def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    # remove duplicate slices based on position and data
    dicom_input = _remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    # sort the dicoms
    dicom_input = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)

    if settings.validate_sliceincrement:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment

    # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
    data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

    affine = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

    # Convert to nifti
    nii_image = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018,
                                                     0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(nii_image, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime),

    # Save to disk
    if output_file is not None:'Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file, 'NII': nii_image}
Exemple #2
def _convert_slice_incement_inconsistencies(dicom_input):
    If there is slice increment inconsistency detected, for the moment CT images, then split the volumes into subvolumes based on the slice increment and process each volume separately using a space constructed based on the highest resolution increment

    #   Estimate the "first" slice increment based on the 2 first slices
    increment = numpy.array(dicom_input[0].ImagePositionPatient) - numpy.array(

    # Create as many volumes as many changes in slice increment. NB Increments might be repeated in different volumes
    max_slice_increment = 0
    slice_incement_groups = []
    current_group = [dicom_input[0], dicom_input[1]]
    previous_image_position = numpy.array(dicom_input[1].ImagePositionPatient)
    for dicom in dicom_input[2:]:
        current_image_position = numpy.array(dicom.ImagePositionPatient)
        current_increment = previous_image_position - current_image_position
        max_slice_increment = max(max_slice_increment,
        if numpy.allclose(increment, current_increment, rtol=0.05, atol=0.1):
        if not numpy.allclose(
                increment, current_increment, rtol=0.05, atol=0.1):
            current_group = [current_group[-1], dicom]
            increment = current_increment
        previous_image_position = current_image_position

    # Create nibabel objects for each volume based on the corresponding headers
    slice_incement_niftis = []
    slice_increments = []
    voxel_sizes = {}
    for dicom_slices in slice_incement_groups:
        data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_slices)
        affine, _ = common.create_affine(dicom_slices)
        current_volume = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data.squeeze(), affine)
        slice_increment = numpy.linalg.norm(current_volume.header.get_zooms())
        voxel_sizes['%.5f' %
                    slice_increment] = current_volume.header.get_zooms()
        slice_increments.extend([slice_increment] * (len(dicom_slices) - 1))

    tenth_percentile_incement = numpy.percentile(slice_increments, 15)
    most_used_increment = min(slice_increments,
                              key=lambda x: abs(x - tenth_percentile_incement))
    voxel_size = voxel_sizes['%.5f' % most_used_increment]

    nifti_volume = resample.resample_nifti_images(slice_incement_niftis,

    return nifti_volume, max_slice_increment
Exemple #3
def _convert_slice_incement_inconsistencies(dicom_input):
    If there is slice increment inconsistency detected, for the moment CT images, then split the volumes into subvolumes based on the slice increment and process each volume separately using a space constructed based on the highest resolution increment

    #   Estimate the "first" slice increment based on the 2 first slices
    increment = numpy.array(dicom_input[0].ImagePositionPatient) - numpy.array(dicom_input[1].ImagePositionPatient)

    # Create as many volumes as many changes in slice increment. NB Increments might be repeated in different volumes
    max_slice_increment = 0
    slice_incement_groups = []
    current_group = [dicom_input[0], dicom_input[1]]
    previous_image_position = numpy.array(dicom_input[1].ImagePositionPatient)
    for dicom in dicom_input[2:]:
        current_image_position = numpy.array(dicom.ImagePositionPatient)
        current_increment = previous_image_position - current_image_position
        max_slice_increment = max(max_slice_increment, numpy.linalg.norm(current_increment))
        if numpy.allclose(increment, current_increment, rtol=0.05, atol=0.1):
        if not numpy.allclose(increment, current_increment, rtol=0.05, atol=0.1):
            current_group = [current_group[-1], dicom]
            increment = current_increment
        previous_image_position = current_image_position

    # Create nibabel objects for each volume based on the corresponding headers
    slice_incement_niftis = []
    for dicom_slices in slice_incement_groups:
        data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_slices)
        affine, _ = common.create_affine(dicom_slices)
        slice_incement_niftis.append(nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, affine))

    nifti_volume = resample.resample_nifti_images(slice_incement_niftis)

    return nifti_volume, max_slice_increment
Exemple #4
def _timepoint_to_block(timepoint_dicoms):
    Convert slices to a block of data by reading the headers and appending
    # similar way of getting the block to anatomical however here we are creating the dicom series our selves
    return common.get_volume_pixeldata(timepoint_dicoms)
Exemple #5
def _stack_to_block(timepoint_dicoms):
    Convert a mosaic slice to a block of data by reading the headers, splitting the mosaic and appending
    return common.get_volume_pixeldata(timepoint_dicoms)
Exemple #6
def _timepoint_to_block(timepoint_dicoms):
    Convert slices to a block of data by reading the headers and appending
    # similar way of getting the block to anatomical however here we are creating the dicom series our selves
    return common.get_volume_pixeldata(timepoint_dicoms)
def _stack_to_block(timepoint_dicoms):
    Convert a mosaic slice to a block of data by reading the headers, splitting the mosaic and appending
    return common.get_volume_pixeldata(timepoint_dicoms)
Exemple #8
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    # remove duplicate slices based on position and data
    dicom_input = remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    # if no dicoms remain we should raise exception
    if len(dicom_input) < 1:
        raise ConversionValidationError('TOO_FEW_SLICES/LOCALIZER')

    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    # sort the dicoms
    dicom_input = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)

    # validate slice increment inconsistent
    slice_increment_inconsistent = False
    if settings.validate_slice_increment:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment
    elif common.is_slice_increment_inconsistent(dicom_input):
        slice_increment_inconsistent = True

    if settings.validate_instance_number:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent instance_number

    # if inconsistent increment and we allow resampling then do the resampling based conversion to maintain the correct geometric shape
    if slice_increment_inconsistent and settings.resample:
        nii_image, max_slice_increment = _convert_slice_incement_inconsistencies(dicom_input)
    # do the normal conversion
        # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
        data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

        affine, max_slice_increment = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

        # Convert to nifti
        nii_image = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data.squeeze(), affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0080) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(nii_image, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime), float(dicom_input[0].EchoTime))

    # Save to disk
    if output_file is not None:'Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)
        nii_image.header.set_slope_inter(1, 0)
        nii_image.header.set_xyzt_units(2)  # set units for xyz (leave t as unknown)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file,
            'NII': nii_image,
            'MAX_SLICE_INCREMENT': max_slice_increment}
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    # remove duplicate slices based on position and data
    dicom_input = _remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    # sort the dicoms
    dicom_input = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)

    # validate slice increment inconsistent
    slice_increment_inconsistent = False
    if settings.validate_slice_increment:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment
    elif common.is_slice_increment_inconsistent(dicom_input):
        slice_increment_inconsistent = True

    # if inconsistent increment and we allow resampling then do the resampling based conversion to maintain the correct geometric shape
    if slice_increment_inconsistent and settings.resample:
        nii_image, max_slice_increment = _convert_slice_incement_inconsistencies(dicom_input)
    # do the normal conversion
        # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
        data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

        affine, max_slice_increment = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

        # Convert to nifti
        nii_image = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(nii_image, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime), float(dicom_input[0].EchoTime))

    # Save to disk
    if output_file is not None:'Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file,
            'NII': nii_image,
            'MAX_SLICE_INCREMENT': max_slice_increment}