def test_is_signed_detects_unsigned_files(self, tmpdir): # we can tell if a wordlist is not signed in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist") in_file.write("a\nb\n") with open(in_file.strpath, 'r') as fd: w_list = WordList(fd) w_list.fd = fd result = w_list.is_signed() assert result is False
def test_is_signed_detects_signed_files(self): # we recognize signed wordlists in_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "sample_signed_wordlist.asc") with open(in_path, "r") as fd: w_list = WordList(fd) w_list.fd = fd result = w_list.is_signed() assert result is True
def test_is_signed_detects_unsigned_files(self, tmpdir): # we can tell if a wordlist is not signed in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist") in_file.write("a\nb\n") w_list = WordList(in_file.strpath) assert w_list.is_signed() is False
def test_is_signed_detects_signed_files(self): # we recognize signed wordlists in_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "sample_signed_wordlist.asc") w_list = WordList(in_path) assert w_list.is_signed() is True