shoebox def gen_shoebox(): shoebox = Shoebox(0, (0, 4, 0, 3, 0, 1)) shoebox.allocate() for k in range(1): for j in range(3): for i in range(4):[k, j, i] = i + j + k + 0.1 shoebox.mask[k, j, i] = i % 2 shoebox.background[k, j, i] = i * j + 0.2 return shoebox def compare(a, b): assert a.is_consistent() assert b.is_consistent() assert a.panel == b.panel assert a.bbox == b.bbox for aa, bb in zip(, if abs(aa - bb) > 1e-9: return False for aa, bb in zip(a.background, b.background): if abs(aa - bb) > 1e-9: return False for aa, bb in zip(a.mask, b.mask): if aa != bb: return False return True # The columns as lists c1 = list(range(10)) c2 = list(range(10)) c3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "i", "j", "k"] c4 = [True, False, True, False, True] * 2 c5 = list(range(10)) c6 = [(i + 1, i + 2) for i in range(10)] c7 = [(i + 1, i + 2, i + 3) for i in range(10)] c8 = [tuple(i + j for j in range(9)) for i in range(10)] c9 = [tuple(i + j for j in range(6)) for i in range(10)] c10 = [(i + 1, i + 2, i + 3) for i in range(10)] c11 = [gen_shoebox() for i in range(10)] # Create a table with some elements table = flex.reflection_table() table["col1"] = table["col2"] = flex.double(c2) table["col3"] = flex.std_string(c3) table["col4"] = flex.bool(c4) table["col5"] = flex.size_t(c5) table["col6"] = flex.vec2_double(c6) table["col7"] = flex.vec3_double(c7) table["col8"] = flex.mat3_double(c8) table["col9"] = flex.int6(c9) table["col10"] = flex.miller_index(c10) table["col11"] = flex.shoebox(c11) obj = table.as_msgpack() new_table = flex.reflection_table.from_msgpack(obj) assert new_table.is_consistent() assert new_table.nrows() == 10 assert new_table.ncols() == 11 assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col1"], c1))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col2"], c2))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col3"], c3))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col4"], c4))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col5"], c5))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col6"], c6))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col7"], c7))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col8"], c8))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col9"], c9))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col10"], c10))) assert all(tuple(compare(a, b) for a, b in zip(new_table["col11"], c11))) table.as_msgpack_file(tmpdir.join("reflections.mpack").strpath) new_table = flex.reflection_table.from_msgpack_file( tmpdir.join("reflections.mpack").strpath) assert new_table.is_consistent() assert new_table.nrows() == 10 assert new_table.ncols() == 11 assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col1"], c1))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col2"], c2))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col3"], c3))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col4"], c4))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col5"], c5))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col6"], c6))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col7"], c7))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col8"], c8))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col9"], c9))) assert all(tuple(a == b for a, b in zip(new_table["col10"], c10))) assert all(tuple(compare(a, b) for a, b in zip(new_table["col11"], c11)))
def offset_miller_indices(indices, offset): from dials.array_family import flex return flex.miller_index( *[mi.iround() for mi in (indices.as_vec3_double() + offset).parts()])
def get_data(self, decoder): '''Get the model data using the supplied decoder.''' return decoder.decode(self._handle) def set_reflections(self, reflections): '''Set the reflection data.''' self.set_data(reflections, ReflectionListEncoder()) def get_reflections(self): '''Get the reflection data.''' return self.get_data(ReflectionListDecoder()) if __name__ == '__main__': from dials.array_family import flex reflections = flex.reflection_table([('hkl', flex.miller_index(10)), ('s1', flex.vec3_double(10)), ('bbox', flex.int6(10)), ('id',, ('shoebox', flex.shoebox(10))]) for i in range(10): reflections['shoebox'][i].data = flex.double(flex.grid(10, 10, 10)) reflections['shoebox'][i].mask =, 10, 10)) reflections['shoebox'][i].background = flex.double( flex.grid(10, 10, 10)) for i in range(10): print reflections['shoebox'][i].data.all() writer = NexusFile('temp.h5', 'w')
def integrate(experiment): from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import PixelToMillerIndex from dials.array_family import flex from math import floor, sqrt from collections import defaultdict detector = experiment.detector assert len(detector) == 1 panel = detector[0] xsize, ysize = panel.get_image_size() transform = PixelToMillerIndex(experiment.beam, experiment.detector, experiment.crystal) data = experiment.imageset.get_raw_data(0)[0] mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(ysize, xsize), False) reflections = defaultdict(list) print("Doing pixel labelling") for j in range(ysize): for i in range(xsize): h = transform.h(0, i, j) h0 = tuple(map(lambda x: int(floor(x + 0.5)), h)) d = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x, y: (x - y)**2, h, h0))) # if not hasattr(reflections[h0], "xd"): # reflections[h0].xd = d # reflections[h0].xc = i # reflections[h0].yc = j # elif reflections[h0].xd > d: # reflections[h0].xd = d # reflections[h0].xc = i # reflections[h0].yc = j if d < 0.3: mask[j, i] = True reflections[h0].append((j, i)) # from matplotlib import pylab # #pylab.imshow(mask.as_numpy_array(), interpolation='none') # print("Integrating reflections") miller_index = flex.miller_index() intensity = flex.double() variance = flex.double() bbox = flex.int6() xyz = flex.vec3_double() for h, r in reflections.iteritems(): # xc = r.xc # yc = r.yc b_sum = 0 f_sum = 0 b_cnt = 0 f_cnt = 0 for i in range(len(r)): y, x = r[i] m = mask[y, x] if data[y, x] >= 0: if m: f_sum += data[y, x] f_cnt += 1 else: b_sum += data[y, x] b_cnt += 1 Y, X = zip(*r) x0, x1, y0, y1 = min(X), max(X), min(Y), max(Y) if f_cnt > 0 and b_cnt > 0: B = b_sum / b_cnt I = f_sum - B * f_cnt V = f_sum + B * (1 + f_cnt / b_cnt) miller_index.append(h) intensity.append(I) variance.append(V) bbox.append((x0, x1, y0, y1, 0, 1)) # xyz.append((xc, yc, 0)) print("Integrated %d reflections" % len(reflections)) print(flex.min(intensity), flex.max(intensity), flex.mean(intensity)) reflections = flex.reflection_table() reflections["miller_index"] = miller_index reflections["intensity.sum.value"] = intensity reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] = variance reflections["bbox"] = bbox reflections["panel"] = flex.size_t(len(reflections), 0) reflections["id"] = flex.size_t(len(reflections), 0) # reflections["xyzcal.px"] = xyz # reflections["xyzobs.px"] = xyz reflections.set_flags(flex.size_t(range(len(reflections))), reflections.flags.integrated_sum) return reflections
def read(handle, key): from import convert_units if key == "miller_index": h =["h"][:].astype(np.int32)) k =["k"][:].astype(np.int32)) l =["l"][:].astype(np.int32)) return flex.miller_index(h, k, l) elif key == "id": return["id"][:].astype(int)) elif key == "partial_id": return flex.size_t(handle["reflection_id"][:].astype(int)) elif key == "entering": return flex.bool(handle["entering"][:]) elif key == "flags": return flex.size_t(handle["flags"][:].astype(int)) elif key == "panel": return flex.size_t(handle["det_module"][:].astype(int)) elif key == "d": return flex.double(handle["d"][:]) elif key == "partiality": return flex.double(handle["partiality"][:]) elif key == "xyzcal.px": x = flex.double(handle["predicted_px_x"][:]) y = flex.double(handle["predicted_px_y"][:]) z = flex.double(handle["predicted_frame"][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "": x = convert_units( flex.double(handle["predicted_x"][:]), handle["predicted_x"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) y = convert_units( flex.double(handle["predicted_y"][:]), handle["predicted_y"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) z = convert_units( flex.double(handle["predicted_phi"][:]), handle["predicted_phi"].attrs["units"], "rad", ) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "bbox": b =["bounding_box"][:].astype(np.int32)) return flex.int6(b.as_1d()) elif key == "xyzobs.px.value": x = flex.double(handle["observed_px_x"][:]) y = flex.double(handle["observed_px_y"][:]) z = flex.double(handle["observed_frame"][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "xyzobs.px.variance": x = flex.double(handle["observed_px_x_var"][:]) y = flex.double(handle["observed_px_y_var"][:]) z = flex.double(handle["observed_frame_var"][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "": x = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_x"][:]), handle["observed_x"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) y = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_y"][:]), handle["observed_y"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) z = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_phi"][:]), handle["observed_phi"].attrs["units"], "rad", ) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "": x = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_x_var"][:]), handle["observed_x_var"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) y = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_y_var"][:]), handle["observed_y_var"].attrs["units"], "mm", ) z = convert_units( flex.double(handle["observed_phi_var"][:]), handle["observed_phi_var"].attrs["units"], "rad", ) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == "background.mean": return flex.double(handle["background_mean"][:]) elif key == "intensity.sum.value": return flex.double(handle["int_sum"][:]) elif key == "intensity.sum.variance": return flex.double(handle["int_sum_var"][:]) elif key == "intensity.prf.value": return flex.double(handle["int_prf"][:]) elif key == "intensity.prf.variance": return flex.double(handle["int_prf_var"][:]) elif key == "profile.correlation": return flex.double(handle["prf_cc"][:]) elif key == "lp": return flex.double(handle["lp"][:]) elif key == "num_pixels.background": return["num_bg"][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == "num_pixels.background_used": return["num_bg_used"][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == "num_pixels.foreground": return["num_fg"][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == "num_pixels.valid": return["num_valid"][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == "profile.rmsd": return flex.double(handle["prf_rmsd"][:]) else: raise KeyError("Column %s not read from file" % key)
def __init__(self,measurements_orig, params, i_model, miller_set, result, out): measurements = measurements_orig.deep_copy() # Now manipulate the data to conform to unit cell, asu, and space group # of reference. The resolution will be cut later. # Only works if there is NOT an indexing ambiguity! observations = measurements.customized_copy( anomalous_flag=not params.merge_anomalous, crystal_symmetry=miller_set.crystal_symmetry() ).map_to_asu() observations_original_index = measurements.customized_copy( anomalous_flag=not params.merge_anomalous, crystal_symmetry=miller_set.crystal_symmetry() ) # Ensure that match_multi_indices() will return identical results # when a frame's observations are matched against the # pre-generated Miller set, self.miller_set, and the reference # data set, self.i_model. The implication is that the same match # can be used to map Miller indices to array indices for intensity # accumulation, and for determination of the correlation # coefficient in the presence of a scaling reference. assert len(i_model.indices()) == len(miller_set.indices()) \ and (i_model.indices() == miller_set.indices()).count(False) == 0 matches = miller.match_multi_indices( miller_indices_unique=miller_set.indices(), miller_indices=observations.indices()) pair1 =[pair[1] for pair in matches.pairs()]) pair0 =[pair[0] for pair in matches.pairs()]) # narrow things down to the set that matches, only observations_pair1_selected = observations.customized_copy( indices = flex.miller_index([observations.indices()[p] for p in pair1]), data = flex.double([[p] for p in pair1]), sigmas = flex.double([observations.sigmas()[p] for p in pair1]), ) observations_original_index_pair1_selected = observations_original_index.customized_copy( indices = flex.miller_index([observations_original_index.indices()[p] for p in pair1]), data = flex.double([[p] for p in pair1]), sigmas = flex.double([observations_original_index.sigmas()[p] for p in pair1]), ) ################### I_observed = chosen = chosen_weights(observations_pair1_selected, params) MILLER = observations_original_index_pair1_selected.indices() ORI = result["current_orientation"][0] Astar = matrix.sqr(ORI.reciprocal_matrix()) WAVE = result["wavelength"] BEAM = matrix.col((0.0,0.0,-1./WAVE)) BFACTOR = 0. #calculation of correlation here I_reference = flex.double([[pair[0]] for pair in matches.pairs()]) use_weights = False # New facility for getting variance-weighted correlation if use_weights: #variance weighting I_weight = flex.double( [1./(observations_pair1_selected.sigmas()[pair[1]])**2 for pair in matches.pairs()]) else: I_weight = flex.double(len(observations_pair1_selected.sigmas()), 1.) """Explanation of 'include_negatives' semantics as originally implemented in cxi.merge postrefinement: include_negatives = True + and - reflections both used for Rh distribution for initial estimate of RS parameter + and - reflections both used for calc/obs correlation slope for initial estimate of G parameter + and - reflections both passed to the refinery and used in the target function (makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view) include_negatives = False + and - reflections both used for Rh distribution for initial estimate of RS parameter + reflections only used for calc/obs correlation slope for initial estimate of G parameter + and - reflections both passed to the refinery and used in the target function (makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view) """ if params.include_negatives: SWC = simple_weighted_correlation(I_weight, I_reference, I_observed) else: non_positive = ( <= 0 ) SWC = simple_weighted_correlation(,, print >> out, "Old correlation is", SWC.corr assert params.postrefinement.algorithm=="rs_hybrid" Rhall = flex.double() for mill in MILLER: H = matrix.col(mill) Xhkl = Astar*H Rh = ( Xhkl + BEAM ).length() - (1./WAVE) Rhall.append(Rh) Rs = math.sqrt(flex.mean(Rhall*Rhall)) RS = 1./10000. # reciprocal effective domain size of 1 micron RS = Rs # try this empirically determined approximate, monochrome, a-mosaic value self.rs2_current = flex.double([SWC.slope, BFACTOR, RS, 0., 0.]) self.rs2_parameterization_class = rs_parameterization self.rs2_refinery = rs2_refinery(ORI=ORI, MILLER=MILLER, BEAM=BEAM, WAVE=WAVE, ICALCVEC = I_reference, IOBSVEC = I_observed, WEIGHTS = chosen) self.rs2_refinery.set_profile_shape(params.postrefinement.lineshape) self.nave1_refinery = nave1_refinery(ORI=ORI, MILLER=MILLER, BEAM=BEAM, WAVE=WAVE, ICALCVEC = I_reference, IOBSVEC = I_observed, WEIGHTS = chosen) self.nave1_refinery.set_profile_shape(params.postrefinement.lineshape) self.out=out; self.params = params; self.miller_set = miller_set self.observations_pair1_selected = observations_pair1_selected; self.observations_original_index_pair1_selected = observations_original_index_pair1_selected self.i_model = i_model
def run(args): import libtbx.load_env from libtbx.utils import Sorry usage = "%s [options] experiments.json indexed.pickle" % libtbx.env.dispatcher_name parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, phil=phil_scope, read_reflections=True, read_experiments=True, check_format=False, epilog=help_message, ) params, options = parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=True) reflections = flatten_reflections(params.input.reflections) experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments) if len(experiments) == 0 and len(reflections) == 0: parser.print_help() return elif len(experiments.crystals()) > 1: raise Sorry("Only one crystal can be processed at a time") if params.change_of_basis_op is None: raise Sorry("Please provide a change_of_basis_op.") reference_crystal = None if params.reference is not None: from dxtbx.serialize import load reference_experiments = load.experiment_list(params.reference, check_format=False) assert len(reference_experiments.crystals()) == 1 reference_crystal = reference_experiments.crystals()[0] if len(experiments) and params.change_of_basis_op is libtbx.Auto: if reference_crystal is not None: from dials.algorithms.indexing.compare_orientation_matrices import ( difference_rotation_matrix_and_euler_angles, ) cryst = experiments.crystals()[0] R, euler_angles, change_of_basis_op = difference_rotation_matrix_and_euler_angles(cryst, reference_crystal) print "Change of basis op: %s" % change_of_basis_op print "Rotation matrix to transform input crystal to reference::" print R.mathematica_form(format="%.3f", one_row_per_line=True) print "Euler angles (xyz): %.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % euler_angles elif len(reflections): assert len(reflections) == 1 # always re-map reflections to reciprocal space from dials.algorithms.indexing import indexer refl_copy = flex.reflection_table() for i, imageset in enumerate(experiments.imagesets()): if "imageset_id" in reflections[0]: sel = reflections[0]["imageset_id"] == i else: sel = reflections[0]["id"] == i refl = indexer.indexer_base.map_spots_pixel_to_mm_rad( reflections[0].select(sel), imageset.get_detector(), imageset.get_scan() ) indexer.indexer_base.map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space( refl, imageset.get_detector(), imageset.get_beam(), imageset.get_goniometer() ) refl_copy.extend(refl) # index the reflection list using the input experiments list refl_copy["id"] =, -1) from dials.algorithms.indexing import index_reflections index_reflections(refl_copy, experiments, tolerance=0.2) hkl_expt = refl_copy["miller_index"] hkl_input = reflections[0]["miller_index"] change_of_basis_op = derive_change_of_basis_op(hkl_input, hkl_expt) # reset experiments list since we don't want to reindex this experiments = [] else: change_of_basis_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(params.change_of_basis_op) if len(experiments): experiment = experiments[0] cryst_orig = copy.deepcopy(experiment.crystal) cryst_reindexed = cryst_orig.change_basis(change_of_basis_op) if params.space_group is not None: a, b, c = cryst_reindexed.get_real_space_vectors() cryst_reindexed = crystal_model(a, b, c, experiment.crystal.update(cryst_reindexed) print "Old crystal:" print cryst_orig print print "New crystal:" print cryst_reindexed print print "Saving reindexed experimental models to %s" % params.output.experiments dump.experiment_list(experiments, params.output.experiments) if len(reflections): assert len(reflections) == 1 reflections = reflections[0] miller_indices = reflections["miller_index"] if params.hkl_offset is not None: h, k, l = miller_indices.as_vec3_double().parts() h += params.hkl_offset[0] k += params.hkl_offset[1] l += params.hkl_offset[2] miller_indices = flex.miller_index(h.iround(), k.iround(), l.iround()) non_integral_indices = change_of_basis_op.apply_results_in_non_integral_indices(miller_indices) if non_integral_indices.size() > 0: print "Removing %i/%i reflections (change of basis results in non-integral indices)" % ( non_integral_indices.size(), miller_indices.size(), ) sel = flex.bool(miller_indices.size(), True) sel.set_selected(non_integral_indices, False) miller_indices_reindexed = change_of_basis_op.apply( reflections["miller_index"].set_selected(sel, miller_indices_reindexed) reflections["miller_index"].set_selected(~sel, (0, 0, 0)) print "Saving reindexed reflections to %s" % params.output.reflections easy_pickle.dump(params.output.reflections, reflections)
21.009, 24.9846, 16.2607, 29.4217, 24.982, 27.2008, 15.2354, 15.2498, 14.3514, 14.352, 21.0061, 16.2576, 24.9884, 21.0089, 15.2646, 16.2589, 14.346, 14.347, 15.3548, 15.24, 25.0063, 16.2629, 16.266, 15.2613, 15.2671, 16.2713, 16.2628, 14.3454, 15.2642, 24.9881, 27.4904, 24.975, 15.2658, 27.2176, 14.3565, 15.2576, 15.2653, 15.2673, 14.3385, 14.355, 27.2235, 25.0048, 25.0138, 27.1408, 25.0315, 14.3464, 27.2386, 21.0258, 25.004, 14.3446, 15.2299, 15.2723, 14.3643, 14.3474, 14.3584, 15.2848, 21.0256, 21.0246, 15.261, 25.0207, 27.2373, 16.2848, 16.2854, 14.3575, 14.3636, 29.4477, 27.2583, 14.3619, 21.0374, 21.0399, 16.2755, 14.3487, 14.3618, 14.3608, 15.2829, 27.2497, 15.2715, 15.2699, 16.2646, 16.2786, 16.2821, 16.2696, 21.0368, 21.0307, 25.0431, 21.0456, 21.0224, 27.2257, 27.2486, 25.0266, 25.0252, 29.4661, 25.0415, 25.0266, 25.046, 29.4752, 27.2545, 29.4521, 37.3152, 29.4306, 29.4684, 37.3646, 28.9946, 28.9884, 29.4736, 29.4737, 30.0142] miller_indices = flex.miller_index() two_thetas_obs = flex.double() for i, two_theta in enumerate(two_thetas): d_spacing = uctbx.two_theta_as_d(two_theta, wavelength, deg=True) for j, d in enumerate(ms.d_spacings().data()): if abs(d - d_spacing) < 0.1: miller_indices.append(ms.indices()[j]) two_thetas_obs.append(two_theta) show_fit( two_thetas_obs, miller_indices, wavelength, unit_cell_start) refined = refinery( two_thetas_obs, miller_indices, wavelength, unit_cell_start, space_group=crystal_symmetry.space_group()) print
'''Get the model data using the supplied decoder.''' return decoder.decode(self._handle) def set_reflections(self, reflections): '''Set the reflection data.''' self.set_data(reflections, ReflectionListEncoder()) def get_reflections(self): '''Get the reflection data.''' return self.get_data(ReflectionListDecoder()) if __name__ == '__main__': from dials.array_family import flex reflections = flex.reflection_table([ ('hkl', flex.miller_index(10)), ('s1', flex.vec3_double(10)), ('bbox', flex.int6(10)), ('id',, ('shoebox', flex.shoebox(10)) ]) for i in range(10): reflections['shoebox'][i].data = flex.double(flex.grid(10,10,10)) reflections['shoebox'][i].mask =,10,10)) reflections['shoebox'][i].background = flex.double(flex.grid(10,10,10)) for i in range(10): print reflections['shoebox'][i].data.all() writer = NexusFile('temp.h5', 'w')
def read(handle, key): from dials.array_family import flex import numpy as np if key == 'miller_index': h =['h'][:].astype(np.int32)) k =['k'][:].astype(np.int32)) l =['l'][:].astype(np.int32)) return flex.miller_index(h,k,l) elif key == 'id': return['id'][:].astype(int)) elif key == 'partial_id': return flex.size_t(handle['reflection_id'][:].astype(int)) elif key == 'entering': return flex.bool(handle['entering'][:]) elif key == 'flags': return flex.size_t(handle['flags'][:].astype(int)) elif key == 'panel': return flex.size_t(handle['det_module'][:].astype(int)) elif key == 'd': return flex.double(handle['d'][:]) elif key == 'partiality': return flex.double(handle['partiality'][:]) elif key == 'xyzcal.px': x = flex.double(handle['prd_px_x'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['prd_px_y'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['prd_frame'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == '': x = flex.double(handle['prd_mm_x'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['prd_mm_y'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['prd_phi'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == 'bbox': x0 =['bbx0'][:].astype(np.int32)) x1 =['bbx1'][:].astype(np.int32)) y0 =['bby0'][:].astype(np.int32)) y1 =['bby1'][:].astype(np.int32)) z0 =['bbz0'][:].astype(np.int32)) z1 =['bbz1'][:].astype(np.int32)) return flex.int6(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) elif key == 'xyzobs.px.value': x = flex.double(handle['obs_px_x_val'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['obs_px_y_val'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['obs_frame_val'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == 'xyzobs.px.variance': x = flex.double(handle['obs_px_x_var'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['obs_px_y_var'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['obs_frame_var'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == '': x = flex.double(handle['obs_mm_x_val'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['obs_mm_y_val'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['obs_phi_val'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == '': x = flex.double(handle['obs_mm_x_var'][:]) y = flex.double(handle['obs_mm_y_var'][:]) z = flex.double(handle['obs_phi_var'][:]) return flex.vec3_double(x, y, z) elif key == 'background.mean': return flex.double(handle['bkg_mean'][:]) elif key == 'intensity.sum.value': return flex.double(handle['int_sum_val'][:]) elif key == 'intensity.sum.variance': return flex.double(handle['int_sum_var'][:]) elif key == 'intensity.prf.value': return flex.double(handle['int_prf_val'][:]) elif key == 'intensity.prf.variance': return flex.double(handle['int_prf_var'][:]) elif key == 'profile.correlation': return flex.double(handle['prf_cc'][:]) elif key == 'lp': return flex.double(handle['lp'][:]) elif key == 'num_pixels.background': return['num_bg'][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == 'num_pixels.background_used': return['num_bg_used'][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == 'num_pixels.foreground': return['num_fg'][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == 'num_pixels.valid': return['num_valid'][:].astype(np.int32)) elif key == 'profile.rmsd': return flex.double(handle['prf_rmsd'][:]) else: raise KeyError('Column %s not read from file' % key)
def test_export_dials(): from dials.array_family import flex print 'Creating dummy reflection table...' table = flex.reflection_table() table['miller_index'] = flex.miller_index(100) table['id'] = table['intensity.sum.value'] = flex.double(100) table['intensity.sum.variance'] = flex.double(100) table['intensity.prf.value'] = flex.double(100) table['intensity.prf.variance'] = flex.double(100) table['lp'] = flex.double(100) table['panel'] = flex.size_t(100) table['bbox'] = flex.int6(100) table['xyzcal.px'] = flex.vec3_double(100) table[''] = flex.vec3_double(100) table['xyzobs.px.value'] = flex.vec3_double(100) table['xyzobs.px.variance'] = flex.vec3_double(100) table[''] = flex.vec3_double(100) table[''] = flex.vec3_double(100) table['partiality'] = flex.double(100) table['d'] = flex.double(100) table['s1'] = flex.vec3_double(100) table['rlp'] = flex.vec3_double(100) table['background.mean'] = flex.double(100) table['entering'] = flex.bool(100) table['flags'] = flex.size_t(100) table['profile.correlation'] = flex.double(100) # Open the file outfile = File('test_file.mtz2', 'w') # Get the entry entry = outfile.entry print 'Writing reflection table stuff...' # Save some processed data diffraction = entry.diffraction # Set the experiments experiment = diffraction.experiments[0] experiment['beam'] = 0 experiment['detector'] = 0 experiment['goniometer'] = 0 experiment['scan'] = 0 experiment['crystal'] =0 # Get columns into array col1, col2, col3 = zip(*list(table['miller_index'])) col4 = table['id'] col5 = table['intensity.sum.value'] col6 = table['intensity.sum.variance'] col7 = table['intensity.prf.value'] col8 = table['intensity.prf.variance'] col9 = table['lp'] col10 = table['panel'] col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16 = table['bbox'].parts() col17, col18, col19 = table['xyzcal.px'].parts() col20, col21, col22 = table[''].parts() col23, col24, col25 = table['xyzobs.px.value'].parts() col26, col27, col28 = table['xyzobs.px.variance'].parts() col29, col30, col31 = table[''].parts() col32, col33, col34 = table[''].parts() col35 = table['partiality'] col36 = table['d'] col37 = table['background.mean'] col38 = table['entering'] col39 = table['flags'] col40 = table['profile.correlation'] # Some data diffraction['h'] = col1 diffraction['k'] = col2 diffraction['l'] = col3 diffraction['id'] = col4 diffraction['int_sum_val'] = col5 diffraction['int_sum_var'] = col6 diffraction['int_prf_val'] = col7 diffraction['int_prf_var'] = col8 diffraction['lp'] = col9 diffraction['det_module'] = col10 diffraction['bbx0'] = col11 diffraction['bbx1'] = col12 diffraction['bby0'] = col13 diffraction['bby1'] = col14 diffraction['bbz0'] = col15 diffraction['bbz1'] = col16 diffraction['prd_px_x'] = col17 diffraction['prd_px_y'] = col18 diffraction['prd_frame'] = col19 diffraction['prd_mm_x'] = col20 diffraction['prd_mm_y'] = col21 diffraction['prd_phi'] = col22 diffraction['obs_px_x_val'] = col23 diffraction['obs_px_x_var'] = col24 diffraction['obs_px_y_val'] = col25 diffraction['obs_px_y_var'] = col26 diffraction['obs_frame_val'] = col27 diffraction['obs_frame_var'] = col28 diffraction['obs_mm_x_val'] = col29 diffraction['obs_mm_x_var'] = col30 diffraction['obs_mm_y_val'] = col31 diffraction['obs_mm_y_var'] = col32 diffraction['obs_phi_val'] = col33 diffraction['obs_phi_var'] = col34 diffraction['partiality'] = col35 diffraction['d'] = col36 diffraction['bkg_mean'] = col37 diffraction['entering'] = col38 diffraction['flags'] = col39 diffraction['prf_cc'] = col40 # Flush the file outfile.flush()
def __init__(self, measurements_orig, params, i_model, miller_set, result, out): measurements = measurements_orig.deep_copy() # Now manipulate the data to conform to unit cell, asu, and space group # of reference. The resolution will be cut later. # Only works if there is NOT an indexing ambiguity! observations = measurements.customized_copy( anomalous_flag=not params.merge_anomalous, crystal_symmetry=miller_set.crystal_symmetry()).map_to_asu() observations_original_index = measurements.customized_copy( anomalous_flag=not params.merge_anomalous, crystal_symmetry=miller_set.crystal_symmetry()) # Ensure that match_multi_indices() will return identical results # when a frame's observations are matched against the # pre-generated Miller set, self.miller_set, and the reference # data set, self.i_model. The implication is that the same match # can be used to map Miller indices to array indices for intensity # accumulation, and for determination of the correlation # coefficient in the presence of a scaling reference. assert len(i_model.indices()) == len(miller_set.indices()) \ and (i_model.indices() == miller_set.indices()).count(False) == 0 matches = miller.match_multi_indices( miller_indices_unique=miller_set.indices(), miller_indices=observations.indices()) pair1 =[pair[1] for pair in matches.pairs()]) pair0 =[pair[0] for pair in matches.pairs()]) # narrow things down to the set that matches, only observations_pair1_selected = observations.customized_copy( indices=flex.miller_index( [observations.indices()[p] for p in pair1]), data=flex.double([[p] for p in pair1]), sigmas=flex.double([observations.sigmas()[p] for p in pair1]), ) observations_original_index_pair1_selected = observations_original_index.customized_copy( indices=flex.miller_index( [observations_original_index.indices()[p] for p in pair1]), data=flex.double( [[p] for p in pair1]), sigmas=flex.double( [observations_original_index.sigmas()[p] for p in pair1]), ) ################### I_observed = MILLER = observations_original_index_pair1_selected.indices() ORI = result["current_orientation"][0] Astar = matrix.sqr(ORI.reciprocal_matrix()) WAVE = result["wavelength"] BEAM = matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, -1. / WAVE)) BFACTOR = 0. #calculation of correlation here I_reference = flex.double( [[pair[0]] for pair in matches.pairs()]) I_invalid = flex.bool( [i_model.sigmas()[pair[0]] < 0. for pair in matches.pairs()]) use_weights = False # New facility for getting variance-weighted correlation if use_weights: #variance weighting I_weight = flex.double([ 1. / (observations_pair1_selected.sigmas()[pair[1]])**2 for pair in matches.pairs() ]) else: I_weight = flex.double(len(observations_pair1_selected.sigmas()), 1.) I_weight.set_selected(I_invalid, 0.) """Explanation of 'include_negatives' semantics as originally implemented in cxi.merge postrefinement: include_negatives = True + and - reflections both used for Rh distribution for initial estimate of RS parameter + and - reflections both used for calc/obs correlation slope for initial estimate of G parameter + and - reflections both passed to the refinery and used in the target function (makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view) include_negatives = False + and - reflections both used for Rh distribution for initial estimate of RS parameter + reflections only used for calc/obs correlation slope for initial estimate of G parameter + and - reflections both passed to the refinery and used in the target function (makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view) """ if params.include_negatives: SWC = simple_weighted_correlation(I_weight, I_reference, I_observed) else: non_positive = ( <= 0) SWC = simple_weighted_correlation(,, print >> out, "Old correlation is", SWC.corr if params.postrefinement.algorithm == "rs": Rhall = flex.double() for mill in MILLER: H = matrix.col(mill) Xhkl = Astar * H Rh = (Xhkl + BEAM).length() - (1. / WAVE) Rhall.append(Rh) Rs = math.sqrt(flex.mean(Rhall * Rhall)) RS = 1. / 10000. # reciprocal effective domain size of 1 micron RS = Rs # try this empirically determined approximate, monochrome, a-mosaic value current = flex.double([SWC.slope, BFACTOR, RS, 0., 0.]) parameterization_class = rs_parameterization refinery = rs_refinery(ORI=ORI, MILLER=MILLER, BEAM=BEAM, WAVE=WAVE, ICALCVEC=I_reference, IOBSVEC=I_observed) elif params.postrefinement.algorithm == "eta_deff": eta_init = 2. * result["ML_half_mosaicity_deg"][0] * math.pi / 180. D_eff_init = 2. * result["ML_domain_size_ang"][0] current = flex.double([ SWC.slope, BFACTOR, eta_init, 0., 0., D_eff_init, ]) parameterization_class = eta_deff_parameterization refinery = eta_deff_refinery(ORI=ORI, MILLER=MILLER, BEAM=BEAM, WAVE=WAVE, ICALCVEC=I_reference, IOBSVEC=I_observed) func = refinery.fvec_callable(parameterization_class(current)) functional = flex.sum(func * func) print >> out, "functional", functional self.current = current self.parameterization_class = parameterization_class self.refinery = refinery self.out = out self.params = params self.miller_set = miller_set self.observations_pair1_selected = observations_pair1_selected self.observations_original_index_pair1_selected = observations_original_index_pair1_selected
score = evaluation_function(hkls) print "Estimated sweep completeness: %5.1f %% sweep multiplicity : %.1f sweep score: %.1f" %\ (completeness, multiplicity, score) return {'completeness': completeness, 'multiplicity': multiplicity, 'score': score} # # count the number of observations per reflection to construct an evaluation function # seen_hkl_multiplicity = {x: 0 for x in possible_hkl} # for hkl in detectable_rays['miller_index']: # seen_hkl_multiplicity[hkl] += 1 expt = experiments[0] spacegroup = expt.crystal.get_space_group() unit_cell = expt.crystal.get_unit_cell() possible_hkl = self.list_possible_reflections(spacegroup, unit_cell, dmin, dmax) possible_hkl_flex = flex.miller_index(possible_hkl) hkl_to_id = { hkl: id for (id, hkl) in enumerate(possible_hkl) } id_to_hkl = [ hkl for (id, hkl) in enumerate(possible_hkl) ] # find mapping of reciprocal space onto reciprocal asymmetric unit and its inverse from cctbx.miller import map_to_asu asu_hkl_flex = flex.miller_index(possible_hkl) map_to_asu(spacegroup.type(), False, asu_hkl_flex) # TODO: Treat anomalous signal? map_hkl_to_symmhkl = {r: rs for (r, rs) in zip(possible_hkl, list(asu_hkl_flex))} map_symmhkl_to_hkl = {} for k, v in map_hkl_to_symmhkl.iteritems(): map_symmhkl_to_hkl[v] = map_symmhkl_to_hkl.get(v, []) map_symmhkl_to_hkl[v].append(k) unique_asu_indices = set(asu_hkl_flex)
def simple_gaussian_spots(params): from dials.array_family import flex from dials.algorithms import shoebox import random import math from scitbx import matrix r = params.rotation axis = matrix.col((r.axis.x, r.axis.y, r.axis.z)) if axis.length() > 0: rotation = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(r.angle, deg=True) else: rotation = matrix.sqr((1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # generate mask and peak values from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode mask_peak = MaskCode.Valid|MaskCode.Foreground mask_back = MaskCode.Valid|MaskCode.Background from dials.util.command_line import ProgressBar p = ProgressBar(title = 'Generating reflections') rlist = flex.reflection_table(params.nrefl) hkl = flex.miller_index(params.nrefl) s1 = flex.vec3_double(params.nrefl) xyzmm = flex.vec3_double(params.nrefl) xyzpx = flex.vec3_double(params.nrefl) panel = flex.size_t(params.nrefl) bbox = flex.int6(params.nrefl) for j in range(params.nrefl): p.update(j * 100.0 / params.nrefl) hkl[j] = (random.randint(0, 20), random.randint(0, 20), random.randint(0, 20)) phi = 2 * math.pi * random.random() s1[j] = (0, 0, 0) xyzpx[j] = (0, 0, 0) xyzmm[j] = (0, 0, phi) panel[j] = 0 bbox[j] = (0, params.shoebox_size.x, 0, params.shoebox_size.y, 0, params.shoebox_size.z) p.finished('Generating %d reflections' % params.nrefl) intensity = flex.double(params.nrefl) shoebox = flex.shoebox(panel, bbox) shoebox.allocate_with_value(MaskCode.Valid) p = ProgressBar(title = 'Generating shoeboxes') for i in range(len(rlist)): p.update(i * 100.0 / params.nrefl) mask = shoebox[i].mask if params.pixel_mask == 'precise': # flag everything as background: peak will me assigned later for j in range(len(mask)): mask[j] = mask_back elif params.pixel_mask == 'all': # flag we have no idea what anything is mask_none = MaskCode.Valid|MaskCode.Foreground|MaskCode.Background for j in range(len(mask)): mask[j] = mask_none elif params.pixel_mask == 'static': import itertools from scitbx.array_family import flex x0 = params.spot_offset.x + params.shoebox_size.x / 2 y0 = params.spot_offset.x + params.shoebox_size.y / 2 z0 = params.spot_offset.x + params.shoebox_size.z / 2 sx = params.mask_nsigma * params.spot_size.x sy = params.mask_nsigma * params.spot_size.y sz = params.mask_nsigma * params.spot_size.z # The x, y, z indices z, y, x = zip(*itertools.product(*(range(n) for n in mask.all()))) xyz = flex.vec3_double(flex.double(x), flex.double(y), flex.double(z)) # Calculate SUM(((xj - xj0) / sxj)**2) for each element xyz0 = (x0, y0, z0) isxyz = (1.0/sx, 1.0/sy, 1.0/sz) dxyz = sum([(x * isx)**2 for x, isx in zip(((xyz - xyz0) * rotation).parts(), isxyz)]) # Set the mask values index = dxyz <= 1.0 index.reshape(mask.accessor()) mask.set_selected(index, MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Foreground) mask.set_selected(index != True, MaskCode.Valid | MaskCode.Background) sbox = shoebox[i].data # reflection itself, including setting the peak region if we're doing that # FIXME use flex arrays to make the rotation bit more efficient as this is # now rather slow... counts_true = 0 for j in range(params.counts): _x = random.gauss(0, params.spot_size.x) _y = random.gauss(0, params.spot_size.y) _z = random.gauss(0, params.spot_size.z) Rxyz = rotation * matrix.col((_x, _y, _z)).elems x = int(Rxyz[0] + params.spot_offset.x + params.shoebox_size.x / 2) y = int(Rxyz[1] + params.spot_offset.y + params.shoebox_size.y / 2) z = int(Rxyz[2] + params.spot_offset.z + params.shoebox_size.z / 2) if x < 0 or x >= params.shoebox_size.x: continue if y < 0 or y >= params.shoebox_size.y: continue if z < 0 or z >= params.shoebox_size.z: continue sbox[z, y, x] += 1 counts_true += 1 if params.pixel_mask == 'precise': mask[z, y, x] = mask_peak intensity[i] = counts_true if params.background: # background:flat; for j in range(params.background * len(sbox)): x = random.randint(0, params.shoebox_size.x - 1) y = random.randint(0, params.shoebox_size.y - 1) z = random.randint(0, params.shoebox_size.z - 1) sbox[z, y, x] += 1 else: # or inclined random_background_plane(sbox, params.background_a, params.background_b, params.background_c, params.background_d) rlist['miller_index'] = hkl rlist['s1'] = s1 rlist['xyzcal.px'] = xyzpx rlist[''] = xyzmm rlist['bbox'] = bbox rlist['panel'] = panel rlist['shoebox'] = shoebox rlist['intensity.sum.value'] = intensity p.finished('Generating %d shoeboxes' % params.nrefl) return rlist