def add_lineups(self, status='auto'): """ status: 'auto' - expected/actual """ helper.progress("Adding Lineups Attribute") # Add lineups # add expected for upcoming game # add actual for completed games lineups_path = CONFIG.get(self.league)\ .get('paths')\ .get('normalized')\ .format(f='game_lineup') df_lineup = pd.concat( objs=[pd.read_parquet(lineups_path+fname) for fname in os.listdir(lineups_path) if ((fname.replace(".parquet", "") >= self.min_date_gte) & (fname.replace(".parquet", "") <= self.max_date_lte))], axis=0 ) # Actual actual = df_lineup.loc[df_lineup['positionStatus'] == 'actual', :] actual = actual.drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId', 'playerId']) actual_ids = list(set(actual.gameId)) # Expected exp = df_lineup.loc[( (df_lineup['positionStatus'] == 'expected') & ~(df_lineup['gameId'].isin(actual_ids)) ), :] exp = exp.drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId', 'playerId']) # Concat actual = pd.concat(objs=[actual, exp], axis=0) actual = actual.rename(columns={'teamDisposition': 'batterDisposition'}) self.lineups = actual
def add_starting_pitchers(self, dispositions=['home', 'away']): """ ADDS DIMENSIONS TO SUMMARY """ helper.progress("Adding Starting Pitchers Attribute") # Paths atbats_path = CONFIG.get(self.league)\ .get('paths')\ .get('normalized').format( f='game_atbats' ) atbats_paths = [atbats_path+d+"/" for d in os.listdir(atbats_path) if ( (d >= self.min_date_gte) & (d <= self.max_date_lte) )] atbats_paths_full = [] for abp in atbats_paths: atbats_paths_full.extend([abp+fname for fname in os.listdir(abp)]) # Get atbats df_ab = pd.concat( objs=[pd.read_parquet(p) for p in atbats_paths_full], axis=0 ) df_ab.loc[:, 'gameStartTime'] = df_ab['gameStartTime'].str[:10] df_ab.loc[:, 'gameStartTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df_ab['gameStartTime']) # Save upcoming to use lineup approach with later if self.upcoming_start_gte: df_upc = df_ab.loc[df_ab['gameStartTime'] >= self.upcoming_start_gte, :] df_ab = df_ab.loc[df_ab['gameStartTime'] < self.upcoming_start_gte, :] else: df_upc = df_ab.loc[df_ab['gameStartTime'] >=, :] df_ab = df_ab.loc[df_ab['gameStartTime'] <, :] # ------------------------- # ------------------------- # Filter to games in the past and use atbats to get starter (in case lineup wrong) # Get Home Starters df_top1 = df_ab.loc[( (df_ab['inning']==1) & (df_ab['inningHalf']=='TOP') & (df_ab['outCount']==0) ), :] df_home_starters = df_top1.loc[:, ['gameId', 'pitcherId']]\ .drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId']) df_home_starters.rename( columns={'pitcherId': 'homeStartingPitcherId'}, inplace=True ) # Get Away Starters df_bot1 = df_ab.loc[( (df_ab['inning']==1) & (df_ab['inningHalf']=='BOTTOM') & (df_ab['outCount']==0) ), :] df_away_starters = df_bot1.loc[:, ['gameId', 'pitcherId']]\ .drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId']) df_away_starters.rename( columns={'pitcherId': 'awayStartingPitcherId'}, inplace=True ) # Assemble starters df_hist_starters = pd.merge( df_home_starters, df_away_starters, how='outer', on=['gameId'], validate='1:1' ) # ------------------------- # ------------------------- # Filter to games in the current/future and use # lineups to get starter (in case lineup wrong) if not hasattr(self, 'lineups'): self.add_lineups() df_lup_home = self.lineups.loc[ self.lineups['batterDisposition'].str.lower() == 'home', :] df_lup_away = self.lineups.loc[ self.lineups['batterDisposition'].str.lower() == 'away', :] # Filter down df_lup_home = df_lup_home.loc[( (df_lup_home['playerPositionGeneral'] == 'P') & (df_lup_home['gameId'].isin(list(df_upc.gameId))) ), :] df_lup_away = df_lup_away.loc[( (df_lup_away['playerPositionGeneral'] == 'P') & (df_lup_away['gameId'].isin(list(df_upc.gameId))) ), :] # Isolate df_lup_home.rename(columns={'playerId': 'homeStartingPitcherId'}, inplace=True) df_lup_home = df_lup_home.loc[:, ['gameId', 'homeStartingPitcherId']]\ .drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId'], inplace=False) df_lup_away.rename(columns={'playerId': 'awayStartingPitcherId'}, inplace=True) df_lup_away = df_lup_away.loc[:, ['gameId', 'awayStartingPitcherId']]\ .drop_duplicates(subset=['gameId'], inplace=False) # Combine to one game per row df_upc_starters = pd.merge( df_lup_home, df_lup_away, how='left', on=['gameId'], validate='1:1' ) # Concat hist and upc vertically to merge back to summary attrib df_starters = pd.concat( objs=[df_hist_starters, df_upc_starters], axis=0 ) # Merge to summary attribute self.summary = pd.merge( self.summary, df_starters, how='left', on=['gameId'], validate='1:1' )
def add_pitcher_rolling_stats( self, dispositions=['home', 'away'], pitcher_roll_types=['starter', 'reliever', 'closer'], shift_back=True ): """ """ helper.progress("Adding Pitcher Rolling Stats to pitching-related attributes") # Path ptch_roll_path = CONFIG.get(self.league)\ .get('paths')\ .get('rolling_stats').format('pitching')+"player/" # Read in ptch_roll = pd.concat( objs=[pd.read_parquet(ptch_roll_path+fname) for fname in os.listdir(ptch_roll_path) if ((fname.replace(".parquet", "") >= self.min_date_gte) & (fname.replace(".parquet", "") <= self.max_date_lte))], axis=0 ) # Create rolling metrics cols = ['gameId', 'gameStartDate', 'playerId'] +\ self.pitching_roll_stats # Subset ptch_roll = ptch_roll.loc[:, ['gameId', 'gameStartDate', 'playerId'] + self.pitching_roll_stats ] # Sort ptch_roll.sort_values(by=['playerId', 'gameStartDate'], ascending=True, inplace=True) ptch_roll.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Shift back if interested in rolling stats leading up to game if shift_back: for col in self.pitching_roll_stats: msk = (ptch_roll['playerId'].shift(1)==ptch_roll['playerId']) ptch_roll.loc[msk, col] = ptch_roll[col].shift(1) # Handle Infs for col in self.pitching_roll_stats: ptch_roll = ptch_roll.loc[~ptch_roll[col].isin([np.inf, -np.inf]), :] # Check if starter / all designation if 'starter' in pitcher_roll_types: print(" Adding stats for starters") # Check that summary attribute has starting pitchers if not any('StartingPitcherId' in col for col in self.summary.columns): self.add_starting_pitchers(dispositions=dispositions) # Merge back to starters (one at a time) pitcher_cols = ['{}StartingPitcherId'.format(d) for d in dispositions] # Prep self.starting_pitcher_stats p = [] for pc in pitcher_cols: df = self.summary.loc[:, ['gameId', pc]] df = df.loc[df[pc].notnull(), :] df.rename(columns={pc: 'pitcherId'}, inplace=True) df.loc[:, 'pitcherDisposition'] = pc[:4].lower() p.append(df) # concatenate to form attribute self.starting_pitcher_summary = \ pd.concat(objs=p, axis=0) self.starting_pitcher_summary = pd.merge( self.starting_pitcher_summary, ptch_roll, how='left', left_on=['gameId', 'pitcherId'], right_on=['gameId', 'playerId'], validate='1:1' ) self.starting_pitcher_summary.drop( labels=['playerId'], axis=1, inplace=True ) # Check if reliever / all designation if 'reliever' in pitcher_roll_types: print(" Adding stats for relievers") # Check attribute (try / except cheaper but less readable) if not hasattr(self, 'bullpen_reliever_summary'): self.add_bullpen_summary(dispositions=dispositions) # Merge back to relievers in bullpen summary msk = (self.bullpen_reliever_summary['pitcherRoleType'].str.lower() == 'reliever') bullpen = self.bullpen_reliever_summary.loc[msk, :] if bullpen.shape[0] == 0: warnings.warn(" No relief pitchers found in bullpen_summary attribute") if not all(d in dispositions for d in ['home', 'away']): assert len(dispositions) == 1 and dispositions[0] in ['home', 'away'] bullpen_reconstruct = [] for disp in dispositions: bullpen_disp = bullpen.loc[bullpen['bullpenDisposition'] == disp, :] bullpen_disp = bullpen_disp.loc[:, ['gameId', 'pitcherId']] bullpen_disp = pd.merge( bullpen_disp, ptch_roll, how='left', left_on=['gameId', 'pitcherId'], right_on=['gameId', 'playerId'], validate='1:1' ) bullpen_disp.drop(labels=['playerId'], axis=1, inplace=True) bullpen_reconstruct.append(bullpen_disp) bullpen_reconstruct = pd.concat(objs=bullpen_reconstruct, axis=0) # Add back to summary / detail self.bullpen_reliever_summary = pd.merge( self.bullpen_reliever_summary, bullpen_reconstruct, how='left', on=['gameId', 'pitcherId'], validate='1:1' ) # Set # TODO Standard Deviation might not be best here aggDict = {stat: ['mean', 'max', 'min'] for stat in [ x for x in self.bullpen_reliever_summary.columns if any(y in x for y in self.pitching_stats) ]} df = self.bullpen_reliever_summary.groupby( by=['gameId', 'gameStartTime', 'teamId', 'bullpenDisposition'], as_index=False ).agg(aggDict) df.columns = [ x[0] if x[1] == '' else x[0]+"~"+x[1] for x in df.columns ] self.bullpen_reliever_summary = df # TODO FIX CLOSER MERGE _x _y if 'closer' in pitcher_roll_types: print(" Adding stats for closers") # Check if closer / all designation if not hasattr(self, 'bullpen_closer_summary'): self.add_bullpen_summary(dispositions=dispositions) # Merge back to closers in bullpen summary msk = (self.bullpen_closer_summary['pitcherRoleType'].str.lower() == 'closer') bullpen = self.bullpen_closer_summary.loc[msk, :] if bullpen.shape[0] == 0: warnings.warn(" No closing pitchers found in bullpen_summary attribute") if not all(d in dispositions for d in ['home', 'away']): assert len(dispositions) == 1 and dispositions[0] in ['home', 'away'] bullpen_reconstruct = [] for disp in dispositions: bullpen_disp = bullpen.loc[bullpen['bullpenDisposition'] == disp, :] bullpen_disp = bullpen_disp.loc[:, ['gameId', 'pitcherId']] bullpen_disp = pd.merge( bullpen_disp, ptch_roll, how='left', left_on=['gameId', 'pitcherId'], right_on=['gameId', 'playerId'], validate='1:1' ) bullpen_disp.drop(labels=['playerId'], axis=1, inplace=True) bullpen_reconstruct.append(bullpen_disp) bullpen_reconstruct = pd.concat(objs=bullpen_reconstruct, axis=0) # Add back to summary / detail self.bullpen_closer_summary = pd.merge( self.bullpen_closer_summary, bullpen_reconstruct, how='left', on=['gameId', 'pitcherId'], validate='1:1' ) # Set # TODO Standard Deviation might not be best here aggDict = {stat: ['mean', 'max', 'min'] for stat in [ x for x in self.bullpen_closer_summary.columns if any(y in x for y in self.pitching_stats) ]} df = self.bullpen_closer_summary.groupby( by=['gameId', 'gameStartTime', 'teamId', 'bullpenDisposition'], as_index=False ).agg(aggDict) df.columns = [ x[0] if x[1] == '' else x[0]+"~"+x[1] for x in df.columns ] self.bullpen_closer_summary = df
def add_bullpen_summary(self, dispositions=['home', 'away']): """ ADDS ATTRIBUTE "bullpens_summary" """ helper.progress("Adding Bullpen Summary Attribute") # Get atbats, filter to where not equal to starters if not all( s in self.summary.columns for s in \ ['{}StartingPitcherId'.format(d) for d in dispositions] ): self.add_starting_pitchers() # Get atbats # Paths atbats_path = CONFIG.get(self.league)\ .get('paths')\ .get('normalized').format( f='game_atbats' ) atbats_paths = [atbats_path+d+"/" for d in os.listdir(atbats_path) if ( (d >= self.min_date_gte) & (d <= self.max_date_lte) )] atbats_paths_full = [] for abp in atbats_paths: atbats_paths_full.extend([abp+fname for fname in os.listdir(abp)]) # Get atbats and sort by inning / outCount df_ab = pd.concat( objs=[pd.read_parquet(p) for p in atbats_paths_full], axis=0 ) df_ab = df_ab.loc[:, ['gameId', 'gameStartTime', 'pitcherId', 'homeTeamId', 'awayTeamId', 'inning', 'inningHalf', 'outCount']] # Select home, sort, dd, remove starter, and rerank bullpen_summary = [] sides = {'TOP': 'home', 'BOTTOM': 'away'} for half_, disp in sides.items(): # Set up starter map for later mask startingPitcherMap = self.summary.set_index('gameId')\ ['{}StartingPitcherId'.format(disp)].to_dict() df_ab_h = df_ab.loc[df_ab['inningHalf']==half_, :] # Sort df_ab_h = df_ab_h.sort_values( by=['gameId', 'gameStartTime', 'inning', 'outCount'], ascending=True, inplace=False ) # Drop labels df_ab_h = df_ab_h.drop(labels=['inning', 'outCount'], axis=1, inplace=False) # Remove pitcher who was already identified as starter # (self.summary['homeStartingPitcherId'].iloc[0]? df_ab_h.loc[:, '{}StartingPitcherId'.format(disp)] = \ df_ab_h['gameId'].map(startingPitcherMap) df_ab_h = df_ab_h.loc[ df_ab_h['pitcherId'] != df_ab_h['{}StartingPitcherId'.format(disp)], :] # Handle ordering df_ab_h['pitcherAppearOrder'] = df_ab_h\ .groupby(by=['gameId'])['pitcherId'].rank(method='first') df_ab_h = df_ab_h.groupby( by=['gameId', 'gameStartTime', '{}TeamId'.format(disp), 'pitcherId'], as_index=False).agg({'pitcherAppearOrder': 'min'}) df_ab_h['pitcherAppearOrder'] = df_ab_h\ .groupby(by=['gameId'])['pitcherId'].rank(method='first') df_ab_h['pitcherAppearOrderMax'] = df_ab_h\ .groupby('gameId')['pitcherAppearOrder'].transform('max') # Label middle pitchers relief role and last pitcher closer` role msk = (df_ab_h['pitcherAppearOrder']==df_ab_h['pitcherAppearOrderMax']) df_ab_h.loc[msk, 'pitcherRoleType'] = 'closer' df_ab_h.loc[~msk, 'pitcherRoleType'] = 'reliever' # Subset (TODO add first inning appeared) df_ab_h = df_ab_h.loc[:, ['gameId', 'gameStartTime', 'pitcherId', 'pitcherRoleType', '{}TeamId'.format(disp), 'pitcherAppearOrder']] df_ab_h.rename(columns={'{}TeamId'.format(disp): 'teamId'}, inplace=True) df_ab_h['bullpenDisposition'] = disp bullpen_summary.append(df_ab_h) bullpen_summary = pd.concat(objs=bullpen_summary, axis=0) self.bullpen_reliever_summary = bullpen_summary.loc[ bullpen_summary['pitcherRoleType'] == 'reliever', :] self.bullpen_closer_summary = bullpen_summary.loc[ bullpen_summary['pitcherRoleType'] == 'closer', :]